31 Couples Journal Ideas for When You’re Stuck on What to Write (2024)

If you’re looking for couples’ journal ideas to get you out of a creative rut, we’ve got 31 of them. From fun, loving, and darn right cute, to practical and thought-provoking.

Ready to breathe life into your shared journaling habit? Let’s go.

Related Articles:

  • 48 Relationship Journal Prompts to Help Rekindle the Spark
  • 71 Journal Prompts for Emotional Connection With Your Partner
  • How to Start a Relationship Journal
  • 25 Activity Books for Couples (From Guided Prompt Journals to Quizzes)

Journal Ideas for Reflection

1. Share the Story of How You Met

Whether you met your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse through friends, or at a bar, you’ll each have a version of how that first meeting went. Notice how we say a ‘version’, not the ‘same version’. Because chances are, your interpretation of events will likely be different from your lover’s.

That’s what makes reminiscing about the earlier days so much fun. Write about how you knew you’d end up together. And all the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that flooded your body at the time.

Who nervously spilled tomato soup down their shirt on the first date? How awkward was that first kiss? Who said the ‘L word’ first?

31 Couples Journal Ideas for When You’re Stuck on What to Write (1)


The Story of Us Journal

Share your sweetest, most loving memories together.

2. Write About Everyday Things You’ve Experienced

It’s the little things that make a love story unique.

The tinie-tiny everyday moments you don’t bat an eyelid at. Like the look your lover gave you when you got out of the shower. Or how your heart skips a beat whenever he or she wears that outfit you like.

They may seem insignificant at the time, but those moments each hold a special memory. Whether they make you feel loved, wanted, upset, or angry, make a journal entry about the everyday stuff.

3. Review Your Relationship on a Regular

It’s surprising how quickly a year can fly by – 365 days gone, just like that. And no matter how well you think you’ve managed your year, there’s always some area where you could have been more on the ball.

That’s where a relationship check-in comes into play. Use your journal to record how couple life is progressing – the obstacles you face as a couple, the triumphs you slay, the goals you conquer.

Make it a regular thing, say every week or at least every month.

Then at the end of the year you can look back and reflect on what worked.Preferably over a few glasses of wine, beer, coffee, or whatever beverage tickles your fancy.

31 Couples Journal Ideas for When You’re Stuck on What to Write (2)


Just Checking In Journal for Couples

Review your relationship and become more loving partners.


Journal Ideas for Couples Who Plan

4. Create Goals and a Vision for Your Future

Have you had the talk? You know, the one where you discuss your future in its multicoloured glory. The next steps. what goals would you like to achieve within the next year? Or the year after that?

Maybe you want to start saving for a home, get married, have 2.5 kids, or adopt a sweet Golden Retriever pup. At least one of you is thinking about what couple life would look like a few years from now.

If you’re wondering what to write in a journal for a boyfriend or girlfriend who you’re serious about, start with your hopes and dreams.

5. Plan a Year’s Worth of Fun Date Nights

Not finding the time to go on dates? Or when you do eventually go on one, you end up doing the same thing you always do.

Reignite that romantic spark by planning intimate date nights in your journal. Then make them happen.

6. Start a Couples Bucket List

Do you crave fun, excitement, and adventure? Or do you long for cosy, romantic staycations with your best bud? Find space in your journal to write them all the things you want to do as a couple.

If you want a dedicated place to house your list, check out this couple’s bucket list journal. It’s got over 200 wild (and not so wild) unique experiences to explore. Now what was the name of that new restaurant you’ve been dying to try?

Practical Journaling for Couples

7. Habit Tracker

Want to stop eating snacks before bedtime? Bounce out of bed every morning without hitting snooze? Or, develop a regular workout habit?

We’re not making any promises, but if you added a habit tracker in your journal, you’d be able to keep tabs on your progress.

And of course, keep each other accountable too.

8. Create Checklists

Checklists. Are. Everything.

And you can create them for anything. Going on holiday? Whip up a list of things you need to organise, pack and do before you go. Throwing a party?

Make a list of who’s responsible for what, which invitations you need to send, and what booze to stock up on. Checklists. We love them.

9. Track Your Milestones As a Couple

Start a boyfriend/girlfriend diary where you can record the major milestones in your relationship, along with the respective dates.

Here are a few ideas:

  • The day you went official/exclusive
  • The day you met the parents
  • Your first road trip
  • Your first fight where your partner admitted they were wrong.

10. Keep Track of Your Finances

OK, this doesn’t sound very sexy, fun or cute.

But imagine, if you will. Your card gets declined at your favourite clothing store. That red coat with the poofy sleeves was perfect. On sale as well.

And so you’re standing at the till. Feeling confused, embarrassed, and angry that you don’t have the funds to buy the thing. Later you come to find that your beloved dipped into the account and maxed out the card with some random item. What?

If you share finances, you’ll want to share a log of the coins coming in, and the coins going out. Dedicate a few pages in your journal to this. Save yourself from those ‘hide your face moments’, and angry money rows.

11. A Running List of Relationship Advice & Tips

Throughout your relationship, you’ll have everyone giving you advice. From your mum to the friendly old guy at the post office counter.

Keep track of those snippets of wisdom.

Even if the ‘wisdom’ given wasn’t very wise. Or even requested.

Like your great aunt Nora’s well-meaning, but totally unsolicited advice. One day, you’ll look back on those words and share a moment.

12. Document the Stuff You’re Learning

Life’s a big ‘ole learning curve. So is coupledom.

Why not make a note of what you understand about yourself, your partner, and the relationship?

Does your partner get grumpy if woken before 10am on a Sunday?

Are you more of a neat freak (or slob) than you thought you were?

Are you becoming more Zen?

Learning how not to sweat the small stuff?

All good info to put into a journal for your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse.

Journaling Ideas for Showing Love and Appreciation to Your Partner

13. List the Reasons Why You Love Each Other

Do you remember the last time you looked at your partner and said in your head: ‘Man… I love this person’?

In that moment, you zeroed in on a quality or action that led to an overwhelming surge of gushiness.

If you took the time to list these little things, they’d really feel your admiration and love.Write about the sweet, silly, funny, and cute things you love about your significant other.

Consider this fun journal with fill-in-the-blank questions for couples.

14. Appreciation Lists

We often forget to thank our partners for the good stuff they do.

That’s easily fixed with an appreciation list. Add this to your journal as a reminder to acknowledge each other more.

15. Gratitude Lists

Your gratitude list could include people, things, and events that you as a couple are thankful for.

16. Write Love Letters

Finding a love note in your pocket, or a note on the mirror is all good, while it lasts. Then the mirror gets wiped, and the pocket note gets lost. But when you jot these down in your shared journal, you’ve got them for keeps. You can write about:

  • Memorable moments you’ve shared
  • Fun dates you’ve been on
  • Comical happenings that made you laugh-cry
  • How you make each other better humans.

Or, you could write long-hand thank you letters. That’s a great way to deeply acknowledge the specifics of what your partner brings to the relationship.

17. Give Compliments or Notes of Encouragement

This is a good one if you’re short on time, and want to share a quick, supportive note. Take a page, and write a compliment or something encouraging on it.

Here’s an example; your boyfriend or girlfriend has a big interview lined up.

They grab breakfast at the table and see a journal entry from you that reads:‘You’ve got this babe. You’re going to nail your interview today’.

Sweet, right?

Intimate and Sentimental Journal Ideas for Couples

18. Use Journal Prompts

Asking great questions is a way to reconnect with your partner on a more intimate level. The questions don’t have to be deadpan serious either.

A good mix of deep and meaningful, and playful probing, is all you need to spark interesting conversation.

Not sure what questions to ask?

Here are a few journal prompts to get you started:

  • What, if anything. would you change about the way we met?
  • Describe a time when you felt vulnerable in our relationship.
  • How well do I express what I need from you in the bedroom?
  • What does a happy relationship look like to you?
  • How will our relationship change as we grow older?
  • Describe the perfect way to start and end our day.

For more prompt ideas, take a look at these relationship journal prompts and these journal prompts for emotional connection.

19. List Your Strengths as a Couple

Together you’re strong. You complement one another.

As a couple, you just work. So write about your unique strengths.

What is it about your relationship that makes it so good?

20. List Things You Need to Work on as a Couple

Let’s be real, not everything is butterflies and daisies.

If you’re struggling to communicate in your relationship, writing about your issues is helpful.

And yeah, it’s scary focusing on the stuff that isn’t working so well. But it’s not about dwelling on the negative.

It’s about recognising what could be better and fixing that.

21. List Quotes That Have Impacted Your Life

Who doesn’t love a good, well-timed quote? From funny, to thoughtful, there’s likely been a quote that holds some meaning for one or both of you.

If you’re a bit artsy, you could even illustrate your favourite quote and write about why you love it so.

22. Share Old Family Recipes

You’ll use a notebook or journal to share so much of your life, so how about sharing your favourite family recipes?

What about grandma’s crunchy roast potatoes?

Or dad’s sticky toffee pudding.

Add them to your journal, along with other recipes.

23. Record Dreams

A vision about the future, or a recurring dream you had as a child, make good journal fodder. Yes, you might be a little worried telling your other half about that wild sex dream involving the hot guy from next door.

That’s understandable.

But what if you’ve both had the same dream (not about the neighbour)? That could be something to spark an interesting conversation.

24. Keep Mementos

The cinema stub from your first date. The menu from your most memorable meal. The pressed flower picked during a romantic stroll.

Do you have any mementos stuffed in the back of a drawer somewhere?

Fish them out and add them to your journal.

Fun & Creative Journaling Ideas for Couples

25. Create a Photo Collage

Being one of a pair you probably have a lot of photos between you.

You could add those cute pics to your journal. Along with funny captions. Maybe create your own memes.

26. Add Doodles & Drawings

Remember in school where you would doodle the name of the boy you liked in big bubble writing?

Try doodling your partner’s name in your journal. Over, and over again.

Not in a creepy way, but in a way he’ll know that he’s been on your mind.

You could also draw pictures of the two of you, or doodle his favourite things. If you’re feeling super creative, you could sketch a comic-style spread where you draw yourselves in the bodies of your favourite characters.

Okay, a little weird. But fun?

27. Write a Poem

It doesn’t have to rhyme. If it comes from the heart, it’ll be cherished.

28. Share Jokes and Riddles

Want a break from the deep and meaningful?

All romanced out, and want to make him laugh?

Stick an inside joke in your shared journal.

Or test his brain smarts with a riddle he’ll struggle to solve.

29. Share Funny Stories

These could be real-life stories from your childhood.

Or something funny that happened at work the other day. Or stuff you randomly make-up because you’re feeling like a goofball, and can’t contain your silliness.

30. Creative Top Five Lists

Everyone has a top-five list.

It usually goes along the lines of favourite movies, books, restaurants. The usual suspects, right?

So why not try creating lists that are a little different.

Making them specific, fun, and creative, will add an extra flair of interest.


  • What are your top five female characters from 80’s sitcoms?
  • Top five dog breeds
  • Top five skills you’d use to keep us safe in the event of an apocalypse
  • Top five jokes only the two of you find funny
  • Top five songs that get you in the mood for you know what…

You don’t have to stop at five items. Make your lists as long as you’d like.

31. Throw Down a Challenge or Play a Game

Play a game. Some ideas to get you started:

  • Spaceman (like hangman but minus the noose)
  • Squares
  • Tic-tac-toe
  • Battleship
  • Drawing with a blindfold on
  • Would you rather?
  • Finish the story – Mad Libs style

And there you have it – 31 couples journal ideas for you to try out.

We know you can’t wait to get started, so what are you waiting for? Grab a pen, a cute journal or notebook, and start strengthening that bond.

31 Couples Journal Ideas for When You’re Stuck on What to Write (3)

Team TGL

Written by freelance writers. Reviewed, fact-checked, and edited by Mena Joseph - founder of Thriving Good Life, avid journaler, and psychology postgraduate.

31 Couples Journal Ideas for When You’re Stuck on What to Write (2024)


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  • What are five things you would like to do before you are 20 years old?
  • What is your dream job? ...
  • What do you think your life will be like when you are 30 years old?
  • What are the three most important jobs in the world? ...
  • Would you want to be the president?

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10 Ideas for Creating a Couples Journal
Sep 4, 2023

What do I write in my journal everyday? ›

10 ideas and prompts for daily journaling
  1. Gratitude. Gratitude journaling is perfect for a 'one line a day' approach. ...
  2. A favourite moment. ...
  3. An achievement. ...
  4. Connection. ...
  5. Thought for the day. ...
  6. Something you've watched/heard/read. ...
  7. Something you've learnt. ...
  8. Something beautiful.
Jan 12, 2023

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The three most common arguments with couples are about sex, money, and children.
  • Sex: This is probably the most frequent source of conflict between couples. ...
  • Money: The issues related to money that couples argue about are numerous and many. ...
  • Children: The last topic couples are especially passionate about are children.
Mar 12, 2022

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Use these 10 journaling prompts to help you reflect and find purpose and meaning in your life
  1. What are you grateful for in your life recently?
  2. Define what happiness means to you and what it would look like in your life.
  3. What does living in your truth mean to you and how can you make it a reality if it isn't already.
Oct 17, 2020

How do you write a relationship journal? ›

Writing about their best qualities and the things you admire about them may help put petty issues in perspective and help you focus on more important things. Sharing these insights with your partner can help strengthen your bond by encouraging emotional vulnerability and building trust.

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A couple's journal is a shared diary, specifically dedicated to capturing the moments, memories, thoughts, and feelings that define a relationship. It's a private space for couples to express their love, appreciation, and dreams for the future.

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8 Self-Love Journal Prompts
  1. Honor your strengths. ...
  2. Find gratitude. ...
  3. Dream about your perfect day. ...
  4. Reflect on a recent success and what it says about your character. ...
  5. Acknowledge your efforts. ...
  6. Reflect on people in your life who truly matter. ...
  7. Write about qualities that make you unique.
Jun 14, 2020

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Daily Journal Prompts
  • How am I feeling today?
  • How does my body feel today?
  • What am I nervous or anxious about today?
  • What actions can I take on each of the things that make me nervous or anxious?
  • What are my top priorities for the day?
  • What's something I can do to make today amazing?
  • What did I learn today?
Feb 22, 2023

What to write in a journal for beginners? ›

Write about a few things that happened during the day and, more importantly, how those events, epiphanies, or interactions made you feel. If you're trying to journal your way through distress, it may help to focus your writing on positive outcomes as well. The blank page can be intimidating, though.

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Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth with the Prompted Journal daily journal and diary app – your ultimate self-care companion.

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Write a list of every negative thing you can think of that you tell yourself. Think of every self-critical and condemning message you repeat over and over in your head. Once youve completed your list, write a second list with a positive statement that is self-accepting and loving to counteract each negative message.

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What beliefs am I holding onto from my past relationships? Are there any memories arising that are asking for me to look at them? When I think of this past relationship what feelings arise? How does my body feel when I think about this relationship?

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Now, is there anyone in your life that, you know, to try to control again, even if it's all intended? If yes, what are the fears that come up for you when you think of stopping trying to control this person? How could you take a step in letting go of controlling this person while keeping yourself safe?

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-What do you believe you bring to a future relationship? -What are the qualities you want in a partner? -What qualities in a potential partner are deal breakers? -What have been your examples of healthy and unhealthy romantic relationships, both in childhood and adulthood?

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.