12 Foods to Avoid with IBS: What Not to Eat (2024)

Some people find that avoiding specific triggers like dairy, fried food, and gluten helps reduce irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms.

People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may notice that certain foods trigger uncomfortable digestive symptoms.

The foods that trigger symptoms often vary for people with IBS, so it’s not possible to draw up a single list of foods to avoid. But some common ones can include:

  • insoluble fiber
  • dairy
  • gluten
  • processed foods
  • caffeine

A doctor or dietitian can help guide an elimination diet while ensuring you still receive the nutrients your body needs.

Many people notice that avoiding some common IBS triggers — including dairy, alcohol, and fried foods — results in:

  • more regular bowel movements
  • fewer cramps
  • less bloating

Keep reading to find out which foods could be making your IBS symptoms more uncomfortable.

Dietary fiber adds bulk to the diet and helps keep the gut healthy. Most plant foods contain insoluble and soluble fiber, but some are high in one type.

  • Soluble fiber is concentrated in beans, fruits, and oat products.
  • Insoluble fiber is concentrated in whole grain products and vegetables.

Fiber tolerance can vary. Foods rich in insoluble fiber may worsen IBS symptoms in some people, but others may not have symptoms from these foods.

Foods high in soluble fiber may improve symptoms in many people with IBS but can cause issues for others. The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) recommends taking fiber supplements, such as psyllium, as an affordable and effective treatment for IBS.

Gluten is a group of proteins found in grains that include:

  • rye
  • wheat
  • barley

Some people’s bodies have a severe immune reaction to gluten, known as celiac disease. Others may have a gluten intolerance. These conditions share symptoms with diarrhea-predominant IBS.

A small study from 2022 suggests that a gluten-free diet can improve IBS symptoms in a significant number of people studied, though the mechanism is unclear. Another small study from 2022 found that following a gluten-free diet improved pain frequency and severity.

Some doctors recommend that people with IBS avoid gluten to see if their symptoms improve. If gluten worsens your symptoms, you may want to try a gluten-free diet.

Whole grain alternatives can include gluten-free grains like millet and quinoa.

Oats are often processed in gluten-containing facilities, which increases the chance of cross-contamination with gluten. If you’re extremely sensitive to gluten, you can look for products that specify on the packaging that they’re processed in a gluten-free facility.

Dairy may cause problems in people with IBS for several reasons.

First, high fat dairy can lead to diarrhea. Choosing low fat or nonfat dairy may help reduce your symptoms.

Second, many people with IBS report that milk triggers their symptoms. But it’s unclear if people with IBS are more likely to have lactose intolerance.

If eating dairy causes digestive problems, consider switching to lactose-free milk and dairy alternatives, such as plant-based milk and soy-based cheese. Some people may find relief by taking lactase enzymes when eating dairy. There are also some naturally lactose-free cheeses, such as some varieties of sharp cheddar.

If you need to cut out dairy completely, you may need calcium from other calcium-rich foods.

Doctors may recommend choosing calcium-rich foods over calcium supplements, as supplements may increase your risk for cardiovascular conditions, as outlined in a 2017 study.

Fried foods have a high fat content that may be hard on the digestive system for people with IBS.

Frying food can change the chemical makeup of a particular food, making it more difficult to digest. Eating fried foods can lead to uncomfortable digestive symptoms and even cause health problems.

Try grilling, baking, or air-frying your favorite foods for a healthier option.

Beans, lentils, and peas are generally a great source of protein and fiber, but they can cause IBS symptoms. They contain compounds called oligosaccharides that are resistant to digestion by intestinal enzymes.

While beans can increase bulk in stool to help constipation, they also increase IBS symptoms.

You may want to try avoiding beans to see if it helps. Or you can try soaking dried beans or lentils overnight and rinsing them thoroughly before cooking to help the body digest them more easily.

Caffeinated drinks, including coffee, have a stimulating effect on the intestines and can cause diarrhea. Caffeine-containing coffee, sodas, and energy drinks can be triggers for people with IBS.

If you need an energy boost or pick-me-up, consider eating a small snack or taking a quick walk instead.

Highly processed foods typically contain substances you would not use to prepare food at home. This includes:

  • added salt
  • sugar
  • fat
  • additives

Examples of highly processed foods can include:

  • chips
  • premade frozen meals
  • processed meats like hot dogs and fish sticks
  • deep-fried foods
  • sweetened breakfast cereals
  • sugary beverages
  • energy and protein bars with added sugars

Eating too much of these foods can lead to health problems for anyone. In addition, they often contain additives or preservatives that might trigger IBS flare-ups.

A 2019 review found that eating four servings of ultra-processed foods per day was linked to a higher risk of developing IBS, along with:

  • cancer
  • obesity
  • high blood pressure

When possible, making meals at home or buying fresh produce is a healthful alternative to highly processed foods.

Sugar-free doesn’t mean it’s good for your health — especially regarding IBS.

In the place of sugar, many sugar-free foods contain sugar-free sweeteners. Common ones can include:

  • sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol and mannitol
  • artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, acesulfame potassium, and aspartame
  • natural zero-calorie sweeteners like stevia

Research also shows that sugar alcohols are hard for the body to absorb, especially in people with IBS, causing:

  • gas
  • digestive discomfort
  • laxative effects

Artificial sweeteners may negatively affect the gut microbiome and increase inflammation, according to 2021 research.

Reading the ingredient labels of any sugar-free products can help you avoid these compounds.

Chocolate bars and candy can trigger IBS due to their fat and sugar content. They also commonly contain lactose and caffeine. Some people experience constipation after eating chocolate.

Some vegan options for chocolate lovers may be more tolerable for people with IBS.

Alcohol is a common trigger for people with IBS because of how the body digests it. Also, drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration, which affects digestion.

Beer may cause additional harmful effects because it often contains gluten.

Wines and mixed drinks can contain high amounts of sugar.

Limiting alcoholic beverages may help reduce symptoms related to IBS. If you drink alcohol, consider a gluten-free beer or a drink mixed with plain seltzer without artificial sweeteners or added sugar.

Garlic and onions can add flavor to food, but they contain fructans, an oligosaccharide, which can be difficult for your intestines to break down. This may cause gas.

Painful gas and cramping can result from raw garlic and onions. Even cooked versions of these foods can be triggers for some people with IBS.

Cruciferous vegetables are also difficult for the body to digest and may trigger IBS symptoms. This can include:

  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts

When your digestive system breaks these foods down, it causes gas and constipation. These vegetables may even cause these symptoms in people who don’t have IBS.

Cooking vegetables makes them easier to digest, so consider roasting or sautéing broccoli and cauliflower if eating them raw bothers your digestive system.

Some doctors recommend that people with IBS follow the low FODMAP diet.

FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. These are fermentable, short-chain carbohydrates. A low FODMAP diet limits foods rich in these carbohydrates.

Research suggests the small intestine cannot easily absorb foods containing FODMAPs. They may cause digestive symptoms.

Foods that contain FODMAPS can include:

  • most dairy products
  • some fruits, including apples, cherries, and mango
  • some vegetables, including beans, lentils, cabbage, and cauliflower
  • wheat and rye
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • sweeteners, such as sorbitol, maltitol, and xylitol

While avoiding the foods above, you can still enjoy a huge range of foods with low FODMAP scores.

For starters, foods that don’t contain carbohydrates or are low in FODMAPS are allowed in this diet. This can include:

  • fish and other meats
  • eggs
  • butter and oils
  • hard cheeses

Other healthful low-FODMAP foods that you can enjoy may include:

  • lactose-free dairy products
  • some fruits, including bananas, blueberries, grapes, kiwis, oranges, and pineapple
  • some vegetables, including carrots, celery, eggplant, green beans, kale, pumpkin, spinach, and potato
  • quinoa, rice, millet, and cornmeal
  • firm and medium tofu
  • pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds

However, eating a large serving of low-FODMAP foods may still provide many FODMAPs.

The low FODMAP diet involves elimination and reintroduction phases and may be difficult to follow without the help of a healthcare professional. Not everyone with IBS is sensitive to all FODMAPs.

If you want to try out the low FODMAP diet, talk with a healthcare professional trained in digestive conditions, such as a registered dietitian or gastroenterologist.

Can you drink coffee if you have IBS?

While some people with IBS can tolerate small amounts of coffee, it’s generally advisable to limit or avoid it due to its potential to aggravate symptoms.

What foods make IBS symptoms worse?

Fried foods and foods high in fat may be harder to digest for someone with IBS. They may worsen symptoms like gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

Raw garlic and onion may lead to painful cramping, while chocolate and other candy bars may cause constipation.

What are the best foods for IBS?

If you experience IBS diarrhea, staying hydrated and eating foods that are gentle on the stomach and easy to digest may help. For example, gluten-free toast.

If you have IBS constipation, staying hydrated and trying foods that may help move things along is best. For example, prunes and peaches.

In general, you may want to follow a low FODMAP diet. For example, grapes, kale, and sunflower seeds, among others.

What foods calm IBS symptoms?

Foods that are low in carbs and FODMAPS may help you manage IBS. For example, lactose-free dairy products, bananas, carrots, spinach, potatoes, quinoa, tofu, celery, sesame seeds, and fish.

If you experience diarrhea, consider a bland diet. If you have constipation, increase your liquid consumption.

What triggers IBS flare-ups?

Certain ingredients and drinks can trigger IBS symptoms in some people. But these triggers may vary from person to person.

Some common ones include artificial sugars, gluten, fried foods, alcohol, and whole dairy products. Lifestyle factors like stress or gastrointestinal upsets may also trigger an IBS flare-up.

Everyone’s digestion and food triggers are different. Some people with IBS can tolerate foods that others cannot.

Get to know your body, learn which foods make you feel the best, and limit those that cause uncomfortable symptoms.

Keeping a food and symptom diary can help determine which foods to eat and avoid.

If you need extra help with your diet in relation to IBS, scheduling an appointment with a registered dietitian is a good choice.

12 Foods to Avoid with IBS: What Not to Eat (2024)


12 Foods to Avoid with IBS: What Not to Eat? ›

Some people with IBS find cooked potatoes are easy to digest, which is good news because baked or boiled potatoes are a natural source of nutrients like potassium. Depending on how well a person with IBS tolerates fiber, the skin of the potato may need to be removed before it's cooked.

What foods trigger IBS the most? ›

Foods that may make IBS diarrhea worse
  • Fried foods.
  • Fatty foods.
  • Dairy (especially if you are lactose intolerant)
  • Foods containing wheat (if you are gluten-sensitive)
  • Too much fiber (especially from fruit/vegetable skin)
  • Chocolate.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Caffeine.
Jun 16, 2022

What shouldn't you eat if you have irritable bowel syndrome? ›

The following can trigger symptoms of IBS:
  • Fruits. Fruits, such as whole apples, rhubarb, and kiwis, can have a laxative effect , as they contain fiber and increase water content in the digestive tract. ...
  • Vegetables. ...
  • Legumes and pulses. ...
  • Dairy products. ...
  • Whole wheat and rye products. ...
  • Sweeteners. ...
  • Ultra-processed foods. ...
  • Alcohol.
Dec 23, 2022

Are potatoes bad for IBS? ›

Some people with IBS find cooked potatoes are easy to digest, which is good news because baked or boiled potatoes are a natural source of nutrients like potassium. Depending on how well a person with IBS tolerates fiber, the skin of the potato may need to be removed before it's cooked.

What food calms an IBS flare-up? ›

If you have an IBS flare-up, you may want to choose low FODMAP diets instead, such as :
  • quinoa.
  • wheat-free grains, brown rice, and basmati rice.
  • fish and poultry.
  • bananas.
  • berries.
  • grapes.
  • cucumbers.
  • carrots.
May 24, 2023

Are eggs bad for IBS? ›

Eggs. Eggs digest easily and are a safe choice for people with IBS. Eggs can be enjoyed hard-boiled, soft-boiled, scrambled, or poached. Omelets and frittatas can be your meal of choice for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and make a great option when eating out in a restaurant.

Is peanut butter good for IBS? ›

If you have IBS and love peanut butter, good news! Peanut butter is a low FODMAP food. In its simplest form, it is just made of dry roasted peanuts, salt and oil, all of which are allowed on a low FODMAP diet. However, some brands add refined sugar and flavourings to enhance the peanut butter's taste.

Are bananas good for IBS? ›

Unripe bananas are low in FODMAPS and therefore a better choice for people with IBS — although they're not as sweet or soft as ripe bananas. However, as bananas ripen, they accumulate a type of FODMAP called oligofructans. Therefore, ripe bananas are considered a high FODMAP food (6, 7 ).

Is spaghetti bad for IBS? ›

Even if you don't have celiac disease, you may have difficulty eating foods made with gluten-containing grains. That could be because they contain fructans, ​a type of FODMAP that is bothersome for many people with IBS. Gluten-containing foods include many popular items like pasta, bread, and baked goods.

Is chicken bad for IBS? ›

Avoid sausage, bacon, pepperoni, salami, and marbled cuts of meat. Examples of lean meats you should add to your diet if you have IBS include white-meat chicken, white-meat turkey, and cuts of beef like sirloin and top round. Your doctor or nutritionist may also recommend eating pork, veal, duck, and fish.

What vegetables should you avoid with IBS? ›

Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower are high in sulfur and can cause bloating and gas. Try some of these vegetables to see if they are easier to digest: carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, zucchini, green beans, celery and squash.

What are the 5 best foods for IBS? ›

The Best Foods for IBS
  1. Salmon. Sarah Schlichter, M.P.H., RDN, a registered dietitian at Bucket List Tummy, tells EatingWell, “Salmon and other fatty fish are high in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. ...
  2. Bell Peppers. ...
  3. Lean Meat. ...
  4. Avocado. ...
  5. Eggs. ...
  6. Sweet Potatoes. ...
  7. Spinach. ...
  8. Kiwi.
Nov 10, 2023

Is pizza ok for IBS? ›

Fatty and fried foods

Eating fatty foods such as french fries and fast food may make IBS symptoms worse. Fat slows digestion, and that can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, nausea, acid reflux, and stomach pain. Minimize or avoid greasy foods like pizza, french fries, fried chicken, and fatty meats.

What makes IBS worse? ›

But many people have worse IBS symptoms when they eat or drink certain foods or beverages. These include wheat, dairy products, citrus fruits, beans, cabbage, milk and carbonated drinks. Stress. Most people with IBS experience worse or more-frequent symptoms during periods of increased stress.

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