Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (2024)


By Charles Li, MD


Lentils and chickpeas are some of the world's healthiest foods. They're packed with fiber and proteins. They also have lots of other vitamins and minerals, unlike processed carbs such as white bread and white rice.

Nutrition Comparison












Food Facts

Lentils and chickpeas are both ancient foods that have been cultivated for thousands of years.

They are key ingredients in dishes across many cuisines and cultures.



Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (1)


One of the earliest cultivated legumes

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A key ingredient in hummus, falafel, chana masala.

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India produces 66% of all chickpeas



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Cultivated since 11,000 BC in Greece

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Eaten soaked, germinated, fried, baked, or boiled.

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Canada produces 33% of all lentils.

Top Benefits

Both chickpeas and lentils have lots of protein and fiber. This helps with digestion, blood sugar control, and weight loss, among other benefits.



top benefits

Top 5 Benefits

Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (7)


Chickpeas are very rich in fiber, both soluble and insoluble.

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Chickpeas can help with diabetes management as they don't cause surges in blood sugar

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The fiber in chickpeas can help with digestion and support your microbiome.

Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (10)

Blood Sugar Control

Chickpeas can help with diabetes management as they don't cause surges in blood sugar

Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (11)

Weight Loss

High fiber foods increase your feeling of fullness

Top Benefits of Lentils

Lentils have similar benefits as chickpeas since they are from related plants.



top benefits

Top 5 Benefits

Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (12)


Lentils are one of the best sources of plant protein

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Lentils are one fo the best sources of dietary fiber.

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The high fiber content of lentils helps with digestion.

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Heart health

Foods with high plant protein have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease.

Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (16)

Colon Cancer

Eating lots of legumes, such as lentils, has been linked to a lower risk of colon cancer.

Macronutrient Comparison

Macronutrients are nutrients that your body needs in large amounts. These include fat, carbohydrates, and protein.

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Chickpeas have more calories than Lentils

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Per Cup





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Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (20)

Cooked lentils have fewer calories than cooked chickpeas. If you want to lose weight, both are great options. However, you can eat more lentils than chickpeas for the same amount of weight gained.

Calories measure the amount of energy in food. Foods with more calories give us more energy but also causes us to gain more weight. If you are trying to diet, or lose weight, foods with low calories are better.If you are trying to gain weight, high-calorie foods are better.

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Total Fat

Chickpeas have more fat than lentils

Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (22)

Total Fat

Chickpeas vs Lentils



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Chickpeas have more fat than lentils. However, because they are good fats, we're willing to declare Chickpeas as the winner when it comes to fats.

Fats from plants and vegetables in particular tend to be healthy. Chickpea and lentils both only contain what scientists consider "good fats." Therefore, Chickpeas are better as they have more "good fats."

Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (25)

Dietary Fiber

Lentils have more dietary fiber than Chickpeas.

Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (26)

Dietary Fiber

grams per cup





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Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (28)

Winner: Lentils

Fiber is a strange nutrient. It doesn't provide calories and doesn't stick around your body. However, it's one of the healthiest things you can eat.

Fiber reduces your cravings and caloric intake. It also supports good gut nutrition.

Since lentils have more fiber, lentils win this round.

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Lentils contain more protein than Chickpeas.

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grams per cup





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Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (32)

Both chickpeas and lentils are great sources of vegetable protein. However, since lentils have more of this healthy nutrient, lentils win this round.

Winner: Lentils

Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics (2024)


Chickpeas and Lentils | Infographics? ›

Since lentils have more fiber, lentils win this round. Lentils contain more protein than Chickpeas. Both chickpeas and lentils are great sources of vegetable protein. However, since lentils have more of this healthy nutrient, lentils win this round.

Can lentils be substituted for chickpeas? ›

Lentils tend to have a more peppery and nutty taste compared to chickpeas. However, they still make a great alternative as they are a good source of protein and are similar enough in flavor and texture to easily fit into a variety of dishes.

Are lentils and chickpeas from the same family? ›

The Fabaceae family includes over 750 genera and 16,000 – 19,000 species, making it the third largest family within the plant kingdom (Hoover et al. 2010). Familiar legumes aside from dry peas, dry beans, lentils, and chickpeas include soybeans, fava beans, peanuts, lupins, lucerne (alfalfa), clovers, and vetches.

Are lentils carbs or protein? ›

Lentils are high in fibre, and complex carbohydrates, while low in fat and calories. Their high protein content makes lentils a perfect option for those looking to boost their protein intake. They are naturally gluten-free, making them a delicious staple in a gluten-free kitchen.

Are chickpeas and lentils high in carbs? ›

Beans and Legumes

Packed with protein and fiber, beans are a nutritious choice for people on most kinds of diets. However, they and other legumes such as chickpeas and lentils are also high in carbohydrates. Eat them in moderation when on a low carb diet.

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.