Class X: The Art of Forgery - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

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  • Explicit
Archive Warning:
  • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
  • M/M
  • 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
  • Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
  • Original Child Character(s)
  • Bangtan Boys | BTS Ensemble
Additional Tags:
  • Spy Kim Taehyung | V
  • Assassin Jeon Jungkook
  • Strangers to Lovers
  • Marriage of Convenience
  • Fake/Pretend Relationship
  • Slice of Life
  • Denial of Feelings
  • Miscommunication
  • Lies
  • Blood and Violence
  • Weapons
  • Falling In Love
  • Taehyung really sucks at feelings
  • Jungkook is doing his best
  • Angst
  • Blood and Injury
  • Fluff and Humor
  • Happy Ending
  • Eventual Smut
  • strangers to lovers to death threats to lovers
  • Slow Burn
  • Sexual Tension
  • Drunken Flirting
  • Blind Trust like Really Really Blind
  • Top Kim Taehyung | V
  • Bottom Jeon Jungkook
Season Two

Class X: The Art of Forgery



When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.

So what do you do when life hands you a fake a husband and daughter? You make a family.

Welcome to Class X: The Art of Forgery


  • In response to a prompt byAnonymous in the TK_Arranged_Marriage_2collection.


inspired by spy x family
Marriage of convenience between spy taehyung and assassin jungkook where they mutually benefit from the arrangement while fulfilling their missions and separate afterwards

(Dedicated to those who one way or another helped this fic come together. You know who you are and I couldn't have done it without you, I love you!)

Chapter 1: Code Name – Master of Disguise Meets the Tiny Telepath


A lesson in empathy.

Chapter Text

Every significant period of time, starts or ends, with a war.

“If we don’t get confirmation that Dowon is behind all of this, there’s going to be no other option. War will break out again first between the North and the South and then the entire world. Can we risk sacrificing all of our peace by sitting here waiting for him to bite?”

A roar of scoffs and arguing breaks across the room. “And what is it that you suggest we do? Barge into the home of one of the most powerful Chaebol’s in the country? Are you insane?”

Seokjin sits back in his chair, sunglasses high on his nose that he whips off. They fly across the room until the sharpest corner of them pierces the wooden frame of a photograph on the wall. “ Twilight . He’s the only one who can pull off the type of mission this is going to require. Get a notice to him immediately.”

A random voice from the opposite side of the room refutes his demand, “You sent him down to Japan for that investigation on the Prime Minister’s assassination attempt. Or did you forget that you send Twilight on every single task that comes up? He may be capable of disguising himself into a million different people, but he cannot be a million different places all at once.”

“He’s been in Japan for two months, his mission will be finished by the time you contact him.” Seokjin stands from his desk, retrieving his sunglasses from the wall and placing them back on. Sending a glare to the table behind him. “Twilight is the only one competent enough to pull this off. I need him here, no later than tomorrow. If you can’t manage a task as simple as that, why the hell are you working for W.I.S.E?”


Sitting across from the woman he’s been seeing as a part of this task, that’s taken far longer than he would’ve liked it to , Twilight feels his brain cells disappearing by the second. The more she complains about her spoiled life with her father, whom she has no clue is the driving force behind a ring of the most deplorable humans to ever exist—the more he wonders how she’s made it to this point of her life at all. How can one survive solely by relying on others for everything? He always prefers missions that require him to work alone. And if in the unfortunate situation arises where he does have to work with anyone — he’d prefer them to have a greater mental capacity than that of a sponge .


Ah, right, his name for the last two months,

“Are you even listening to me?”

His eyes lift from the plate, staring across to her as he remembers the successful completion of his tasks this morning. In fact, the only purpose for this dinner was to finally break off this part of the mission. Being a gentleman can only go so far when his end goal is to end it all anyway. So he sips on his water before grabbing the jacket from his chair, “You must forgive me, but the longer I sit here with you the more I realize that we simply aren’t on the same level of intelligence. In the long run it’s best if we just break up now.”

“Huh?!” The woman stands at the same time as he does. Frantically looking around herself, “Sota, wait, you—you can’t just leave me here!”

A brief wave of his hand is all that he extends along with the words, “I wish you well, Akari.”

Having been called so many names over the years since leaving his birth name behind in order to fully become Twilight , sometimes he forgets why he did it all in the first place. That is until he receives new assignments. Assignments that remind him just how many people are starving for war. Infuriating reminders of the side of war no-one talks about. We talk about the powers at play and we talk about the lives lost—but so many forget about those who lived it and survived.

Those who spend every single day tormented by the trauma and having no choice but to continue on. Children like himself, orphans of war who weren’t even given a fair chance to live life normally. Right , that’s why he does this. Joining W.I.S.E was a necessity. That’s why he can so easily change his face and identity, to suit any task given. As a number in an orphanage, he never really had an identity to begin with.

He makes quick-work disposing of the thick layer of tanned skin and the horrible excuse for a beard and toupee. Sitting patiently until his train arrives, he picks up the newspaper awaiting him. The creativity in which W.I.S.E manages to make contact with him is as much impressive as it is annoying. Can they seriously be sending him on another mission already?

Good morning — or likely by the time you receive this— Good evening, Twilight,

After yet another successful mission on your part, the Prime Minister is safe which is fantastic in maintaining the allegiance we need to keep all of the powers at bay. That being said, your new assignments are ready. Choi Dowon has managed to weasel himself into the peace agency of the South’s government. We have strong sources that lead us to believe he is the mole sending false information to the North in hopes of invoking war. A rat at the least and an extremist at worst.

He is well protected, having never been seen outside. The only exception to this being the exclusive events he attends at his son’s private school just outside of Seoul. Your task is simple, albeit inconvenient, please find a wife and child. The child must gain admission into Evara Academy and earn enough status to receive an invitation to these events. Where you, under the guise of a doting father, will do whatever necessary to get the information we need to confirm and put an end to Dowon’s connections.

This leg of our peace keeping initiative will be further referred to as Operation Pere.

We have arranged a residence for you, under the name of Kim Taehyung, which you will be taking on from this very moment forward. You are a psychiatrist at the local hospital. We have also arranged meetings with all of the orphanages in Seoul. Once you have found a suitable child, please fill out the documents waiting for you in your new home as soon as possible and submit them to Evara’s Admissions office. It would be in your benefit to find a willing wife quickly.

All of our years of peace keeping are at risk with Dowon’s actions, Twilight. I know that you will do your best to see this through.

Until next,

Handler, SJ.


Immediately diving into his task, and making his way through the third orphanage, Taehyung is nearly at a loss. None of these children are old enough or capable of earning admission into such a prestigious school as Evara Academy. “Mr. Kim, feel free to look on any of the floors. All of our children are available.”

Sighing, he shakes his head, “I need one that knows how to read and write, none of the children here look old enough.”

The man, who reeks way too much of alcohol to be responsible for so many children, waves him down a hall, “We only have one that can read and write.” Opening the door, Taehyung is taken aback at the sight of a tiny girl with bright pink hair. Playing by herself with plushies and other toys. Yet again. Another fail. The orphanage head drops a piece of paper in front of her, burping as he does, “Ahyeon, show the kind man that you know how to write. C’mon.”

He stands back and watches the way she looks between the two of them. Glancing down at the paper, he scoffs internally. The least he could’ve done is put some plain paper in front of the child. She’s probably confused by the sight of a crossword puzzle. Certainly not at her age would she even know to fill in the boxes with words like, insouciant, prosaic, nepenthe—let alone be capable of spelling them. Reading over the questions and recalling the answers in his mind, Taehyung thinks this guy must truly be an idiot, because what five year old knows




it’s ridiculous and unfair to even ask her.

If she at the very least can write her name, it’s possible he can work on teaching her everything else if they study thoroughly. The admissions aren’t for a few months, anyway. The little girl spins on her heels, shoving the paper in his face with a bright smile.

Shocked is an understatement when he sees the scribbled letters that perfectly fill in the blanks. He swears his eyes must entirely pop out of their sockets when he looks at the words. She’s a damn genius. It’s without even a seconds thought that he says, “What do I need to fill out in order to adopt?.”

W.I.S.E is nothing if not thorough. Already having their family home prepared for move in before Taehyung has even finished going through the documents. Granted, they have a plethora of properties readily available for cases like this–it’s still a bit jarring to think he’s going to be living with someone from now on until the foreseeable future. Meeting with Yoongi outside of their apartment complex, Taehyung has this miserable twinge in his chest as they look over the child’s portfolio together.

Ahn Ahyeon

Park Ahyeon

Cho Ahyeon

Lee Ahyeon

Yoongi sighs, “Poor kid kept getting sent back. She seems fine enough, not a demon child or anything, I wonder why.”

They both watch her excitedly play on the steps up to the entrance., Taehyung’s head shaking in disbelief at the minimal notes taken. No reason given for abandoning a child without a seconds thought to how it would effect them? Although, he’s really not surprised. People have turned blind eye to hurting children countless times…but something about the soft smile the little girl looks up at him with when she plops down, makes it sting a bit harder. “People are evil. That’s why. Thanks for running to the store for me.”

“I used the list Handler sent over. Although, he wasn’t very specific. You might be missing some things…and for future notice, I’m not an errand boy.” Taehyung laughs as Yoongi parts ways.

Turning to the little girl and reaching for her hand, “C’mon Ahyeon-ah, let’s go inside.”


When her new Appa decides to run to the store just across the street. Ahyeon jumps in place on the sofa. If she heard all of his thoughts correctly, that means her new Appa is a super spy. Which is basically the coolest thing ever! And the uncle with the scruffy looking hair out front said that world peace is supposed to rely on Ahyeon! She’s practically living in a real life TV show! Her new home is really important, so she has to continue to be on her best behavior and help her new Appa save the world, for sure.

Favorite plushie tucked beneath her arm, Ahyeon ditches the TV and decides to explore their new secret spy hideout. Making her way through each room diligently, Ahyeon sighs. Flopping onto the floor in an empty bedroom, plushie held out in front of her, “Well, captain, I don’t think today is the day that we find anything to help Appa save the peaces or whatever. Maybe another day.”

Laying backwards, Ahyeon spots something hidden in the furthest corner underneath the vacant bed. She assumes this bed will belong to a Mama if she ever gets one, but this new Papa doesn’t seem interested in finding her a Mama at all. Ahyeon doesn’t mind…it’s a lot easier to remember to keep her abilities a secret when there’s less people. If he finds out she can read minds, she’ll have to run away just like she did before.

Ahyeon is tired of running away.

From the mean guys in the big factories with all of their wires and machines, and big black vans trying to take her back.

Ahyeon doesn’t want to run away anymore and this new Appa, even if he’s kind of already the bestest she’s ever met…he even said they’re already a real family, just a new one when she asked. She finally manages to pull out the box she found under the bed and gasps when it opens. Immediately grabbing her plushie to show him, “Look, we found spy equipment! This must be for the mission!”

Playing with super spy equipment is fun. There’s so many buttons and the tiny radio, she can’t understand all of the beeping but surely Appa won’t be upset that she played with it as long as she puts it back right where she found it.

Taehyung noticed immediately upon leaving the convenience store that he was being followed. He does his best to get into his home quickly. If he can simply grab Ahyeon, they can be gone before whoever is trailing him figures out which building they’re in. Though he barely makes it two feet inside of his own front door before there is a large metal rod swinging right at him. Taehyung takes hold of it, whipping it around and successfully eliminating the wielder of the weapon with a single strike. A quick back flip has him taking out the man that was standing behind him, also holding some type of rod. If someone is going to try to infiltrate a W.I.S.E apartment, it would be wise of them to send someone who at least has basic fighting skills. This was pathetic .

But the sudden realization that they were already inside the home, sends Taehyung into a panic. Scrambling through the building he’s barely spent twenty four hours in, he finds Ahyeon gone. Her plushie fallen to the floor beside some type of radio, it’s nearly identical to the one he uses for contacts with W.I.S.E but it isn’t his. Eyes rolling at the realization that not only was this location compromised when W.I.S.E acquired it, but someone even managed to find time to place a trap inside. A trap that an unknowing little girl must’ve fell right into.

Operation Pere is pivotal to the fate of not only their country but the entire world. Taehyung’s skill cannot be lost. The child? There’s plenty of children in the world in need of a home. He can’t possibly risk a global cause for the sake of a child he’s not even known for an entire day. His decision is final. He will report the loss of the child and the compromise of the apartment and move forward with Operation Pere from the beginning of the drawing board tomorrow.

He can not let this mission fall short over something as foolish as a conscience. It’s preposterous.

Ahyeon is freaking out.

Spy missions aren’t fun anymore and this game of hide and seek that the scary guy said, doesn’t seem like a game at all. There’s nothing fun or game-like about being strapped to a chair in a giant dark room and there’s too many bad guys thinking thoughts all at once for her to keep up. It feels a lot like the scary factories she’s been in before. Her skin is all sticky and warm and her head really really hurts. Lesson learned, do not play with Appa's secret spy radios.

The big guy with a hat hiding his face keeps talking about someone called Twilight and trying to figure out if Ahyeon belongs to Twilight. It’s so frustrating and her little hands are too slippery to even try to break free.

Another scary man walks in the room and drops a person wrapped in a white cloth to the floor. Ahyeon is trying so hard to listen to see if the man in white is Appa but she can’t hear any thoughts over the sound of arguing in this room. Arguing gets worse along with an explosion and suddenly there’s fog all over. Then before she can focus, a new scary man with thick black hair is in front of her, within seconds he’s got Ahyeon untied and over his shoulder as he sprints out of the room.

Only once they’re outside, away from the shouting and chaos and words she doesn’t think she should repeat, Ahyeon can finally focus. Immediately she realizes that her Appa is a way better super spy than she thought because she didn't even recognize him until she heard his thoughts. But then she is put on her own feet and the disguised man hands her a piece of paper, “Here’s a new fun game okay? Walk all the way down that street and turn right. There’s a police station. If you successfully give them this slip of paper, you win the game.”

Turning around with her head down, Ahyeon just tries so hard not to cry as he sprints back inside the building without even giving her a chance to speak. Her new Appa is a liar , they aren’t a family at all.

Taehyung cannot have any loose ends from past missions following him around as he tries to take on the most important one of his career. Ripping the mask off his face and discarding the baseball cap he had on, he makes his way back into the building. Amused at the sight of all twelve grunt men dangling from the ceiling by the wire traps he set up. Leaving only the idiot behind this whole set up in the middle, gun barely held in his shaky hand as he calls out.

“I’ll kill you Twilight. I know what you’ve done in Tokyo. You won’t make it out of this building alive—”

With a low chuckle, he presses the barrel of his own gun to the back of the man’s head. Tsking from where he stands behind him, “You couldn’t even carry out a simple assassination where all of the dirty work was done for you, without my interference ruining your plans—did you really expect to be able to infiltrate my home and walk away freely afterwards?” He presses the barrel harder, “How is Akari doing? I hope she’s well.”

He can feel the way the man quivers in front of him, shouting but there’s no malice in his tone, there’s only fear, “How do you know anything of my daughter?”

Taehyung presses the gun barrel harder against the man’s skull, forcing him forward, “I know things about your entire family that would keep you up at night, Tanaka-San. I could map out the placement of every last freckle on your daughter’s skin. So if you wish for her to live a long and prosperous life, I suggest you to stay the hell away from mine.”

Leaving the mess behind, Taehyung makes his way to the alley. It’s going to be a hassle now, moving forward with Operation Pere back from square one. But at least Ahyeon won’t be put into danger again. The whole point of all of this from the very beginning, was to protect kids like himself from living life the same way he did. Wary of their worst nightmares lurking around every corner, how could he expect her to move forward into more danger after merely surviving a kidnapping?

He can’t put her through this.

He won’t willingly bring her into potentially worse situations for the sake of a mission, it’s wrong . He will meet up with the Handler and they can work things out another way. A way that doesn’t involve— “Appa!” Ahyeon sprints into his legs. Arms curling around them as she cries. “I played hide and seek with big scary men and it wasn’t fun. I don’t want to do that anymore. Where were you?”

Taehyung feels his heart nearly stop beating as the little girl with teary eyes squeezes him even tighter. What is he supposed to do? She waited for him all of that time…he can’t possibly send her back now. “Appa, can we pleeease go home?”

At least this way, he won’t have to disappoint the Handler. Taehyung will learn how to be a good father and have others perceive them as a normal family…at least for the sake of the operation. Then maybe when he turns Ahyeon into someone else’s hands for good, she will have a happy peaceful life ahead of her and a chance at that real family she talked about.

Chapter 2: Code Name: Prince of Thorns


A lesson in the life of a mercenary.

Chapter Text

Jungkook doesn’t remember a single moment in time that he hasn’t been training for the life that he has now. Born into a long lineage of highly skilled and highly paid assassins, this is all he has ever known. This, being, The Garden, and his older brother Namjoon of course. Jungkook has worked extra hard as an agent of The Garden, in hopes that Namjoon can continue his personal goals, outside of it.

Namjoon spent so many of Jungkook’s younger training years, doing the very work that Jungkook himself does now. But his brains and ability to put the knowledge said brains acquired into words and actions landed him an opportunity working for the State Security Service. It’s a job that takes him away from the darkness of what they do and allows some normalcy. Normalcy they craved as kids. Normalcy Jungkook remembers a young Namjoon promising him they would get one day.

When their nanny told Jungkook he would have to take on extra work in order for Namjoon to step away, he did so without a second thought. He loves his brother and would do absolutely anything to make him happy.

Today that means showing up at his civil servant job despite the fact he hates pretty much everyone here. Okay, it’s not that he hates them, it’s more so that they hate him. Or at least, the women in the office are constantly questioning why he works in a female dominated field and the only other male in the office, isn’t exactly his best friend. It’s not like he can really tell anyone here that his boss’s cover office is located in this building and he has to be readily available to take calls when needed…this job is his cover too. So he’s left to just work silently and deal with the muffled sounds of their qualms.

Although here lately, he’s been wondering if the cover is working anymore at all. Especially when he overhears the women in the office speaking.

‘Did you hear about the recent initiative by the government? There’s suspicions that the North is devising war plans again.’

‘I did! They’re getting worried and especially suspicious of young men, especially in their late twenties that remain unmarried. The word is that there are likely spies from the North masquerading as single men!’

He’s certainly not a spy for the North, but he doesn’t exactly need to have the South Korean government knocking on his door anytime soon. If only he knew how to behave normally long enough to catch someone’s attention. It’s not as if he isn’t trying, he just doesn’t really do anything outside of working and when he doesn’t have assignments he takes advantage of the extra time to rest. He’d love to meet someone…really. He just can’t. It’s not like he can easily explain his situation to someone anyway.

The other guy in this office, Jimin, approaches him reluctantly, “Jungkook, are you going to be attending the party at our house tomorrow evening? Hoseok wanted me to make sure I invited you. I just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable seeing as everyone else in attendance is married and you’re still single..”

Annoyed and stressed beyond belief, the words “I’m not single.” leave his lips way too quickly, panicked even. Wanting to stab himself in the throat to prevent from ever speaking again, but the words keep coming out, "And I will absolutely be there.”

Jimin seems surprised and his smile is more menacing than kind as he nods, “Very well then, we’ll see you Friday night.”

Pacing back and forth in his apartment, Jungkook can’t believe he was so idiotic. There is no possible way for him to find a partner before tomorrow night. He will just make up an excuse to not go—that’s all. That is, until a phone call from his brother comes through, “You’re in a relationship? Since when?” Namjoon’s voice is elated. It makes Jungkook feel even worse about lying. “I hate that you live alone. I thought the job at city hall would help— anyways, that doesn’t matter. Hoseok is so excited to see you tomorrow. He said you haven’t been to any of the events he and Jimin put on since I left.”

Jungkook makes up a story about being too nervous to tell him about his partner and doesn’t mention that he hasn’t been invited to any of these events put on by their ‘ friends’ .

Namjoon worries about him enough as it is.

He’s in the middle of continuing his panic brought on by his own actions, when the phone rings again. This time, it is not Namjoon. He knows that by the dial tone when he picks up. “Hello, this is–.”

The voice cuts him off abruptly, “You have an urgent client, Thorn Prince. Fourth floor of the Josun Palace Hotel. Minister of foreign affairs. There will be many guards protecting him as his duties tonight are important to a mass weaponry trade deal they intend to carry out. See to it, you prevent them from doing so. This man has a lot of blood on his hands already. Let’s not allow him an opportunity to spill even more.”

Sometimes, Jungkook wonders what it’s like for normal people. What do they do in the middle of the night? Surely it’s not climbing their way to the fourth floor of a luxury hotel. Greeted by two doors swinging open and five suited men, “I’m sorry, sir. Do you have an appointment?”

Jungkook can feel the blood-lust spreading through his veins as he sets sights on his target. The man he’s after is just behind the next set of doors, about to piss himself in fear. Before the men suddenly surrounding him can begin to move in on him, Jungkook’s got both of his stiletto kunai out from their thigh holsters and in his palms. Five swift movements are all that he takes– a jolt forward right through the heart, a swipe sideways for a cleanly slit throat and then forward again for the next one, because a pierced artery is the quickest way to ensure he’s successful, a flip backwards with a snapped neck and a one handed cartwheel to finish the last of them off, kicking the man with his monstrous strength right through the double doors.

The heels of his boots are loud as he walks, but nowhere near as loud as the fear emanating off of the man so vile he was prepared to stockpile enough weaponry to bomb an entire city. The man who was eager to have the blood of thousands of innocent lives on his hands without a single drop of remorse. None until now that is. As he quivers where he sits in a chair furthest from the double doors that were just broken by a body flying through them. The man who is trembling with tears and sweat as he barely mutters, “T-th-the—prin”

Thorn Prince .” Jungkook corrects, holding one of his knives low to the ground so that the remnants of excess blood can drip off before they stain. Bringing the other across his chest with a subtle smile, “Minister of Foreign Affairs, is that right? I know you had big plans for this evening . I’m terribly sorry to intrude on them so suddenly..” he tosses one of the weapons into the air and catches it with a half smile, “But you see, I’ll be taking your life now. So, if you don’t mind, let’s keep this as quiet as possible, I’d hate to disturb any of the sleeping guests.”

Chapter 3: Code Name — 2 Truths & a Lie


A lesson in convenience.

Chapter Text

Kim Ahyeon and Family,

After the preliminary application exam, we are pleased to extend the opportunity to interview for the academy. The entrance exams and interviews will take place exactly two months from now. Please take this time to work hard and think about what exactly it means to wear the Evara crest.

Also see to it that Ahyeon comes to the entrance exam and interview dressed appropriately. You will find the addresses of preferred seamstresses within the surrounding area who will be capable of providing your child with suitable attire for a candidate of our prestigious academy.

We look forward to meeting with you.


Evara Academy Admissions

Ahyeon’s preliminary acceptance, paired with the stack of potential prospects Yoongi has just brought him for a wife, have Taehyung feeling the pressure of this operation creeping up all at once. All three of them leave together, Yoongi laughing as they do, “If you somehow find a woman with a clean record, decent level intelligence, willing to be married within the next three days and doesn’t mind the child–”

Ahyeon’s fist squeezes tighter on the sleeve of his jacket, “Am I the problem for why Appa can’t get married?”

Taehyung’s hand falls to the top of her head easily, Yoongi and his damn loose lips, “No, Ahyeon-ah, you’re not a problem at all. Let’s go get you some new clothes for your entrance exam.”

On their way to the seamstress, Ahyeon gets distracted by everything. It’s not her fault, there’s only so many amazing shops and she’s not used to seeing them all! She runs off immediately to a small stand that sells those little fish shaped desserts she’s been watching on TV! Digging out the coin she found in the couch cushion to shove it at the money man, but he frowns at her. “Sorry little one, this dessert requires about nine more of those coins in order for you to purchase.”

Ahyeon immediately bursts into tears which has Taehyung frozen in place. He’s not sure what to do at all. Is it appropriate to allow her the fish dessert despite it being nearly lunch time? Surely this isn’t a suitable source of nutrition. Especially when they are working on developing her brain to the capacity required of Evara students.

Yet the judgmental whispers of all the woman passing by, has him reaching into his wallet immediately. Providing the shop owner with the money needed and watching as all of Ahyeon’s tears seem to evaporate at once. Eyes lighting up and giggling happily as she bites into her dessert. Continuing their walk, he can’t help the way he listens to everyone around them. It’s a trait he simply cannot turn off. Usually he’s seeking valuable information, but right now he’s simply flooded with the knowledge that all of these people perceive him as a disconnected father. Even worse when Ahyeon nearly steps into the crosswalk when the light isn’t on for them to proceed.

An elderly woman tsks as she passes by, “You should always hold the child’s hand on the streets, boy. Even a new father would know this, so surely you do.” The thing is, he doesn’t. When he grew up children didn’t have adults keeping eyes on them ever let alone holding their hands to safely escort them from point a to point b. However, he is a loving father. Per this operation. So he extends a hand with a soft smile, “You have to stay close to Appa, Ahyeon. C’mon, we need to get to the seamstress before they close.” She nods happily. Taking his hand and finishing her dessert with the other one. “Will Ahyeon have to answer the questions like we did at home?”

“I think these will be much more difficult, they sent study guides with your invitation. So we will begin working on them every night. Your TV time is going to be cut in half while we are working towards your admission.”

Patiently waiting inside the shop, while the seamstress is fitting Ahyeon for the outfit she picked out, Taehyung is absolutely astounded when a voice begins speaking behind him to the woman working the desk. Someone entered this building undetected by him? That’s impossible.

Turning to face the owner of the voice, he’s even more stunned. It takes only a few seconds for him to rack his brain for any and all information available with this face.

Jeon Jungkook.

Loyal employee at city hall.

Has an older brother who works for the government.

But that’s it, there is no other available information. Nothing at all about how stunningly beautiful the man before him is.

He's supposed to be searching for a wife. Taehyung had heard all of the seamstresses that worked here were single and available but not one of them seems adequate enough to be the parent of an Evara academy child. But this man? The one who is gorgeous and speaks soft yet eloquently and apparently has the ability to conceal his presence to the extent that even an agent as skilled with his surroundings as Taehyung, could not sense him? He’s perfect.

And apparently growing suspicious of Taehyung's gawking. When he turns to face Taehyung with a raised brow and crossed arms, “You’ve been staring at me since I entered, is there a problem?”

It takes no time at all for him to snap out of his thoughts, “I’ve just never seen someone as stunning as you before, forgive me for not knowing how to act.”

The man’s face flushes instantly. Looking between the woman he just placed an order with and Taehyung himself. Extending a hand, feigning confidence, he smiles, “I’m Kim Taehyung, and you are?”

“Jeon Jungkook—”

Ahyeon’s voice interrupts, “Appa! How does this one look?” Taehyung fixes his attention onto Ahyeon. He is a loving father who will of course tell his daughter how beautiful she looks. Meanwhile, he’s beginning to wonder if the Handler’s request of him finding a wife and child must be so specific? The academy only mentions both of the child’s parents attending the interview and with how far the country has come since legalizing same-sex relationships. Certainly, it shouldn’t be an issue at all. In fact, it almost might give them additional points of credit. For the academy to add inclusivity to their long list of accolades. Yes, yes, this gorgeous mysterious stranger is a perfect candidate to complete their family.

Except for the fact that Jungkook looks on in disbelief at the sight of Ahyeon. He’s certainly getting the wrong idea about Taehyung’s availability status and if he doesn’t remedy this immediately, such a golden opportunity to save the operation, will slip right through his fingers.

The man, Taehyung, turns his gaze on the little girl who runs up to him and Jungkook wants to disappear right into the floor of this shop. He has a daughter, so he’s most likely married. Very quickly he is realizing that this is not at all the opportunity he thought it might be to save himself from the embarrassment of showing up to this party alone.

Jungkook busies himself with his phone. Not wanting to torment himself any further with this conversation. He was such a fool to think he’d meet someone gorgeous, naturally and actually have someone to attend the party with. How could he not immediately realize that a man like this would be taken?

Suddenly the little girl starts spinning in circles. Singing playfully about how lonely it is to only have her Appa and that she wishes she had two parents to tell her how pretty she looked in her dress. It’s such a strange thing for a child to say out loud, but Jungkook won’t pretend he isn’t a bit relieved. Looks at Taehyung, who is visibly flustered by his daughters singing, “So you aren’t a married man hitting on someone shamelessly?”

“No—I..” Taehyung exhales softly. Deciding on the most reasonable and justifiable lie that would also bode well with the academy. “Ahyeon’s mother passed away. It’s just been the two of us for the last three years.” He holds his breath in hopes that the little girl remembers everything he told her about their family and the importance of upholding those facts .

“I’m so sorry to hear that..” Jungkook gnaws on his lip as his eyes fall to the little girl that is smiling up at him. Eyes adorably wide as she spins in her dress, “I’m Ahyeon, do you like my dress?”

He crouches to her size and smiles sweetly, “Nice to meet you, Miss Ahyeon. It is a very beautiful dress.”

She runs off and Jungkook stands there awkwardly. Waiting for his own garments to be returned when Taehyung faces him, a slight hint of nerves is noticeable in his tone. “I assume you aren’t getting clothes for an academy entrance exam, what brings you in?”

“Oh…I have a dinner party to attend tomorrow evening. So this is for that.” It’s the perfect opportunity. All he has to do is mention it. This man already made it clear he is attracted to him and now knowing there isn’t a wife in the way—it could be perfect. And it’s possible, if they actually hit things off, he can also get the government’s suspicions off of his back too by no longer fitting the bill of the single men they’re looking for.

The three of them leave the seamstress at the same time, congregating on the sidewalk as Jungkook nervously thinks of how exactly to say what he wants to say. Taehyung ends up speaking again because Jungkook can’t finish running through scenarios in his mind, “Would you maybe, like to grab dinner sometime? With me? Not in a party setting of course. Just the two of us.”

The words tumble out before he can stop them, “Would you be opposed to a party?” Arms tucked behind himself, Jungkook can feel his face burning as he speaks quietly. “It’s rather embarrassing…I actually made the mistake of telling my coworker’s I would be bringing a date to the party. Obviously, I do not have one.”

“I wouldn’t say obviously…it’s a miracle that you don’t—” Taehyung shakes his head, “—I mean, a miracle for me, because I too am in need of someone to accompany me somewhere due to a white lie. Maybe, we could help each other out?”

-ˏˋ ‿ˊˎ-

Getting ready for this dinner party, Jungkook is more energized than he’s been in a long time. Not only is he going to be able to finally put a stop to the whispers by the women at work and Jimin talking about how undesirable he is…but also, Taehyung is very handsome. Like so incredibly, unbelievably, handsome. Jungkook would not mind spending more time with him…at all. In fact, he would even be bold enough to say he looks forward to it—if not for the embarrassment he feels.

He’ll be lucky if Taehyung shows up at all. The idea of seeing him again beyond this evening is slim to none. Although, the man did mention also needing someone to accompany him somewhere, without the details just yet, Jungkook can’t really feel any excitement for that at all. Still, grabbing his jacket and turning off the lights, his heart does a stupid little flutter of anticipation.

That flutter, dissipates rather quickly. As he waits near their designated meeting spot until the last possible minute, with no sign at all of the gorgeous man from yesterday. Even if Jungkook had a gut feeling that it was too good to be true—he can’t help the painful twinge of humiliation that twinges through his entire body as he gets closer and closer to Hoseok and Jimin’s place. Jungkook only has to survive this meal…even if he will only be showing himself as even more of a joke than his coworkers all seem to think he is.




526 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu

Taehyung’s task is simple, intercept a cargo truck filled with ammunition disguised amongst various stolen art pieces — and eliminate the members of the ring that’s smuggling them. If he finishes soon enough, he’ll make it to Jungkook’s dinner party with more than enough time to clean himself up before hand.

Dropping Ahyeon off at a babysitter the Handler arranged in advance — Yoongi gets a nervous look on his face as Taehyung begins to speed the direction of their intercept point. “Hey, Twilight, you can uh—pull over now. I’ll take over the vehicle and we will meet back at the designated rendezvous location.” “Change of plans, actually. We need to get through this assignment quickly, so I can get to that party. You’re coming along to help out.”

Yoongi goes on a rant the entire rest of the drive. Explaining, in intricate detail, the responsibilities that fall under his title of investigative, informant, innovator. None of which include fighting off an entire team of weapons dealers. Taehyung keeps a his eyes focused on the building they’re slowly approaching. Voice soft, “They aren’t the dealers, they’re the smugglers—even your fighting skills should be sufficient enough.”

“My fighting skills are literal f*cking trash!” Yoongi shakes his head and scoffs. “Not to mention, I’ve extended your budget repeatedly for my chargeable hours, so whatever you seem to think—”

Taehyung appreciates the support Yoongi has given him, immensely, which is why if the man requires an incentive to help out—especially when the success Operation Pere is on the line—he will happily offer one, “Our mission is to retrieve the weapons an ammunition being smuggled between the art pieces. The value of the art, which are custom jewelry pieces, is in the tens of millions. It’s perfectly reasonable to expect one or two to go missing in the heat of battle…”

Yoongi whips out a pair of gloves from the bag in the floor and slips a beanie over his head, “Leave it to me—I’ll get you to that party on time no matter what. It just so happens that I recently worked out the kinks on some new equipment that should help us do this efficiently.”

Efficiency may have been an overzealous aim—but just as the warehouse goes up in flames, Yoongi is slamming the van door shut and waving him on. The timing is perfect—almost too perfect. Which is why Taehyung should’ve known. The last few days, he’s caught himself in moments of relaxation too frequently. Moments the result in his lowered defenses—moments that end up with their van being driven right off the road.


Being the odd man out is hard enough, being the odd man out in a room of married couples makes him want to vomit. Except—it’s not all disgust and anger. Some of it is envy. Jungkook knows that, even if he refuses to admit it. He knows that the sight of Hoseok and Jimin with their daughters and the children of their friends playing together while the adults have dinner, makes him feel inadequate in so many ways.

His life’s purpose has been black and white for so long that he never gave himself an opportunity to think about the future. The future that he’s in now, the future where he doesn’t have to be an assassin now that Namjoon is secured in his government role—but tonight, this sh*t show of a dinner, is as much of a realization as any—Jungkook has to continue his responsibilities as the Prince of Thorns. Otherwise he has absolutely no purpose left at all…and he’s terrified of what paths his own brain will travel down if that day were to come.

Jimin is going on and on and on. More talks about the governments initiatives to remove potential northern spies and suspicious men. Eyes falling on Jungkook’s several times as he speaks. He lets out a near silent chuckle, complete disbelief as he feels his brain fog. Eyes darkening with the haze of blood lust. If this entire room of people, except for Hoseok, were to be eliminated—well, it would be one of the smallest missions he’s ever carried out. Jungkook smacks himself on both cheeks. Making his way to go get water, because he cannot let intense emotions such as those put himself at risk.

Besides, even if his friends aren’t exactly pleasant—Jimin is really the only one he really wants to eliminate—”I’m so sorry I’m late!”

Taehyung with a bloodied eyebrow and a tear on his shoulder sleeve, is not the sight Jungkook expected when he turned to the voice at the front door. And he shouldn’t look just as gorgeous all disheveled as he did prim and proper the night before. Hoseok is greeting him before Jungkook gets close enough, “I don’t believe we’ve met—I’m Hoseok, and you are?”

Jimin cackles, arms crossing as his slightly slurred words spill out, “Obviously the actor Jungkook hired to keep up his charade—god—are you not horribly embarrassed? Lying to all of your coworkers and going so far as to pay someone…”

Jungkook hates the heat he feels spreading on his cheeks, but there’s no chance of it lessening anytime soon. Especially not when Taehyung steps closer to him, arm around his waist gently, “I knew my husband was quite the jokester—but lying and charades aren’t exactly his forte. I’m Kim Taehyung. It’s a pleasure to meet you all. One of my patients had a melt down and kept me from getting here on time.” His hand squeezes Jungkook’s hip as he laughs, “No-one told me I needed to take self-defense training along side my PHD program.”

The entire room erupts into laughter, Hoseok talking Taehyung’s ear off about being a psychiatrist. Jungkook had no idea Taehyung was a doctor. He also had no idea the man would jump straight from dinner date to husband. Even if it’s for the sake of the performance they’re clearly putting on—it makes Jungkook feel insane with swirls of knots in his stomach. A doctor. A doctor who works with patients capable of the wound on his eye and destroying his clothes. Unhinged fantasies quickly fill his mind. Evil tricks of his brain telling him, if there was anyone who would ever be capable of tolerating someone like Jungkook—someone with his past and present—it would be a man like Taehyung. Someone who laughs about being assaulted by patients at a mental hospital.

Jimin approaches with a tray of drinks in hand, “Seok-ie, in your stories about crazy work, did you share about Jungkook’s former job? I think that beats all of you.”

His eyes sharpen as he glares at him, before a nasty excuse for a smile spreads as he addresses Taehyung, “He took many personal ‘massage’ calls to a hotel in Seoul. I’m sure he has plenty of wild tales he could share with us…”

Jungkook’s face remains blank but he wants so badly to laugh in Jimin’s face. All of those calls were just covers for murders. If he’s so f*cking curious, Jungkook would happily give him a demonstration.

Taehyung within the first two minutes of being here, has found everything he needed to know about everyone in this room. But this specific man, the one giving him weird eyes and Jungkook hateful ones—has all the history of a sickeningly privileged upbringing.. Even the man he clings to, Hoseok, was provided to him as apart of an arrangement between two successful families. So for him to cast any judgment at all, towards Jungkook, of all people?

Jungkook, who Taehyung learned from his database, lost his parents at a young age. Him and his brother fending for themselves all of this time? It’s devastating. The least he can do, for showing up late and causing a scene is give Jungkook back the dignity and respect these people seem keen on attempting to take away, “I’m well aware of my husband’s job history—it may be difficult to understand, when you’ve been fed from a silver spoon your entire life. But sometimes, we are in situations where our only option is to do the less desirable thing, in order to survive. It’s one of the many attributes that drew me to Jungkook to begin with. He’s the person I admire most. Did you have any other concerns? I’m feeling quite famished, so if this dinner would be happening soon, I’d be grateful.”

Jimin’s drunken, stupefied face, is wiped right off as Hoseok guides his husband out of the room. Apologetic frown adorning his features as he tells all of the guests to take a seat at the table. Jungkook remains close to Taehyung as they wait for an opening to enter the dining room as well. If he is able to keep Jungkook fond of him, he may actually have a chance of pulling off Operation Pere after-all.

Offering to drive Jungkook home was the gentlemanly thing to do, except Taehyung didn’t account for having to explain the beat up van. Scratching behind his neck awkwardly as he laughs, “I’m sorry, this is actually embarrassing—I’m supposed to be getting a new vehicle, but being a single father, in a mostly walkable city—I’ve been trying to keep my finances available for Ahyeon’s tuition if she’s accepted into Evara.”

Jungkook doesn’t pay two seconds worth of attention to the sh*tty explanation for the appearance of the car, his jaw drops as he looks to Taehyung, “Ahyeon is applying for Evara? I’ve heard so many things about that academy. That’s incredible. She must be brilliant!”

Brilliant. Connections. Really they’re one in the same. But he doesn’t need to go on a spiel about that. Not when he’s managed to keep Jungkook wound tightly around his finger since he arrived. This is going way too well for Taehyung to go into a melodramatic lecture. So he only sighs softly, “She is. So brilliant—and my late wife, she wanted Evara for Ahyeon terribly. Unfortunately, such a prestigious academy, has unbelievable expectations of not only the students but the families as well.”

Sagging back into his seat, the softest expression paints Jungkook’s face, “I can only imagine. All of the most important people in the country’s children attend Evara. They must keep them under a very strict lock and key.”

They do. So strict that the only way for Taehyung to accomplish the elimination of Choi Dowon is on this façade. “It’s actually, the favor I mentioned last night. I didn’t go into detail about it, simply because it felt ridiculous to suggest—you merely asked for a dinner, and here I was hoping you could fill the role as my spouse for the sake of Ahyeon’s entrance interview period.”

The question, or suggestion really, isn’t even in the air between them for more than a second when very last hair on Taehyung’s body sharpens at once. A glance over his shoulder has him so unbelievably frustrated with himself.

Once again, he’s relaxed too much and now they’re being trailed by some stragglers from what he and Yoongi left behind. Surely tracking their van, idiots—as if the cargo they’re looking for hasn’t already been retrieved by the handler and in path to where it belongs. They really are as stupid as they looked gathered so openly in that warehouse—but they still managed to take advantage of Taehyung’s weakened guard.

He whips the van into a side alley, relieved when Jungkook jumps out with him wordlessly. “I’m terribly sorry, some of these patients, if they have a relapse on their treatments, they lash out and get tunnel vision goals that usually end in attacks on those of us who helped them into recovery.”

Jungkook is so smart and unbelievably well spoken and it still blows Taehyung’s mind how the hell he manages to conceal his presence—but Taehyung is also realizing that for all of the gorgeous man’s strengths, he has one horrible weakness—he’s way too gullible. As he looks to Taehyung with concerned eyes. Sprinting down this alley way as they run from four masked men. “That’s terrifying. For the patients and for you. It takes a special person to do your job, Taehyung-ssi. You may have said it about me, but I think you are the admirable one out of us two.”

He gets a hand on Jungkook’s elbow to yank him out of the way of the fifth goon approaching from around the next building. Swiftly moving him to his other side, while Jungkook speaks wistfully, “You know, maybe, we really could be beneficial to each other. If you need a spouse for Ahyeon’s admission and the government has suspicious eyes on unmarried men. We could work out something that helps us both—”

A fist comes flying out of nowhere, Taehyung managing to knock the guy into the concrete, but he doesn’t have enough time to dodge the man falling above them. Knife in hand and way too close to Jungkook. f*ck. He opens his mouth to stop the man from speaking, but Jungkook moves quicker than anything Taehyung’s ever seen. Whips his leg around slams the heel of his boot into the guy’s throat. With the things he experienced as a child, and his years as a spy, there’s never been a moment where Taehyung has been genuinely shocked to the point his entire body freezes in place.

He watches the man Jungkook kicked fly through the air. Past several buildings before tumbling onto the ground and into the brick wall that serves as the only thing blocking his body from going even further. Turning to the man beside him, who has his hands on his face, “Taehyung-ssi, I’m so sorry—I, I shouldn’t have interfered with a patient when they’re having an episode! My big brother happened to teach me self-defense from a young age. It was instinctual…please forgive me.”

The bow Jungkook motions to do, is interrupted by Taehyung’s firm grip on his wrist. Tugging him around the corner and hiding behind a fixture to avoid the gun shots firing at them. Warm voice breaking through the sound of their breathing,

“You know, Jungkook-ssi, before we were interrupted—I was going to agree with you, by the way.”

Taehyung just barely manages to reach the stray grenade dropped from one of the hand of one of the goon’s they took down on their way here.

“It seems as if we were put in place to meet each other for a specific reason.”

For Operation Pere— so Taehyung can fulfill his duties and protect the future of this nation without raising alarm to the Secret Police who are already on his back.

Swiftly pulling the pin and tossing it towards the remaining grunts; Taehyung keeps his gaze on Jungkook as he grabs the man’s hand. Sliding the silver ring attached to the grenade pin onto Jungkook’s left finger.

“It appears to be of great convenience to us both, if you would continue on in the role as my spouse for a little bit longer?”

Jungkook is so focused and in disbelief of the perfect position that fell into his grasp. He doesn’t even hear the explosion in the distance or the feint screams of the men it caught up in it. His attention is tunneled in on Taehyung and Taehyung alone.

I do." his skin flushes as he smiles shyly, “I mean, I will. Move forward with the marriage of course—to help us both and Miss Ahyeon get into her school of course.”

To continue killing— so that Jungkook may dispose of as many of this world's evils as he can without exposing himself to the very government that houses such evils.

Taehyung’s smile as he brings them both to their feet is all that it takes to have Jungkook foolishly believing this is a good idea.

Chapter 4: Code Name — Problem Child


A lesson in making a house a home.

Chapter Text

Although it seemed perfect at the moment they decided to move forward with this arrangement — Jungkook feels absolutely insane when they have finished signing the necessary documents to report their marriage. Walking out of the place with Taehyung’s hand in his own and the silver bands they bought this morning on their fingers—it feels so out of place.

Though he’s beyond relieved to have another cover and that cover being someone as undeniably handsome as Taehyung is definitely a plus. A part of him does feel a little bit sad to have his first marriage be one that’s strictly for the sake of convenience. One that already has an expiration date set.

If he thinks about it too much he’ll break his own heart, so instead he focuses on Taehyung’s voice when the man gently lets go of his hand to tuck his in his pockets, “How do you feel about moving your belongings today? Ahyeon is with my friend Yoongi so we have plenty of time to get things done.”

“Of course, yes. That will be perfect.” He nods sweetly, trying not to focus on how lovely it would be to experience all of these first time things with someone for real. This will be enough for now, it’s not as if he had anyone waiting to knock down his door for marriage.

Taehyung scrubbed the extra bedroom in their apartment spotless last night. Wanting nothing more than for Jungkook to feel as comfortable as possible in his new, temporary, home. The line between strangers and loving husbands is continents wide—and he feels it. Feels it in the timid way Jungkook begins to unpack his belongings.

Feels it when he offers help but the man insists with cheeks nearly as read as the sweater on his body and frantic flailing hands, “I’m very particular about how my things are placed. Thank you so much for offering, but you’ve already helped me a lot. Truly.” Reluctant to leave him be, Taehyung does anyway. If Jungkook insists on not needing any help, then at least he can get something knocked off of the Handler’s checklist.

This side quests are turning into longer and longer missions. Which make it difficult to find excuses for his absence. At the end of the day, his entire existence right now is a mission and nothing matters more than protecting the peace. Even if he kind of thinks he should just stay home and get some more intel on his husband. This is probably for the best anyway.

Ahyeon has been with this scruffy haired uncle all day long. It’s okay, he has a lot of snacks…but she wonders what her Appa and new Papa are doing. Probably some important super spy agent stuff and Ahyeon is supposed to be helping too! She’s the reason for the peaces of the world according to this scruffy uncle!

Head upside down off the sofa, she hears him from three rooms away. Uncle is thinking a lot about if Ahyeon is even going to pass her actual exams if she doesn’t care to study. Eyes squinting, Ahyeon climbs off of the sofa and sits at the table. Grabbing one of the stacks of study books Appa dropped off with her, Ahyeon props up her plushie beside her juice box, “Captain, it’s time to help me become the smartest for my exams!”

Taehyung knocks lightly on Jungkook’s bedroom door, waiting patiently and a tad bit nervously. Jungkook exits the room quickly, shy smile on his face, “Yes? Do you need something?”

From this close, Taehyung admittedly feels nearly as awestruck as he did in the seamstress shop—Jungkook is remarkably beautiful. Distractingly beautiful. Which is a problem. Still, this is apart of Operation Pere, so he only returns the smile, “I was going to walk to Yoongi’s and retrieve Ahyeon. Possibly stop by somewhere for food to bring home. Would you like to join me?”

The barely visible flush on his cheeks, makes the tips of Taehyung’s ears burn. Thankfully, Jungkook agrees easily. Walking in silence is normal for Taehyung—you don’t gather the skills required of agent Twilight, by dilly dallying. He has to keep his focus on his surroundings at all times, that goes without saying. Jungkook’s voice softly breaks up his thoughts, “When is Ahyeon’s entrance exam?”

“We will report to Evara Academy next week. From my understanding, it is an extremely strict interview process, followed by the exam itself. So we should plan to spend an entire day there.”

Jungkook’s hands are tied behind his back, it’s obvious he is thinking something and it’s bothering Taehyung tremendously not knowing what it is. Every last bit of this mission relies on their family unit. Honestly is pivotal, no, crucial. They will fail without that trust between them. So he speaks gently, “Are you worried about going?”

“It’s not that I’m worried about going—it’s more so, that I’m worried about the acceptance. Obviously we know that things have gotten better for, um, same sex marriages. But would a place like Evara really consider us a full family? I’d hate for Ahyeon to lose out on her admission because of me.”

There is always the possibility of bigotry playing a role in this, Taehyung has of course thought that through as well. All of his thought processes lead him to the same result, if for some reason this mission through the Academy falls through outside of his control—he will simply find a way to be successful elsewhere. Which is why he confidently smiles at Jungkook’s nervous gaze, “Neither my late wife, nor myself, would want Ahyeon to attend a school who is so narrow minded to criticize the person I choose to marry based on their gender. So don’t worry for that. All that we can do is put our best feet forward and hope it is enough.”

With a ghost touch of his hand on Jungkook’s lower back, Taehyung guides them both into Yoongi’s apartment. The silence immediately has him on high alert. Quickly stepping in front of Jungkook moving his hand to keep him from moving forward instead, “Hold on one second—”

“Oh…” Jungkook giggles softly, pointing over Taehyung’s shoulder towards the sofa, where Ahyeon and Yoongi both are sound asleep on the sofa. “I guess they got tired waiting for us.”

Yoongi was supposed to be helping with the mission. Ensuring Ahyeon got through at least two of the study materials with all of the hours they had to spare. He was not supposed to be asleep with the girls’ plushie tucked between his arms. Ahyeon bundled up in a blanket on the other side of the sofa.

He flicks Yoongi right in the forehead, making him jolt awake in a panic. Meanwhile Taehyung only shushes him. Gently bringing the sleeping girl into his arms, while Jungkook retrieves her favorite plushie and her study books. “Seriously, hyung? A nap?”

“Hey! We did study! The kid got sleepy and do you know how hard it is to stay awake with someone snoring beside you! Also, you two took forever moving!” He huffs eyes rolling as his arms cross. Taehyung chuckles under his breath, “I’ll talk to you later, thanks for watching her.”

“Yeah, yeah, well don’t forget I’m not a baby sitter!” Words falling to nothing as the door shuts.

Jungkook’s hand is gentle as he reaches forward to untuck the strands of hair Ahyeon has stuck against Taehyung’s shoulder and likely tugging uncomfortably at her headband. Taehyung feels a tiny bit more hopeful that they might be able to succeed at this exam after-all.


Jungkook is rendered completely speechless as they enter the ground for Evara Academy. It is every bit as elegant and almost royal in appearance as he expected. The quantity of families approaching at the same time as them is incredibly intimidating. Can they really fit in amongst this crowd? He clutches the bag in his hands nervously. He’s done a lot of pretending in his lifetime, but for some reason, there is a pressure weighing down on him harder than anything he’s felt in a long time.

As soon as they get close to the gates, they can see some families being turned away right from the jump, as intimidating as the sight is. Taehyung gives him a warm smile, before reaching for Ahyeon’s hand, “Let’s have a good time today, okay? Don’t worry, whatever happens, happens.” Only the entire safety of the country is depending on our successful admission, but if it can’t be helped it can’t be helped.

Ahyeon has learned very quickly, that this Appa often says things that are quite the opposite of what his mind is thinking. Her attention is drawn immediately to the sounds of a boy with overwhelmingly guilty thoughts. He’s crying for help as he’s stuck in the gutters. Ahyeon can hear the way both of them are trying to decide the best way to handle the situation. But the boy’s thoughts prove that there’s no winning this. ‘If you don’t help me, you have no heart and if you do help me, your dirty clothes will ruin any chance at elegance in front of the headmaster. I hate this.’

She tries to hold tighter onto Taehyung’s hand to stop him from helping the boy, but it’s no use. As she feels her other Papa’s arm gently holding her back by the shoulders, ”Don’t worry Ahyeon. Appa is only going to help him.”

He does help him despite the mud that inevitably ruins his suit and splatters towards Jungkook and Ahyeon as well. Though before the man who was approaching from afar gets close enough to ear shot, they have all discarded their top layer of clothing. Ahyeon straightening out the skirt of her second dress as the little boy gasps, “I—I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, my Appa and Papa are super smart and knew we should prepare extra clothes just in case.”

Taehyung is walking towards the man who is standing in awestruck amazement at the three of them, while Jungkook takes hold of Ahyeon’s hand. The three of them run over some questions from the mock exam they took this morning as they wait in the large hallway for Ahyeon to be sent in for the real thing.

Both he and Jungkook sit in anxious silence once she and the rest of the children are gone. As much as he keeps trying to convince himself there are other way to get to Choi Dowon—he needs this to go well. It’s the most seamless plan, with as little risk for failure. Although even the ‘little’ risk is still quite enormous.

Back in the hallway waiting with her parents Ahyeon’s head starts hurting, overwhelmed from the various thoughts she was listening through during her exam—and growing even worse now, as they sit here amongst countless other people who are thinking even harder about the next steps. It’s too much. Too many. Too noisy. She hides her face in Taehyung’s side, taking the man by surprise as she clutches the sleeve of his jacket. Rubbing her head anxiously against him.

Jungkook’s eyes are visibly concerned, as are Taehyung’s when he leans into her, “Ahyeon, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

The headmaster who is administering the family interviews, brings the entire hallway to silence, “Kim Ahyeon and family. Please come forward.”

The little girl stands up, cheeks red and eyes strained but Taehyung can see the way she is doing her absolute best to put on a brave face. Jungkook’s smile is genuine and somehow fills him with a tiny boost of confidence as they enter the room. The head master and four other instructors are all sitting on a long sofa. Gesturing for Ahyeon to take the seat closest to them, and ushering Jungkook and Taehyung towards a separate sofa.

“Your path into our office did not appear to be an easy one—” The headman starts, voice firm and steady, face void of any emotion that Taehyung can read at all. “—Yet you somehow prepared even for that. I’m very impressed.”

He doesn’t get to respond before the man at the opposite end of the sofa, fixes his eyes on Ahyeon, before lifting his gaze up to Taehyung. “I saw from your family’s file that Ahyeon’s mother passed.”

“She did. It was one of my late-wife’s personal goals for Ahyeon to study here at Evara Academy, so my husband and I—as well as Ahyeon, have worked very hard to get her here.”

“I see.” His attention falls to Jungkook then. Eyes taking in every last bit of his appearance before a small smirk spreads on his face, “I see that you work part-time as a civil servant, yes? Do you enjoy that job.”

“I do!” Jungkook’s soft voice answers quickly. “I have meaningful work and on the days off, plenty of time to spend with Ahyeon while Taehyung works long hours.”

“I can only imagine the lovely meals your family must enjoy together, with you having so much… free time on your hands.”

Taehyung notices quickly, the way that question for some reason makes Jungkook tense, it’s the tone he’s using. Each question sounding more condescending than the next. As if rather than getting to know them, he’s trying to know reasons to reject them. Taehyung reaches a soothing hand to Jungkook’s thigh as he smiles, “Aside from my psychiatry, I actually have a love for cooking. So that’s one of my responsibilities, that I take on happily.”

“Oh.” The man chuckles “It feels rather useless to replace a wife, with a husband who hardly works and is incapable of even preparing meals—but I suppose that would be your problem, not mine.”

Anger boiling under his skin, must grow hot enough for Jungkook to feel it, because he fixes calm eyes and a warm smile Taehyung’s direction, head shaking just barely as he whispers, “It’s fine.”

It’s not fine.

It’s not fine at all.

But he will ignore it.

For the sake of Operation Pere. He will ignore this bastards obvious prejudice.

The headmaster works on questioning Ahyeon. Asking about her routine at home, her favorite hobbies. What subject she likes to learn the most. For the most part, Ahyeon answers exceptionally well. Even if she jumbles her sentences a little bit in nervousness—Taehyung reorganizes them for her with a reassuring wink. She’s doing fantastic.

That is until the f*cking prick at the end of the sofa leans forward, elbows on his knees as he grins at the little girl, “Ahyeon, my dear, do you love your parents? How would you score them from one to one hundred?”

“I do!” She says quickly. Face burning hot and palms growing sweaty as she feels honest words pouring out of her mouth, “My Appa and my Papa treat me so nicely. They help me with my homework and have a lot of fun. I love them very much and want to keep them forever. They get perfect one hundreds!!”

Jungkook does not like the little flicker he feels inside of his heart. Ahyeon can’t say such things like that and make his stomach flutter at the thought of them spending more time together. It’s only been a few weeks and yet he has already grown to enjoy their façade of a family more than he should. He had no idea how lonely he was until he’s gotten used to living with the two of them.

The man, however, must not feel any endearment at her words, as he crosses his arms with a sickening grin on his face, “Who do you love more? Your mother or your replacement father?”

Every single cell in his body turns to ice. Jungkook’s eyes sharpening like the daggers beneath his clothes as he stares at him. But his attention is moved to Ahyeon instead. Ahyeon who’s eyes go impossibly wide. Filled to the absolute brim with tears as she sits there silently. Jungkook’s head whips around, “That is enough! Your questions are out of line!”

“Aw..” The man smirks, head tilting as he laughs, “So she does love her mother more. It must be awful going from a mother’s love, to the excuse replacement of a step father. As if a man could provide for a child what a mother can—it’s shameful ev—” He chokes on his words. Scrambling back so quickly he nearly loses balance in his seat as Taehyung’s fist comes flying. Only to end up bursting right through the wooden coffee table instead. Voice dull of any emotion, “Forgive me, there was a venomous bug flying right at you.”

A mosquito lies dead in the center of the broken wood, as do Taehyung’s hopes of Ahyeon’s admission. As he brings the girl into his arm and takes Jungkook’s hand in his other one, “Evara has a long standing history of high status and turning children into phenomenal level headed adults who will lead our nation with pride.” His gaze flicks across the entire room, with disgust. “I’d never want my child to grow up as the result of vile bigotry. Have a good day.”

Walking away, all three of them are silent. Ahyeon’s hands clutching Taehyung’s neck as she cries softly, “I’m sorry. Ahyeon ruined the big mission.”

“No.” Taehyung carefully drops Jungkook’s hand, in favor of rubbing it gently on Ahyeon’s back. “There are other missions bigger than this one Ahyeon. You did so well today.”

Jungkook’s fingers brush through her hair as they walk, voice a whisper just for her when watery eyes look up to meet his own, “I’m very proud of you, Miss Ahyeon. You were exceptional.”

On their walk out of the gates, they’re stopped abruptly by the headmaster. “Kim Family, may I have a word?”

They nod, of course. But Taehyung is admittedly more focused on removing Ahyeon from this place as soon as possible. When she was kidnapped that first day, he said he wouldn’t let the operation bring her any further harm, and yet he walked her right into harm by the hand. He won’t allow it to go further. Jungkook is standing closely beside him. Eyes glaring directly at the headmaster who clears his throat, “On behalf of Evara Academy, I would like to sincerely apologize for the absolutely disgraceful behavior of Instructor Kang. We treat our students and their families with utmost respect within these gates and we certainly do not tolerate any level of bigotry.” He lifts a hand, that Taehyung can see is red and enflamed with a half smile, “He will be removed from the Academy and will not be an issue going forward. So I do hope that you continue on with Ahyeon’s application, should she be admitted, I would love for her to see what a warm environment we create here for them to prosper.”

Jungkook’s hand squeezes Taehyung elbow gently. A soft smile shared between them as they nod. Taehyung’s voice cautious but firm, “So long as my daughter won’t be susceptible to any other instructors with malicious feelings towards my husband, we would love to pursue her application further.”

The headmaster tilts his head when Ahyeon finally raises from Taehyung’s shoulder, still keeping her arms around his neck as her watery eyes blink repeatedly. He squats just enough to be eye level with her and whispers softly, “I’m very very sorry for the actions of that grumpy ahjussi, Young Ahyeon.” brings a hand to his fist as he coughs. Smiling at the three of them, “I mean, let me assure you, any future experiences with Evara Academy will be nothing short of elegant. Have a safe trip home. Maybe we will hear from each other soon.”


Finding out that Ahyeon was put on the wait-list, was not the news Taehyung hoped to take into the Handler’s office today. With Ahyeon and Jungkook busy doing some shopping for the house, at least he can have a few moments to clear his mind and really focus on the task at hand.

He catches himself being side tracked by them, so frequently that he’s seriously concerned with whether or not he’s losing his touch as Twilight after-all. This live-in assignment, may not be good for his longevity as a spy, if he becomes to engulfed in them while they’re at home. At fake home. Whatever. Entering the photo booth that will lead him to the W.I.S.E headquarters, Taehyung types a quick message to Jungkook before powering off his phone and sending himself on.

The handler is waiting for him as soon as the doors open and Taehyung walks through them. Arms crossed as his head shakes, “Wait-list? A wait-list! We have Dowon working relentlessly to try to invoke a war, and you landed on a wait-list!”

Hands on his waist, Taehyung’s tone is sharp, “Jin, you have no idea the people we were up against, nor what we went through during the entrance interview. It’s not like you gave me adequate time to prepare a child and a spouse for this type of thing. I think the fact that Ahyeon landed on the very top of the wait-list despite only preparing for weeks, is fantastic.”

Seokjin laughs, “I know you aren’t growing soft for a child in mere weeks, Twilight. Seriously? Alas, the wait-list is better than rejection so I will give you points for that. I actually didn’t call you in here because of the admissions. We will hope for the best on that front. We have a more pressing matter to discuss. An anonymous hit has been put out on Agent Twilight via black market messaging boards. I’m assuming the gentleman we intercepted the weapons trade of is behind it.”

Settling back into his seat, he laughs, “Not a single person out there knows what Agent Twilight looks like. How could they even begin to put a hit out?”

“That’s the problem. They don’t know, so I worry that we’re going to see a sudden influx of disappearances and murders. Especially with the governments initiatives against the North putting pressure on unmarried men. The last thing we need is idiots desperate to make a quick mill murdering innocent loners.”

His jaw drops as he shakes his head, “A mill? They only valued my hit at a million? I’m at least worth ten mill. That’s despicable!”

Seokjin removes the hat from his head, slapping Taehyung’s shoulder with it, “You need to be on guard at all fronts and if we see increased violence, we may have to interfere.”

“Don’t worry, I will be fine.” He stands up, looking at the clock and seeing that he should be returning to Jungkook and Ahyeon any minute. “Was there anything else you needed from me today?”

“No not right now. There is some rustling bumbles about a potential terrorist attack being planned but there’s not enough noise to justify giving it an assignment yet. I’ll be in contact should we need to take action.”

He nods and goes to leave, stopped by Seokjin’s hand on his wrist, “Figure out what needs to be done to get her off of the wait-list. We need that in.”

When he finds them, Jungkook and Ahyeon are at a park. Ahyeon swinging happily, with Jungkook pushing her, rather high. Taehyung can’t help the way he laughs as he approaches them, hand falling to Jungkook’s lower back, “Are you trying to send her up over the swing set?”

Startled and embarrassed, Jungkook hurriedly grabs the ropes of the swing to slow her down. Ahyeon whining immediately about Appa ruining the fun and how she almost touched the branch she was aiming for. While Jungkook frantically apologizes, “I didn’t think it was too high, I’m sorry, Taehyung-ssi.”

His jaw clicks momentarily, leaning forward with a soft whisper, “Is that particularly how someone would address their husband?” Jungkook’s face burns even brighter red. Moving over to the shopping bags he placed on the bench and grabbing them, “We should head home so I can prepare dinner.”

“Dinner?” Taehyung’s brow raises as he helps Ahyeon down from the swing. Small hand clinging to his own as they walk, “I hope you aren’t taking what that moron said seriously. You’re already doing me a tremendous service, by being here. You don’t need to make our dinners.”

“I don’t mind.” Jungkook’s smile reaches his eyes “I want to!”

Food going at Jungkook’s hands, Ahyeon tries to focus on the super spy TV show she loves. But both her Appa and Papa’s thoughts are too loud. Papa is stressed about the instructions he is trying to follow on his dinner and Appa is stressed about the fate of peaces if Ahyeon doesn’t get into the school! Falling backwards onto the sofa, she lifts her plushie above her face, trying to think of a miracle to help the big mission. Maybe if she looks around the house she can find something important to help.

Both of them are sitting at the dining room table while dinner cooks, so Ahyeon just takes it to herself to go on a search. First stop is Appa’s room. Where she doesn’t find much but she does see a really cool pair of sunglasses that are perfect for missions. Plushie under her arm and sunglasses on, Ahyeon moves on to Papa’s bedroom. Where her eyes are immediately drawn to something shiny. Bright and sparkly that she just has to touch.

She doesn’t get to, before Papa is sprinting into the room. Stopping before her and carefully guiding her back into the hallway. “I’m so sorry Miss Ahyeon, Papa’s room is very messy. You shouldn’t go in there okay? We can play in your room or the living room or the kitchen even!”

God, she nearly got her hands on the very things that have brought hundreds to their death.

Ahyeon’s eyes nearly pop out of her skull. Sprinting right into Appa’s legs and crying. But Taehyung quickly grabs the sunglasses from her face, “Did you go in my room? Ahyeon, you cannot go in Appa’s room if I’m not in there.”

Those sunglasses could have exploded if she had fiddled with the right part of the frame.

Ahyeon is soooo frustrated. Tears falling even harder as she feels overwhelmed. “I just want to play and do the mission. Why won’t you play with me?”

Taehyung’s voice shows the slightest bit of irritation, this is why he doesn’t do the whole children thing, “Hold on now, we play with you quite often. But Papa is making dinner and Appa is working on something important—”

She cries louder. Stomping her feet. “I want to play! I’ve just done studies and big missions stuff! And lots of stores and with the scruffy uncle. I want to play with you!” As her crying turns into full on wailing. Big streams of tears down her puffy cheeks. Jungkook moves quickly, digging through the giant chest of toys and grabbing the noisiest one he can find. Turning on the robot lights and holding it over his face, “He-Lo, Ah-Yeon, Need. To. Pl-Ay”

Following his lead, Taehyung grabs the biggest plush off of the sofa, he doesn’t know what penguins say, but Ahyeon’s finally stopped crying. So he kneels beside Jungkook, voice going as high pitched as he can make it, “Come play on the ice with me, Ahyeon! Before dinner is ready!”

The little girl giggles and rushes to get her other plushie. Sitting in front of them and joining in on the pretend play. A clueless smile of relief is shared between Taehyung and Jungkook as they somehow successfully ended her tantrum.

And kept her away from the dangerous contents of their bedrooms.

Gathered around the table for dinner, Taehyung…is wary of the plate in front of him. He was certain Jungkook mentioned making some kind of meat loaf—and he’s not entirely sure that’s what he’s looking at. He’s not sure if what he’s looking at is meat at all.

Ahyeon must be thinking the same thing because she looks right at him, nervously as they both take a spoonful with Jungkook’s big sparkling awaiting eyes on them. Taehyung has eaten absolutely vile things at worse points in his life. Scraping at barrels for leftover rubbish, anything that was edible, while hiding from the ruins of war.

And even the barrel scraps tasted better than this.

The little girl fairs a bit better than he does, but on her third bite her face changes to a light shade of green that has Jungkook’s smile falling, “Ahyeon? Are you alright?” He gets up quickly as her little head bobbles before she flops right out of her chair and onto the floor. Body convulsing as she groans, “Ahyeon isn’t hungry, Papa. Thank you for dinner.”

Jungkook’s eyes water, face red with embarrassment as he looks up at Taehyung—”Was it, I mean, is it bad?”

“No…it’s not bad.”

Ahyeon grumbles into the floor, finger pointing somewhat in Taehyung’s direction, “Appa is a liar.”

Hurriedly grabbing their plates, Jungkook moves them into the kitchen. “I’m sorry—I, I followed the instructions exactly as they were listed. I, I don’t know why—it should’ve been good.” Angrily scraping out his pan. Taehyung joins him with a warm smile, “Maybe there’s something wrong with the oven. If the heating element isn’t working properly, that wouldn’t be your fault at all. I’ll order something in for the night and have someone come look at the oven tomorrow.”

Jungkook nods, though the frustration is obvious when he turns to face him, “I’m sorry, Taehyung-ssi—I, I fed your daughter something that nearly made her sick—”

“It’s okay.” Taehyung finds himself giggling. He’s not entirely sure why Jungkook makes his stomach flip, but he definitely doesn’t want the man to feel bad for anything. At all. “Do you insist on calling me that way? I mean we live together…we’re literally married. You don’t need to be so formal with me. This is your home—and for as long as necessary, Ahyeon is your daughter too. So, relax.” Squeezing Jungkook’s shoulders gently, Taehyung’s stomach growls loud enough for both of them to hear. So he smiles, ”I’m gonna get on that dinner order.”


Sitting in the office, sorting through the copies he was expected to separate—Jungkook barely has the focus to finish it. Can he really be that horrible of a cook? Namjoon did most of their cooking growing up, but he was sure that simply following instructions was all it took. He’s great at following instructions, so why—

“What’s wrong with you?” Jimin’s arms are crossed where he leans against Jungkook’s desk. “You’re moping is dampening the entire office.”

“I’m not moping.” his words come out harshly. Except they falter, rather rapidly, when he recalls the dinner they ate over at Hoseok’s house and how much Taehyung raved about it when they left. Jolting up, he does a half bow as he reaches for Jimin’s hand, “Would you please teach me how to cook?”

“Wha—” the man’s face shifts from annoyed to flushed as he yanks his hands away. “Why on earth would I do that?”

“Because, Taehyung things I’m a horrible cook and Ahyeon won’t even touch my food—”

“Who’s Ahyeon?”

“His—or, well, my stepdaughter. Please, Jimin-ssi, for all of the torment you’ve put me through the least you could do is teach me how to make a simple meal. I’m begging you.”

Jimin’s arms cross back over his chest as he smirks, “You begging is a nice change from your usual attitude…but I’m not sure if I—”

“I’ll be sure to do nothing but praise you to Namjoon-hyung and Hobi-hyung, only words of how kind you were to teach a pitiful chef like myself.”

The though of his husband thinking he was nice for once is enough for Jimin to consider it. It’s not like he hates Jungkook—he’s just…annoying…and suspicious…and if there’s underlying hints of jealousy from years of seeing the boy hanging out with Hoseok while Jimin couldn’t even get a sliver of his attention—well he’ll never admit that out loud. He does however, sigh heavily, “Fine. I’ll make you a list of things to bring from the grocery store. When do you want to start?”

“Tonight! Please!” Jungkook bows again, and again and again, “Thank you! Thank you so much! You don’t know how badly I need this to go well!”

Overwhelming excitement blossoming in his chest as he gets back to work. If he’s going to fully embrace his role in their fake family, this is a great way to start. And the ladies in the office always say that the way to a man’s heart is his stomach so if he ever wants Taehyung to look at him as anything other than his husband of convenience—this is a good way to start.

While awaiting a phone call about the wait-list, Taehyung thought it would be a good idea to get Ahyeon out of the house and immersed in some cultural activities. Even if she does get accepted into the academy, she is already behind her peers who have been preparing for Evara since preschool. Going directly into this type of first grade class room isn’t going to be easy.

Although, getting her to actually care about the museum isn’t easy either. At first it goes well, she asks a lot of questions and even points out some art pieces she likes the most. But half way through the third exhibit room, she’s clinging to Taehyung’s pants, “Appa, I’m tired.”

“We still have a whole lot of museum to see, Ahyeon. You shouldn’t be sleepy just yet.”

‘Why would he bring such a young child to a museum?’

‘Poor thing is probably bored out of her mind.’

‘This is a lot of walking for little legs.’

Sucking in a sharp breath, Taehyung isn’t sure if he is ever going to get this thing right enough for people in public to actually view him as a capable father. Leaning down to scoop her into his arm, Ahyeon snuggles right into his shoulder. He explains a bit of art history to her before he notices her breathing slowing and soft snores taking over.

He walks around the entire thing anyway, the hope was that she would wake up and get a bit more educational value in before the day ends up being a waste. Just barely passing dinner time, Taehyung ultimately accepts defeat in favor of heading home where Jungkook is likely just getting home from work. Ahyeon can learn about art history another day—when she’s not so sleepy.

Hoseok opening the door, shouldn’t be as shocking as it is. For some reason Jungkook just assumed Jimin would’ve had him leave for the evening. But all he’s met with is a big smile, “Hey Jungkookie! Ready to put your chef’s hat on?”

“No, he isn’t.” Jimin groans from beside Hoseok, head falling back as he points at the brown paper bag dripping something, “Please tell me you didn’t put the fresh tomatoes at the very bottom of the bag…”

Eyes widening he realizes he did, in his hurry at the grocery store, he wasn’t even thinking about the placement of the items, he just wanted to get here as soon as possible so he can get home before it becomes suspicious! He rushes into their kitchen and empties everything. Completely pummeled tomatoes in hand as he faces the two who are watching him from the door way. “What exactly is the recipe for again?” Hoseok’s laughter as he squeezes Jimin’s shoulders makes Jungkook feel a bit less anxious. Jimin’s voice faltering as his face burns red when Hoseok presses a kiss to his cheek before leaving them alone. “We’re making a simple pasta. I figured something kid friendly would be best since you apparently have a step daughter from this marriage of an entire year that no-one knew about—” head shaking he grabs two aprons and tosses one towards Jungkook, “Go ahead and start chopping what’s left of those tomatoes so we can put them in the food processor, I should have a few extra on hand.”

Following the instructions Jimin gives him, Jungkook really hopes this turns out better. If it does, then maybe Taehyung was right and the problem was the oven not him! In the middle of prepping ingredients, Jimin rushes up and startles him so much that Jungkook accidentally cuts his finger a tiny bit. “What is it?!”

“You… why are you just throwing everything into the bowl at once?!”

“What—What do you mean, you said to combine the ingredients!”

“Oh my god…you…not all of them! There’s like three different parts to this dish!”

Jungkook’s face grows hot as he groans, “Why didn’t you say that!”

“I told you to combine the ingredients for the pasta sauce. That’s it. Why on earth are you combining the uncooked meat?” He gestures towards all of the emptied bowls he set aside and whines "And that was to make the pasta noodles! You put the ingredients for the noodles into the sauce mix! How on earth is that going to produce pasta? You just are creating one giant flour flavored meat sauce!”

Turning away, he crouches to the floor and bangs his head off the wall repeatedly. Trying to hide the fact that his eyes are watering, “I’m not meant to be married. I’m not meant to even be on my own, I can’t even cook.”

“I’ll say.” Jimin huffs under his breath. Before moving towards Jungkook and pulling him to his feet by the elbows. “Maybe… maybe this pasta recipe isn’t as beginner level as I thought. I have everything to make a really delicious soup that you can serve with some good bread from the bake shop. Let’s try that.”

So maybe his first cooking lesson was a fail, but Hoseok and Jimin invited him to come back tomorrow and he full intends to. Arriving home so much later than planned, Jungkook feels horrible and he has nothing really to show of his time. Other than Band-Aids all over his hands and frustration. The silence in the house when he gets inside makes him feel impossibly sad. Not only did he fail at cooking but he missed out on getting to spend any time with them at all.

Not that he should care.

He shouldn’t be getting attached to them at all.

He’s known that from the beginning.

But it’s really difficult not to. Especially when he makes his way into the living room and finds them asleep on the sofa. Taehyung with one arm tucked behind his head and the other one curled around Ahyeon who is entirely tucked into her Appa’s side. Grabbing the blanket from the back of the sofa, Jungkook covers them lightly before ducking away to shower and get ready for bed himself. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day and he actually gets to see them before it's over.

Chapter 5: Code Name — Losing the Plot


A lesson in selling a lie.

Chapter Text

“Papa! Papa wake up wake up wake up!”

Jungkook is still not entirely used to living with people. Especially with the way he yanks out of bed and reaches for his knives. Only at the realization the fists pounding on his bedroom door are tiny and belonging to the sweetest little girl, does his heart rate steady. Placing the stilettos back where he stores them—he opens his bedroom door softly, not expecting Ahyeon to be dressed head to toe in the Evara Academy uniform.

Taehyung is going to be so upset…Jungkook is supposed to return it to the seamstress today— the little girl is suddenly scowling and Jungkook’s not sure why. But then she’s grabbing his wrist and tugging him into the living room where Taehyung is going over paperwork. “Good morning.”

Head raising, the man’s smile reaches his eyes, “Good morning! I received a call from the headmaster just a couple of hours ago, Ahyeon has been pulled off of the wait-list, she’ll start classes on Monday!”

Ahyeon’s hands sit firm on her hips, smug smile on her face when Jungkook leans down to lift her from beneath her armpits into a hug, “I’m so proud of you Ahyeon! Why didn’t you tell me that first thing!”

“I thought you’d see my cool outfit and just know!”

A bit bashful, Jungkook scratches behind his neck, eyes noticing the way Taehyung’s are firmly locked on him, “I honestly thought she was playing in it and that you’d be upset I hadn’t returned it yet.”

“Of course not.” Taehyung chuckles “I’m relieved we don’t have to go through the whole ordering process again, that was a nightmare.” Though the laughter fades into the man’s soft spoken voice, “I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to all of this—I know, we’re a handful. But I’m afraid you might be stuck a little longer, now that she’s officially enrolled.”

Looking at the clock, Jungkook realizes he is nearly running late to work, so all he does is flash a smile over his shoulder, “I didn’t agree to marrying you for nothing.” Sagging against his closed bedroom door, Jungkook brings both palms to his face. He cannot believe those words just left his mouth, nor does he understand why. Or where they came from.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t have time to fuss over it.

Frantically getting ready and grabbing the bag of things he has to take to Jimin’s tonight. Jungkook calls out that he will prepare a celebratory dinner when he gets home. Completely unaware of the terrified expressions Taehyung and Ahyeon share with each other once he’s gone.

Staring at the list the Handler just put on the screen in front of him, his brain is on the verge of exploding. Stellar Stars are the only path to imperial scholarship, which is necessary to be invited to the Gala of the Super Giants. The only place he will be able to guarantee an encounter with Choi Dowon. The more that Seokjin explains the requirements to become an honor student, the further Taehyung feels that familiar feeling of anxiety creeping up his spine. Ahyeon barely got removed from the wait-list this morning, they couldn’t even get through her interview without him breaking a damn table and she only barely passed the written exam.

Operation Pere is doomed.

It isn’t all that bad, Taehyung figures as he makes his way through the supermarket picking up a few things before retrieving Ahyeon from Yoongi. Though, when he gets inside Yoongi’s place, he finds the man dangling upside down from a contraption on his ceiling. While Ahyeon is holding a water gun at him, “Appa! Stop right there! You’re interrupting a hostitch situation!”

Taehyung’s laughter comes out against his will, curling over at the sight of Yoongi like this. For someone who insists on not being a babysitter, he has sure found some creative ways to make his time with Ahyeon fun over the last two months. “It’s hostage, Ahyeon. Are you the one holding him hostage?”

“No! I’m the one saving him.” She points a second water gun at a giant octopus plushie that has had all eight tentacles tied up with shoe string. “Mr. Ocky is the bad guy! Ahyeon and Captain are saving Uncle Scruffy right now!”

“How do you intend to do that?” Taehyung takes a seat on the chair, eyes finding Yoongi’s who are a sharp glare as he wiggles. Clearly, the man put himself in that position, he didn’t take the time to consider how he would get down? Watching Ahyeon climb up onto the coffee table, Taehyung is immediately on his feet. Watching as she reaches for an extended length rope that Yoongi seems to drop once she’s close enough. Yoongi tumbles to the floor and Ahyeon dives right off the table into Taehyung’s arms. “Appa, Ahyeon is now a successful super spy hero! I beat the big mission!”

“Great job Ahyeon, I’m very proud of you for saving Yoongi from Mr. Ocky.”

The little girl nods happily, giggling from Taehyung’s arms when Yoongi stands and rubs at his head, “Maybe cut her off on the Bondman movies? I’m not sure how many more spy missions I can endure.”

A raised brow from Taehyung has Yoongi’s eyes rolling as he waves them off. “Get out of my house, I have work to do.” As he collects all of the toys he has accumulated and drops them into the giant basket that was not there a few weeks ago. Taehyung mumbles something incoherent under his breath. Yoongi can deny it all he wants, but he’s taken a liking to this mission more than he intended to.

Jimin did not warn Jungkook that Namjoon was stopping by for their cooking lesson tonight. So when the door opens shortly after they’ve put their casserole into the oven, he’s so excited he slams the oven shut. Rushing right into his big brother for a hug, “You didn’t tell me you had days off, hyung!”

“I’m not off, we’re doing some work in Seoul for the next few weeks so I will be around.” he sniffs and nods, “Whatever you two are making smells good.”

Hoseok gestures Namjoon his direction from where he’s seated at the dining room table, “Let’s just hope it turns out as good as it smells. It’s been a rough week of lessons. My poor stomach—” getting smacked at the back of the head by Jimin was not when Hoseok expected. And Jungkook certainly wasn’t expecting Jimin to come to his defense the way that he does. “Cooking is hard, you’ve had the luxury of a private chef growing up and then a chef of a husband your entire life. Don’t be rude.”

Shaking his head, Namjoon is genuinely in shock, “Since when do you two get along?”

Both Jungkook and Jimin feel the smiles wipe right off of their faces. Arms crossed as they look opposite directions. Jungkook’s shy voice breaking through, “He’s just been helping me with my cooking so that I don’t make Taehyung and Ahyeon sick again.”

“Speaking of them—” Namjoon’s smile is now gone too. Leaning forward as he rubs over his mouth, “When can I meet them? It’s so strange to me that you claim to have been married for an entire year and I know nothing of it. And you have a step daughter? That you’re learning how to cook for? It’s like I don’t even know you anymore and yet we talk weekly. How has this never been brought up?”

The silence that fills the room is as awkward as Jungkook’s stomach twisting. He decides to simply remove himself and walk into the kitchen. It’s easier to simply not entertain the topic than to lie to his brother’s face. It would be even more embarrassing to tell him the truth. Yes hyung, I’m sorry, I lied. I’m still ridiculously undesirable and single and probably will end up a lonely retired member of the agency until I die—thanks for asking.

Jungkook knew it was a problem that day when Taehyung showed up here for the dinner party and his mind started swirling with crazy ideas about how he might have actually met a man who could be a serious partner. All of the sirens in the back of his mind were going off like crazy at the idea of even pretending to be married to such a handsome man. Every day that passes in this arrangement, where he wakes up to Taehyung and Ahyeon bickering about something or spending his evenings watching some spy show and playing games around the house—he’s realizing just how badly he does want those things, for real. Not, not necessarily saying he wants their arrangement to turn real, just that, he wishes one day, once this is all over. Maybe he could meet someone and have a chance to grow something like this, genuinely. With someone who wants him, because he’s him, not because it’s beneficial to their mutual plans.

So why is he taking these cooking lessons? What’s the point of it all anyway? What does it matter when the casserole is served and Namjoon and Hoseok and Jimin keep telling him how delicious it turned out? Even if he prepares the most luxurious dish every single night—one day, Ahyeon’s position in the academy will not rely on Jungkook’s presence in their family and the government will not always be suspicious of young men in their twenties. When that day comes, this would all have been for nothing.

The honeymoon phase is a real thing.

Even in arranged, fake marriages, of convenience. Because all of this time they’ve spent together so far has been one giant honeymoon phase and his brother’s appearance tonight was just a painful wake up call. One that has Jungkook dragging his feet the entire walk home. He’s not sure if he will even have it in him to prepare another meal. Ahyeon would probably prefer something else anyway—what child wants to be rewarded for entrance into an exceptional academy with a casserole of all things?

He's way over his head and deluded beyond belief if he thought for a second there was room for anything more to grow here. Turning onto their street, Ahyeon’s voice from behind him has Jungkook whipping around, “Papa! You’re home!” she climbs out of Taehyung’s arms and sprints up to him, little hand catching onto his own as they walk up the stairs, “Hi, Ahyeon. What did you and Appa do today?”

“I beat the bad Mr. Ocky and saved Scruffy Uncle from his hostitch!”

Taehyung’s laugh is deep and warm but not as warm as the touch of his fingers just barely guiding Jungkook inside their building by his lower back, “Hostage, Ahyeon. I’ve corrected you on that already.”

She waves a hand in annoyance and continues telling Jungkook all about her day, before excitedly asking, “What are you making me for my celebration dinner? And can we have dessert after?”


This is so bad.

Because all of this stuff that Jungkook has done so far wasn’t for nothing. The cuts on his fingers and the embarrassing cooking lessons with Jimin. They weren’t for nothing at all, they were for her. For them. And he’s going to have to find a way to get over it, but for now he only smiles. “I’ve got a yummy dish planned and if you still have room for it afterwards, we can maybe all make cookies together?” his eyes nervously flicker to Taehyung.

The man who’s just barely discarded his jacket as he faces them in surprise, “You want me to help too?”

“My lessons are going well but…I haven’t quite started the baking practice yet and the ones you made a few weeks ago were delicious.”

Taehyung’s eyes soften, before sharpening again, brows furrowed as he takes quick steps closer, “Is that where you’ve been every night for the last two weeks? Taking cooking lessons?”

God, why can’t he ever just keep his mouth shut? It’s too late now, so he places Ahyeon back to her feet and begins pulling out all of the stuff for the casserole. “Yes, Jimin has been helping me.”

At first Taehyung doesn’t say anything. He only nods and disappears, likely changing out of the suit he’s been wearing since he woke up. Jungkook has just finished chopping up the vegetables when Taehyung is back in the kitchen. Plain white t-shirt that hugs his frame soooooo well, Jungkook has to majorly refrain himself from taking in the sight of it too much. The hand on his elbow is gentle when Taehyung turns him, “Jimin? Is that the guy who was awful to you the night we met? Why on earth are you taking cooking lessons from him? You don’t need lessons. I have no problem cooking our dinners. I’d much rather cook them myself than think about you being around someone who speaks to you so carelessly.”

It’s so much further gone than he realized..

Taehyung truly has no idea how quickly Jungkook can slip into delusion.

How easy it is for him to cling to something he shouldn’t.

Shaking his head, and tugging his arm back to himself gently, Jungkook continues working on the dish with a soft laugh, “Honestly, he isn’t all that bad. I’ve known him and his husband Hoseok for a long time. Hoseok and my older brother Namjoon are best friends. Jimin is…less than friendly from time to time, but it’s mostly because he keeps a brick wall up. Coming from an elite family, he’s used to people coming after him for all the wrong reasons—so I don’t blame him for it.”

“Yeah well I—”

"And he’s been really nice to me the entire time I’ve been taking lessons from him.” Jungkook cannot stand the feeling of his cheeks heating this way. “I mean it.”

“Alright.” Taehyung nods and looks out into the living room where Ahyeon is coloring on the floor. “I’m happy to help with cookie making after dinner. Do I need to run to the store and grab anything while the food cooks?”

“I don’t think so, we should have everything, but you can check just to be sure.”

While he does that, Jungkook hurries to clean the mess he made. Taking himself to finally change into more comfortable clothes once he’s done and allowing a few moments to catch his breath. Face first on his bed as he groans, no-one warned him that he would grow to adore his fake family so much in just a small amount of time.

How is he ever supposed to let them go?

Taehyung is reading over some information on Evara academy and imperial scholars when Jungkook returns to the kitchen. Getting out the casserole and plating it up, determination obvious on his face as he does. Fixing his eyes back on the files in front of him, Taehyung has to snap himself back to focus. He can’t allow himself to be distracted by nonsense lines of thinking. Nonsense like thinking about if Jungkook ever feels cold in that sweater he loves to wear at home. With it’s slightly dipped neckline and the way it sort of hangs off of his shoulders. Does he have any idea the way Taehyung struggles to focus on anything when he’s wearing it?

Thankfully, Ahyeon’s excited rambling about school on Monday, does a great job of bringing him down to reality. Reality which is the fact that this home they’ve all found themselves comfortable in is only temporary. Windows and rooms to pass through on the way to a peaceful future. That’s all that this is. No matter how beautiful the man that sits across from him is, or how endearing the little girl who’s eyes sparkle every time she calls him “Appa.” It must be something happening as he grows older, the inability to detach. All of the time spent together at home isn’t helping. Ahyeon’s days being taken by the academy will help majorly and if Taehyung is able to throw himself into other side missions, detaching himself will be so easy.

But for now, he only wants to bask in it for a little while longer.

He and Ahyeon both make nervous eye contact after plates are put in front of them; Jungkook hasn’t even breathed since he sat down. Only finally exhaling nervously, “Please do try it…I worked really hard on it.”

Taehyung has his utensils full, when Ahyeon immediately shovels a giant chunk into her mouth. With bated breath, and admittedly preparing for the Heimlich maneuver, he is relieved and excited when her face lights up. Eyes falling on Jungkook immediately, “Papa, it’s really good!”

“Is it?” his face is all glowy and pink when he looks to Taehyung, who realizes that even if this is the worst food he’s ever eaten in his life. He’s going to have to say it’s amazing because there’s no way he could be responsible for Jungkook loosing that shine. Taking his own bite, his eyes do widen and fall to Ahyeon who is looking at him proudly. “Jungkook, it’s delicious. Seriously .”

“Oh my god. That’s fantastic.” his arms fold in his lap as he smiles down at his plate. “At least these lessons haven’t been useless after-all. Maybe I’ll make this again when my brother comes to visit.”

Taehyung nearly chokes on the second mouthful. Eyes widening, “Your brother? The one who works for the government?”

“Yes.” Jungkook nods nervously. Dragging his utensils across the plate, “He’s suspicious of it all. If my own brother is suspicious, I can only imagine how others feel. He wants to meet the two of you and I think it only makes sense. You know, married and family and all of that.”

Enjoying their dinner, or at least trying to. Ahyeon sometimes wishes her Appa and P would say their thoughts out loud. It’s quite frustrating to hear the words leave their mouths that are entirely different from the ones in their mind. Like the way her P says his brother is a nice man who will love them but his insides are terrified that Namjoon will call in a hit against them.

Her tiny heart pounds at the thought of this new uncle not liking them. When Appa says something about being excited to meet a family member, but really he’s already mapping out all of the back up plans he will have in place, should he have to end their meeting abruptly.

Ahyeon, has a headache.

Belly full, she climbs down from her chair and flops onto the sofa. “Call when cookies are done, Ahyeon would like to relax and not bake.”

Taehyung and Jungkook both share some soft laughs as they clear the table together. Jungkook is getting out everything needed for the cookies while Taehyung washes up the dishes that have already been used. Moving around this kitchen together, with nothing filling the space except for Ahyeon’s spy TV show — Taehyung finds himself trying to remember what he did on nights like this one months ago.

Likely, he grabbed dinner at some quick shop before getting home, doing some research and going to straight to sleep. At least, on the days that weren’t overran with back to back missions. This is by far the most laxed yet simultaneously intricate mission he has ever taken on. The lax, in terms of no weapons or fighting, for the most part — is combated by the fact that he is living 24/7 in his role. His role of the father and his role as the husband. Some days it all seems strange and he can’t shake how out of place he feels. But other days, days like this one? It comes way too easily.

When Jungkook is combining the dry ingredients and accidentally turns the mixer immediately to high speed. Sending baking powder and brown sugar flying all over the room. Including his clothes and face. Taehyung is wheezing so hard his stomach hurts. Leaning forward, he wipes over Jungkook’s powder-covered eyes gently with his thumbs. “Maybe…the lessons are a good thing. Have you and Jimin not covered mixer speeds?”

“We have.” Jungkook huffs. Taehyung can literally feel the cheeks heating up under his palms as he continues helping clean him of his mess. The man in front of him voices softly, “My finger slipped, I didn’t mean to put it on the highest interval.”

“We can start over, I’ll hand mix everything until we add in enough of the wet ingredients to get a solid dough that won’t end up flying everywhere.” Stepping back, his eyes move from Jungkook’s face, down his body and back up, unconsciously. Taehyung whips his attention to the bowl in front of him so fast, “Why don’t you go change and I’ll get started on that?”

“I’ll wait until after they’re in the oven to change…just in case.”

As they are scooping the dough into perfectly shaped circles and hearts and stars and placing them on the baking sheet—Jungkook discovers that Taehyung learned how to cook at a very young age. He’s not sure what would have prompted a young boy to learn how to cook and he doesn’t feel like asking. Mostly because he doesn’t want Taehyung to turn and ask any questions about his childhood. There is something bothering him. Something he hasn’t stopped thinking about since he moved in here. Finally Feeling comfortable enough where they stand huddled together over this counter, he takes the chance to ask quietly, “Um…does Ahyeon ever ask about her mom? I mean, your um ex-wife or… current wife? I’m not sure how that works when someone passes…I’m sorry if this is insensitive. I just wondered because I expected you to have pictures or something…”

Taehyung’s response comes quickly, as if he somehow anticipated Jungkook’s curiosity. “Ahyeon was so little when she passed, she doesn’t have many memories at all of her and I myself have never been big on pictures anyway. When she’s older, I’ll help her with any questions she ever has about her life before—but for right now, she’s comfortable as things are so I like to keep them that way.” It isn’t a complete lie. Even if Taehyung feels guilty afterwards.

He’s never felt guilty about lying before. Especially not in terms of a mission. Yet when Jungkook fixes those curious eyes on him, Taehyung seriously struggles to keep the whole farce together. Would it really be so bad? To let Jungkook know the truth, now that they’re in it? Obviously not every sliver of the truth can be shared…but enough that his stomach doesn’t churn into knots knowing Jungkook is worried about them grieving the loss of someone who never existed.

But the truth is complicated.

The truth would make this thing between them complicated.

Taehyung can’t afford complicated.

Operation Pere can’t afford anymore complications than it’s already had.

But the gentle way Jungkook looks at him, eyes faltering from his eyes to his mouth back up to his eyes, standing so near one another that their arms are brushing, just makes Taehyung wonder if it’d be worth the complication—if it would allow him to close that gap between them. It’s been so long since he had the urge to close a gap in this way. The oven timer letting them know it’s ready is the bucket of cold water Taehyung needed.

Jungkook too, apparently because he quickly removes himself, “Thank you for your help, Taehyung—I’m going to change out of these dirty clothes.”

“Of course.” Once the tray is in the oven, Taehyung folds his arms on the counter and buries his face over them. Something has to be done about this feeling Jungkook elicits inside of him and he doesn’t like any of the options that his mind deems acceptable.


Jungkook spent extra time doing Ahyeon’s hair for her first day of school. Fixing her little accessories on each side of her head, his heart does more than a flutter when she’s on her feet and spins to look at him, “How do I look Papa? Ready for this big mission?”

He finds it so endearing the way she refers to everything exciting in life as a mission. Even if it’s the result of way too much television. Crouching in front of her he gently holds onto the sides of her arms, “You look absolutely lovely, Ahyeon-ah and I know you’re going to be amazing at school. So please have a lot of fun and behave for your instructors, okay?”

Her eyes widen as she pouts, “Aren’t you going to walk with me and Appa to school?”

It wasn’t in his plan, especially because he has work this morning. But the pleading way she bats her lashes and holds onto his shoulders makes Jungkook feel as if he doesn’t really have a choice, “Let me make a call to work and tell them I’ll be a few minutes late.”

Taehyung standing in the doorway, knocks gently, “You don’t have to do that Jungkook, I don’t want to inconvenience you more than we already have.”

Ahyeon sends him a glare that has Taehyung’s arms raising in defeat, “I mean…we would be absolutely devastated if you don’t join us on the walk to school. Please call your boss immediately.”

Giggling, Jungkook exits Ahyeon’s room to hide in his own and make the call. He’s never been late for anything in his entire life…but there’s a first time for everything and this seems like a valid reason to be late. It also helps his cover after-all. Letting them know he is late due to his daughter’s first day of school…so it simply seems like the correct thing to do. Definitely has absolutely nothing to do with the pounding in his heart that hasn’t stopped since he and Taehyung baked together last night.

Ahyeon takes one of each of their hands as they walk, saying all kinds of things about school and wanting to have a lot of fun. But her ramblings are cut off by Appa’s loud thoughts. Panicking about some kind of stars and bad behavior bolts and some boy named Suwon that’s a really important part of the big mission. Ahyeon doesn’t entirely understand all of what he’s thinking, but she knows for sure that she needs to work super hard to keep the mission going in the right path. Most importantly because she doesn’t want to be sent away and if they do a bad job, she’ll lose both her Appa and her P. She’s known way too many mean people to go anywhere else. Ahyeon already loves them sooooo much.

Outside of the gates where all of the commuter parents are sending off their kids, Ahyeon’s hands tighten on both of theirs when they come to a stop. Suddenly all of the excitement she was buzzing with on their walk disappears. Taehyung can see all over her face how terrified she is and that’s not how he wants her to feel. Even if he himself is terrified, this should be fun for her. To some extent, so long as she studies well and does as she’s asked.

She’ll get to make new friends and learn much more than she was under the care of that drunken moron at the orphanage. Kneeling in front of her, he straightens out the sweater over her uniform dress and smiles, “Papa did a great job on your hair didn’t he? You look lovely. Go on and have a good first day. I’ll be here to pick you up after school.”

Watching Ahyeon run off after giving them each a hug, Taehyung had intended to find a way to keep an eye on her throughout her first day. But for some reason, he feels like it would only be necessary for a husband to walk their partner to work as well. For the sake of their image, with so many others close by—it just makes sense, as he reaches a cautious hand down to Jungkook’s that was still hanging from Ahyeon’s release. He definitely isn’t going to lace their fingers…that would be too much. But he does keep a gentle hold on it as they begin walking.

Jungkook’s face is far too red for someone who is supposed to be married. Taehyung pulls him the tiniest bit closer, “Every now and then, it’s probably good if we actually behave like husband’s, don’t you think?”

There’s a moment of hesitation that Taehyung can’t really figure out how to read before Jungkook nods and faces ahead of them. “Right. Of course. Um, I will be going to work now though—”

“I’m aware, I figured I would walk with you there.”

“Oh. Alright. You, well, you don’t have to, Taehyung, I know you’re busy yourself.”

He laughs softly, trying not to think about how warm Jungkook’s hand feels inside of his own and instead focus on the people around them. Taking in the sights and the conversations and the aesthetics. He’s not surprised there’s no sign of the Choi family, but it was worth scanning the crowd anyway. Before fixing his eyes on Jungkook’s shy ones, Taehyung voices softly, “I took today off just in case Ahyeon has any issues on her first day. So I don’t mind walking with you. I’ll also prepare dinner tonight so don’t worry about stopping at the market on your way home, I’ll take care of it.”

“You know, this was intended to be a mutually beneficial arrangement. But sometimes it feels as if I’m the only one benefiting at all. You’re so helpful to me—” the hand holding his own loosens. Jungkook figured after a short time Taehyung would let go anyway. So he’s really surprised when the man locks their fingers together instead. Tugging Jungkook even closer to his side as they walk, “Most days Ahyeon gets to stay home with you while I’m working. That alone is more than I could ever repay you for. Yoongi is a great baby sitter but I think he’d cut me off entirely if I put her on him too much. You also are incredibly helpful with her studies, you’ve done our laundry for the last few weeks without even asking. There’s several ways that we help out each other. Don’t worry too much about the logistics of everything. For as long as this goes on, you are my husband and I am yours and we will just have to trust that each other is carrying their own weight without keeping tabs. Okay?”

Approaching the city hall building, Jungkook reluctantly pulls his hand to himself. Some of the ladies he works with are standing near the door and speaking something under their breath. It’s so frustrating that they can’t just mind their own damn business. Taehyung leans into his ear, mimicking the action of a kiss but really all he does is whisper softly, “Have a great day. I’ll see you at home.” When he walks away, he takes off his hat and waves at the women who suddenly are blushing and smiling instead of scowling.

Jungkook f*cking hates it here but watching Taehyung walk away knowing that for all intents and purposes, that man is his ‘husband’ …feels nicer than he will ever admit out loud. Though Jimin does it for him, lightly pressing his hip against Jungkook’s when they meet on the stairs, “It’s annoying that your husband is so f*cking hot. I can’t even make fun of you for anything involving him.”

“I thought we were past the making fun of me stage?” Jimin flashes half of a smile at him as he opens the door for both of them, “You need to do more than bake a successful casserole to be freed entirely of my torment, Kook.”

Most of the time, Taehyung isn’t bothered by any of the disguises he takes on. This stuffy janitorial uniform however, is not quite hitting the mark. Probably because the man he swindled it from is barely tall enough to reach his shoulders. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough to get him where he needs to be to keep an eye on Ahyeon.

More importantly, to confirm that Choi Suwon is indeed in her class, before he mentions the child’s name to her. If W.I.S.E’s intel is wrong and the child isn’t even enrolled at Evara, this would all be for nothing. W.I.S.E’s intel is never wrong. Taehyung knows that, but he has to check anyway. For the sake of Operation Pere. Definitely not because he’s terrified of the thought of Ahyeon being in a classroom filled with snotty entitled brats who have never had to think twice about anything in their lives. He doesn’t care enough to worry about things like that.

Upon the realization that each classroom is locked, heavily. Taehyung ultimately ditches the uncomfortable jumpsuit and escorts himself out. It doesn’t take long to find a suitable rooftop nearby. One with the perfect view of the recess quad where the kids should play for their gym time with weather as beautiful as they have right now. His assumption was right, after a couple of hours waiting he finally lands eyes on Ahyeon for the first time since this morning.

She’s walking closely with another young girl and they seem to be talking intently about something. It mustn’t be too serious, judging by their smiles and the way Ahyeon’s hands flail as they talk. However, walking towards a bench to sit, they are stopped by three young men. One of them, Taehyung recognizes instantaneously. Racking through his brain and finding the very file he’s had reserved since this mission was assigned. Choi Suwon. The second son to the despicable Choi Dowon. Only five months older than Ahyeon and clearly now her classmate. His confirmation is completed…there’s no reason for him to stay on this rooftop any longer.

Yet he finds himself lingering just until the moment the children are ushered back inside. He’s not close enough to actually hear her, but the smile and way she throws her little head of pink hair backwards has the sound of Ahyeon’s laugh ringing in his mind. Taehyung feels relieved that she seems to be having a smooth first day.

Jungkook originally was going to head straight home after work today, but he’s got more than enough time to meet Taehyung and Ahyeon at the school grounds to walk home together. Maybe it’s a silly thing to do and a bit much. But Taehyung seems to be taking a lot of liberties in terms of their marriage, so why shouldn’t he be allowed the same? Even if just for the sake of not sitting at home alone wishing he had went to meet with them. He lingers on his walk over, there’s at least an hour before she will be dismissed so he doesn’t want to be too early. Truthfully, Jungkook has never been the type to go on walks simply to walk.

So this is a very weird feeling he finds himself in, as he begins to follow the path that will lead him through the beautiful park nearest the academy. Sometimes, in split second moments like this one, he wonders what his life would be like had he never begun working for the agency. Would he take walks more often? Would he already be married seriously by now? The cold hard truth is that had he never worked for the agency, he and Namjoon both would’ve died one way or another. Whether it be starvation or someone seeking revenge for their family’s long standing relationship with the agency.

Being apart from the life of an assassin was never an option for his future, but it is nice to fantasize about a time where it could’ve been. A time where he could’ve stumbled into a handsome man on the street, maybe they’d have coffee or go for a dinner and a movie. Spending time together slowly between evenings after their mundane jobs just barely scraping by but they were happy because they had each other. He doesn’t even realize he’s cast an image on his anonymous fantasy lover.

Until the very man of that imagination is standing in front of him.

Not literally. He’s actually quite a distance away. But never far enough to evade Jungkook’s eyes. Especially not when he’s with someone. Jungkook didn’t know Taehyung knew how to play tennis and he certainly had no idea that the man had plans to play such a sport today. His suit from this morning has since been discarded and swapped out for some athletic wear and sneakers Jungkook doesn’t recall seeing in their shoe closet.

The closer he allows himself to get, he realizes the woman Taehyung is playing tennis with is rather stunning. With short black hair that dusts right above her shoulders. Her own athletic wear fitting her form beautifully. Jungkook hates the nasty feeling he feels inside of himself. Hates the way it whips and curls and threatens to explode. Every lob over the net that’s returned by Taehyung’s awaiting racket has his breath lodged in his throat. The urge to approach them is strong but nowhere near as strong as the humiliation he’d feel if he did.

There’s absolutely no reason for Taehyung’s fake husband, who only exists for convenience, to interrupt what appears to be a date? Maybe. He’d like to think it isn’t, but Jungkook isn’t naïve. If Taehyung kept it to himself and aligned it for a time when both Jungkook and Ahyeon would be busy—the chances of it being a date are far too high for him to let himself think about. Which is why he chooses not to interrupt them, even if it feels like torture walking the opposite direction. Maybe, he is better off just walking home after-all. Taehyung doesn’t need his assistance retrieving his own daughter from school and Jungkook needed this rude awakening, whether he wanted it or not.

“Is the operation moving forward as intended?”

“It is. However, I worry about if Ahyeon will be able to succeed in earning the accolades needed to be invited to the super giant gala. Has the handler sent you with anything regarding that?”

A different ball is smacked at him that Taehyung switches with one of his own so quickly, he’s certain if anyone were in the vicinity they wouldn’t be capable of seeing it. Nightfall has always had a knack for hiding transmissions in unorthodox ways, but there’s only so many justifications for splitting open a tennis ball. Thankfully, he retrieves the notice swift enough. Discarding of the destroyed ball into the bag he brought and tucking the notice into his jacket pocket. “Was there anything else needed of me at this time?”

The woman shrugs, tossing up another serve with a smile, “Other than me winning this final set before parting ways, no.”

Time to kill and not wanting to be suspicious are the only things keeping Taehyung on this court. He enjoys most of his W.I.S.E colleagues but he doesn’t enjoy fraternizing with them outside of work. It’s too risky. Too dangerous. He works alone for a reason.

Yoongi is the exception of course.

Well, and apparently Jungkook and Ahyeon now too. But they don’t belong to W.I.S.E. They belong to him. Well, his mission. They’re freed once this is over and there’s very little risk involved with them. Although, little risk is never zero risk. Because Nightfall stops mid serve. Eyes glancing towards the walking path and back to Taehyung. “Twilight, are you being trailed?”

“Huh?” He whips around quickly. He absolutely was not being trailed. It’s impossible for him to be trailed. The only person who has ever manage to go unnoticed by him is… “Jungkook?” shaking his head as he watches the man’s pace increase the direction of the park exit. Taehyung quickly gathers his things into the bag over his shoulder. Turning to his colleague with a nod, “I’ll take care of it. Thanks for the successful match.”

“Of course. I count this as a win by the way.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” he waves her on and tries not to make it obvious the way he runs. Slowing down once he’s close enough and gently hooking a hand around Jungkook’s elbow, “Hey, I thought you were working?”

“I was and then I wasn’t.” Jungkook pulls his arm away from Taehyung’s hold. Eyes fixed on the crosswalk. “I had no idea you were here, I wasn’t trying to impede on anything.”

“You weren’t impeding on anything. You could never.” Taehyung’s brows furrow, “Have I upset you?”

“No. Of course not. I was on my way home and decided to take a more scenic route. You’ve done nothing.”

Taehyung doesn’t believe him and it takes less than a few seconds of looking over Jungkook’s unreadable face and hesitant body language, to realize, “She is one of my coworkers. We play tennis from time to time. That’s all.”

“An explanation is not necessary and you certainly do not owe one to me.”

This is the most hostile Jungkook has ever spoken to him. Taehyung can’t handle the brick wall that’s suddenly between them. Operation Pere is heavily reliant on there being no brick walls separating their family. It’s his responsibility to keep both his daughter and husband happy. Which he can’t do if Jungkook puts a blockade up. “I know I don’t owe you one, but as your husband, I wanted to make sure you weren’t misunderstanding anything. I am many things but unfaithful is not one of them.”

Scoffing as they cross the street, Jungkook mutters under his breath, “You have no reason to be faithful to me.” but Taehyung brings him to a complete stop once they’re on the sidewalk again. Taking hold of his left hand and bringing the ring that sits there up to eye level, “I very much do have a reason to be faithful to you. Will you walk with me to pick up Ahyeon?”

“No.” Jungkook exhales shakily. “I think I would rather head straight home.”

“Is there anything I can do to convince you otherwise?”

It’s so important.

Taehyung can’t f*ck this up.

For the mission.

But the man only offers a half smile. Head shaking as he removes his hand from Taehyung’s grasp, “I’m sorry Taehyung-ssi. I would prefer to go home. Please walk safely with Miss Ahyeon. I look forward to hearing about her day.”

Taehyung is beyond frustrated with himself and it’s the only thing he can think about as he walks. It’s obvious that Jungkook is upset for some reason, but if he insists it was nothing that Taehyung did, he really shouldn’t cause too much of a fuss. After-all, it’s not as if Jungkook owes him any explanations either.

If he doesn’t want to spend any additional time with them, such as walking together unnecessarily, he isn’t obligated too and it’s ridiculous for Taehyung to try to insist on it. Although, the more he thinks of it, he can’t help but wonder what the sudden hostility was for anyway. It was foolish to think any such feelings were brought on by jealousy over Nightfall…but he’s struggling to piece together any alternatives.

Jungkook is a mystery like none he’s ever encountered in his lifetime, even pre-espionage. The only human Taehyung has ever met that he simply cannot read their intentions with a glance or two. It’s beyond infuriating and he can’t wrap his mind around it at all. Which makes it increasingly difficult to move forward and be a successful part of this forged marriage.

Ahyeon has been silent for much of their walk, which isn’t helping Taehyung’s stress levels. Has he somehow, in the span of a few hours, completely dismantled the foundation they have been working on for months? No. It hasn’t happened in a few hours. There was no proper foundation to begin with. He’s done a horrible job of cementing their role and lives together as a family. If he has any intention on being successful, that has to change. Starting now.

Suddenly being lifted into Appa’s arms is a relief, because Ahyeon is tired from walking all day and working hard in her gym class. But his thoughts are distracting, since he is feeling a lot of bad things. If Appa and Papa are fighting that means their family might not last for a really long time and Ahyeon just… just …she needs their family to last. With the mission and all!

Clinging to Taehyung’s neck, she speaks softly, “My class mates really like dogs. I think—I think if I like dogs too, I might be able to be friends with more of them.”

“There are other ways to form friendship, Ahyeon. Don’t worry, it was only your first day.”

“I don’t think you and Papa should have fights.”

He feels embarrassing heat spread up the back of his neck and burning to the very tips of his ears, laughing it off to the best of his ability as they reach the super market, “Papa and I aren’t fighting, why would you think that?”

“Just, everyone has lovey lovey parents so.”

Ahh, that makes sense after-all. As they make their way through the market grabbing the few things needed for dinner. Taehyung can understand why Ahyeon would suggest it. She may be a bit chaotic from time to time but the child is definitely smart enough to understand the importance of their family unit. If even Ahyeon can see the cracks in their weak foundation, anyone can. Which is just more proof that he has to make things right. Especially before Jungkook’s brother comes to meet them in a few of months.

Laying face first in his bed, the only way to describe this knot twisting inside of him is idiotic regret. This has all turned into such a giant mistake and Jungkook is allowing his own feelings of longing interfere with the purpose of this arrangement to begin with. If he starts making Taehyung’s life harder with his attitude, there will really be no purpose to continue this further. Even if Jungkook himself wonders if he should be continuing it at all…he knows that he needs this. The only way he can successfully carry on killing is if his cover isn’t blown. What’s more suspicious than a single man in his late twenties? A divorced man in his late twenties.

He cannot let that happen.

The sound of their front door opening brings Jungkook to his feet. He still needs to workout that aching feeling in his chest but for now, his focus is knowing how Ahyeon did today. Except the moment he’s in the living room and Taehyung’s eyes lock onto his own, that aching is back. Vicious questions about the woman and their tennis playing habits circling his mind against his will.

All he can think about is how much time Taehyung spends with that woman.

Is she his type?

Is that the type of woman he would marry for real?

His brain does even worse by wondering what Taehyung’s previous wife was like. After-all, it’s not as if he divorced her. The unthinkable happened and ripped her from him. Jungkook is simply a placeholder to carry-out the vision she had for their child. He’s an idiot to care as much as he does. But Ahyeon jumps into his arms and he can’t stop himself from hugging her enthusiastically, even if it’s really starting to hurt, “How was your first day?!”

She goes on and on and on. About the math class and the language class and a girl named Bomi that she really likes. Apparently they were served a luxury lunch and all of the kids in her class really like dogs. Which leads to her batting her lashes and speaking quietly, “You should help me convince Appa to get a dog.”

It’s adorable that Ahyeon thinks Jungkook has the power to convince Taehyung of anything.

Ahyeon’s brows cinch together, little hands reaching up to pinch his cheeks, “Appa just wants to make Papa happy, so he would say yes if you asked.”

Taehyung who joins them in the living room, flopping back onto the sofa with a deep chuckle, “What will Appa say yes to?”

Her smirk stretches across her entire face as Jungkook shakes his head, “Ahyeon seems to think that a dog would help her be successful in her studies.”

“Ahyeon…” Taehyung eyes her. Watching the way her smirk fades into a pout. She needs to put her focus on making friends with the Choi son, not getting a pet. Ahyeon’s eyes round out as she leans further into Jungkook’s hold. “The second son likes dogs too Appa.”

Taehyung and Jungkook both share a confused look. Taehyung ultimately rubbing both hands over his face as he stands, “I’ll tell you what. Let’s see how your first month of classes go. If you do well, maybe we can get a dog.”

Bouncing and jumping in place, doing a little dance and spinning on her heels, Ahyeon sprints into Taehyung’s legs. “Thank you, thank you, I’ll do well in my studies. I will! I’ll even get one of those star thingies.”

Jungkook’s gaze lifts from where he’s seated on the floor and Taehyung is so relieved to see a smile on his face again, that he’d consider getting a dog right now if it keeps it there. This is going to very quickly become a problem. He makes his way to begin cooking their dinner, but not without sending a firm glare Ahyeon’s way, “Let’s not be overzealous in our expectations. Do well on your assignments until….” he looks over at the calendar, trying to decide on a good date. When his eyes fall on a note recently added by Jungkook. “…until the day that your new uncle comes to visit. You have to behave on that day too. Then, and only then, will we get a dog.”

The little girl gives him a solid salute before immediately running to her room. Jungkook laughs softly as he follows behind her and into his own room as well. Taehyung isn’t sure at all what Ahyeon is up to with this dog nonsense, but at this point he doesn’t know how to start rebuilding their foundation as a family.

Maybe this will be a good place to start.


Bringing himself to accept the nature of their relationship was the best thing Jungkook could’ve done. The last few months have been lovely, without all of the added pressure he felt to be the perfect husband. If he’s entirely honest with himself, thinks this way works out better for Ahyeon too. She doesn’t need to see any of what might have transpired had he acted on those rash emotions the day he saw Taehyung on his tennis date.

If Jungkook had let himself act out of the heat of the moment, he might’ve cost himself days like this one. Where Ahyeon is out of school early so they all went out for lunch together. Her and Jungkook walking Taehyung to the hospital for his evening shift before spending the rest of their day out in the city together. Even if it was a bit chaotic following her around the small festival that was being held, Jungkook has enjoyed this day more than he initially thought he would.

He feels so many things watching Ahyeon play carelessly. A lot of those feelings surrounding his brother. The sudden realization that tomorrow is the day Namjoon will be back in Seoul to visit them has his heart pounding. Chasing after Ahyeon who is currently making rounds to every person in the park that has a dog. Showing them her uniform and then explaining how she too will have a dog soon. Jungkook almost catches himself wondering where her outgoing nature comes from, but it must be from her mother. Considering Taehyung is the very opposite of outgoing, especially in public.

A soft whistle is all he has to do to get her attention. She comes barreling into him and startling the women who just walked up beside them. “Papa are we leaving?”

“Yes, we need to stop by the market and get groceries for this week. Especially because my brother is coming to visit tomorrow.”

Ahyeon’s face lights up in excitement, “Yes!! A new uncle! Scruffy gets kind of grumpy sometimes. I hope this new uncle isn’t grumpy.”

Namjoon isn’t grumpy…but sometimes he isn’t exactly the biggest ball of sunshine. And he’s kind of suspicious of this whole situation anyway. But Ahyeon doesn’t need to know that. Jungkook only smiles down at her and takes her hand into his own, “Come on, let’s go. If we get home at a good time I’ll tell you all about your new uncle.”

He misses the way her expression has fallen to that of dread.

Ahyeon is now scared to meet the new uncle.

Grocery shopping is so boring.

Walking up and down the isles, Ahyeon just wants to go back outside. Fidgeting in place, her little legs can hardly take it! She clutches onto Jungkook’s wrist and smiles, “Can I go play outside while you pay for the stuffs?”

“Only if you stay right in front of the market where I can see you through the glass, okay?”

Nodding enthusiastically she’s gone in the blink of an eye. Jungkook isn’t sure if Ahyeon is so antsy when she goes out in public alone with Taehyung, but if she just needs a few minutes to burn off some energy, he doesn’t mind.

Or he didn’t mind.

That is until he has their bags in hand and cannot spot that little pink head of hair anywhere on this sidewalk. The panic that rushes throughout his entire body is quickly taken over by rage. Feels the way his eyes darken and the familiar fire of his instincts spreading before he can stop it. A few quick steps is all it takes before he just barely out of his peripheral catches the gold and black trim of her uniform disappearing behind a fence on the back of this row of buildings.

Upon getting closer he can hear the four morons that thought taking her was a good idea already discussing all of the things they’ll do with the money they get from her ‘rich kid family’. Jungkook wishes he had the capability to have some semblance of patience. He has absolutely none. Especially not when the people he loves are involved.

In one quick motion he’s blasting the guy closest to him with the brown bag full of their groceries. Sending him flying into the fence and unconscious when he lands amongst all of the goods that flung out from the impact. The other three turn around in fear at the sound. Although the one who’s got his grip over Ahyeon’s mouth, raises his brows with a smirk, “Move along Mr. Nice Guy. We’ve got business with the kid and her parents, not you.”

Picking up the watermelon that rolled near his feet, he chucks it Jungkook’s direction. Jungkook who with all of the precision in his body, slices his hand dead through the center. So close to the man’s throat, he’s almost positive he soiled himself. “What the f*ck is your problem, man?

Did he just shatter a watermelon with his bare hand?”

“All over a dumb f*cking kid—”

Jungkook’s blood is boiling hotter and hotter the longer these idiots stand here. “That kid is my daughter and if you three don’t get out of here right this second, you’ll be far worse off than the watermelon. Go! Now!"

They scramble quicker than he expected them to, he was entirely prepared to eliminate them entirely. He’d risk being exposed if it meant keeping Ahyeon safe. Ahyeon who is rubbing at her tear filled eyes and sniffling as soon as Jungkook scoops her into his arms. “Shhh, you’re okay sweetheart, I’m sorry, I should not have let you out of my sight.”

He looks around at the ground and sighs, “Our groceries are ruined…gah, I’m so bad at this step-father thing.”

Ahyeon hugs him around the shoulders and squeezes so tight he gasps, “I like my P the way he is. Because he’s really funny and watches shows with me and is super strong and powerful!” She jolts out of his arms. Legs staggered and arms up in the air in a goofy pose as she sharpens her gaze, “Papa, I need you to give me lessons so bad guys can’t get me again and ruin the big mission!”

Cleaning up the last of the mess he made, Jungkook takes a firm hold of her hand as they head right back into the market they left out of. “I’ll tell you what, let’s try to get this shopping done again and if we get home with enough time before Appa’s off of work. We can do some training. How does that sound?”

She lifts her free hand into a chopping motion, making a satisfied grunting noise as they enter. Taehyung might have a serious problem with Jungkook teaching her any bits of fighting—but if her proximity to the wealthy people behind Evara Academy puts her in danger like this…he really feels that it’s necessary.

Spending his day trailing the secret police isn’t exactly the type of espionage Taehyung likes to partake in. Alas, it is unfortunately a part of his job and a part that he is glad, for today at least, is over. Dragging his feet towards home, he is hoping that the energy of their house is the same as it has been for a while now. It hasn’t been perfect by any means but he and Jungkook both seem to have settled into this finally.

All of the weird moments of confusing feelings are in the past behind them and it’s definitely for the better of their family unit as a whole. The Kim’s have never been stronger. Which is why he decided to pick up take out for dinner. Jungkook has been seriously carrying the brunt of the cooking load…even if it’s just the same few meals over and over again. It doesn’t taste rancid and Ahyeon seems to really enjoy it. So it’s fine, they all deserve a little junk food before the stress that will become them tomorrow.

For Taehyung? The stress starts tonight.

Right now.

As he enters the house to find Jungkook and Ahyeon doing various exercises. Shadowing fight stances and punch positions and Taehyung isn’t sure how long he just watches from the door way before Ahyeon looks at him, “Hi Appa, I got kidnapped by bad guys today but don’t worry because Papa saved me and now he’s helping me be strong too!”

The take out bag falls to the floor.

Jungkook quickly turning to face him with red eyes, “I’m so sorry, Tae—it was my fault, I shouldn’t have taken my eyes off of her for even a second…and they, it was the uniform. They thought—but I obviously stopped them and—”

“You should’ve seen it! The ugly guy with the orange hair had a watermelon like this…” She grabs one of her bouncy balls and tosses it into the air. "But Papa was like, ‘no-one hurts my cutest daughter Ahyeon’ huah!” she punches the ball until it rolls down the hallway. Leaving both Taehyung and Jungkook standing there with amusem*nt on their faces. Taehyung looking to Jungkook’s nervous eyes with a warm smile, “Thank you for protecting her and you don’t need to apologize. If there’s anyone I trust to keep Ahyeon safe other than myself, it’s you.”

While cleaning up for dinner, Taehyung notices how quiet the living room has become. Ahyeon seemingly disappearing into her room while the sound of the shower running tells him Jungkook is washing up. He’s not sure how on earth Jungkook managed to fend off a mob of kidnappers, but what he does know is that he’s so grateful Jungkook is the one he chose to embark on this marriage mission with. Ahyeon’s safety is more important than all of this together.

That’s the whole point of the operation, after-all. To keep the future safe and kids are the future. Of course.

Speaking of the little wanna be mercenary—a new episode of her favorite show is starting any minute. Taehyung carefully opens the door to her bedroom, expecting her to come sprinting in time to catch it. But what he finds is her fast asleep at her desk.

Stepping closer to clean up the remnants of her doodles, he doesn’t find doodles. He finds one of her coursework books and a tiny note that’s hardly legible at all. Very gently does he lift Ahyeon and carry her to her bed. Tucking her in securely and chuckling to himself when she sleepily grumbles something about ‘good grades for stars for Appa’. Adding her favorite plushie beside her, Taehyung turns on the night light beside her bed and stands to leave. He’s not going to wonder at all what kind of dream she’s having that caused her to say, ‘Papa, you can’t kill Appa!’ He’s starting to think Yoongi is right about laying off the spy-wars episodes.

Leaning back on the sofa, he’s slightly startled by Jungkook moving around in the kitchen. As of recently, their routine after dinner is that one of them stays out with Ahyeon while the other one retreats to bed early. Jungkook’s eyes widen as he looks around, “No spy wars tonight? I was just going to get some snacks ready.”

Eyeing the bottle and glass in the man’s hand, Taehyung tsks, “I surely hope you weren’t going to serve Ahyeon red wine?”

Jungkook finishes pouring while laughing. Two glasses in hand as he sits on the opposite side of the sofa. Knees folding up to his chest, “No, the wine is for me. And I guess, for you now. If you’re going to be up for a little longer?”

Leaning forward, Taehyung does take the glass. Settling back into his spot and keeping his eyes anywhere but the neckline of that damn sweater. Seriously, would it kill the man to throw it out and buy a different one? One that isn’t so…. infuriatingly delectable to look at? A subject is necessary if he’s going to sit here and drink this wine with Jungkook in front of him. “Are you excited for your brother’s visit tomorrow? Anything you should warn me of?”

There’s a lot of things Jungkook should warn Taehyung of. He should warn him of the fact that his brother is one of the most quick-witted people he knows and that he’s insanely over protective and that he’s partially convinced this entire marriage is a farce anyway. If not a farce, he thinks Taehyung is insane and trying to use Jungkook for some type of gain. Which is a silly thought to entertain at all, simply due to the fact that Jungkook doesn’t have much for Taehyung to gain off of. He doesn’t say any of that though, what he does say is, “We’re very close, um, my brother and I. After our parents passed, we only had each other. Because of that, he’s…well, he can be very—”

“Protective? Territorial?” Taehyung chuckles against the rim of his glass “I expected as much. I’d imagine anyone would be when they’re suddenly meeting a husband they didn’t know existed. Especially when you’re as close as the two of you are. I’m sorry for it being such a complicated story, what with Ahyeon and all. But I promise to do my best to satisfy him enough that he won’t be worried when he leaves.”

Swirling his wine, Jungkook speaks softly, “How have you been? I mean…with work and all. I feel that we haven’t had much time just the two of us to talk recently.”

“Yeah, it does seem that way.” Taehyung leaves out the fact that their lack of alone time is the only reason he’s still managed to keep himself together this long. Even this moment between them already feels like too much. Feels like he’s a few sips away from saying reckless things. Taehyung has always prided himself in his ability to turn off emotions. And the fact that he isn’t able to do it properly around the man in front of him is definitely cause for concern.

But he’ll just have to be concerned another night. For right now, he’s going to enjoy Jungkook’s presence without being on Ahyeon alert. He gives a brief synopsis of what his work has consisted of recently. Obviously tweaking the stories a smidgen to match that of a psychiatrist not the nation’s most lucrative spy. Mentioning his work, he feels like now would be as good of a time as ever to mention the thing they have yet to discuss. However he’s struggling to find the courage to mention it, when Jungkook seems so content. Soft smile on his face as he listens and asks all kinds of questions. Going in on how his own job has been as boring as ever, but that Jimin has even taken to continuing some of their lessons in the break room so he’s hoping to have a new recipe or two to put in rotation.

Taehyung has this feeling.

This feeling that he’s… missed talking to Jungkook like this. It’s a problem, he knows that, the space has been good. The obvious line that they haven’t been crossing has helped tremendously in keeping the pristine borders of Operation Pere protected. Every now and then, he’ll find himself remembering the look in Jungkook’s eyes that day in the park. That, paired with the liquid courage, has him just saying it, “We never really mentioned it again…what happened on Ahyeon’s first day of classes. I hope you feel comfortable letting me know if I ever upset you because that’s not my intention—”

“Taehyung-ssi…” Jungkook’s words come out just a teensy bit slower than the conversation has been so far. Already near the bottom of his second wine glass before Taehyung has even finished his first. “…You don’t have to tip toe around me. I—I’m aware, of what this is. You know, when—” he hiccups over a giggle “—when you proposed to me, it was that. A proposition for the ways we could help each other, not a devotion of love. I’m not mad you had a date.”

“I—” Taehyung’s face is hot all at once for several reasons. The tone of Jungkook’s voice right now makes it increasingly more difficult to pay attention to the words he’s saying. Words such as propositions and benefits and date? “You think I was on a date with her? I already told you I wasn’t.”

“Shhhh.” Jungkook smiles as he whispers “It’s okay. We can talk about something else. I’m having fun.”

“But I—”

All at once those round sparkly eyes transform into pools of darkness so sharp they could be lethal, Taehyung swears he sees red flicker across them as Jungkook voices lowly, “Something, else .”

“Okay…um, I think, if your brother is coming over tomorrow. Maybe we should know a little bit more about each other? I know the bare bones of your upbringing. What was it like?”

Jungkook is pouring a third glass and when he does, Taehyung reaches forward to grab the bottle. Not thinking much about how their fingers slot together just right around the neck of the bottle. Before he pulls back with it to refill his own glass and keep it on his side of the table. Jungkook’s eyes soften again, sinking into the cushion, “Growing up was difficult. After mom and dad died…it was like overnight we became little adults. Hyung was doing everything he could to manage the house—we started working at a very young age. Odd jobs here and there, anything to get by. As we got older, things became easier in some ways and harder in others. Harder in ways such as not really having anyone outside of each other. Hence me being in the later half of my twenties and having never been on a real date.”

Taehyung feels a nasty tremor down his spine.

They are four months into this thing…a year and four months according to the story they tell everyone…so would it really be so horrible for him to take his husband on a date? No wonder Jungkook has been happy with their space, especially in the last month. Taehyung has given him absolutely no reason to want to be in his presence. He pockets that information for another day, one where Jungkook’s face isn’t as red as his sweater. For now, Taehyung nods in acknowledgment and feels a tiny sliver of himself opening up, “The family I was birthed into were involved in the second great war in the Northern half. I have no memories of them at all, only memories of what happened after. So I understand the feeling of growing up without anyone—even more so, because I didn’t have a sibling to turn to either. I envy you in that way. All that I have now is my daughter.”

“You have me—” Jungkook shakes his head “—I mean, in that, I’m here for you now. And um, you had your wife—god, is that inappropriate to say? Oh well, it’s already out, anyways…I too, um I envy that. The feeling, loving someone. I’ve never experienced it. Not…not in the romantic way. It feels kind of silly to admit out loud that I long for it but those are things to worry about later on. There’s still time anyway right?”


There’s still plenty of time.

As soon as Operation Pere is complete, Jungkook will have all of the time in the world to go out and find someone that will love him endlessly. Provide him with a real family and marriage, not a fake one.

He can’t figure out why just the thought of it alone makes Taehyung feel sick.

Hours into the night and cleaning up their glasses. Taehyung thought he heard Jungkook leave the room. But suddenly the man is standing right beside him, leant up against the counter with this miserably sad look on his face, “Taehyung…can I ask you something?”

“Of course. You can always ask me anything.” Leaning against the opposite side and keeping their gazes locked, Taehyung has close to no expectations. Which is why he’s genuinely flabbergasted when Jungkook says quietly, “Do you ever miss her? I mean…Ahyeon’s mother. It’s just—you never mention her and I know we talked about it for Ahyeon’s sake, but…I can’t help but wonder sometimes. I’m sorry if it’s invasive to ask.”

Taehyung is a professional story teller. From the masks he creates to the costumes he slips through, the webs of tales he’s able to spin effortlessly in order to accomplish his tasks. Yet even with all of his experience, he is never prepared to lie to Jungkook. Because the sincerity in those eyes when he asks makes Taehyung want to disappear. He manages a soft smile, “If we’re being completely honest, no. I don’t think about her. Between Ahyeon and work, I don’t have time for many thoughts outside of that. Also…as much as I’m not proud of it, I’ve always struggled with opening up. Feelings, compassion—they don’t come easily to me. Um, how do I say it?” he rubs his fingers beneath his own chin and sighs “—I’ve been told all of my life that I was heartless. In most instances, it was used as an insult…but I think that this one particular circ*mstance in my life, it worked out in my favor. I don’t suffer from grief the way a normal person would.”

Technically, nothing that he said is a lie. It’s the only way he can justify having this conversation at all. There was truth to his words because Taehyung only ever wants to be as truthful as he can where Jungkook is involved. The man nods, arms curling around himself as he wets his bottom lip, “That makes a lot of sense. Especially with your field of work. I imagine you need to have some ability to turn your heart off to work with patients like yours.” He clears his throat and takes a nervous step closer, “Just…know that, if, you ever have a day where you aren’t feeling heartless. You don’t have to bottle it up. We didn’t have anyone before…but even marriage aside—I want to be here for you now and you know, going forward..”

Jungkook has to know the damage he is doing by speaking sweetly and looking at Taehyung with those eyes. Flushed cheeks and gorgeous sweater dipping off of his shoulders even more than it usually does. There’s no way he is that naïve. But tonight was a good night, great even. Taehyung won’t possibly risk ruining it. So he extends a hand to lightly squeeze the side of Jungkook’s arm, “Thanks Jungkook. And, well, I meant what I said too, earlier. Don’t be afraid to come to me about anything. Especially if it involves me or something I did.”

Retracting his hand and putting some much needed space between them, Taehyung and Jungkook both walk towards their bedrooms. Separating in the hallway and smiling softly before disappearing for the rest of the night. Flopping face first into bed, Taehyung just hopes they don’t mess everything up with Jungkook’s brother tomorrow.


Ahyeon has been bouncing off the walls since she woke up this morning. While getting dressed, eating breakfast, even during their walk to the bus stop—she’s just so unbelievably excited for this ‘dog’. Taehyung doesn’t quite understand what her obsession with the dog is, but what he does know is that he can’t even think about what bringing on another member to their family will look like—he’s too busy thinking about Jungkook’s brother.

He would much rather be at home right now ensuring everything is spotless, instead, he’s on his way to the safe house because the Handler sent him an urgent message. The coin she sent it through had a little bit of a tricky path before it made it’s way into his palm at the convenience store, which makes it seem like it couldn’t possibly be that urgent. None the less, Taehyung is entering anyway. Met with the hustle and bustle of countless agents as soon as he does.

Seokjin whistling from off in the shadows of his private office makes something twist in Taehyung’s gut. The grimaced way he says, “Morning, or afternoon, whatever —listen, we’ve got a huge problem.”

“I’m listening.”

“Remember that tip off we got about some grunts plotting a terrorist attack? They’re moving and they’re moving quick. It was radio silence for more than a month and suddenly every single one of the men on our radar have popped up in Seoul.” Seokjin lowers the projector screen so that Taehyung can see everything that he needs to. If the intel Yoongi managed to scramble together is correct, as it usually is, they’ve got a motive of taking out the North’s foreign minister. It’s unclear why he’s their target, but his name is thrown around in the conversations Yoongi tapped into way too often for him to not be the target. “So what is it that you need me to do? Have we managed to trace any of the taps to a location?”

“I have, but here’s the problem. They’re vastly spread out. What we don’t know is if they actually are operating out of so many different facilities, or if they’re utilizing radio equipment to interfere with the signals. Your name has been mentioned once. So whoever they are, they’re at least acutely aware of who you are and your proximity to government relations.”

Taehyung understands well what this will entail. The problem is that he has no clue how to break Ahyeon’s heart about not being able to go observing shelters for dogs this weekend. Not when there’s the workings of an attack so close to home. She’ll just have to survive another week.

Jungkook waits patiently to retrieve Ahyeon from the bus she now rides to school. He is doing so while trying not to let any of his anxiety show in front of her. He’s noticed recently just how perceptive the little one can be and he definitely doesn’t need to instigate any feelings of nervousness before Namjoon gets here. But any chances of that are completely out the window when she exits the bus with her head hung low. Eyes fixed on the ground and holding out a tiny envelope for Jungkook to take. “What is this?”

She shakes her head and walks slowly, in the wrong direction. Still not lifting to meet his gaze at all. Jungkook gently stops in front of her, taking Ahyeon in for a hug and melting when she cries into his shoulder. “Ahyeon, what’s wrong? Did you have a bad day?”

“I m-messed up the m-mission and—and Appa, he, I don’t want a different family.

Overwhelmingly confused, Jungkook hugs her even tighter. Moves to tuck the envelope in his coat pocket, before lifting her into his arms and walking towards home. Hand soft on the back of her hair, “Why would you get a different family? Your appa loves you very much.”

Ahyeon’s fingers squeeze at the back of his neck, voice softer, “Love you too. Don’t want papa to leave.” Exhaling a long slow breath, Jungkook is not used to his heart feeling this way. He has no clue why the girl has somehow grown to love him so much, and yet he has no clue why he loves her so much too. He can’t promise much of anything for the future but what he does say is, “I love you too Ahyeon, even if you had a bad day at school, I’m not going to leave you. Why don’t you tell me what happened so we know what to say when we talk to Appa?”

Hearing the story about how she used their training for the first time, Jungkook feels sick to his stomach. Taehyung is going to absolutely lose his mind if the reason Ahyeon received her first bolt is the training he implemented. All of that good talking they enjoyed together yesterday is going to be entirely out the window when he realizes that Jungkook was a mistake to marry for this purpose. He has no business helping raise a child. But then Ahyeon continues, “The stupid son was being so mean to me and he stepped on my friend’s foot without even apologizing! I tried to ignore him for a long. I even smiled like you taught me, instead of getting angry. But…but then he just kept going and I got so upset. I tried to make sure no one was looking, but the killer punch is too strong, P. Everyone knew and the second son cried like a little baby over it.”

“Well, it sounds like you stood up for yourself and for that reason I will always be proud of you. But you should know that the only time to ever use physical moves is when danger is involved okay? As much as it may bother you when bullies are…well…being bullies, you can’t retaliate with your fists. Especially if it will result in you getting the behavior bolts. Because now we have to tell Appa.”

Ahyeon shakes her head and hides in Jungkook’s shoulder, “He’s not gonna let me get a dog anymore.”

Jungkook feels his heart clenching, and even though he shouldn’t, he knows he shouldn’t. Ahyeon is not has daughter and he has no right to keep anything from Taehyung. But he says anyway, “Maybe…we will wait until after this weekend to tell Appa about the bolt. With my brother coming to visit this evening and our plans tomorrow, it might be better for all of us to wait.”

Her eyes glisten as a nervous smile spreads on her face, “Do you mean it?”

Nodding, Jungkook lets them into their home, “And worst case scenario, I’ll make sure Appa knows it was my decision.” Ahyeon hugs him so impossibly tight before immediately running towards her room to change. Spouting something about being excited to meet her new uncle. It’s kind of ironic for him, considering Taehyung basically admitted last night to being heartless, the way Ahyeon seems to have more heart than she can handle. Giving away love so easily to anyone in her life. A part of Jungkook is nervous for the day this all ends, because he’s not sure he’ll be able to walk away, leaving her and her broken heart behind.

Working on the snack tray to serve between them when Namjoon arrives, Taehyung is trying not to think too much about the fact Ahyeon has stayed in her room ever since they finished eating dinner. Considering how excited she was this morning to meet him, he’s completely taken aback by how quiet she’s being. Two nights in a row with her dipping off into her room? A good father would definitely be concerned and address it…but right now, he has to be a good husband too. Which means putting the focus on meeting Jungkook’s brother.

He does however peak inside her room. Finding that she put herself to sleep about an hour earlier than normal. Ensuring her night light is on and leaving the door cracked in case she does decide to wake up and join them. Taehyung and Jungkook nearly bump into each other in the hallway. "I’m so sorry..” Jungkook whispers frantically, “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

Taehyung’s hand ghosts the other’s side, “It’s alright, I wasn’t either. Ahyeon is asleep already. Isn’t that strange?”

The door buzzer ringing puts an end to that conversation. Jungkook’s eyes showing something Taehyung isn’t entirely familiar with when a knock follows. “It’s going to be fine. I promise.” He gently squeezes Jungkook’s elbow, sliding his hand smoothly to his lower back as they make their way to the door. Just trying to be a comforting husband and not panic himself.

Taehyung already knew slightly what Namjoon looked like. But even the database information, doesn’t really give just quiet how intimidating the man is from where he stands. Wine bottle in hand as he enters upon Jungkook’s greeting. “Hyung, you made it!”

“I did.” His eyes find Taehyung’s over Jungkook’s shoulder, very obviously looking him from head to toe and head to toe again. Before pulling back from the hug and patting the top of Jungkook’s head, “I brought you a wedding gift. It would’ve been nice for it to not be almost a year and a half after the fact…but I suppose that can’t be helped.”

Taehyung gestures for the two of them to join him in the living room, Namjoon does not have Jungkook’s ability to conceal himself. His emotions are all over his face and his eyes and the way he cracks his fingers in his palm once he’s seated. “This is a nice place, Jungkookie. Much better than the old one you were keeping.”

Nodding, Jungkook puts some of the snacks on a plate for Namjoon. Taehyung notices the slightest tremor of Jungkook’s fingers, before he seemingly controls it himself. “Taehyung kept a lovely home, it’s definitely been great to join them here.”

“Oh, right.” Namjoon looks around, brows raised as he takes in the space around them, “I thought there was a child?”

Gesturing down the hallway, Taehyung nods, “Ahyeon was sooo excited to meet you but unfortunately, she must’ve had a long day at school, she’s already asleep.”

“How old is she?”

Jungkook’s nervous eyes lock onto Taehyung’s at the sound of Namjoon’s hostility, his husband however is un-phased, “She’s five.”

“It’s a good thing my little brother is so good with kids, that’s a tough age to navigate especially bringing a new parental figure into her life. Lots to adjust to.”

Chuckling softly, Taehyung sips on his wine. Not unaware of the fact that Jungkook is practically chugging his own. “Tell me about it. She’s definitely a handful, but I’m so lucky to have her and Jungkook both.” He can’t shake the way Namjoon’s every sentence is pointed. As if he’s making entirely different statements behind them all. Taehyung honestly thought that despite his involvement with government affairs, anyone related to Jungkook must be harmless. But at this point? He’s wondering if Namjoon has other motives for this meeting. Motives that would pull their family apart.

The wine isn’t enough. Namjoon’s gaze is too sharp and Taehyung’s has shifted from friendly to challenging the more they discuss. Jungkook knew Namjoon would be a bit insufferable on this first meeting, but does he have to put Taehyung in the hot seat this way? The man is probably thanking the heavens their marriage is only a temporary arrangement. Jungkook himself wouldn’t be surprised if Taehyung has decided on a concrete expiration date due to this encounter alone. On another glass, the words slip out, “Hyung can you stop being so scary? My god, for all of the grief you gave me about putting myself out there you’re being so hostile towards my husband of all people.”

Namjoon chokes a bit on the food he was swallowing, finger wiggling between Taehyung and Jungkook both, “I haven’t even accepted this marriage yet. You can’t expect me to walk in here as if we’re all one big happy family to a man I didn’t even know existed for an entire year.”

Stepping away to refill their tray of cheese and crackers, as well as grab the bottle of wine to refill Jungkook’s already second emptied glass. Taehyung exhales slowly. They talked about this already, how to handle these questions and for Jungkook to not be as enthusiastic with his alcohol drinking as he was the night before. He nearly drops everything in his arms when he hears Jungkook respond to Namjoon simply, “Hyung, I just forgot.”

Taehyung is thankful that Namjoon is facing the opposite direction so he can press his forehead to the wall as he takes deeper breaths. They’re so f*cked. What kind of explanation is tha— “You have always been forgetful. That doesn’t mean I have to be accepting of it immediately, I think even your husband can understand my hesitance—right, Taehyung-ssi?”

Putting on his best smile, Taehyung refills all of their glasses. “No need for the formal talk, first meeting or not, we are family now. So it feels strange for my husband’s brother to call me that way. I’m sorry for not stepping in sooner and insisting to meet you. The thing is that, I don’t have any of my immediate family—so, to be quite honest, it wasn’t abnormal for me that Jungkook didn’t bring you around. In fact, how close the two of you are, is what feels a bit strange, if I’m being honest.”

Taehyung isn’t sure how many glasses Namjoon has had either, but the way he and Jungkook both drink the wine as if they’re guzzling water tells him that it definitely must run in the family. Namjoon’s eyes slightly glazed over as he looks at them both, “What’s a bit strange, is you two. You don’t seem like newly weds at all. I mean come on, I sit closer to Hoseok than you two are sitting right now. Am I supposed to believe you fell in love so rapidly to immediately get married and move in together, yet you speak about each other as if you’re old college roommates?”


Namjoon straightens up, one leg crossing over the other, “How did you meet? Where?”

A bit frustrated when he huffs, Jungkook bites into a cracker, “I told you already hyung, we met at the seamstress shop—it was really one of those crazy moments, where your eyes lock with a stranger and you know they’re going to be someone important in your life.”

Both Taehyung and Namjoon fall silent. He knows it’s not helping Namjoon’s suspicions the way he himself is acting appalled, but he can’t help it. How else is he supposed to take Jungkook saying something like that? With his cheeks slightly flushed and shyly gnawing on his lip. Clearing his throat, Taehyung’s arm stretches over the back of the sofa. Stomach twisting when Jungkook leans back into it instinctually, as if he belongs there.. This isn’t good.

It is good.

It’s definitely serving the purpose it needs to.

But it’s not good for Taehyung’s mind. Why the hell can he not turn it off? He can turn off any part of his mind at any given time, what is it about Jungkook that makes all of that impossible? He changes the subject because any further into this topic and he is bound to slip up. Staring at the wine bottle in front of him, Taehyung notices something he’s not sure he’s happy with. Looking over the label. His eyes narrow as he recalls, a wine sold at a vendor market on the streets for not even 20,000 won. “Namjoon, this wine is seriously good. I hope you didn’t spend too much on it, considering we’ve nearly emptied the entire bottle.”

The man waves a hand and smiles, his own cheeks slightly flushed too. He and Jungkook near mirror images of each other in terms of the alcohol buzzing in their veins. So when Namjoon says, “Oh, I just found it at a vendor market, it didn’t even cost me 20,000 won!” His stomach twist. It’s verbatim from the international intelligence agency’s ‘Art of Deception’ training manuals. If anyone will know exactly what working for the intelligence agency leads you to, it’s Taehyung. The problem is that Namjoon is not an agent under W.I.S.E. and according to his background file, his career with the government intelligence agency ended more than one year ago. There’s always a possibility for something else, but this conversation alone, paired with his extreme suspicions mean that there’s an uncomfortably high probability he was scouted by the counter-ops agency.

Namjoon works for the very agency that wants Taehyung behind bars — the State Security Underground Bureau of Investigations, otherwise known as, The Secret Police.

So long as he doesn’t uncover anything about who Taehyung really is, becoming friendly with Namjoon could be a good thing. The only problem is that now Taehyung isn’t entirely sure if this whole thing isn’t a trap to begin with. He’s never questioned Jungkook’s job, but is it possible he works for the same agency? Surely, this isn’t the lengths they would go to uncover Twilight.

And yet, these are the very lengths W.I.S.E. is willing to go through to uncover Dowon.

It’s quite identical when he thinks about it. Suddenly, Taehyung himself needs the wine more than anything else.

He needs more time to gather information before swirling this into a mess and jeopardizing everything. Jungkook has never mentioned Namjoon leaving the intelligence agency so there is always the chance that he truly doesn’t know. Taehyung hates how much he hopes that is the case. Smiling at Namjoon, he masks it well, “Next time I’ll make sure Jungkook reminds me to bring you something just as delicious.”

Jungkook giggles softly from beside him, face turning to look at Taehyung’s a little bit too closely. With his big smile and scrunched nose before sending the same look towards Namjoon, “Hyung isn’t it going to be kind of nice to have another brother?”

Jungkook isn’t sure why the room suddenly feels so tense. A small conversation about costs of wine has somehow spiraled into Namjoon jolting to his feet. “You may have jumped into this marriage but it’s going to take more than an evening of talking for me to claim him as any relation to myself.” his eyes suddenly are on Taehyung who has stiffened beside him. Arm dropping from where it was behind Jungkook and now falling into his lap. “That’s totally understandable. I look forward to getting to know each other better—”

“That! Why do you talk like that?” Namjoon’s face is even more red. A little bit of a stumble as he flails his hands. “Is that how you speak everyday? So I’m supposed to trust that my little brother is protected in this home and happy in this marriage when you don’t have even an ounce of compassion in your words? Hell, my best friend’s husband has more passion when speaking of my brother and they don’t even like each other.”

“Hyung!” Jungkook stands, beyond frustrated “You’re being rude and out of line! I don’t need anyone to protect me, if anyone knows that. It’s you.” The look they share is something like Taehyung has never seen before. Challenging, yet full of so much genuine care for one another. That stupid twinge of jealousy for something he’s never had, decides to flicker right in this moment. When Taehyung has other things to focus on than his own longings for family. Things like maintaining this relationship with Jungkook and now Namjoon. For the sake of himself, the operation, Ahyeon. There’s too much riding on this to just sit here silently. But Jungkook continues speaking, “Let’s just sit back down, I know we’ve all had some drinks but Ahyeon is sleeping and you’re raising your voice.”

“If this is some sham because of that stupid government initiative about northern spies being young single guys, you can at least tell me that much. I would feel better knowing that, than being led to believe you’re in a loveless marriage.”

Taehyung, as embarrassing as it feels, gives Namjoon his full attention, “I don’t take marriage lightly, especially where Ahyeon is concerned. But Jungkook became a part of our family so seamlessly, nothing but marriage made sense, if I’m honest. I’ve risked my life for Ahyeon multiple times so I can say with certainty that should there ever be reason to, I would risk my life for my husband as well. I told you already, I didn’t have a family unit. So the one that I have now is everything to me and I love them more than I could properly say. I hope you can understand and we can grow to know each other better in the future.”

Face growing hotter and lump in his throat swelling up, Jungkook is repeating to himself over and over that this is a part of it all. It’s the act for the sake of their arrangement. Taehyung doesn’t love him, after merely months living together. It’s all to keep Namjoon’s suspicions at bay so this evening can end on a positive note—and yet his heart has the audacity to pound loudly in his chest. Reaching for a napkin to clean the bit of Namjoon’s wine that spilled when he stood, Jungkook didn’t realize Taehyung was doing the same. Fingers tangling again atop the napkin, he jolts back so quickly. He can’t handle the feeling of Taehyung’s hand near his own after he spoke the way he did. Namjoon sighs, “Your husband has the face of a liar and that’s your reaction to his hand touching yours? This is either a joke or you’re scared of him—I’m not sure which one is worse, though I too would be scared if I lived with someone who spoke like a robot.”

He’s ruining it. Jungkook is ruining everything because he can’t get his feelings under control, Taehyung was right about the wine, “Wha—I’m not scared of him! We, I’m just—”

Taehyung does his best to recover for them, “I mean come on, what do you expect us to do? Sit here and kiss right in front of you? Not only is it rude and distasteful, but I don’t consider myself an exhibitionist. You’re a guest in our home for the first time and Jungkook is extremely nervous—”

Namjoon smirks, “That’s not a bad idea. Go on and re-enact the wedding day for me. With all that love and devotion you talked about. Jimin and Hoseok gross me out by how often they kiss. It’s like they punctuate sentences with it. You two have spent more time looking at me than each other.”

All of them now on their feet as Jungkook makes repeated X motions with his arms, “Alright, hyung. I think it’s time for you to go for the evening, you can come back another time when Ahyeon is awake and—”

In this line of work, Taehyung has kissed people several times that he did not want to. Solely for the purpose of keeping up a façade or staying true to whatever disguise he was wearing. Kissing Jungkook? Would be the easiest of any missions he’s ever had. Eyes rolling away from Namjoon and onto his husband instead, Taehyung slips an arm around Jungkook’s waist. Pulling him in with a soft voice, “He’ll likely forget all of this in the morning anyway. Let’s just appease him for now so we can get some rest.”

“I— what— Taehyung, what are you —” Jungkook nervously moves to sit back down, but accidentally brings Taehyung with him. Stumbling a bit and ending up halfway on his lap. He’s about to explode. Worse when Taehyung’s hand rises to his face, infuriatingly gorgeous moron, deciding to laugh all deep and rumbly, “Woah, babe, I was only going to give him what happened at the ceremony, not afterwards —”

Face exploding into probably every single shade of red imaginable, Jungkook reaches for Taehyung’s hand, his intention was to pull it away from his face. Thankfully he doesn’t have to because Namjoon looks away with a fake gag, “Okay, okay, fine. I was only joking anyway. I mostly wanted to push your buttons to see if you’re patient enough to tolerate Kook.” Making his way towards the door, Namjoon laughs as he puts his jacket on. “Lesson learned, don’t tease baby brother and his husband unless you want them to jump each other in front of you. Gross, hell, I hope that little girl never has to see you two.”

“Of course she doesn’t!” Jungkook whisper shouts. Following Namjoon to the door with a heavy sigh, “All of that stress on my heart for your corny little test isn’t funny, hyung. I’ve been worried about you meeting Taehyung all day.”

Namjoon smiles at the both of them, before patting Jungkook’s head just as he did when he arrived, “You worry for nothing, if you love someone, I’m bound to love them to.” though his smile falls a little bit as his and Taehyung’s eyes meet, “...eventually. I’ll let you know when I’m supposed to leave Seoul so we can meet up before then. Thanks for having me.”

“You’re welcome here anytime.” Taehyung’s arm loosely drapes Jungkook’s shoulder as he says it. Not unaware of the shy eyes glaring a hole through the side of his head. The very moment the door is closed, Jungkook has him pinned to the wall. “Taehyung, are you insane?! You were going to kiss me, in front of my brother! And Babe? Babe?? What even was that!” Those eyes are sharpened but really all Taehyung can focus on is how amusing he is tonight compared to the one before. He gently rubs a hand along the shape of Jungkook’s arm that’s pressed across his chest until he can close his fingers around the man’s wrist and gently pull it away. Freeing himself to step forward with a sly smile, “You’ve known from the day we met I think you’re beautiful, Jungkook. If kissing you is all I have to do to get your brother off of our backs, that would be the absolute least of my concerns.”

Stepping away, Jungkook is muttering something under his breath. Maybe Taehyung also had one too many glasses of that wine, because he finds himself following. Taking his own chance to pin Jungkook against the entry way of the kitchen, “At some point, we probably will have to act a little bit more affectionate with one another. I’d hate to be responsible for people thinking your husband doesn’t love you.”

“Oh my god.” Jungkook sucks in a breath, he’s more than strong enough to get Taehyung out of his space. The problem is that he finds himself not wanting to. What he wants more than anything is to be wrapped in it further. But… “You do not love me and I don’t care what random people think! Ahyeon’s school, the government reporting and my brother. That’s it. Don’t—don’t be foolish. And, and oh god, your face is so red, Taehyung, you’re drunk!”

He really isn’t. Sure, he’s feeling a bit looser than normal but Taehyung isn’t drunk. He’ll remember every last bit of Jungkook’s sharp eyes, stuttered words and flushed skin. Ensures to take in the sight of him entirely, before stepping backwards and releasing Jungkook from his hold. “Consider it payback for you pinning me by the door. No harm, no foul.”

Jungkook doesn’t say a word. Only stands frozen in place as Taehyung gets their dirty dishes put into the sink. Only finally moving when the man passes by him again, “Were you going to get some sleep or should I turn on spy wars for you?” Grabbing the throw pillow from the nearest sofa, Jungkook chucks it as hard as he can at Taehyung’s head. Watching as the man laughs while dodging it and departs down the hallway. Stopping in to peak on Ahyeon before disappearing into his own room.

Jungkook is in more trouble than he’s ever been in, in his entire life.

He likes Taehyung so much it hurts.

Chapter 6: Code Name — Family


A lesson in falling in love.

Chapter Text

If he knew that a child would mean not even being able to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning before a busy day, maybe, Taehyung would’ve said no to this mission. Jungkook has barely taken his seat at the table after serving their breakfast when Ahyeon nearly chokes from how quickly she scarfs it all down. Jumping up and rushing towards her room, “Appa, Papa, hurry up already!”

Neither Taehyung nor Jungkook move to eat any faster, instead they just share some shy smiles, before turning their attention back to their plates. He had a feeling this was pretty much how this morning would go. Taehyung would love to say that he didn’t know what he was thinking flirting with Jungkook the way that he did before bed—but the truth is that he did know what he was thinking. He just can’t make sense of why he thought it would be worth risking this entire operation. Jungkook finally speaks softly, “I saw in the newspaper this morning that the SeoulLoveShelter is having an adoption event today. It seems like a great place to look for Ahyeon’s dog — she’s so excited already.”

Feeling the energy drain from his face, Taehyung realizes he was so caught up in the chaos of yesterday and preparing for Namjoon’s visit that he hadn’t even thought to tell Jungkook or Ahyeon he has to work. Exhaling he sighs, “I don’t know how to break it to her, I was called in for work today. The other psychiatrist who does the weekend rotations had a flight delay and won’t be back until later this evening.”

“Wa—” Jungkook’s fork lightly clatters on the table “—She’s going to be heartbroken.”

“I know…I feel awful.”

Ahyeon comes bumbling out of her bedroom, singsonging the sound of a dog barking and Taehyung simply does not know how to tell her they won’t be going. Jungkook’s fingers gently brush the top of his hand, whispering quietly, “I can take her. I mean, if you’re okay with it and if you have any preferences on the dog type or size, I’ll adhere to all of them. We don’t have anything else to do today so it’s not a problem.”

“I can’t put that on you—the paperwork and Ahyeon is surely going to lose her mind in an entire building filled with animals to adopt…”

The little girl is suddenly standing beside the table, head low when she sniffles, “Ahyeon isn’t getting a doggy today?”

Both Taehyung and Jungkook look at each other, before Taehyung is smacked once again with the knowledge that he simply is incapable of putting his foot down on anything where these two are involved. He hadn’t noticed that Jungkook’s fingers were still brushing the top of his hand, until he flips his palm over and catches them with his own, “Only if you’re sure you don’t mind. I trust your decision making in terms of not bringing home a ferocious beast.” Jungkook’s eyes keep moving from Taehyung down to where their hands are connected and back up. Before pulling his own back, cheeks just barely dusting a shade of pink, “I’d love to take her, really.”

Ahyeon’s eyes are all star filled again when she grasps the edge of the table and bounces in place, “Papa’s gonna take me to get a doggy?”

“Yes, yes, he is.” Taehyung turns to face her with a stern expression, “You will listen to him and not run off or act wild. Do you understand? If you misbehave, Papa has the right to decide you don’t get a doggy at all. So be on your best behavior, Ahyeon. A dog is only for responsible little girls.”

Throwing herself at the side of his chair, little arms hugging his middle she giggles, “I’ll be good, I really will. You’re the best Appa ever. Thank you, thank you!” Running around the table she grabs onto Jungkook’s wrist excitedly, “Can we go now before all the doggy’s are taken already?”

“Let him finish—”

“It’s okay, I’m honestly quite full already. I’ll save it for later.” Jungkook is quick with cleaning up his plate. Following them both to the door and helping Ahyeon put on her jacket, Taehyung can’t help the sigh he lets out as he crouches in front of her, “Ahyeon, please promise to behave.”

“I promise, Appa, I do!”

“Alright, alright, go on then.” but his hand catches Jungkook’s before the other can grab the door, “You’ll call if you need anything, right?”

“Of course. But we’ll be fine.” Jungkook lightly squeezes Taehyung’s hand before letting go with a shy smile, “Have a good day at work, Tae.” The door falls closed and Taehyung leans against the wall. Eyes on the ceiling as his heart rattles in his chest.

What is he supposed to do when Jungkook and Ahyeon are no longer his?

Seoul Love Shelter is the largest animal shelter in the entire country. At least, that’s what Papa said on their walk over and he was right.This building that they’re walking into is so gigantic Ahyeon can’t even see the whole thing!! It’s not even only doggys either. Papa guides Ahyeon around the place and she can’t help the excited squeal she lets out at all of the cute bunnies and kittens and puppies!

Not even halfway down the first aisle, Papa stops and gasps, “Ahyeon, look at these little cuties! Oh the short fluffy ones are so adorable!” They are. They really really are. But….Ahyeon just isn’t feeling it. Something is missing as she looks around. Not even the tiny wiener dog speaks to her. Papa gets stopped by some worker lady who is taking their information onto a piece of paper so Ahyeon keeps walking. There’s plenty of doggys here, she will definitely find the perfect one that’s cool enough to make the stupid son her friend and finish the big mission.

Peaking outside some big windows, Ahyeon’s jaw nearly hits the floor. A giant white doggy passes by that’s so cute she almost screams. The puppy’s eyes happen to find hers through the window and Ahyeon nearly falls backwards when she see’s an image of Appa, Papa and herself. Ahyeon’s never read an animals thoughts before… but how does that doggy know her family?

Papa is still busy talking to the worker lady and Ahyeon cannot miss out on this dog! If he knows their family that has to mean something! She takes slow side steps until she’s close enough to the door to run after the dog. Fairly certain he walked up these stairs across the street, Ahyeon finds herself in a dark room, but if she can just find the big fluffy boy than—

“Hey, who the hell let a kid in here?”


“And you f*ckin’ idiots were just going on and on about the bombs—the brat likely heard everything!”

Ahyeon’s little heart is beating so fast, she can’t even move her feet. When the door slams open she can see the dog chained to a wall in the back of an even bigger room, with other doggies too. She’d love to feel relieved that she found them, but the guy holding the sharp knife doesn’t seem like he’s going to let Ahyeon have the doggy at all and his thoughts are telling her that he wants Ahyeon dead.

All of this is reaching a point where Jungkook wonders if Taehyung is constantly testing him. Is that why Ahyeon insists on running off every time they’re out in public alone? Scaling his way to the rafters of this building, Jungkook nearly falls from disappointment when he scans the entire vicinity and realizes Ahyeon isn’t in this place at all anymore. Back on the ground and taking off without a seconds thought, he’s either going to have to give this little girl a more stern talking to than he usually does when she runs off—or he’s going to have a run in with another series of kidnappers. Both options have his heart pounding, he would love to have a normal outing for once. But that seems to be a big ask, when nothing about their life has been normal from the start.

The sight of Ahyeon screaming while on the back of a massive white dog running across the street several blocks down has him moving rapidly. Realizing that he’d take Ahyeon running off and finding herself in a chaotic dog incident over kidnapper any day of the week. It takes him longer than he’s proud of to finally catch up with them, but the sight of a man gripping that dog by the fur of his neck and another man holding Ahyeon’s coat collar has Jungkook’s switch flipping before he can contemplate any alternative. Maneuvering himself above their view allows him the perfect angle to scale off of the brick building behind them and land a near lethal roundhouse kick to the head of the man gripping Ahyeon. He pays no mind to the way the man’s limp body flails around the alley like a basketball from the impact.

Instead fixing his sharp gaze on the other man, with one dog’s leash in a hand and the dog Ahyeon was riding whimpering in his other. Ahyeon is crying softly from behind him and as much as Jungkook would love to comfort her, he can’t. The man in front of him drops the leash of the other dog, shouting some type of command but the moment Jungkook sees the dog crouch into an attacking position, it only takes one look of his darkened eyes before the thing turns around and sprints the other direction. “You—what the f*ck is wrong with you?"

“Me? What’s wrong with me? You’re the one who had the audacity to kidnap my daughter.”

The big white dog bites onto the thigh of the man gripping him, freeing himself and moving to take stance in front of Jungkook and Ahyeon. Baring his teeth and letting out a bark that even startles Ahyeon from behind him. The man in front of them curses something under his breath before taking off and as much as Jungkook wants to chase after him. He can’t risk losing sight of Ahyeon again. Utilizing the opportunity to take the girl into a hug, he exhales heavily when her tiny hands squeeze at his back, “There is a big conversation to be had when we get home, Ahyeon-ah, this is not okay. I’ve been as patient as I can with you this far but–”

“I know…” she voices softly squeezing him even tighter “…I’m sorry—I knew, but the doggy, he—I wanted…” she grunts in frustrating “I’m really sorry P.”

“You’re safe, that’s all that matters. Let’s get a move on, it’s probably best to notify the police of this guy before we head home.”

Waiting for Papa to finish his call with the police. Ahyeon sits patiently on the bench. She’s still not sure how this dog knows her family but as she tries to focus on his thoughts, she finds nothing. She’s never had her abilities show her pictures before—so she’s not sure how this happened at all. Until a giant paw lands on her thigh. All at once the same image she saw earlier is different. Appa is no longer there, it’s just Ahyeon and Papa and they look sad.Her eyes grow even wider, water filling them as she whispers, “What—are you showing me something?”

The dog lets out a low bark before Ahyeon sees something that has her scrambling off of the bench. Water pooling even more in her eyes as she gasps, “Was that the bombs from the bad guys who had you?” she glances between the fluffy dog and Papa and she knows she’s going to be in trouble for this but she thinks just this once Papa would forgive her. “If we go super fast, can we stop Appa from dying in the explosion?” The dog barks excitedly, leaning low enough that Ahyeon can climb onto his back. Frantically she calls over her shoulder as they leave, “I’m sorry Papa, I have to use the potty really really bad! So the big boy is going to take me there, bye bye!”

“Ahyeon! Get back here right now!” Jungkook drops his forehead to the wall with a groan. Sprinting after them within seconds. He’s severed heads and watched the life drain out of people’s eyes—yet nothing is more nerve wracking to Jungkook than how quickly this little girl manages to sneak out of his sight.

It’s not often that someone is able to maintain steps ahead of W.I.S.E’s intelligence. However, the situation they have currently found themselves in is as frustrating as it is impressive. Discarding his mask and hair as soon as he’s in the vehicle with Yoongi again, Taehyung rubs hands over his face. He hoped to have this wrapped up by noon to catch up with Jungkook and Ahyeon. They’ve hardly made any progress at all. Yoongi tries to lighten the obviously frustrated mood, “That sh*t you pulled back at the safehouse acting as their leader was some of the best work I’ve ever seen. The kid we got to interrogate was completely boggled and started spilling information instantly.”

“Yeah, that’s great and all, except for the fact that the information is clearly missing something, every location he gave us has led to a dead end. There’s dozens of dogs strapped with bombs somewhere in this city with three hours before the meeting of the foreign ministers. Not feeling like I’m doing my best work right now, Yoon. Feeling a lot like this is going to be the first time I fail.”

Taehyung doesn’t even necessarily have an issue with failing. He can handle failing. But failing whenever abused animals and innocent lives will surely be lost if any bit of this plan is allowed to go off? He may as well throw in the towel on everything. Seokjin’s voice suddenly coming through their car speaker has both of them silent.

“Emergency call came into the police station. An unconscious man found tied up in an alley and his identity matches one of the profiles we’re searching for. I’m dispatching all field units except for Twilight to follow the secondary routes we put in place. We are looking to intercept solid white vans, they appear to be the Kia-motors model however all brandishing has been removed. Proceed with caution because it’s highly likely these vans contain explosives and we aren’t sure what this group is willing to do to evade being caught. Twilight’s unit, proceed with the backdoor operation as planned. We haven’t managed any sights on the leader and judging by the silence on all of our tapped lines, it’s likely he is still moving forward while letting grunts take the falls as police move in. All units plan to reconnect at the arranged rendezvous point at the top of the meeting hour. Hopefully, with success to share.”

As normal of a transmission to the ears of any other agent, yet Taehyung and Yoongi both share a look at the knowledge only the two of them have come to know. If the handler is panicking— their time is running out, quickly. Everyone other than Seokjin himself seems to have dispersed from the storage facility where they are housing the captured grunts so far. All of them are handcuffed and blindfolded where they sit along the back wall. Spouting off utter nonsense the moment Taehyung and Yoongi arrive. Seokjin shoves a heel into the mouth of one guy in particular who is spewing declarations of war and regaining the south’s supremacy. Chuckling as blood spills from his shattered teeth, “Do you really think you have the capacity to endure the struggles of a war? With your narrow mind and inability to see anything beyond the delusions you lose yourself in? I’d make a safe assumption you’ve never killed anyone with your bare hands, never smelt decaying flesh as you rummage for something to eat, considered stewing that decaying flesh because it might taste better than the bark of a tree. Hm? You’ve got nothing under your belt other than failed university classes and too much time spent in a conspiracy club, give me a f*cking break.”

There’s nothing but silence in the room as Seokjin withdraws the gun from his back pocket, loading it with the magazine Taehyung tosses him and co*cking it back before pressing the barrel to the forehead of one of the men damn near trembling with fear. “Of course, all bark no bite. You should’ve spent more time focusing on your studies. That could’ve actually taken you somewhere. Now? You have two minutes to begin telling me everything, or I’ll blow bullets through each of your skulls and I’ll feel damn good while doing it.”

Sometimes the thoughts Ahyeon reads are very easy to follow and other times, she doesn’t understand what she’s hearing at all. The only thing she knows as her and the doggy make their way inside a big building is that the bad guy said this room would blow up and if the vision from his mindwas right, that blow up would make Appa die. Ahyeon can’t fix bombs but she can draw one. Which is the only thing her little brain can think to do as they stare at the door the bad guy came out of. It takes a bit of running around this plaza before she ends up finding something to draw with. Dragging her little legs back up to the room they found, Ahyeon uses the last of her energy to draw the best bomb she can! She’s so tired from the running that it hurts to even make the drawing but she has to try. If Appa sees the big bomb drawing he is so super smart and will definitely understand not to open it! Ahyeon just knows it.

Climbing onto the doggy’s back as they run out, she feels so scared. Hugging around its neck and hiding her face. She wishes the doggy would give her a new vision. The good one again, where Appa and Papa and Ahyeon are all smiling. She doesn’t want to see explosions. She just wants to go home. “Kim Ahyeon !” Papa is going to be mad, she knows that, but it’s okay if he’s mad. As long as Appa doesn’t die.

Jungkook takes hold of her the second he’s close enough. This time, he’s not going to make the mistake of letting her go, “I’m certain there were bathrooms much closer than this, young lady. What on earth were you thinking? Have two attempted kidnappings somehow not scared you already?” He’s speaking through his bleeding heart and yet there’s nothing he can do to stop it. His voice cracks as he does his best to get through to her, “What am I supposed to do if something happens to you?! Do you have any idea how much that would hurt me? I can only imagine your Appa. You can not run off from me, Ahyeon! That’s absolutely unacceptable!”

She doesn’t say anything, mostly because her head hurts from all of the work she’s done and her tummy doesn’t feel good. But when the big clock goes off like it did in the doggy’s vision, she doesn’t hear any explosions. Relieved, Ahyeon sinks into his arms, letting silent tears fall as she apologizes. “I’m sorry, Papa, I mean it.” The dog lifting himself to lean against Jungkook’s hip, gets Ahyeon’s attention. Eyes sparkling when she watches the scary image of just the two of them alone and sad in their home, change back to the good one. The one with all three of them smiling and she bursts into tears as she hugs Jungkook even tighter. “I wanna go home and wait for Appa.”

“I think that’s a great idea.” Jungkook’s hand is secure on the back of her head. A few steps forward, he notices the big white dog hasn’t moved towards them. It feels like a bad idea, especially if everything Ahyeon told him was true about evil guys and a bomb house. But this dog managed to keep Ahyeon safe two times today, so it only feels right to at least give him a warm meal. Patting his thigh, Jungkook calls sharply, “Come on boy.”

Ahyeon’s eyes widen as Jungkook looks away, refusing to look those sweet little eyes dead on after all of the stress she’s caused today. Even though he feels his cheeks warming as the dog catches up to their side, “I’m not sure if Appa will approve…but we can at least not leave him on the streets.”

Maneuvering between buildings and over fences is much easier without the weight of this disguise. The foreign minister doesn’t look as if he weighs much more than Taehyung himself, but his agility has definitely taken a hit with the added layers to fully get into costume.. Although Taehyung can’t complain too much about it, when the moron they’ve been looking for all day was dumb enough to take the bait so easily. He’s already sent the plate number of the car the man is driving to Yoongi, as Taehyung evades the dog that’s chasing him. He’s doing his best to figure out how to get that vest off of the dog before the guy decides to detonate whatever bomb is attached to it.

A dead end between the street where the guy’s car has come to an abrupt stop and the river separating one side of the city from the other, the only thing Taehyung can think to do is use his knife to cut the vest off. Discarding it into the river just in time to feel the rumble of the ground and feel the water that pulses up and spills into the alley. Watching the car speed off, Taehyung doesn’t even bother running after him. Yoongi and Seokjin will undoubtedly have it from here and he really needs a minute to catch his breath.

Disguise left behind, Taehyung walks at a leisurely pace towards the meeting point. Though he’s stopped well before it. By the sight of that same vehicle crashed into a light post. Police officers taking the unconscious terrorist into handcuffs. None of that is what’s shocking, what is shocking is the sight of Ahyeon and Jungkook on the sidewalk. A ginormous dog is beside them as they talk to an officer. He really should keep going, the task isn’t completed until they finish at the rendezvous location. Yet he can’t bring himself to do anything but rush up to them, “What are you two doing here?”

Jungkook’s eyes are sharp at first as if he were startled, unconsciously clutching Ahyeon closer to himself. Before they round out and he exhales so heavily in relief, “Oh, I’m so glad to see you.” His face flushes and Taehyung feels his own doing the same as Jungkook quickly speaks again, “I mean, it’s just been a lot. The craziest day ever.”

An excited voice vies for his attention, “Appa you always miss the good parts! That white car was driving like wild and almost hit us! But Papa super kicked it into the pole and stopped it!”

“K-kicked it?” Taehyung whips his head to Jungkook who shakes his own frantically, “He was driving crazy! but very very slow. I just needed to change his course before he hit someone and acted on reflex.”

“Your reflex is to kick a car?” chuckling he can’t resist the urge to step forward, Gentle arm wrapping around Jungkook’s lower back as he presses a kiss to Ahyeon’s hair, “I’m glad you both are okay. Are the police done with you, can we head home?”

Too flustered and shocked to respond, the officer close by does for him, “We’ve got everything we need, you all are good to get out of here. Oh, wait, I’m so sorry but we do need to take the dog into custody—”

Ahyeon scrambling out of Jungkook’s arms to wrap her own around the dog that’s nearly twice her size, has both of them eyeing each other reluctantly. Taehyung crouches gently, “Ahyeon, sweetheart, this doggy has had a really hard life. The police officers are going to make sure he finds a nice loving home.”

“No! He’s supposed to be with us! He’s Ahyeon’s doggy and he saved the mission and kept Appa alive!”

All of the adults are confused. Gazes shifting awkwardly as the little girl bursts into tears. Clinging even tighter to the dog who simply lets her do as she pleases. Seokjin approaching all of them has the police officers standing at attention. Taehyung too but turning to face him and prevent his boss from being harsh with his daughter, “Jin—”

Removing his sunglasses, Seokjin’s glare moves from Taehyung to the officer, “Is there any reason why you need to take this dog into your own custody? He has nothing tying him to the terrorists.”

The officer attempts to step closer with one of many leashes in hand, but Seokjin prevents him from moving the girl’s direction. It’s obvious the officer is growing more frustrated, by his sharpened tone, “These dogs are likely micro-chipped and highly trained weapons of war! We need to have them seen by vets and any potential tracking devices removed.”

“An animal is not a weapon simply because some brain dead human’s only valued them as such.” Twisting on his heels, Seokjin can’t help but notice the other one. Jungkook. The spouse who is standing in front of Ahyeon with such an aura about him, that even Seokjin himself, seriously doubts he’d be able to get past him if he wanted to. Thankfully, no more fighting will be taking place today. As he unfolds the leash he himself brought as a back up, placing it in front of Ahyeon with a warm smile, “Do you promise to take good care of this doggy? Help him live a fun happy life?” She nods and takes the leash excitedly. Jungkook helping her fasten it on his collar while Seokjin returns his attention to Taehyung and the officer standing by. “I will see to it myself that any microchips are removed and submitted as evidence first thing Monday morning. You all have about three dozen dogs to take under your wing right now, I think you could use one less.” After a bit more deliberation, the officers finally part ways.

Taehyung has known Seokjin for as long as he can remember. Even before he was the handler. When Seokjin was merely a field agent and Taehyung was a young guy with no direction. Yet all of this time, right now is the first time he’s ever seen a smile on the man’s face, “She’s a good girl. Take care of them while fulfilling this mission, Taehyung.”

“The dog is her responsibility—”

“I wasn’t talking about the dog.” Seokjin’s eyes shift towards Jungkook who is currently chasing after Ahyeon who is riding on the back of her new dog down the sidewalk. A deep laugh and thumbs up is all he gives before following after them.

There is nothing about this marriage that has been of convenience and even so: Taehyung finds himself enjoying this arrangement more and more every day.


The first thing Ahyeon does when she gets home from school on Monday is sprint into the house. Frantically looking all over for the dog she’s waited all day to see. Tumbling into Jungkook’s legs as he looks at her with amusem*nt all over his face, “Papa, where is Bond?!”

“Appa told you this morning that he had an appointment with the vet. They must be running a little late getting home. Why don’t we start on dinner?”

Dragging her feet over to the sofa, she sinks into it disappointedly, “How long? The police guys aren’t going to take him right?”

"Of course not, get your homework out so you’re already almost done when they get home.”

Despite the anxious way she looks towards the front door every few minutes. Ahyeon does her homework rather peacefully. When Jungkook brings her a snack, usually she would make up some issue with the assignment to get his help...but this time all she does is flash a big brilliant smile before digging in and continuing her work. Seeing her work so diligently really makes Jungkook feel awful about the fact that he has to tell Taehyung about her bad behavior bolt today. He’s even reluctant himself.

This weekend turned out to be one of the loveliest ones they’ve shared together so far. He had no idea that visiting a park could be so fun. Watching Taehyung chase around the giant dog, Ahyeon affectionately named ‘Bond’ after her spy wars show she can’t seem to get enough of—gave Jungkook some of the loudest laughs he’s ever heard leave his own mouth. Maybe it’s because they’ve gotten so used to their routine and working days being opposite, but even when they stopped at the market to grab a few things before heading home, was still more fun than when they go alone. Taehyung attempting to turn down all of the sidewalk vendors, but Ahyeon's eyes sparkling in his direction won him over every time.

His problem has been growing exponentially, but sometimes—Jungkook wonders, if it’s even really a problem at all? Is it so horrible for something that started simply as two people doing each other a favor, to blossom into more than? Would it really be the worst thing in the world for him to fall in lo— “Appa! Bond!”

A loud bark followed by loud footsteps as he runs into the living room and swoops Ahyeon up onto his back has the little girl making all kinds of noises of excitement. Immediately going on about returning to their mission from last night—which is Jungkook’s queue to pull his newest recipe out of the oven. Taehyung’s presence behind him doesn’t go unnoticed, but right now he feels terrified that the ridiculous thoughts he was letting run rampant might be obvious on his face.

He’s entirely taken back by the soft whine in Taehyung’s voice, “Wa —Are we not having that beef soup tonight?”

Cheeks flushing as he cuts into the dish, Jungkook keeps his gaze in front of him, “Well after talking to Jimin, I realized I’ve been feeding you guys the same food on the same days for the last few months…I don’t know why you didn’t say something sooner.”

“Having routines is nice…” Taehyung’s voice sounds even more whiny…almost pouty. Good god, what is happening, who is this man? His voice is even closer and Jungkook can practically feel the heat of Taehyung standing right behind him. “…and I really like that soup. I was looking forward to it! But I’m sure this will be great too. How was your day?”


His day? His day was fine, normal, typical, until right now.

Until Taehyung got home and started…Jungkook doesn’t even know what he started, but when he finally turns to face him it’s even worse. Taehyung is always picture perfect, hair neatly parted and styled and suits pressed perfectly to his body. The lounge-wear before bed is normal. But this version of Taehyung that’s got his hair all messily tussled with a sweatshirt on and his playful smile? Jungkook nearly melts, he doesn’t, he does however burn the tips of his fingers. Accidentally reaching for the dish without the oven mits. Hissing through the pain, he sharply yanks his hands back and waves them in front of himself. Taehyung, with his warm eyes and concerned frown, looks as if he’s going to step towards him. Which of course means Jungkook hastily puts space between them, “I have some stuff for this in my room. Would you mind serving our plates? I checked and the ingredient list is all safe for dogs, so Bond may have some too.”

“I don’t know that we should get him used to that—”

“Bond needs good foods too Appa!” Ahyeon is scowling in front of him. Hands on her hips and sock cover toe tapping against the floor. “Yes, what was I thinking?” Rolling his eyes, Taehyung does start plating their food. Peaking through to the dining table and clearing his throat. Which has Ahyeon immediately dropping her toys and rushing to clear the table of her homework materials. Bumbling back in with an innocent smile on her face at the same time as Jungkook returns too. Taehyung knows that eventually, it’ll be in all of their best interest if he and Jungkook have a serious conversation about the nature of this time they spend together. He just can’t bring himself to pop their bubble.

Speaking of popping bubbles, while Ahyeon has a mouthful, Taehyung takes the opportunity to wipe at his mouth, “Ahyeon, it’s time we discuss the stellar stars and their importance at the academy—you need to earn eight of them by the end of the academic year. You realize this?”

Jaw falling open, Ahyeon suddenly remembers the same thing that she can hear Papa thinking about. Her bad bolt. Appa is going to be so angry. She does her best to keep a calm face, nodding and listening as Appa tells her all of the ways she can earn them and that he’s decided on their first community service project that they will do next weekend. Her pleading eyes fall on her Papa as soon as the thought races through his mind about telling Appa. Please, just give her one more day…Ahyeon will fix it all tomorrow. She will. Somehow. She and Bond will figure it out.

No amount of those big round apologetic eyes can convince Jungkook to keep this secret any longer. It’s already been too many days. Without a doubt, all of the tender sweetness Taehyung has been showing will surely go away when Jungkook says, “We have another thing to discuss now that the hectic weekend is over…”

Taehyung’s eyes shift between Jungkook’s and Ahyeon where she is glaring at her plate. Bottom lip protruding as she drags her fork through her food. “There was an incident at school on Friday. Involving some mean boys that Ahyeon might have used some of our training to put a stop to.”


“Hold on..” Jungkook speaks softly “..I’ve already gone into great detail with her about how important it is to only use the things I’ve taught her when she is in physical danger. Or she thinks someone might physically harm her. That being said, I am the one who decided to wait until Monday to tell you, so do what you must regarding the bolt just know the delayed information was completely on me. I didn’t want to ruin our weekend.” Taehyung’s sharp eyes looking right into his own has Jungkook fidgeting in his seat. Toes wiggling in his house slippers as he bites at the inside of his cheeks. Only for the man to give him a soft smile, “I’m glad you waited. I bit off more than I could chew taking that additional work Saturday and I’m not sure I would’ve been in the right headspace had I known about this then.” But the smile is almost entirely wiped off as he looks at Ahyeon, “Now that I’ve heard Papa’s story. Care to tell me yours, young lady?”

As she rambles on and on about what happened, Taehyung hadn’t even considered what would happen if Ahyeon’s behavior isn’t up to code for Evara. Of course they would hold the kids to high standards but he finds himself wondering if the boys were given any repercussions. Although he knows that it’s always the one who throws the punch who faces the consequences, even if the punch was deserved. The entire operation can be destroyed if Ahyeon gets expelled—

Her shrill voice interrupts his thoughts, “I’m really sorry for getting the bad behavior bolt but Papa was right and I won’t use my special moves ever again at school and I won’t get expelled so the big mission will be good and Ahyeon doesn’t have to leave!”

Skin flushing, Taehyung doesn’t understand why she always mentions having to leave. No amount of curious childlike perception would allow her the knowledge of the operation’s details—which makes him wonder if Jungkook has mentioned leaving one day. So maybe she has made the connection that if Jungkook leaves they would separate too. After-all, how could their family that’s come together so nicely move forward with a piece missing? Ears burning even hotter, Taehyung nearly chokes on his food. Entirely unsure why his mind makes such crazy statements and unaware of the soft way Ahyeon looks at him. “I promise to be only the best and become a scholar to make Appa and Papa proud.”

“I know you will.” Taehyung says softly. “Let’s consider this a warning bolt. Now you know how to handle things like this and we can all just move forward. Bond received his official certificate of adoption today, so I think that celebration is more important than worrying about some mean boys.” He pretends not to feel Jungkook’s stare. Mostly because he’s not sure he can handle eye contact right now. Not when his heart is feeling all of these… things. Luckily, Ahyeon as usual, serves as a powerful distraction, “Bond couldn’t have been adopted today! I wasn’t there to sign!”

Taehyung chuckles softly, taking the last bite off of his plate. Though the fury radiating over this entire dining room table tells him that Ahyeon isn’t joking. Not even in the slightest. Jungkook must sense it too, face wrinkling up as he tries to think of an appropriate way to explain that Ahyeon cannot adopt a dog at five years old. But Taehyung, foolish, idiotic, Taehyung. Excuse for an emotionless espionage agent, Taehyung. Wipes at his mouth before dropping his napkin, chair skidding across the floor into the suddenly silent dining room as he makes his way towards his briefcase. Sifting through and slipping out the makeshift certificate granted to him at the veterinarian’s office where Bond received his official registration. A pink cup covered in butterfly stickers sits on the small counter that separates the kitchen from the dining room. He grabs a pen at random and places the certificate in front of her, “Your signature is needed for completion, that’s why I brought it home.”

Jungkook’s gaze hasn’t left him in what feels like years. An obvious exaggeration, but Taehyung truly cannot handle it. Between the adoration that glistens in his round eyes, paired with the excited giggles as Ahyeon adds her name in pink gel ink next to his own. His throat swells unexpectedly at the tiny ‘Kim Ahyeon’ written right beside ‘Kim Taehyung.’ He’s never felt any attachment to any of the identities he’s forged over his years with W.I.S.E. And yet, Taehyung has never felt as much like a real person as he does in this home with this name attached to himself. Like he does when the two pairs of eyes, now three if Bond is included, watch as he puts the certificate into one of the picture frames he and Jungkook bought spontaneously before Namjoon’s visit. Hanging right on the wall above the dog’s sparkling new water bowl. Quickly clapping his hands together, Taehyung clears his throat, “I’m going to get my shower done with, I’ll clean up dishes after.” He needs to do major damage control on his own heart.

Washing his body, his heart hasn’t stopped pounding. All of those hyper focusing skills he’s mastered over the years are for some reason choosing to zero in on nonsensical things. Like the suds trailing their way down his body, seeping into the tile beneath his feet and making their way to the drain. The whirring of the bathroom fan that’s off by a beat every few rotations. Ahyeon’s laugh as she giggles, her footsteps following, rushed down the hallway—the fact that he doesn’t hear four loud ones behind her says that it’s Jungkook. Jungkook and his stealthy little steps chasing her around, likely with the giant penguin plushie, or the little robot, or the toy laser gun or literally anything that she picked up with her tiny little hands and pouted at him until he agreed to play with her. It’s not like Yoongi or Seokjin have done anything to help him prevent this.

Yoongi turning what was once a vacant room in his apartment that he used for storage of failed inventions, cleaned out entirely into a makeshift playroom suitable for a tiny girl with pink hair who spent more time there than he wanted in the beginning. And yet he is the one who sends Taehyung a message saying he’ll be at home all week if he needs any time away from Ahyeon for work. As if that’s why he’s asking. As if Taehyung can’t tell Yoongi’s grown love for the child just by the way he smiles when she shouts ‘Uncle Scruffy!’

And Seokjin? With his stupid remark about taking care of them. As if Jungkook even needs Taehyung to take care of him. Jungkook is clearly more than capable of fending for himself. He has all of this time. Taking on mobs of kidnappers and kicking damned cars. If anything, Taehyung needs him. Because the amount of weight Jungkook has carried as his husband, as a Papa, in this family? Taehyung is well aware that he would be an utter mess of a man trying desperately to pull off what feels like mission impossible without him. Jungkook absolutely doesn’t need Taehyung. Stepping out of the shower and drying off, he hates himself for wishing that he did.

Jungkook taking his spot on the sofa as he always does, knees tucked to his chest as he sips on a much smaller glass of wine than usual, has Taehyung voicing softly. “I could’ve sworn I heard some playing going on out here just a few minutes ago?” A sweet giggle and a lethal eye roll have Taehyung gravitating towards the open spot on the sofa against his will. He needs space. If anything, the last few days, the last hour, the painful aching in his chest—his instincts, all of it, tells him he needs to implement as much space as humanly possible between them. Taehyung pours himself a glass and ignores all of the warning signs anyway.


Cleaning up the remnants of a messy job intercepting stowaways on a cargo ship, Taehyung is exhausted and beyond ready to go home. His life has always felt like it moved painfully slow, days feeling miserably long and nights even more so. Things started moving a little quicker when Operation Pere began. Now? He’s got eight months in between the operation itself and all of the side quests W.I.S.E sends him on—with the last six of those months feeling as if they passed within a week.

He can’t remember the last time he, Jungkook and Ahyeon had the opportunityto get out of the house together for more than a walk to or from school. Which is infuriating in more ways than one. Only worsening when Yoongi takes off his mask and exhales slowly, “So, what are we doing for the kid’s birthday this weekend?”



Taehyung has never celebrated a birthday for anyone in his entire life. His brain isn’t hardwired to think about birthdays. All of the color drains from his face as he looks at Yoongi with a frown, “I hadn’t even thought about that.”

“Seriously?!” Yoongi tsks, arms crossing as they make their way to the car to leave, “She already got one of those fancy stars and you haven’t even thought to plan a party?”

No. He hasn’t had a single thought about a party. Especially because Ahyeon’s star came alongside a second bolt. Their exams were rigorous. Taehyung and Jungkook both spent an entire week's worth of evenings helping her study in preparation for them. For some reason, Ahyeon excels in her language course and out of the entire academy she scored number two. All of the top three scorers received stars for their performance. If only she hadn’t flunked the math portion of the exam so severely that she was awarded a bolt the very same day. Even the headmaster himself was in shock as he explained to Taehyung at pick up that no one has ever received both for their performance.

This has Ahyeon with a score of two to one with the bolts taking the lead. It isn’t exactly a cause for celebration. Her birthday, however, Taehyung feels like it must be a celebration. If nothing else, for the sake of the operation. What child wouldn’t love to go to school and talk about their birthday party. Except the only problem here is Taehyung doesn’t know the first thing about parties. Let alone children’s parties. The maniacal laughter in the passenger seat has his eyes glaring at Yoongi, “Thoughts to share, hyung?”

“I can handle the party planning, if you want. I’m better at pulling strings behind the scenes anyway.”

If he were a smart man, he would’ve immediately turned down Yoongi’s request. But Taehyung isn’t smart and he is, in a pinch, so he shrugs and smiles, “I’ll take all the help I can get.”

All the help he can get, lands him sitting beside a slightly buzzed Yoongi and across from an even more buzzed Jungkook as they talk over wine. Ahyeon is so happy in her own seat playing with everything that fell out of the massive piñata Yoongi brought over, that she hasn’t even realized how lame this party is. Leaning into Yoongi’s side, Taehyung pinches his elbow, “What part of wine and a piñata screams best birthday ever to you? You didn’t even bring a cake!”

Yoongi gasps, suddenly jumping up and clapping obnoxiously, “Ahyeon-ah, did you just hear your Appa? He said that today is the one day of the year where anything the birthday girl wishes for has to come true.”

“Hey! I didn’t say anything of the sort—you know the imagination she has! I can’t possibly make her wishes—” Ahyeon sprinting over to the television has all of their attention. Scrolling through all the previous recordings saved of spy-wars until she plays the one that Taehyung has suffered through replaying at least twice a week. Eyes all wide and sparkly as she bounces on the balls of her feet, “I want to play save Ahyeon from the castle! Where I’m the princess and Appa is Bond-man!”

Taehyung’s face burns as he looks away, scoffing, “Ahyeon, that’s simply not possible—we don’t even have a castle…”

“Oh, don’t you worry about that!” Yoongi, with his slightly flushed cheeks, hooks an arm around Taehyung’s shoulder, “Uncle Scruff can handle everything. Isn’t that right, Princess Ahyeon?” He crouches and pats the top of her hair. “After-all it’s been such a tough year at the big academy, you’ve worked so hard. Mhm, yes, it’s only fair for you to have a fun day for your birthday.”

Taehyung will not be so easily swayed by tiny watery eyes and his alcohol induced friend’s shenanigans.

He is a strong man.

The nation’s top spy.

He knows how to put his foot down to a ridiculous request.

So why is he currently ushering Ahyeon and Jungkook down to the river where an emergency-use-only W.I.S.E water plane is waiting for them? He doesn’t know. Couldn’t tell you at all what led him to move forward with this. He first fixes the helmet onto Ahyeon’s head, then turns his attention towards Jungkook whose cheeks are even more flushed than they were at home. A soft whisper as he buckles the man’s helmet as well, “I think we need to consider abstaining from wine for a little while, don’t you think?”

“Sure.” Jungkook says sweetly. Lashes batting as he smiles, “Whatever my husband wants. Where did y’get a plane anyway?”

Ignoring the burning tips of his ears, Taehyung guides them onto the plane and into their seats. Sending one last glare at Yoongi who is way too amused. “The hospital has all different means of transporting patients. Luckily there’s some extras that aren’t in rotation and they let me borrow one. Let’s get moving because it does have a curfew.”

As the castle they had to cross half of the country to reach, comes into view. Both Ahyeon and Jungkook make noises of excitement. But it’s Yoongi who makes the loudest noise, “Woah, this is even better than it looked online! Talk about a last minute score!”

Once inside the castle, standing behind giant red theater curtains, Taehyung realizes this might be the single most embarrassing task he has ever had to go through for the sake of an operation. Hoping that his message on the importance of the agents questioning nothing and simply going along with whatever is requested by Yoongi, was received loud and clear. He cannot believe Yoongi managed to scramble up costumes for them all.

Bumbling up to the microphone as he faces the crowd, “Is everyone ready to meet our cast for the evening? To my right, we have the always lovely, Birthday Princess Ahyeon!” With a sparkly tiara atop her head Ahyeon spins happily. The crowd of agents cooing and ahhing as anyone would in the presence of royalty. A spot light falling on himself has the black eye mask framing his face feeling a lot like a branding iron as Yoongi cackles, “This here, is Taetae-man! Our super spy of the evening who will be tasked with rescuing princess Ahyeon, from….well….” A smirk spreads on Yoongi’s face as he spins on his heels, suddenly a black cloak dropping around his shoulders as he cackles, “…from me! Evil Count Scruff!”

Jungkook is waiting eagerly between both Taehyung and Ahyeon, big smile on his face when the spotlight turns to him and Yoongi nods, “Along with my sidekick, Master of Pain!”

He then points an exaggerated hand out towards the crowd. Taehyung is mortified just watching this unfold. A side of Yoongi he had no idea existed as his voice darkens, “All of you, my dear subordinates. I need you to fulfill the duties of Evil Count Scruff with integrity! Relentlessly! Do not hold back! Whatever you do…..get in the way as much as you possibly can! Do not let Taetae-man rescue Princess Ahyeon!”

Eyes glancing at the agents, Taehyung is perplexed to say the least, by the excitement he finds on their faces. All of them dispersed and found places throughout this massive ballroom to hide and plot out their methods of foiling his attempts at saving Ahyeon. This already feels like a disaster. Then the curtain rises and suddenly Yoongi has Ahyeon sitting on his shoulder. Jungkook smiles all blissfully in his own world as they enter a cart contraption that lifts them to the ceiling.

No 1, 2, 3, go? They’re just immediately jumping into the scene?! Taehyung barely has time to climb into the other cart before he’s lost sight of the three. All he can hear is Yoongi’s maniacal laughter, “Enjoy your suffering Taetae-man, Princess Ahyeon belongs to me!”

As he pushes the start button on his cart, Taehyung starts racking his brain for any information he can find on this castle. Coming to the knowledge that it’s since been turned into an amusem*nt park, suddenly his cart driving outside of the castle and running along a well lit track make a lot more sense. Taehyung hasn’t a clue where they’re at. Until he looks up and sees an air blimp that runs along a wire across the entire top of the castle. Ahyeon waving from the side of it asking to be saved as Yoongi snarls, “You’ll never get the princess back!” All at once they’ve disappeared inside an opening at one of the castle towers. But Ahyeon’s voice can still be heard, “Hurry and save me, Ap—I mean, Taetae-man! Before Evil Count Scruff kills me!”

“Hey hey hey, I’m not going to kill anyone.”

Her giggles interrupt anyway, “Taetae-man! Hurry and be the hero!”

His own car comes to a stop at the end of the track. His options are to either exit via what appears to be a slide into the castle or go back the way he came. Taehyung feels absolutely f*cking ridiculous. With this mask and these gloves and the way he’s suddenly taking this mission much more seriously. Silly fun for Ahyeon’s Birthday or not, there’s no way he’s letting Yoongi get away with embarrassing him like this. Taehyung dives into the slide, landing in a big open room, surrounded with enormous illuminated bouncy balls and about two dozen agents waiting to take him on.

The ziplined Air Balloon enters the room, with Yoongi’s evil witch laughter bursting through the speakers yet again. Though Taehyung’s eyes are locked in on the sight of Ahyeon in Jungkook’s lap. She’s excitedly pointing at all of the balls and Jungkook seems to be enjoying them with her. How the hell did a side quest for the Operation involving his family end up with him on the outside and Yoongi in their cart? This is backwards in too many ways. But he can’t focus on that right now, his focus must be on the task at hand. Which is fending off all of his colleagues at once.

He had no idea that the canons in the back of the room were not props and were in fact operational and loaded.With even more giant bouncy balls. They end up being of great use for Taehyung, as he bobs and weaves his way around them. Even knocking a few out of his way and letting them take out all of the minions running at him. The sudden explosion of smoke bombs and a body attempting to take him into a headlock does catch him off guard. But a quick jab to the side of the man’s neck and he’s rolling over on the floor, with Taehyung freed to continue making his way towards the tower. Most of his missions involve stealthy actions and making as little of a scene as possible.

So even if he never admits it out loud, he is enjoying this more than he should. The ultimate obstacle course for sharpening up his agility and at the same time making his daughter smile, and possibly earning a smile or two from his drunken husband, maybe—just maybe, it’s worth the embarrassment he felt at the beginning of this all. Climbing the stairs, he can practically touch the cart they’re all sitting in. Ahyeon’s happy clapping causes a slight delay in his step. All at once their cart is moving and Yoongi’s cackle is back, “We’ve only just started Taetae-man, did you think you’d reach the Princess so quickly?”

The balloon disappears inside another tower, Taehyung following through the opening—not prepared for the trap door lowering him several floors. Unleashing dozens more agents and their weapons of choice—guns firing off more bouncy balls that ricochet around this tower at blistering speeds. Seriously, how the hell did Yoongi get all of this stuff so quickly? It’s practically never ending and Taehyung can barely even see their air balloon anymore. One of the agents with slippery hands drops his gun, perfectly into Taehyung’s grasp. The sound of Ahyeon from the very top of the tower has Taehyung moving just a little faster. Her excited cheers of “The spy hero is so cool! Go Taetae-man!” start to grow louder as the sound of guns firing slows down. One by one Taehyung picks off each of the agents. Leaving himself alone at the bottom. Only several stories worth of this tower keeping him from that damn balloon.

Finding a hidden staircase is his up, and in what he thinks would be record time he is atop the tower. Only for the air balloon to be halfway across the length of the castle. Zip lines suspended over a vast courtyard and Yoongi’s smirk can be seen from across the way, “You didn’t think it’d be so simple, did you?” Taehyung watches carefully as the air balloon comes to a stop. Yoongi and Ahyeon climbing out of it. Standing proud on the highest balcony. Overlooking the courtyard beneath them as Yoongi keeps Ahyeon behind him. “Good luck getting through all of the traps, Taetae-man! This is as good as over. Princess Ahyeon is officially captured!”

Making use of his jacket, Taehyung sends himself flying down the zipline. Eyes opening wide at the various fire and water traps that go off below him. Did Yoongi want him dead?! Finally, with a front flip for no purpose other than to show-off. He lands right at the edge of the balcony. Only a short walk-way above the courtyard is keeping him from where they are. Taehyung smiles, shaking his head, “C’mon, Count Scruff? Flames? You don’t think that was over-doing it?” His throat clears as the lower courtyard is suddenly swarmed with the agents. Taehyung is not seriously going to act out this insane episode in front of them. It’s already been enough. But Ahyeon’s eyes are sparkling as she watches. Exhaling, he points a finger at Yoongi, “Hand over the princess…or—or else.”

Yoongi’s head falls back into the worst sounding laugh Taehyung has ever heard. Seriously, he can’t possibly be drunk anymore, is he just this high on portraying a villain? That would be a major cause for concern but he doesn’t have time for that.

Because the double doors on the wall behind them open up and Taehyung doesn’t even have a blip of a moment to register the movement before Jungkook is spinning in the air and landing right at the end of the walk-way. Eyes as dark red as his sweater and so lethal he seriously feels chills down his spine. What the actual f*ck?

Ahyeon lets out a quiet, “Woah…Papa!” but it’s over shone by Yoongi’s shouting into the microphone, “I’d love to see you try defeating the most powerful man in the world. Evil Count Scruff’s Master of Pain!” More-so than anything, he doesn’t like the fact that a tipsy Jungkook is entering this walk-way. With no railing protecting him from stumbling right off and onto the courtyard. Taehyung cannot relieve his own panic because suddenly one of Jungkook’s legs are flying in his direction. Taehyung was a hair’s breadth away from losing his damn head!

Then another one.

And another.

Jungkook is using every last bit of that apparent self-defense training he received from his brother, fulfilling his role in this story and Taehyung for the first time in his entire life isn’t sure if he’s the one that’s going to win.

A flip backwards was his attempt at putting space between them but Jungkook is too swift. He’s gliding beneath him and grazes Taehyung’s cheek with the sharpest corner of his heeled boot. On his feet and in complete disbelief, and out of breath, Taehyung feels a tiny driblet of blood. Eyes landing on Jungkook’s and he has never seen the man like this before. He’s got a shroud of darkness surrounding him as his eyes glow. Once upon a time Taehyung thought he was hallucinating the flickers of red. He’s realizing now that he wasn’t and those sharp eyes are more red in this moment than they have ever been.

Jungkook’s voice is low and gravelly as he snarls, each step closer seriously has Taehyung terrified, “Anyone whitries to kidnap Ahyeon, will not be escaping with their life.” All at once he’s in Taehyung’s face. Punch, kick, uppercut, round house, jab, cross, hook, ending with a cartwheel kick that knocks Taehyung onto his ass. Hands flying out in front of himself as he gasps, “Jungkook—seriously, hold on—

The attacks don’t stop, every punch and kick growing more painful. It’s as if Jungkook is in a haze. A drunk on blood lust haze. Taehyung is strong and he can withstand a lot of physical attacks due to his decades of training…but even he has limits. After a particularly tough blow to his stomach, he seriously thinks Jungkook is going to kill him. Imagine that, being beaten to death by his make believe husband and daughter in front of all of his colleagues. Watching Jungkook wind up for another kick in the air, with Ahyeon and Yoongi’s taunting behind him, Taehyung has accepted his fate. He is going to die at the hands of Jungkook because he simply cannot bring himself to fight back—but the man’s heel gets caught in the cobblestone below them.

In the blink of an eye Jungkook is tripping over himself, all momentum gone as he lands face first onto the ground. The entire castle, courtyard and balcony falls impossibly silent. Taehyung is excited for a chance to catch his breath and prepare for the incoming attack when nothing comes. Jungkook is still laying there. Heart dropping to his feet, Taehyung moves quickly, “Jungkook, are you alright? Do you need—” words stopping when all of the rage is gone.

Left behind is only pink dusted cheeks and soft snores. Sleeping? He’s seriously sleeping? Taehyung knows his husband gets sleepy after wine, but landing face first on the ground probably didn’t help,

Or maybe the mission is rigged after-all and Jungkook wasn’t trying to murder him. Although the gash on his face seriously says otherwise. Approaching Yoongi and Ahyeon, Taehyung has had enough of the evil laughter and corny ass taunts hurled his way. He lands only a single blow to the center of Yoongi’s face as he gets close enough to end his word hurling.

Ears and cheeks and neck and entire body blazing with embarrassment as Ahyeon’s round eyes look up at him. Taehyung speaks softly, hoping no one manages to hear him say, “I—I’ve taken out Count Evil Scruffy and his minions for you, Princess Ahyeon. I’m here to take you home.” All at once Ahyeon’s eyes are watering and she’s jumping into his arms. Happy squealing as she hugs Taehyung impossibly tight, “Appa, you did it!!” He doesn’t say anything about the fact that he thought he wasn’t supposed to be her dad for this game.

But she’s smiling and excited as the sky suddenly erupts into fireworks. Sprinting towards the edge of the balcony and watching them, “They’re so pretty and sparkly, Appa. I’ve never seen real fireworks before.” The crowd of agents from below on the courtyard are cheering for “Princess Ahyeon and Taetae-man.” Which makes this all suddenly settle in. The excitement of the game is over and Taehyung is ready for them all to go home.

The fireworks are still ongoing and Jungkook still seems to be sleeping on the walk-way, so Taehyung takes Ahyeon into his arms and lets her watch them for a little longer. Not prepared even in the slightest for the soft way her voice speaks as she clings to him, “This was the coolest birthday ever.” Hand tightening where he holds her, he nods, “Not everyone can have an entire castle amusem*nt park to themselves. I think it’s pretty cool too.” Ahyeon nods happily. Tiny hand fisting the fabric of his t-shirt as she whispers, “Appa saving Ahyeon from the orphan place was the best thing ever. So I promise to do better in my school and get no more bolts, only stars, so I can beat the mission for Appa too.”

Gently patting her head, while simultaneously trying to suffocate the pounding of his heart. Taehyung starts walking inside, amused at the way she starts to fall asleep on his shoulder, “As long as you always try your best, that’s all that matters, Ahyeon.”

Handler, SJ :

Castle Rental

Private Plane Charter to and from

104 agents emergency dispatched

Costume rental

Gun rental, ammunition rental

Arson fee

Water usage

Is there an explanation for all of these charges?

What on earth could’ve called for this?

Looking at the message, Taehyung groans. Yoongi was supposed to handle this, so why is Taehyung the one receiving this message? The last thing he needs is Seokjin breathing down his throat. Although in the grand scheme of it all, this absolutely was a part of Operation Pere and pretty good training for the agents as well.

Making his way into the living room where Ahyeon is doodling in a coloring book with Bond’s head in her lap. Jungkook is wrapped in a blanket, likely sporting a hangover, sipping some tea on the sofa behind her. Taehyung catches himself smiling at the sight of them and snaps himself out of it abruptly.

He can only handle one wave of chaos at a time, right now? The chaos at hand is taming his boss’ rage.

Twilight :

Yes, those are the charges associated with Operation Pere’s latest task.

You can get full details from Yoongi.

Also, there should be three more bills coming.


It’s been so long since Jungkook was sent on orders, that when his supervisor approaches him at his desk to inform of an urgent call—he’s incredibly confused. Brows cinching before he’s up instantly. Making his way down the long hallway into the room only he and two others have access to. Slipping this uniform off and into the clothes most suited for the kind of work he will apparently be doing. Jungkook takes the call, albeit more reluctant than usual. Nodding as he’s given instructions, “Is this the only part of the assignment?”

“Yes, the red circus has been an active extremist group for a while now. A highly important individual has called in this hit to ensure the people aren’t further impacted by their actions. I do hope you understand the importance of this and carry out the customer’s request cleanly.”

Veins buzzing the moment his stiletto kunai are in the sheaths strapped to his thighs, Jungkook speaks softly, “Of course. I’ll be in contact once the request is fulfilled.” This is something he will have to be quick on. The work day is already almost over, Taehyung and Ahyeon are sure to question his late arrival when he’s the one handling dinner tonight. Skin crawling, he forces himself to snap out of it. Out of the role he’s allowed himself to sink into and into the role he was born to fulfill.

The one that has an insatiable thirst for vengeance coursing from the band holding back his hair, down to the tips of his toes. It’s honestly a shame that the agency has to exist at all. If there weren’t so many evil people making secret moves in darkness, there would be no need for secret enforcements in the darkness as well. He’s lived his entire life knowing that there’s no point dwelling over would’ve, could’ve and should’ve. As he reaches the address given, it’s honestly too easy. Slipping in through the highest floor where he can hear all nine voices talking quietly.

He’s not entirely sure what they’re discussing, the language being one he’s unfamiliar with…but in the grand scheme of it all. Jungkook supposes the language doesn’t matter. No words need to be shared as he bursts through the door. The morons take their name of red circle far too literally with the way they stand. All wide eyed and shocked as he approaches. A perfect formation for him to swing a sharpened heel at the same time as he lunges a knife forward.

Two throats severed at once is something that never fails to leave the rest of the room trembling. One fumbling for his gun would make Jungkook laugh if he weren’t so lost in his focus. A swift punch sends the gun flying. Backflipping off of one of the bleeding out bodies, Jungkook barely catches it. The less noise the better so he just discards it off to the side. He’s far quicker and cleaner with his weapons of choice. Which he proves as he takes out the remaining members in a manner he almost finds to be too easy. Too quick of a death for a mob of men with intentions of harming an entire nation of innocent people for their own delusional ideals. Flicking off the blood that’s dripping from his kunai, Jungkook exhales in relief. Glancing around the room of assassinated extremists, he makes his way to the phone on a desk in the back.

“That was quick, Thorn Prince. Might be one of the quickest mass jobs you’ve done. I almost feel like I should send you on another—”

“Ah, I will need to be going home.” His voice trembles as he speaks. He’s never interrupted the agency on a call. He’s certainly never asserted himself this way in terms of his work…but, “My husband is expecting me for dinner, as you can understand, I shouldn’t be gone for an amount of time that’s worrisome—”

“Of course, I was only making a joke to your efficiency. I’ll have authorities called to the site within the hour. Enjoy your evening, payment will be wired as always.”

The momentary fear of being put in his place over lacking as an assassin washes away as soon as he hangs up the phone. If only he hadn’t turned down his defenses so quickly at the thought of getting home, he would’ve heard the slow dragging of a body across the room.

And he would’ve had time to stop the bullet.

Ahyeon hunched over a coloring book at the coffee table with Bond laying beside her, is about as typical as a Friday evening gets in the Kim household. Almost. The one thing that’s missing, has Taehyung’s heart thrumming anxiously with each minute that ticks on the wall. Jungkook should’ve been home an hour ago—it’s silly to keep tabs on him, and in the back of his mind Taehyung knows that. In the back of Taehyung’s mind he also knows that Jungkook has such immense physical fighting power that there’s really, absolutely, zero reason for him to feel any type of worry.

He does anyway.

The weakening of his fortitude as each month passes doesn’t bother Taehyung anymore. What bothers him, is when Ahyeon looks up with watery eyes, “Did something happen to Papa?”

“No, no, of course not. Some Days at work are busier than others, had I known I wouldn’t have asked him to do dinner tonight. Stopping at the market is probably holding him up—”

Bond sprints to the front door, happy to bark as it opens. Jungkook’s voice is soft when he announces that he’s home. If he weren’t so relieved at the sound, Taehyung might’ve been mortified over the way he and Ahyeon both rushed to greet him. The relief is gone, near instantly, when Jungkook gets his coat off. Lazily kicking his shoes to the side with this horrible look on his face. The mental scolding Taehyung is giving himself for putting the pressure of their dinner on Jungkook on what was clearly a draining day, is nothing compared to the life-less way his husband speaks, “Here’s the things you asked for, if you don’t mind taking them, I would like to shower before making dinner.”

Jungkook shoves the bag into Taehyung’s arm with a muffled wince. How does every single movement of his body send pain striking right to where it hurts. Taehyung’s eyes are dripping with concern, “Are you not feeling well? I’ll prepare dinner, don't even think about that. Lie down if you need to, I’ll bring you a plate when it’s done.” The fact that he’s too consumed with the ache in his behind, is completely ruining Jungkook’s ability to swoon over the tender way Taehyung is looking at him right now. He’s too busy thinking about the fact Taehyung’s entire image of him would be destroyed if he knew that he sustained a gunshot to his ass of all places.

A sharp gasp followed by Ahyeon’s panicked eyes flooding with water steal both of their focus, her voice trembling, “Papa, are you going to die?!” Face flushing Jungkook does his best to comfort her, though even bending over is too painful, so he puts on as much of a smile as he can muster through gritted teeth, “Of course not. Papa’s just a little under the weather. Don’t worry, Ahyeon. I’ll be as good as new in the morning.” and as soon as the meds called in by the agency arrive. Ahyeon flops onto the floor beside her doggy in amazement. Her Papa is so strong that not even a gun can kill him!

Turning to Taehyung again, Jungkook sucks in a sharp breath, everything hurts and he seriously needs to cry but he can’t. “I think—I think I will just go to bed. I’m sorry.”

Taehyung’s hand gently reaches out for his elbow, “Do you want me to bring you dinner when it’s done? You should really eat something.”

Shaking his head and wishing the touch of Taehyung’s hand didn’t have his entire body tensing insufferably, Jungkook voices hardly above a whisper, “Not in the mood.” He makes his escape, with terribly slow steps, down the hallway. Ready to cry himself to sleep to the sounds of his family enjoying their evening without him.

Watching Ahyeon hurriedly eat the dinner Taehyung threw together, he wants to bang his head on a wall. Being sick is one thing, but Jungkook’s urgency to be alone in his room is making all kinds of worst case scenarios rush through his mind. Worst case scenarios like what on earth he’s going to do if Jungkook suddenly is tired of being a husband and a father? Ahyeon’s been making great progress at the academy and he honestly thinks they might be able to pull it together enough to earn themselves an invitation to the gala. The entire Operation is on the line right now. He has to fix this. Whatever it is that he did to upset Jungkook, Taehyung is going to do everything in his power tomorrow to remedy it. For the sake of the mission, not at all because he looks forward to seeing round eyes in the morning and playful arguments over glasses of wine before bed.


Nothing is better, when Jungkook wakes up.

In fact, it’s worse. The agency’s surgeon who handled the wound explained that the bullets were different than normal. Laced with some type of poisonous additive that would infect the wounded, even if the shot itself wasn’t lethal. Antibiotics, anti-venom, none of the medicines he’s been given are working and he wants to scream or punch something or jump off of a bridge into the giant mouth of a great white shark, if it means not feeling this pain anymore. He can’t sit properly at all. Forced to sleep on his stomach because even his typical position on his side was too much.

Missing out on their evening was horrible enough.

He can’t miss out on their Saturday. Especially when it’s the first one in a very long time in which he and Taehyung were both going to be home the entire day with Ahyeon. Slowly making his way around the kitchen, he’s barely got a bowl of cereal poured for himself, when Taehyung is standing in the doorway with that same frown on his face as last night. “Still not feeling great?”

Jungkook wishes, so damn bad, that he could somehow just tell Taehyung about his job. It would be so much easier if he knew. So much easier to face things he really wants to face—but the brick wall between what could possibly be and what really is, is far too large for even Jungkook to climb over. Taehyung’s voice breaks through his thoughts before he can respond, “I was thinking, since it’s been so long, that you and I could go out together today? Just the two of us. But if you aren’t feeling well, I definitely understand. You do so much for us, I really wanted to show you how much I appreciate you.”

“I—” his chest can hardly handle the way it bounces around his chest like it’s trying to break out. “—you and me, but, what about Ahyeon?”

“Yoongi was going to watch her for the day…but like I said, if you aren’t feeling well, there’s always another day to go on a date.”

Oh for the love of all things good and bad and ughhhh.

Jungkook wants to go on a date with Taehyung so much more than he wants to be eaten by that shark in his mind. This job has become so burdensome in the last year of his life. It’s ironic that his whole purpose for agreeing to the arrangement was to not be suspicious so he can continue his job—yet all Jungkook craves anymore is to say goodbye to that part of his life and stay here, in moments like this one. Dramatic self-pity aside, he looks at Taehyung and suffers through the throbbing pain as he nods, “I would really like to spend the day with you. Today. Not another day.”

Right about the time that Taehyung and Jungkook are ready to leave, Ahyeon comes racing out of her room. New dress on as she excitedly sings about going on a date, big smile and bright eyes, that turn into excruciating disappointment when the front door opens and Yoongi’s waving, “I’m here to pick up one Ahyeon.” Crouching until they’re eye to eye, Taehyung pats her hair gently, “Appa and Papa need to have a date together. You’re going to have fun too and we can all do something together tomorrow, as long as you behave while we’re gone, okay?”

The luxury car, Taehyung arranged last night while conjuring up 873 different date ideas, arrives seconds later. Smoothly he slips his hand inside of Jungkook’s and tugs him forward, but he wasn’t expecting the man to keep such a strong grip they’d be unable to move. Cheeks flushing awkwardly, Taehyung steps closer to him with a whisper, “We need to get in the car—”

Not wanting to seem like a lunatic, Jungkook is trying to think of any justification for not wanting to sit down. The only explanation he manages involves the soft batting of his lashes and a soft tug at Taehyung’s hand to pull him closer, “It’s so nice outside, I think I’d like it if we walked wherever we’re going.” He's so unbelievably embarrassed. His own flirtatious actions have more of an impact on himself than the man in front of him. But the thing Jungkook has come to realize in all of this time he’s spent with Taehyung and Ahyeon, is that for all of his faults, Taehyung is so good. He’s good and sweet and kind and the smile that stretches on his face as he waves the driver on, helps soothe the nerves in Jungkook’s body. “Whatever you want to do is fine with me, I only want you to relax as much as possible today.”

Relaxation is a far cry from anything Taehyung hoped to accomplish today.

Everything has been a failure so far and he can’t tell if it’s because Jungkook is uncomfortable or that he just doesn’t want to be here, but no matter where Taehyung tries to take them to, it’s obvious his husband isn’t satisfied. He was certain the movie theater would be a hit, but Jungkook’s insistence on standing at the very back of the theater makes it clear he’s ready to leave.

Yoongi and Ahyeon following them the entire time isn’t helping either. Although, by the looks of their poor attempts at disguises, Taehyung can only assume Ahyeon is playing at being a spy again. Trusting Yoongi to keep her safe, Taehyung tries to focus on the task at hand. The task being making Jungkook happy, or at least trying to. With the movie theater being a total bust, he figures maybe doing some shopping would be a good next bet. Jungkook was just complaining about needing some new pants, however the tight way he grips Taehyung’s wrist, ruins that. “I don’t feel like trying on anything right now.” Nodding in understanding, he guides them both out of the shop and back to the street—Jungkook’s silence isn’t doing anything to help Taehyung figure out what the best course of action is here. He really thought that they were on a good path towards something in the future, but this day is only further proving that Taehyung has truly been delusional.

Jungkook is probably going to drown himself in wine so that he can properly cry himself to sleep tonight. This is the first time Taehyung has wanted to take him out alone for an entire day and he can’t even enjoy it. It’s embarrassing and chances are this will be the last time Taehyung ever considers spending time and money taking him out. Especially when they arrive at the nicest restaurant Jungkook has ever seen and he just knows he won’t be able to enjoy himself at all. Forcing himself to sit at the very edge of the seat, he wants to scream.

It hurts. So. Bad.

He can’t focus on anything around them. Not the waiter taking their order, nor the drink placed in front of him. He’s certain Taehyung is trying to talk to him, but he’s so focused on concentrating on his breathing to not burst into tears. Maybe had he not been so focused on his wound, Jungkook would’ve noticed the way their waiter looked at him. Might’ve recognized the momentary fear in his eyes and the red circle tattoo on his wrist. Perhaps he would’ve noticed too that the drink put in front of him is a much darker maroon than Taehyung’s. However, he’s too busy downing the entire glass in hopes that it helps, to care.

Yoongi’s voice is firm, and this time, she doesn’t think she can change his mind, “Ahyeon, we can’t go in there, I’m sorry. It’s time for us to go home.”

She stomps her feet and her eyes go all watery. She knows she heard right. Someone in that restaurant is trying to kill her Papa with a poison for revengence! But she can’t tell the scruffy uncle without explaining that she can hear thoughts which he will hurry to tell Appa and Appa will hate her and send Ahyeon back and divorce Papa and their whole family will be ruined forever! and to make it worse she and scruffy aren’t even allowed in the dumb restaurant because of their clothes. With no other option, she walks, ridiculously slow alongside Yoongi. Sobbing the entire time because she doesn’t want her Papa to die but no matter what happens, their family is ruined, so there’s nothing she can do.

Initially something doesn’t feel right. Jungkook’s throat tingles and his eye twitches a little bit as the wine makes its way into his system. He hasn’t felt any sensations like this since the agency put him through sad*stic poison exposure therapy. This ass wound is causing him so much trouble! The spreading through his veins makes his entire body tremble as he tries to shake it off, Taehyung’s hand gently reaches across the table and brushes his own, “Are you alright?”

All at once, the wave of chills spreads throughout his entire body and Jungkook realizes he is completely seated. No longer hovering and the throbbing pain that’s ruined their entire day has subsided to a tolerable ache. Eyes flashing open, he doesn’t even mean to grab Taehyung’s hand excitedly but he does, smile spreading instantaneously, “Yes! I’m having a really great time.”

Taehyung’s face matches the liquid in his glass as he settles back for their food to be placed in front of them. The waiter who was eyeing him before is back and seemingly shocked by something, entire face losing all of its color and his hands trembling when he places some additional napkins on their table. Jungkook is definitely taken back, but it’s Taehyung who’s brow raises, “Is there a problem?”

“N-no…um, of course not. I hope you enjoy your m-meals.” Then he’s gone and really Jungkook should care. But he just doesn’t. He’s so relieved that he can’t help but dig into the plate in front of him. Happily bouncing in place as he eats the most delicious steak he’s ever had in his life. Taehyung laughs softly across from him, “I’m relieved your meal is good, I was worried for a second there you weren’t going to enjoy it.” Nodding with a mouthful, Jungkook wants to smile at him but he’d rather not look like a pig. Taehyung’s own smile as he digs into his plate is enough. Maybe he can save this date of theirs after-all.

Leaving the restaurant, Jungkook’s eyes are drawn to a traveling carnival that’s set up shop right across the river. It’s not too late in the evening, so surely they can at least walk around a bit longer. Taehyung is already extending a hand for him to grab onto, which makes Jungkook blush ridiculously. He’s not entirely sure why, considering they have held hands several times by now. Maybe it’s because there’s really no reason for Taehyung to hold his hand right now.

He’s not holding it as a gesture of comfort or assurance.

He’s not holding it to look like a loving married couple at Ahyeon’s school or around coworkers.

He’s holding it, simply because he wanted to.

The hesitant way Taehyung looks out of the side of his eye at Jungkook tells him that. Which is the motivation required for him to use his other hand to hold onto Taehyung’s too. Using both to pull the man slightly closer, “I’m sorry I wasn’t feeling well when our day first started…but I’m really thankful you brought me out. I’ve told you already but, Namjoon and I, we didn’t grow up like most people do. I’ve had so many fun days since meeting you and Ahyeon and I’m grateful for every single one.”

“You don’t need to apologize, we’re just as grateful for the fun you bring to our lives too. That’s why I wanted to take you out to begin with..” Taehyung leans into his side and whispers softly, “Ahyeon and Yoongi are behind us. Do we keep pretending not to notice? Or do we let Ahyeon join us at the carnival?” Peaking over his shoulder, Jungkook nearly explodes into laughter at the sight of them ducked behind a bench. Her little hair accessories poked up over the top. He didn’t realize just how close he was to Taehyung’s face until he looks back and their noses brush. Stomach erupting viciously, Jungkook almost stops breathing. Voice threatening to crack as he holds Taehyung’s hand a little tighter, “I’d like it if she joined us, only if you promise you’ll take me on another date?”

Taehyung is always stern. Void of emotion, self-proclaimed heartless, unreadable man ninety percent of the time, but right now? His happiness is glowing so brightly on his face, it takes Jungkook’s breath away when he smiles, “I’d be more than willing, anytime.”

Ahyeon is on her third attempt at shooting the center of the target. Frustration obvious when she doesn’t even come close to hitting it. The carnival guy looks at Taehyung empathetically, offering to let her pick a small prize anyway, which has his eyes rolling as he hands over enough cash for one more attempt. But this time, Taehyung stands right behind the ledge she is standing on. Wrapping his arms around her and helping hold the toy gun, “Let me help you. It’s easy. We’re going to hold steady…” he guides the barrel where they need it. “Your last four shots went to the right, remember? So let’s aim a little bit towards the left. Three…Two…” Ahyeon pulls the trigger and when the big bright light above the target goes off, she spins so excitedly that she almost falls over.

Her position in Taehyung’s arms keeps her in place as she hugs him around the shoulders, “Thank you, Appa! You’re seriously the best!” She chooses the most obnoxious stuffed unicorn that’s even taller than her. Leaving Jungkook no choice but to hold it for her, “Are you hungry Ahyeon? Did you and Yoongi eat today?”

“We had popcorn at the—” she stops talking all at once. Face bright red when she stops and turns to Jungkook instantly, eyes round and wide as if she just made some kind of discovery. Suddenly grabbing onto his legs with too much excitement as she shakes him, “Papa, you didn’t die from the poison!”

“What—” Jungkook’s confusion is paired with Taehyung’s scoff of disbelief, “Excuse me?”

Ahyeon only shakes her head as she hugs him tighter. “I’m not hungry, unless it’s for those big ice cream cones they had up the front. Then I’m hungry.” Taehyung realizes he should question Ahyeon’s outburst, but this is the same child who lives every second of her life as if she’s in a Spy Wars episode, so he really isn’t surprised at all.

They let her hop on the merry-go-round and Taehyung is definitely feeling brave tonight. But it’s hard not to when Jungkook’s given him so many of those gorgeously tender looks— anyone would feel brave with eyes like that on them. So stepping behind where his husband is leant against the rail watching Ahyeon choose an animal to climb on for the ride, he lets his arms cage on each of Jungkook’s sides. Voice soft as he whispers, “How much do you wanna bet she falls asleep before we even get halfway home?”

Jungkook giggles so sweetly. His head falls back and rests against Taehyung’s shoulder, and the feeling of Jungkook this close to him is more dangerous than all of the times Taehyung’s been dangling on the precipice of death. Even worse when he turns to face him, the second time tonight that those lips have been so close he could practically taste them. He doesn’t though, listening too attentively as Jungkook speaks quietly, “She’ll be asleep before we even get back out to the side walk, Tae. Her head is already bobbling.”


Tae .

It’s the first time he’s been given a nickname that wasn’t assigned by W.I.S.E. It’s not much of a nickname at all, really. Just a shortened version of the given name he’s taken on and yet every time Jungkook says it, he finds himself understanding why normal people feel pride in their names.

The ride stops and they’re snapped out of the momentary bubble by all of the kids rushing off and squealing to their parents. Ahyeon’s hand rubbing at her eye when she makes grabby hands at Taehyung. Jungkook muffles his giggles into the plushie he’s holding as they walk.

So much for that super big ice cream.

Tucking her into bed, Taehyung admittedly, moves with more haste than he usually would. Tonight was so good. So so good. He’s just not quite ready for that all to be gone. The safari-like stampede raging in his stomach hasn’t stopped and he knows he should be concerned about that. But he isn’t, he doesn’t want it to. He wants to run along with it. Back in the hallway, closing the door quietly behind himself, he comes face to face with Jungkook who was on the way to his room. “Thanks again, for everything today…”

“Are you tired?” Taehyung says quickly. Stepping away from the door and closer to Jungkook as he whispers so as not to wake Ahyeon, “Do you want to have a glass of wine with me before bed?”

He shouldn’t. Jungkook’s already been feeling way too adventurous in terms of quality time with Taehyung. He really doesn’t need anymore—un(luckily) the opportunity is ripped from under them when the pager in Taehyung’s work coat is buzzing. The man’s eyes open wide, before he frowns in disappointment to step away. It only ever goes off when he’s being called in, so Jungkook is already expecting it when Taehyung finds him in the kitchen, “I’m so sorry—I have to go into the hospital. Will you be fine with Ahyeon in the morning? I’m not sure when I’ll return.”

“Of course. Always.” Jungkook smiles even if it’s half hearted. Even if every last bit of himself is screaming in frustration because he felt like if there was ever going to be a night for him and Taehyung to finally move forward, the way he’s been wanting to for so long now, it would’ve been this one. Even if he was terrified about it, having the moment stolen from them hurts worse than if he never had the opportunity at all. “Be careful, it’s so late for you to be called in…”

“I know, there’s a big issue with some patients apparently. Night calls are rare.” Taehyung’s hand is gentle as it runs from Jungkook’s elbow down to his hand, their fingers just barely tangling as he speaks softly, “If I didn’t say it already, I had a great time with you today too and I can’t wait for our next date.” Taehyung leaning in has Jungkook about to melt right into the floor, but all he does is press a barely there kiss to his cheek, “Goodnight, Jungkookie. Sleep well.”

He’s not going to sleep at all.

The moment Taehyung is gone, Jungkook sinks into the sofa by himself. Knees to his chest as he replays their entire day. Tangling his own hands together as if it could somehow mimic the feeling of Taehyung’s in his own. It never could, because nothing feels as lovely as Taehyung does. Which is a thought too delusional even for Jungkook to entertain, so he takes himself right to sleep. Hoping Taehyung makes it home safely, as soon as possible.


“What is this about?” Taehyung is angry when he enters the safe house. Seokjin and Yoongi both standing there, which is unusual, Yoongi never gets called to the safe house. They’re making it real hard for him to be bitter about losing such a brilliant opportunity with his husband, by Seokjin clicking a button in his hand and Taehyung watching as all 200 TV screens switch to underground surveillance footage.

“Is this the blocked off passages to the North?”

Seokjin nods. “It is. Except one of them is no longer blocked off. Yoongi overheard some stuff on a wire tap we set up months ago.” Yoongi nods, “Wires have been dead the entire time, I thought some animals got in there or something. Turns out that’s not the case.”

Taehyung’s eyes find the screen where suited up men are standing with weapons drawn. “What is this about?”

“Choi Dowon and a large parcel of unknown contents are being transported via this passageway. Tonight.”


—and you’re going to intercept them.”

“Hold on.” Taehyung raises his hands. He has always been a diligent agent, he will do anything and everything required to satisfy their goals. But this? “You’re wanting to send me into a deathtrap? There’s only one way in and out of these passageways and it seems as if both ends are going to be occupied by soldiers.”

“You’ve taken out more than a dozen men by yourself, am I really supposed to believe you’re nervous about a few soldiers with guns?” Seokjin removes his glasses and glares “You don’t have to intercept them, alive.Taehyung. Dowon can be nothing but a carcass when he returns as long as you have that parcel in hand and we have what we need to turn over to the government and confirm his involvement with these back-door war initiatives.”

His hesitance must be way too obvious. As the handler steps closer. Sharp point of his glasses frame digging into his chest, “Are you going soft on me, Twilight, now ? Of all times?” he scoffs “You’re the only agent I’ve ever been able to trust to not get too emotionally invested in anything, and here you are trembling at the knees because you’re worried you might not get home to your family? Really ?”

Anger is boiling under his blood, “It’s not—”

“Your fake family, might I add.” Seokjin shakes his head. “All of that you have going on in that apartment, was for this purpose. To stop what that man is doing right this very second, and we’re wasting valuable moments arguing over it when you should already be on your way there !”

He’s right.

Seokjin is right, no matter how much Taehyung wishes he wasn’t, “I’m guessing Yoongi is my escort?”

“I’ve got everything you need for this, Twi.” Yoongi’s voice is softer than Taehyung has ever heard it when he gets closer, “You’re getting out of that passageway alive, even if I have to blow up the entire thing just to get you out my damn self. So, shake it off.”

Fully disguised and ready to embark on this mission, Taehyung doesn’t like the way his stomach feels right now. Something about this entire thing isn’t settling in his gut, but if he lets himself think too much about it, he’s terrified to find out that Seokjin is right. It’s not that something is wrong, it’s him.He’s losing the rapport he’s built over years because he can’t turn off the heart he was sure didn’t even work anymore. So he forces it off. To the best of his ability. Straps everything Yoongi gave him to his body and prepares himself to enter the southernmost side of the passage way. There’s three military agents manning the once cemented shut tunnel. It’s almost terrifying how easy it will be for Taehyung to take them all out.

Manages to snipe the first one from behind a tree. Takes a few hushed steps closer and pulls off a head shot to the unfortunate one who started seeking out his direction.

But it’s the third one.

The third one, that has Taehyung, for the first time in his entire life as an agent for W.I.S.E. hesitating on the trigger. It’s the third one, who has sharp eyes with little flecks of red that makes him realize his heart does still work and it beats for two people that are very far from here. His eyes lock onto Namjoon’s, whose are protected by a thin plastic guard that would do absolutely nothing to protect him at all. Namjoon, who looks as shocked as Taehyung feels, that he hasn’t shot him yet. The only relief he has is knowing that there’s no way Namjoon can recognize him with this disguise. It’s lightning quick movements, Taehyung gets a hand where he needs it, thumb at the base of Namjoon’s throat and index finger dragging against his windpipe. Before the man has too long to look at him, Taehyung successfully cut off all of his oxygen and feels Namjoon’s body go limp in his arms.

Yoongi’s in his face quickly, “What the hell is that? They all have to be eliminated. I can’t keep my eyes on you if I have to watch my back for this guy to wake up.”

“Cuff him and put him in the van, until I’m out. While he’s unconscious, strip him of anything that could be surveillance. Weapons. Whatever you have to do. Do. Not. Kill. Him. Do you understand me?”

“You’re not going to be reckless and then give me demands! I want us both to get out of here in one piece…”

Taehyung’s eyes are as sharp and lethal as they have ever been when he gets in Yoongi’s face, “If that man ends up dead, there’s no point in me going home at all. Got that? He stays alive. We get out of this and I’ll explain later. But I’ve got to go. There’s no way someone didn’t hear those gunshots. I’m sure Dowon’s got eyes on this entire area.”

Yoongi is mumbling all kinds of stuff under his breath as he starts stripping all of Namjoon’s weapons and ammunition from his body. Taehyung feels no remorse when he kills someone for the sake of their mission. It’s a part of life, a sacrifice for the greater good. But no good would be worth the heartbreak Jungkook would feel if his brother died and Taehyung wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he were the one that caused it.

“No Dowon.” Taehyung calls through his walkie. “But I’ve got something.” Disgusted beyond belief when Yoongi’s voice breaks in, “What did you find? There’s no talk on the taps, they haven’t even noticed their South guards are down.”

He knew Choi Dowon was a vile excuse for a human being, the lowest of the low, deplorable and menacing and every negative adjective out there, but to be this evil? Taehyung feels chills all over his body in a way he never has, as he holds the young boy he had to knock unconscious simply for the sake of him not having a panic attack, “I’ve got his son.”


Jungkook has barely gotten back home from walking with Taehyung and Ahyeon to school this morning, when he hears the phone in his closet ringing. Something about it feels wrong, as if every last fiber of his being is begging for him to reject it. But he can’t.


We’ve got a little problem on our hands and I need the Thorn Prince to see it through. Can you do that for me?”

“Of course. What is needed of me this time?”

“An emergent order—there’s been a kidnapping, so this isn’t as simple as it usually would be. Your objective is to infiltrate the following address and apprehend the child. Eliminate anyone necessary to do so.”

“I—a child? What am I supposed to do with the child?”

“Once you’ve apprehended him, your driver will take you home and we will handle the reunion of the child with his caregiver, don’t worry about that. But listen, you should know. The individual behind the kidnapping…he’s not an easy one to take out. He’s been causing problems for many of our clients for years and I’ve never had enough information to properly assign a hit for him but he left too many loose ends this time. We’ve finally got him.”

“Alright, who is the target?”

“He’s a man who takes on many faces so there’s no point in me giving you any physical descriptors. He is a special agent for only the most lucrative espionage agency in the entire world. He’s lethal, as much as you are, if not more so. You need to be extra careful—I don’t imagine they’d have him guarding the child himself. But if you do come in contact with the man known as Twilight, you kill him. No hesitation and you deliver his corpse right to me. Understood?”

That strange disgusting feeling makes its way down Jungkook’s spine…but anyone capable of kidnapping a child, is someone he won’t even have to think twice before eliminating.

There’s something else you need to know, Prince.” Jungkook feels it in his gut. Their keeper only ever drops the thorns when she’s speaking personally.And the only reason she would speak personally is if, “The State Security Service was involved with this…RM was in the South’s squad and attacked. I have not been informed of his condition as of yet.”

Reaching for his kunai, hot tears burst into flames that rage down his cheeks, Jungkook voices darkly,

I will return the child and it will be my greatest honor to assassinate Twilight.”

Chapter 7: Code Name — Dancing in the Dark


A lesson in consequences.

Chapter Text

Taehyung doesn’t play this waiting game nonsense.

It’s always been on his list of immediate rejections in terms of responsibilities and missions, but whatever Choi Dowon is playing at, Taehyung refuses to let anyone else handle. It has to be him that puts a stop to this disgusting excuse for a human. The miserable useless f*ck who would send his own son as a decoy. Risking a child’s life. A child only months older than Ahyeon.

Seokjin would be pissed if he knew Taehyung were here.

Ransom notes are always handled externally.

W.I.S.E does not get involved in hostage returns.

For the safety of the agents, for the protection of the agency as a whole, to keep the anonymity that allows them to carry out the missions that they do successfully—this is all a part of it. It’s a constant, never-ending web that even one missing thread could ruin it all. He knows this and understands it entirely. But the police are absolutely f*cking useless.

They aren’t even here yet.

Mere hours before the designated drop off and not a single officer in sight. It’s a joke. Knelt on a rafter isn’t exactly comfortable, but comfort isn’t what matters right now. What matters is getting to Dowon, by any means necessary. Taehyung needs this to be over. There’s so many things he wants, his priorities have slipped somewhere along these make believe lines and last night solidified that in ways that rewired the chemistry of his entire brain.

Taehyung needs to get rid of Dowon for many reasons, no war, peace of the nation, all of that sure—but the most important reason of them all, is so that he can move forward with Jungkook and Ahyeon and find out what comes next. What follows when there’s nothing left of Operation Pere but Dowon’s ashes? He needs to know. He has to find out. That’s why he’s here, that is the only reason he’s here.

A sharp heel in his spine sends Taehyung forward. The shock of the pain whips away quickly as he flips and lands on his feet. This has to end, because he’s not capable of turning off his thoughts anymore to focus the way he used to. He can’t spot the source of the attack. Eyes scanning the entire warehouse he finds nothing. Taehyung always tries to avoid using his gun. Taking on such matters with his hands is much easier, cleaner—but he withdraws the weapon from under his coat anyway.

Backing up, he hears the loud clunking of some metal fixtures before the few lights in the warehouse cut off entirely. Leaving complete darkness that would otherwise be terrifying, if he weren’t so in tune with his senses. Taehyung feels himself slipping into that place, the place he used to live in constantly, the place that allows him to zero in on the presence looming in the furthest corner of the rafters. Firing his gun, he follows the sound of a sharp breath right after. A graze of an arm, not a clean shot.

Whoever he’s after isn’t worried about stealth anymore, clearly, judging by the haste in their movements. They’re fast. Moving so quickly, Taehyung almost struggles to map it in his mind. Until they’re right behind him, using his forearm he barely manages to stop the weapon being swung his direction. Though it still slices right through his coat sleeve, he doesn’t have time to dwell on the blood. Ducking beneath another swing and just hardly rolling backwards to escape the swinging of a leg.

Taehyung is surely going insane, because even the attacks he’s dodging are somehow making his mind think back to Jungkook. Jungkook and the way he viciously portrayed his villainous role in Ahyeon’s birthday fun. Jungkook. Jungkook who is the only person that has ever managed to conceal himself enough to go unnoticed by Taehyung.

There’s another kick, a vicious one that’s so hard to his ribcage he thinks he felt it crack. Doubling over only momentarily, before lunging forward and landing a blow in darkness, but it felt like a face. The bones rattled beneath his knuckles like a jawline and the sharp grunted inhale that followed confirmed it for him. Dim overhead lights begin to flicker, they’re not stable but it’s enough for Taehyung to properly glance around. Peaking through the glimpses of light as he approaches the form crouched on the ground from the blow of his hand. Taehyung crumbles right to his knees when he realizes the forehead his gun barrel is pressed against, is Jungkook’s.

Jungkook wants out, he does.

He’s been thinking it for awhile now.

How to tell the shopkeeper that he doesn’t need to do this work anymore and that he needs to get as far away from it as possible. But if he had done that, he wouldn’t be able to kill the man who had felt safe enough in his stealth to bring harm to Namjoon. Jungkook’s murders are never personal. It’s transactional.

Except for this one.

He spots a figure in the rafters almost immediately. Scaling his way to the top, he holds his breath nearly the entire way. Eyes blinking with flashes of Ahyeon smiling and Bond barking and Taehyung. Taehyung. Jungkook will never be able to get what he wants with Taehyung because he can’t walk away from this, he’s in too deep.

Rams the heel of his boot into the figure’s spine and smirks when he hears the way it cracks as he falls. Jungkook figured the man would be armed with a weapon of sorts, which is why he swings himself down to his feet and sneaks between the various storage racks. Knocking a few over in his path, hoping to distract the other enough that he can access the breaker box to this place. He does. Although the switches are tripped up, he gets one flipped enough to watch the lights cut off around them, but it’s already starting to slowly slip back the other direction.

Jungkook has murdered in far less time than it will take for this breaker switch to be back in position. He has more than enough time to murder ‘Twilight’. Assuming, that’s who this is. But he feels pretty confident that it must be. Jungkook has never encountered someone who could hurt him when he was paying attention. The ass wound doesn’t count, he hadn’t ensured all of the bodies were lifeless, that was his own mistake. He’s not making mistakes today, he never makes mistakes when his brother is involved. And yet a bullet grazes his bicep anyway. Ripping through the sleeve and burning viciously as the skin splits only enough to reveal a bloody layer beneath.

There’s no time to whine over the pain, Jungkook just moves. Kunai in his hands as he whips his way through the darkness. Eyes focusing in on the outline of the man who’s gun is still drawn. Drags one stiletto across his chest with all of his strength. Frustrated when it’s blocked but he feels the way the knife shreds through the clothing on the man’s arm.

It’s definitely Twilight.

It has to be.

Jungkook swings the other knife and it’s blocked again. This time when the man ducks, Jungkook manages a swift kick to his rib cage. Blood lust rushing through his veins at the sound of the cracking against his foot. The bastard has the audacity to curl forward in pain, Jungkook almost laughs. Except he doesn’t, because suddenly the man is lunging forward and a fist rattles his jaw so hard he goes dizzy. Stumbling back and falling to the floor. How. How could he possibly have landed a blow like that? One that has Jungkook reeling in pain as he gasps to catch his breath, the taste of blood on his tongue. Shifting up onto his knees with his Kunai drawn behind himself, Jungkook closes his eyes and focuses on steadying his heart.

He was trained not to play with his prey, and he’s let this go on for far too long.

The lights begin to flicker, the advantage of darkness withering away before him. But nothing withers like what was left of his bleeding heart when he looks up into the eyes of the man holding a gun to his head and finds Taehyung , falling right to his knees.

There’s too much silence in the space between them. Frozen in place just staring at each other. Jungkook’s knife grazing Taehyung’s throat. Taehyung’s gun shaking where it’s held against Jungkook’s skull. Taehyung is almost unrecognizable, but his eyes. Jungkook has spent too many nights looking longingly at those sweet golden eyes to not know they’re his. His heart nearly stops beating, before it comes back with a vengeance, chest heaving as he pins Taehyung to the ground beneath him. Blood just barely seeping around his knife as he cries, “What is your name?

“What is yours ?” Taehyung’s eyes are watered too, scoffing through his words, “ What the f*ck are you doing here? You work for the Choi’s? You’ve been working for them this entire time? So you knew?”

“Stop. Talking. Unless it’s to answer me.” Jungkook seethes. Digs the knife further. Taehyung’s gun is loud when it falls from his palm, the crash echoing through this entire building. “ Tell me your name.” A sob forces its way out from the deepest depths of his gut. Grip loosening as he sags against Taehyung’s body, “Please, tell me your name.”

“Koo—” Taehyung watches as Jungkook blinks away his emotions. Feels the pressure against his throat lightening, before all at once it’s back and harder. He can barely breathe and it’s terrifying just how quickly Jungkook could kill him right now. Musters up enough oxygen to question angrily, “Why are you here?”

“I’m here to apprehend an abducted child and assassinate the man responsible.” Jungkook’s lip snarls as he watches Taehyung’s blood spill over the gold of his knife, " That’s where you went last night. You weren’t at the hospital, you were kidnapping a child and attacking my brother— how could you?”

Jungkook drops the knife because he has to, he’s trembling too much for a clean cut. Taehyung’s hands catch onto his wrists, a rough struggle as they tumble on the cold ground before the man is above him instead. The floor beneath him feels like ice against Jungkook’s back.

“I didn’t kidnap anyone.” Taehyung exhales slowly Your brother was working as security for a man who wants to start a war. Do you realize that? While you’re pressing a knife to my throat your brother is helping Choi Dowon sacrifice his child for war negotiations.”

“Shut up! I don’t know the names of clients, that means nothing to me.” Jungkook’s eyes clench shut before flashing open in a blaze of red. He can’t trust a single syllable from those lips. The fact that they’re both in this building is proof of that. Everything out of Taehyung’s mouth is a lie. Everything out of Twilight’s mouth, actually, “Is Ahyeon even yours? Or was she the result of another midnight hospital call?”

“Watch your mouth.” Taehyung tsks, reaching for the knife he can reach. Twirling it between both of their faces, “You were sent here to kill me, that it? Sent here by who? Your self-defense teaching older brother? The state security officer?”

Eyes narrowing, Jungkook speaks lowly, “Don’t you dare speak a word about my brother…I lied about some things sure, but you lied about everything. ” His voice cracks, Jungkook hates being vulnerable like this. The parts of his soul that were still hopeful are evaporating into thin air as he looks into the eyes of the last hope he found of something good, knowing it was all a convoluted lie. “If you’re gonna kill me, do it.” Jungkook struggles under the weight of Taehyung anchoring him down. The thing is that he’s strong enough, more than strong enough, but he feels so weak. He had no idea just how damaging a broken heart could really be. “What are you waiting for, Twilight ? Stab me, shoot me, both would hurt less than having to look at your face right now.” None of it was real.

The meeting, the arrangement, the interviews, the cooking, the wine, the walks, the dates, the falling. Jungkook should’ve known. He should’ve known. The way Taehyung so seamlessly waxed poetic about loving him to Namjoon’s face mere months after meeting. He should’ve known he was in the hands of someone dangerous, even then. But Jungkook never wanted anyone the way he wanted Taehyung, the way he wants him even now. Never cared for anyone, other than Namjoon, the way he cares for Ahyeon.

Ahyeon, Jungkook’s violent sobs are uncontrollable, he would’ve hugged her so much tighter this morning if he knew he’d never see her again.

Using all of the strength in his body Jungkook shoves Taehyung off of him. A blast of his foot to Taehyung’s stomach sends the man flying backwards. Jungkook is so angry, he can’t quell the fury no matter how hard he tries to calm himself. The tiny part that’s begging to stop hurting someone he loves so much, is overshadowed by everything else telling him that the person he loves doesn’t exist.

The next punch is caught by Taehyung’s palm. A heavy blow of Taehyung’s other fist to his gut follows and has Jungkook leaning forward as a bit of blood coughs up. Taehyung takes both of his arms and pulls them behind his back, voice a near growl in his ear, “ You can stop the raging bull sh*t, Jungkook. I’m not doing this. I’m not going to kill you, just so you get out of explaining yourself and I’m not going to let you kill me, unless you give me a proper answer on what business you have doing hitman work for Choi Dowon. Is it Dowon himself? Is the city hall job just a cover?”

“What’s the use of having a conversation at this point?” Jungkook turns his head to the side and wishes so bad he could just die, when their noses brush, “If you don’t kill me, my boss will do it herself. That’s the punishment for useless assassins. So do what you want, nothing matters anymore.”

Taehyung’s eyes are held captive by crimson flecks in a pool of brown and the cry that escapes Jungkook’s lips when he glances down at them. How did this slip through his fingers? Nearly an entire year of work and he has nothing to show for it at all. It’s not as if he can move forward after this anyway, he can’t return home to Ahyeon knowing Jungkook would never be back.

Taehyung releases Jungkook’s arms. Taking the stiletto sharp he shoved in his pockets and dropping them to their feet, “If my death is the requirement, fine. ” He takes three slow steps backwards, arms raised in surrender as he swallows the tiny bit of oxygen that can fit down the path of his swollen airways, “You can at least use those self defense skills of yours to make it quick, can’t you?”

He can.

Jungkook could kill him instantly. Knows exactly where to shove his kunai so that everything shuts down at once. Picking them up, he stores one in the strap on his thigh. Closing in on the space between them, Jungkook shoves the point of the other under Taehyung’s chin, “Big bad super spy that no-one can even get their eyes on, is going to stand here and let me kill him? After everything you’ve done, the least you can do is not take me for a fool, Twilight .”

A nasty shiver crawls down his spine. The more hatred that fills Jungkook’s eyes, the more Taehyung hates himself too. “I risked my job, my life, to keep your brother safe when he had explicit missions to end mine—so tell me, which one of us is really the fool, baby ? As you hold your knife to my throat for the dozenth time, c’mon tell me more, which one of us is the liar here?”

“I’ve never lied to you.” The scarlet hue in Jungkook’s eyes fade to grey. Almost lifeless as he whispers, “I kept secrets regarding my work, of course I did. I had to. But I’ve never lied to you. I am exactly who I told you I was.” the sound of his sob, shatters whatever was left keeping Taehyung’s life pumping. “I’ve wanted to tell you everything about my job for so long, but I haven’t because lying seemed like the only way I could keep you.”

As the space between them grows, Taehyung realizes that it doesn’t matter if they leave this place dead or alive. There’s nothing left for them anyway when Jungkook shoves the second knife in the holster on his thigh and walks even further away, “But the things I’ve spent the last year doing everything in my power to keep, aren’t even real. So the answer to your questions, Taehyung, is that the liar is you and the love-sick fool who had the audacity to believe you, is me.

No-one ever shows up after Jungkook leaves.

So this whole sting was destined to fail either way, Dowon is hiding somewhere and would rather hire a hit than take some damn responsibility over his own son. Taehyung’s walk along these vacant streets that will lead him to the safehouse is daunting. Dropping bits of his disguise along the way, followed by a trail of his own blood most likely, he doesn’t really care.

He’s walking alone on this street with nothing.

No answers, no Dowon, just a failed mission and tattered remains of his heart. Although, really, lump those all together and matters are even worse, it’s like three failed missions in one. Failed the first mission to intercept Dowon, failed the second mission to intercept someone that could lead him to Dowon, and in the process of failing both of those, Operation Pere is up in flames. Everything is destroyed.

Now that Dowon knows people are onto him, he’s going to be way more secretive. Putting a stop to his goals will have nothing to do with the academy anymore, so there’s no use with Ahyeon anymore either. No use in sending her to that difficult school with too high expectations, coming home to a poor excuse for a father and a fake marriage that’s as good as dead.

There’s been several moments in the last year and a half where Taehyung reflected on the war against Choi Dowon as a beginning for him, he should’ve known the moment his guard started to fall that it was the beginning of the end.

All that’s left in the remains is Taehyung, and he collapses to the floor as soon as the doors to the safe house open.


Jungkook hasn’t been to the Garden in years.

He lives his life, carries out his assignments, repeat .

Dragging what’s left of himself through the vast floral corridor, he nearly falls over several times. Only when he’s reached the courtyard where the Shopkeeper is tending to a bed of roses, does he crumble. Endless streams of tears as he uses all the strength in his arms to keep himself up where he bows, broken whisper hardly audible, “ I’m sorry. I was not successful.

You, weren’t successful?” The keeper uses her cane to lift him by the chin, “You’re hurt. You encountered Twilight after-all?”

Silence serves as a good enough answer. It’ll have to be good enough because Jungkook can’t speak right now anyway. She grumbles under her breath, “How are we supposed to get these wounds cleaned up to send you home? Don’t imagine your husband will turn a blind eye to a busted lip and bruised arm. C’mon, let’s get you into the nursery.”

“I—” Jungkook sniffles “—I will be needing living accommodation again. The balance is becoming too much to bare. I am better suited for being on my own, I think.”

Her eyes widen, “Maybe right after your first ever loss in years as an assassin, isn’t the time to decide to end your marriage, honey. You worked hard today, let’s clean you up and send you home to rest.”

He doesn’t have a home. Not anymore. “Where is Namjoon? Have you found about his condition?”

“Yes.” The Keeper sits across the room as several nurses tend to his wounds. “He’s perfectly healthy. By some miracle, he was found just dumped off in the woods just outside the demilitarized zone hours ago. As if he went on a walk and took a nap. It was strange, but we alerted the State Security Service and they’ve since retrieved him. He should be home by now.”

“That’s great.” It is, truly. It is the best news Jungkook could ever receive. He's spent this entire day with his heart split in half because his family is destroyed and his brother was hurt by some notorious spy incapable of being taken down. From the moment they didn't wake to their alarms, the day has slipped into unmeasurable amounts of catastrophe. Hearing that Namjoon is safe, at the very least, is something to be happy about. Yet all Jungkook feels is anger buzzing in his veins, “Why did you tell me he was attacked?”

“Because I thought he was. The only information I was given was regarding the child and Namjoon missing. Two other State Security Officers were found deceased on scene. You can understand why I’d make an educated guess and assume the worst.” she sighs “You know we don’t ask questions of our clients. The Garden only takes orders and facilitates the requests.”


Except that doesn’t work for him right now. That doesn’t work when his mind is swirled with so many confusing thoughts and no direction at all for where to take them. Doesn’t work when he’s bandaged and getting ready to leave, but the Keeper stops him. “What happened in that warehouse? You’re not acting like yourself.”

“I’m not sure.” Jungkook gnaws on his lip. “I think I need to get some sleep.”


Awake with all kinds of bandages wrapping him in various places, Taehyung looks around the room until he finds the Handler. Seokjin, who’s sitting atop his desk with a glass of whiskey in hand, “What in the ever-loving hell, were you doing in that warehouse, huh ?”

“I had a plan—”

Setting down his glass, Seokjin begins clapping obnoxiously, “ A plan. Did you think to maybe run that by me! So I could make sure you weren’t walking into a trap with your god damn name on it!”

“You sent me into a trap with my name on it last night, I figured that was the new standard of operating around here.”

Seokjin is across the room in an instant. Dragging a chair up in front of the sofa Taehyung is on and gets right in his face, “ That was a controlled, trap. Where I had countless measures in place to keep you alive. This? Was f*cking reckless. Look at you !”

Yeah, well I feel worse than I look, hyung, so where do we go from here.”

“Start by explaining yourself. Now.”

Taehyung feels ridiculous, running through his thoughts and realizing just how idiotic he was to begin with when he starts speaking. Outlines every last detail of his feelings, as if he’s reading the morning paper, instead of crumbling his paper heart to shreds in Seokjin’s palm. “You were right about what you said, I do care about my family more than I should. My fake family, almost cost me my life. And it cost W.I.S.E this entire operation.”

Seokjin is confused, chuckling a little, “You finding out that you do have a heart buried in that body of yours, is not detrimental to your service as a spy, Twilight. We just have to keep the division.”

“Jungkook knows my alias, he knows that I am Twilight.”

What —he doesn’t even know anything about W.I.S.E, what on earth would he know of Twilight?”

“I don’t know.” Taehyung sags backwards and lets his head bang against the wall. Not a care for the throbbing adding onto every other ache in his body. “But at this point, the entirety of Operation Pere is compromised, so what steps do we take to suspend it and ensure Ahyeon and Bond get placed in a proper home. Not an orphanage?”

“Suspend it?” Seokjin crosses a leg and digs his fingers into his eyes with a groan “You just admitted to being in love with your fake husband, yet you want to suspend the operation? Will he not ask questions when the daughter you’ve raised together for an entire year is suddenly gone? Are you even using that brain right now? Or did whoever kicked your ass rattle it around too much?”

“I’ll be going to retrieve Ahyeon from school now. We will pack her things and I will bring the child and Bond here for you to handle accordingly.”

Taehyung —”

“From this moment forward, Operation Pere is no longer active, so please refrain from calling me by the code name used for that purpose.” he stands from the sofa, grabbing his torn jacket and throwing it on anyway. “I’ll return in some hours.”

Leaving the safehouse, Taehyung feels numb. As numb as he has felt countless times in his life, as numb as he has to feel. Any other split second of emotion will be too much of a risk. Letting Jungkook walk away from him this morning was torturous enough, letting go of Ahyeon might actually cause his heart to stop pumping.

So he turns it off.

Ahyeon isn’t entirely certain what’s going on with Appa, but something is definitely wrong. When he picks her up from school, he doesn’t hug her or anything. He only reaches loosely for her hand and he hasn’t even said a single sentence! If he doesn’t ask her about her day, how is she supposed to tell him that she got another stellar star for saving the second son today! She’s helping the big mission really well! Her brain tries to focus on Appa’s thoughts, but she finds nothing.

Except for when they get home and as soon as the front door opens, her tiny little heart almost stops when she hears, ‘Quick and easy. I’ll have Yoongi pack up her things to return later. All she needs now is her penguin and Bond.’ Bond, who sprints up to them. Teeth catching at Ahyeon’s dress and tugging her towards the living room. Appa speaks for the first time since he picked her up, “Don’t make much of a mess playing, Ahyeon-ah, we’re leaving soon.”

"But—” she looks at Bond who’s ears and tail are sagging to the floor. When she listens to the doggy’s thoughts, she bursts into tears when what she sees is their house filled with a bunch of boxes and the silly picture frame of Appa, Papa and Ahyeon from a photo booth is shattered on the floor. “— but why?”

Bond barks and the front door opens.

If Papa is home, it’s fine. Everything will be fine.

Papa will make Appa feel better and then Bond’s vision will change. Ahyeon hugs her dog around the neck and cries against his fur, “ Please, please, make it change.” Papa doesn’t even look at her. He disappears into his bedroom before Ahyeon realizes he walked by. Her heart is pounding frantically now. Looking back and forth between the two closed bedrooms and Bond and her cereal bowl from this morning. Is that why they’re mad? Because Ahyeon didn’t put her bowl away? She just forgot. It was a mistake.

Running down the hallway to knock on Appa’s door, Ahyeon stumbles backwards when it opens. Appa dressed in different clothes as he extends a hand, “It’s time to go Ahyeon.”

“Where are we going? I thought I wasn’t going with Uncle Scruffy until this weekend.” When Appa doesn’t respond, she stomps her feet in place in the hallway. He isn’t even looking at her. Not a happy smile or a frown or anything. He didn’t even ask about her day. Ahyeon’s voice breaks angrily, “Why are you getting rid of me?”

“Ahyeon, let’s not make a fight, okay? I’m not taking you to a place like you were before, I would never do that, so don’t make this harder, please. Grab Bond’s leash so we can leave.”

The door of Papa’s room slams open, his happy eyes are sad and covered with tears, “ So it really was all a lie? She’s not yours? Did you even have a wife? Was there anything that wasn’t a lie ?”

Appa’s voice is sharper than Ahyeon’s ever heard it, “You can finish packing your things, Jungkook. We won’t be here to bother you.”

Ahyeon doesn’t understand what’s going on. She tries to listen to both of their thoughts but there’s too many words and feelings swirling around all at once. Her skin goes clammy and palms sweating—it hurts so much her brain goes all fuzzy before she falls.

“Where are you taking her?” Jungkook has the gall to ask.

Taehyung scoffs as he glares, Ahyeon passed out on his shoulder, he voices lowly, “You lost the right to that information when you took a hit from a terrorist and held a knife to my throat.”

You can’t just…” the man’s mouth opens, though he doesn’t complete his thought. Taehyung for a split second feels his heart trying to turn back on. Wanting so desperately to come back to life and sit Jungkook down and beg for a reasonable explanation. They can figure it all out, it’s fine.

Everything between the three of them can be fine. But it can’t, there’s too much, too messy, so he has to force the light in his chest to stay out. Taehyung takes hold of Bond’s leash, “I’ll have the paperwork needed to file for the divorce when I return. So at least stick around long enough for that.”


He’s only ever brought people to the safe house, handcuffed and knocked out in the back of a van. This is the first time he’s ever carried someone in. The sound of Bond’s paws dragging as they walk is more noticeable than ever. Maybe because Taehyung never noticed before, likely because he’s never been taking in every last second of a moment as if it’s the last one. Ahyeon is now snoring on his shoulder and Taehyung, for only a split second, while he waits for the photo booth to change over—allows himself to look at her.

Her chubby little cheeks and her pink hair and the hand that’s fisted at the collar of his shirt. Finds himself wondering how her day was today, if she got to play with that friend of hers that she likes so much. If the lunch she had was good or if she came home excited to have that damned beef soup. Clearing his throat as the door nearly opens, Taehyung turns it off. Blinks away what little emotions were trying to bubble their way up to the surface, because he has to. Especially when Seokjin is standing there with reluctance all over his face, “Once I turn her over, you know it’s done, right? There’s no going back from that.”

“What do you expect me to say? I wasn’t intended to have a child forever. It was for the duration of the mission and the mission is very obviously over.”

“Taehyung.” Seokjin snaps and Taehyung does too.

Arm shifting the little girl up when she sags, “Again, that’s not my name. Where do you want me to take her right now? The lounge? One of the safe rooms? She needs to have dinner when she wakes up, she’ll be hungry.”

Sighing, Seokjin looks away. He knew the man in front of him was capable of being heartless, but to this extent? After the way he’s watched Taehyung fawn and do damn near anything the little girl asked of him all of this time? The way he has loved her so visibly, Seokjin wondered if he was even working on the mission at all.. The entrance doors open again with Yoongi walking in slowly. Taehyung’s brows cinch together as he takes in the exchange between Yoongi and Seokjin that he cannot hear, but he can read. The words on Yoongi’s lips have him quickly laying Ahyeon down in the bed of a safe room, with Bond by her side before he closes the door and storms out there. “You can’t do this.”

What? I can’t do what?” Seokjin’s arms cross. Clearly not expecting the way Taehyung’s emotions are so miserably transparent on his face when he looks at Yoongi, “You can’t take her, hyung. If I have to see her after today, it will break me. I’m begging you not to.”

Yoongi’s voice, always snarky and sharp, comes out impossibly warm, “I’m only facilitating her adoption…you think the little thing would stay with me? She’d escape every day trying to get back to you and Kook.”

Eyes shifting towards the tile, Taehyung tries not to make it obvious that he wants to scream. For so many years, doing this job, he hasn’t felt his heart properly. Not in the literal sense, but in the way that there was nothing forcing it to skip a beat or two. Nothing that made warmth blossom in his chest. Nothing that hurt so severely he couldn’t breathe from the pain. Ahyeon was incredibly strange at first. With how quickly she went along with anything, no problems at all taking to Taehyung as her Appa and welcoming Jungkook so seamlessly, as if they were always family, a real one. Not a fake one forged effortlessly. There were multiple times he wondered if this all was some artistic test from W.I.S.E themselves. To see how much he can handle.

Jungkook was worse. Worse because Taehyung knew from the moment their eyes met that Jungkook was the type of beauty he would think about for the rest of his life. But did he have to go and fill in this role so well? Did he really need to be so sweet and loving and terrifyingly fierce to the point that Taehyung felt himself subconsciously mapping out various plans to ensure he never has to lose them? He’s spent so long now, so many months, constantly trying to turn off these feelings so that when the inevitable expiration date came, he’d be fine.

He is fine.

The day is here and Jungkook shattered his heart but he’s fine.

He didn’t have much of a heart to shatter anyway, it’ll all blow over in a day or two. If this were a test from W.I.S.E he would’ve failed, this is the most vulnerable he has ever been and that alone is reason why no matter how bad it hurts, it’s obviously for the best.

Taehyung takes the folder a random assistant hands him and turns to the Handler, “This the divorce documents?”

Seokjin sighs, “It is…but—”

“No buts…” Taehyung once again is forced to blink away the traitorous water that threatens to spill from his eyes “—I need to go do this, while I still have the right mind to do so, otherwise I’ll end up doing something that puts all of us at risk, so it’s in your best interest to support this decision.”

“Twi…” Yoongi attempts to stop him, but Taehyung’s raised hand halts his words. Entering the booth to exit he’ll pretend he didn’t hear the safe room door creak open. He’s definitely not thinking in his mind of all of the questions she’ll have when she wakes up somewhere she’s never been before. Not on the verge of throwing up just from the thought of her realizing he isn’t coming back. Ahyeon isn’t his responsibility anymore, even if it kills him.

Jungkook isn’t entirely sure where he’s running to. He should’ve followed Taehyung sooner. He shouldn’t have left that building this morning. They should’ve…he could’ve…. god, if he only had the ability to regulate his emotions in the moment, he would’ve handled it differently. But Jungkook and the Thorn Prince are two different people, even if those waters ended up murky this morning—there was no chance in hell he could’ve snapped himself out of it enough. The emotions tugging at his heart did a half-ass job keeping the rage at bay. His entire body was buzzing with the need to pierce his sharpest stiletto right through Taehyung’s stupid, f*cking, lying, heart. But had he taken a second to calm himself, he would’ve thought about all of this. How it started anyway. It was a marriage of convince, a family of convenience. No romance has to be involved, they could just keep on as they were in the beginning.

The dates can stop and Jungkook can let go of the foolishness hope in his heart, as long as he doesn’t lose them entirely. He can barely see through the tears in his eyes as he tries to figure out what direction Taehyung went. Seriously, how far could he have gotten so quickly with a child and a dog? After nearly an hour he finds himself back in the same alley way he walked down at first, with a random photo booth, that acts as the final trigger for his building frustration to boil over. Jungkook kicks the back of the booth with all of the energy he can muster, without sparing a single thought for the damage he’d cause to the booth itself or any weird looks he may get from people passing by. Suddenly a body is diving out of it, follow by sharp, familiar, cursing, “What the hell is wrong with you?!” When Taehyung gets to his feet, his words stop—Jungkook feels his heart stop too, watching as a plethora of emotions flicker through the man’s face at once, ultimately ending with a shake of his head “This morning wasn’t enough? You had to come make sure to finish the job ?”

Jungkook doesn’t give a damn about the bitchy tone in Taehyung’s voice, nor the implication of his words, he’s too busy frantically looking around, blood growing hotter by the second, “Where is Ahyeon? Where is our dog?” He was already struggling to catch his breath but it’s so much more intense when he slams open the Photo Booth curtains and there’s nothing there but an empty bench. Everything may as well be frozen still around them when Taehyung voices carelessly, “Why are you asking questions you know the answer to?” Then he’s shoving a folder into Jungkook’s hands, “Sign these, so I can return them to my boss as soon as possible.”

The folder falls, Jungkook didn’t even bother trying to hold onto it. Taehyung watching in slow motion as Jungkook crumbles to his knees, “ You got rid of them so quickly? Just like that? What, did you already have a place lined up? Waiting for the day to throw this all to the side when you were finished? Those eyes flicker the glowing red that Taehyung loved seeing, the shade that turned vicious as they burned this morning—are now as dark burgundy as the wine Jungkook loves to drink so much, as he cries. Suddenly he’s back on his feet with violent little rivers streaming down his cheeks, “ As if she meant nothing? As if we don’t read her books before bed and help with her homework—as if you don’t chase her around the living room every damn morning while I iron her uniform dress —how could you do that?”

The fist that rams into Taehyung’s chest hurts but not as much as everything else does. Slow, almost non-existent, beating of his heart paired with the ache in his entire body is what has him falling limp against Jungkook’s attack, a whisper of a voice is all he can muster, “I had to. She’d ask me for you every single second of the day. This is easier for all of us.”

“Like hell it’s easier!” Jungkook shakes him by the shoulders and sobs “ Taehyung, where did you take our daughter?”

“I—” he looks at the manila folder open on the pavement growing dirtier by the second. The only good thing about the struggles of these emotions all day is that Taehyung is finally reaching a point where there’s hardly any tears left to force away. Jungkook kicks the folder with the tip of his boot, sending the papers inside flying, “I’ll sign for the damn divorce later, Where. Is. Ahyeon ? If you want to wash your hands of everything to do with this, fine. You’re an adult who can make his own decisions and doesn’t need to continue on the ruse of a fake family anymore. You can just let it go suddenly like it never mattered all at all, but I can’t .” Jungkook’s finger that was gesturing between them falls and hooks weakly onto Taehyung’s clenched palm, “ I love her too much. I won’t be able to live with myself not knowing how her days are or watching spy wars or listening to her talk to herself I’m sorry, is that what I need to say? This is all my fault, that’s fine . You can hate me forever, I don’t care—but you can’t, you can’t get rid of her. She’s not, she’s not just a side quest in a mission, she’s—

Taehyung’s fist opens, at the same time as his heart yearns to come to life. Linking his fingers with Jungkook’s before the other can yank away. It hurts so much the way it burns to hold this hand, when two days ago this very touch sent sparks spreading uncontrollably. His eyes take in the entire disheveled sight of him. Always perfect hair unkempt, damned red sweater, that suddenly makes so much sense, as Taehyung realizes it perfectly covers all of the places he knows Jungkook was wounded this morning. Wounds he caused. Just the thought makes him sick, he would never. Where does Jungkook get off, blaming him for this? Taehyung’s voice is sharp, despite the low volume, when he speaks, “Why? Why did you have to be there?”

Jungkook’s lip trembles looking down at their intertwined fingers, sob breaking free when Taehyung walks him backwards until he’s pinned against the dented in photo booth wall. The only space separating them is the little bit that their shallow breaths take up. Taehyung’s voice dropping lower as he nearly growls, “We were so good. Everything has been so damn good. Why? It could’ve been perfect— I had a plan, we, we would’ve…”

“Don’t blame me.” Jungkook’s chest heaves. Free hand grabbing onto the side of Taehyung’s shirt and tugging the man closer until their chests are flush, “Do you think I would’ve taken that assignment if I knew you were on the other end? I don’t get to ask questions. I get a call and I do the work. That’s it. You are the one who knew from the day we met that all this would ever measure up to was a temporary transaction. Taehyung’s fingers hold tighter as he closes in on him. Forehead warm where it rests against his own, and the tips of their noses brushing is like an electric shock. All of the emotion in Taehyung’s voice has evaporated to nothing, he sounds lifeless, “How was I supposed to know what I would feel for you now? As if I had the ability to predict that accepting this mission last year would’ve led to me being forced to lose the only two people I’ve ever loved? If you think I planned this at all, you’re giving me way more credit than I deserve. It was always supposed to be temporary, right? Until the convenience runs out. That’s what we said from the beginning.”


No, that’s not what they said, that’s what was underlying. The message between the lines, but regardless. Even if it were what was said, it was never what Jungkook meant. He always hoped for more, All of that may be true, but…”

"But nothing.” Taehyung’s voice breaks, much like his mind did a year ago when a little girl first called him Appa, and his heart, hours ago, when the man he was envisioning the next fifty years of his life with watched his blood spill onto the knife he raised. “I will always be this, what I am. It’s all I know how to do, my only purpose. I can’t have anything to do with someone who works for people like Choi Dowon, it’s going against everything I stand for.” He chuckles bitterly and Jungkook can feel the hot tears that spill from Taehyung’s cheeks and bleed onto his own, “Besides, my next mission would put us at odds again and I’m not sure if I can fail the same mission twice, baby. At least this way, I don’t have to live the rest of my life knowing yours ended in my hands.”

Suddenly they’re no longer flush. Jungkook’s barely bringing himself to reality when Taehyung is reaching for the folder. He moves quickly, embarrassingly desperate as he wraps his arms tight and around Taehyung’s middle from behind. Face pressing against the back of his neck, “My entire life is inside of that apartment, Taehyung. Walking away from it is as good as if you put the bullet through my head. Actually, I think the bullet would hurt less. So if she’s already gone and you’re on your way out too, can you at least put me out of my misery before you go?”


Yoongi knew it was going to be rough, but watching Ahyeon frantically push the buttons inside the photo booth trying to figure out how to make it work so she can get out of the safe house is almost as painful as the look in Taehyung’s eyes when he walked away. Gentle steps closer, he kneels beside her, “Ahyeon, why don’t you come to Uncle Scruff’s house and we can play and have some dinner?”

She shakes her head, tears falling endlessly that she wipes at with the back of her hands, “ Wanna go home. Want Appa. Why…Why did he leave me here?”

“Some things…” Yoongi is interrupted by her eyes opening wide. He swears he nearly sees her ears twitch like a bunny as she looks up and around and starts pressing buttons even harder, she’s going to accidentally self destruct the damn thing, “ Ahyeon, stop that.”

“Papa is here! I can hear him!”


The poor sweet thing is delusional.

“Please, Scruffy, Let me out of here! Please ! Papa is looking for Ahyeon!!!” her voice cracks as she grabs at his pant legs “You have to let me out!!”

“Your Papa is not here. I’m so sorry.” Yoongi tries to take her hand but the big white dog suddenly gets in the way. A low warning growl that has agents approaching quickly with weapons drawn that Yoongi waves down immediately, “Can you all f*ck off or something? I’m handling it.”

All attention back on the watery eyed little girl, Yoongi takes Bond’s leash in his hand, “We can go up together, because you’re coming to spend the night with me, alright?”

Ahyeon nods because it seems like the only way to get out of this place, but she can still hear Papa’s thinking which means he has to be close. Palms digging into her eyes as the booth changes, she sprints out of the curtains immediately. Looking both ways but when she finds the alleyway entirely empty, she falls right to her behind. Face buried in her hands, she cries and cries and cries. It’s not fair. It’s not fair. It’s not fair. She finally got a good home. It’s not fair. They’re family. Appa said… he promised. She can’t hear any thoughts anymore, nothing over the sound of her own thinking about where she’ll have to go next. Why? Why do they always send her back? She didn’t even tell them she could read minds this time. She did everything right.

Yoongi doesn’t do the whole crying for others thing, but damn does Ahyeon make it difficult not to. f*cking Taehyung and his f*cking bullsh*t turning it off nonsense. Yoongi could see it all over his face, no matter how hard he tried to mask it, he’ll be storming back into W.I.S.E before the day is over to take her home—and maybe he’s a bit petty, but Yoongi can’t shake the feeling that it shouldn’t be that easy. Taehyung needs to figure it out one way or another that it’s okay to have feelings but it’s not okay to disregard the feelings of others…which is why he lifts the crying girl into his arms.

Hugging her close as Bond walks in front of them, “Don’t be sad Ahyeon-ah, Appa and Papa are just having a really bad day. I’m sorry you got caught in the middle of it, but sometimes we just need time to shake things off. That’s what you have me for.”

Ahyeon sniffles and hugs him tighter, even if she knows he’s telling a lie.


Day from hell is an understatement of the century, dragging himself into this apartment, Taehyung’s nails are digging so sharply into his palms he wonders if he’s breaking skin. If he is he can’t feel it, the only thing he can feel is the burning hot rage seeping it’s way through his blood, every single vein of his body overtaken by this frustration, it can’t be helped when he slams a fist through the first picture frame he sees on the wall.

f*cking Seokjin.

It’s his fault.

He’s the one who gave him the stupid god damn mission in the first place.

They should’ve known Dowon isn’t going to go down with such a simple task like this one. Choi Dowon is going to have to go up in flames, that’s the only way for to put a stop to his scheming. All of this wasted time? Was meaningless. All of this unbearable pain in his heart is meaningless too. Ahyeon’s tears and Jungkook’s hurt. All of it. Meaningless.

Except it doesn’t feel meaningless when he’s making his way to get something to drink and is stopped by the pink bowl on the dining room table. A tiny bit of milk and dissolved cereal pieces staring right at him from the breakfast Ahyeon scarfed down before leaving this morning because she and Jungkook woke up late. They woke up late because Taehyung is usually the one who wakes their whole house up. Woke up late because he was too busy chasing after Dowon and saving his kid and not shooting Namjoon in the forehead to be at home.

At home, because this is the closest thing to a home he’s ever gotten to experience and he genuinely thought he’d handle this whole thing better. Long ago, he’s thought about it countless times. Endless sleepless nights thinking about the ways he would snap himself back to reality when everything is said and done, sleepless thoughts that turned into dreams about what if this were reality anyway? How things don’t really have to change for them at all. When the mission is done, it’s done. But he and Jungkook would still be married and Ahyeon would still be his daughter and nothing about this life they’ve fallen into over the last year would have to change at all. The small cuts on his knuckles from the glass of the frame he shattered isn’t satisfying enough, grabbing the bowl and throwing it across the room isn’t satisfying either.

Not the chair he kicks against the wall or the lamp he knocks over in his fit of rage. Nor the copious streams of tears that bleed down his cheeks as he sinks to the floor. Head hung low between his knees, Taehyung can’t catch his breath. He’s never had a panic attack in his life, but Yoongi has. He’s been on the supportive end enough times to have a pretty good idea that this is what he’s experiencing and it’d be f*cking comical if the pressure of it all wasn’t so god damn suffocating. Nothing was supposed to be like this.

It wasn’t supposed to hurt so much.

His neck burns from the brand Jungkook left behind with his lips and his words and Taehyung is probably going to feel the weight of Ahyeon’s hand in his palm for the rest of his life—he can’t. He needs to get to W.I.S.E and beg for a lobotomy or a factory reset on his heart or access to the euthanasia cabinet— anything. Anything to just make it stop. The front door opening doesn’t register.

Not until his eyes barely pick up the movement of thick black boots across the floor. No need to take off his shoes, when he’s just dropping off papers and leaving. Taehyung focuses on silencing his breathing where he sits on the kitchen floor. Though it doesn’t do much of anything, when Jungkook takes to standing in the entry way, a voice that’s usually gentle and sweet coming out far more vicious than it even was this morning, “I’ve been everywhere that would take in children, and Ahyeon’s nowhere to be found. So get your ass off of the floor and take me to your hideout or wherever the hell you left her, or I swear to god Taehyung, I will f*cking kill you no matter how much it kills me to do it.”

He can’t hear himself, but he knows he tries to muster the words, “You can’t.”

Jungkook disappears down the hallway and when he comes back, it’s with one of those sharp golden knives in his hand, it whips past Taehyung’s face so close he actually thinks for a split second it’s going to pierce right through his eye socket and he makes no motion to stop it. Only for the stiletto to embed itself into the wall right beside his head. All at once Jungkook is kneeling in front of him, fist in the collar of his shirt and yanking him forward until Taehyung has no choice but to lift his head and lock onto those eyes fixated on his own, “ Please.”

The man’s fist unclenches from his collar only to press against his chest instead, “ Taehyung , I’m begging you, before it’s too late, tell me where I need to go. You can sit in this apartment and smash more things if that’s what you need to feel better, but I need her.”

“I needed a lot of things!” He doesn’t want to raise his voice. He doesn’t want to yell at the man in front of him, he doesn’t but Taehyung can’t stop himself anyway. Grips Jungkook’s wrist and removes it from himself, “I needed a child that was tolerable enough to get through this mission and smart enough to attend Evara. I needed a spouse to tick the check boxes on the application and help with the child because I’ve never had to care for anyone other than myself in my life. I didn’t need all of this!” Standing up, he jams his own finger against his chest and cries, “But then I fell in love with you both and all I needed after that point was for everything in this place to stay safe while I took care of Dowon on my own. You shouldn’t have been there.”

Jungkook from where he is still knelt on the kitchen floor, clenches his fists and cries, “What do you expect me to say to that? What is more of this back and forth going to do for either of us? We sit here crying about what we would’ve, could’ve, should’ve done while our daughter is sitting somewhere wondering why you left her. You left her. ” He’s up and in his face again before Taehyung registers the movement, but this time there’s no angry fist or lethal glares. Only soft hands holding onto both of his cheeks as Jungkook’s words, thick with tears, are breathed nearly right against his lips, “ Taehyung. Please, take me to bring her home. We can talk about everything else later. Once she’s eaten, and gone to sleep. Please. I’ll do anything you want me to do if you just take me to her.”

He lost control of himself hours ago.

So really, he can’t be blamed when his hands fold over Jungkook’s hips and he pulls him sharply to close the sliver of space between their bodies. Eyes heavy and sore with tears when they fall onto swollen red lips that Taehyung claims with his own instantly. Something akin to fireworks and his heart breaking all over again, is the only way he can really describe how it feels to kiss Jungkook for the first time when all of this sh*t is in the way. Their foreheads rest together when he pulls back, measuring the expression on the other’s face and catching his breath and bruising the waist in his palms as he groans, “ It shouldn’t have been like this, it was supposed to be so much better than this .”

One of Jungkook’s hands knot at the back of his hair and drag Taehyung right back in for more, “I know, Tae. I know .” Then it’s harder, rougher, Jungkook’s fingers are ruthless where they tug at his hair. Taehyung’s no better when the tight hold he has on the other is used to walk Jungkook until he’s pressed to the nearest wall and gasping against their kiss. Taehyung’s hands tremble when they smooth over the fabric of this damned red sweater that’s brought him so much turmoil and his voice is broken when they part, “I’m sorry. Jungkook, baby, I’m so sorry.

“Don’t tell me you’re sorry, not right now .” Jungkook shakes his head and sobs through his words, “Just take me wherever we need to go, to get her back.”

“You can’t go…you’re not allowed—but I, I will go. I don’t even know if Seokjin will let me have her back—” Taehyung’s head falls back, stepping away and palming at his eyes, “He’s going to tell me I shouldn’t have left her at all. He’s not going to just hand her and Bond over with no qualms.”

“What rights does Seokjin have to her?” Jungkook’s eyes roll as he groans, “Right. Talk later. Go, now. I’ll clean up all of this mess while you’re gone so that at least she doesn’t have to come home to this.”

Looking around at the mess he made, Taehyung’s ears burn and his stomach twists into nasty knots of embarrassment at the loss of temper. He’s never let himself explode in this way, like a child who didn’t get what they wanted at the store. How could he let himself get this unhinged? Bubbling irritation with himself is calmed, just barely, by Jungkook’s hand on his face bringing him back to earth, “Taehyung, GO. Seriously. It’s fine, I mean, it’s not fine, but we’ll figure it out later. You can’t waste anymore time here. Okay?”

He nods and his eyes falter and Taehyung never stood a f*cking chance. Dips in for those lips against his own and fists at Jungkook’s sweater while he does, “ Did you sign the papers?”

“Of course I didn’t.” Jungkook sobs into the kiss. Voice barely audible as his free hand reaches for Taehyung’s, thumb brushing over the tiny silver band that sits there, “Told you already, dying would hurt less than walking away from this.”

Getting to the safe house in record time isn’t the problem, the problem is that when he gets there, Yoongi and Seokjin are standing in the middle of the place talking frantically with one another. Going deadly silent the moment Taehyung’s presence is noticed, “What is going on here?” His eyes glance towards the safe room door that he left Ahyeon in, that’s wide open. “Have you guys fed her yet? Where is she?”

Seokjin points an angry finger Taehyung’s direction and scowls, “Absolutely not, get out of here. I’m not dealing with your sh*t right now, on top of everything else.”

“What is everything else? I don’t have any sh*t for you to deal with, I acted a bit irrationally, but I adopted Ahyeon entirely. Legalities and all, she’s mine, it was wrong of me to bring her here like that. I know and I’ll have to spend an eternity making up for it. In order to start that, I need to return home with Ahyeon and our dog. Where are they?”

He knew it wouldn’t go easily. The handler made it clear when he left her that there would be no taking it back, but Taehyung also knows a child can’t be put up for adoption in mere hours. He’s saving them all a headache by getting his head out of his ass. Seokjin’s in his face before he can say another word, “You walk in here, all dead inside, talking about the little girl like she’s simply a piece of equipment you’re turning back in after a job well done. Then you have the audacity to come back later and demand to leave with her? As if I could trust you won’t pull the same sh*t in a few months when you’re tired of playing the daddy role.”

“I wasn’t tired of it to begin with!” Taehyung has shown so many sides of himself in the last twenty four hours, he’s surprised no-one has submitted him for a psych evaluation by this point. He doesn’t care if they do, he’s going to say what he needs to say anyway and he does. Straightens his shoulders and gives Seokjin all of the same heat he’s dishing out, “Lines got crossed, I was trying to make the right decision for everyone involved with the least amount of collateral damage. But no-one, including myself, benefits from this. Not Ahyeon, not Jungkook, and especially not W.I.S.E, so why the hell are you giving me so much grief over my damn daughter?”

“Your damn daughter ran away!” Seokjin presses a finger to his shoulder and shakes his head. “Yoongi was supposed to take her home and facilitate her adoption, the second he went to the restroom she bolted and hasn’t been seen since. Her and the dog. They’re gone as if they vanished into thin air.”

“How is that even possible?” Taehyung takes slow steps backwards head swirling, he’s nearly going to faint. This day has been way too much for one person to handle, he’s been going since the middle of the night last night—he’s so, f*cking, tired. There’s absolutely nothing left in his cup to pour out, but he keeps trying to anyway, “If she ran away what the hell are you two doing here? Who is looking for her?”

“I’ve alerted all of the authorities in the area. We have some field agents out as we speak. Yoongi is going to head home in case for some reason she finds her way back there.” Seokjin sighs and looks away from him. “Agent Twilight, I don’t think it is in the child’s best interest to return under your care in your current condition. It’s obvious that this incident with Dowon has left you rattled and I’m sorry for W.I.S.E’s role in this—but at this moment in time you should go home and take some rest. We will recover Ahyeon and if you are still feeling adamant about your decision, you can come here for her tomorrow and we will discuss actions going forward.”

“You have lost your mind if you think I’m going to sit at home while she’s out roaming the streets.” Taehyung sends a glare over his shoulder as he walks out. He’s never been so frustrated by Seokjin’s attitude and Yoongi’s silence, as he is right now. “Thank you guys for all of the support, really. I’m feeling super f*cking lucky to have dedicated my life to this agency.”

When he’s gone, Seokjin bursts into an outrageous fit of laughter. So loud that Yoongi has to cover his mouth, “You know how perceptive he is. If you’re too loud, he’ll hear it even from the booth! Then it’ll be my ass for thinking of this dumb idea anyway.”

“Oh my god, Yoon, did you just hear that? He gave attitude and sarcasm back to back, it’s almost like he’s actually a human again. I can hardly take it.” Seokjin’s hands wave in front of his face as he cries in laughter. “Go home with the little one and the dog, before your best friend burns the entire city down looking for the daughter he’s spent all of this time claiming not to love.”

Taehyung only goes home first because he really thinks two sets of eyes and legs are better than one in this situation. Jungkook’s excitement at the door falls flat when Taehyung walks in alone, eyes immediately filling with tears. Taehyung seriously needs sleep, he feels the metaphorical vial of energy inside himself desperately clinging to the very last drop he has. “Ahyeon ran away from Yoongi, they have agents out looking for her but no luck so far. I’m off to search myself. I wanted to let you know and of course, give you the option of joining.”

Slipping his boots back on and a jacket over his shoulders, Jungkook scoffs, “Well, I’m certainly not just going to sit here and wait. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve ran all over Seoul looking for her and something tells me it’s not going to be the last…” he hesitates, rushing back into the kitchen where his knife is still embedded in the wall. Returning to Taehyung, whose eyebrows are raised curiously. His own cheeks flushing as he stores it in the holster on his thigh, “It’s a precaution…there’s a real problem with kid napping and selling young girls off for marriage these days–”

Being interrupted by a soft kiss is the last thing Jungkook expected, he wasn’t sure if they would ever kiss again, if he’s entirely honest. So he truly doesn’t know how to respond when Taehyung pulls back with painfully warm yet worried eyes, “ Thank you …we need to hurry. It’s nearly dark outside.”

Separating from Taehyung was the smartest decision for multiple reasons. First and foremost being that Jungkook can move around, scaling if necessary without getting weird looks. Although they’re probably a little bit past that at this point…he also needs the moments alone to gather himself.

Cleaning up the mess Taehyung made in their home just made him realize that he isn’t alone in all of these overwhelming feelings. If anything, Taehyung has them just as much. The man said a lot of things earlier but their emotions have been high since this morning. Jungkook knows better than to hold someone to claims they made when adrenaline and fear are coursing through them.

But a small part of him still hopes Taehyung meant what he said.

Reaching the building he is fairly certain houses Yoongi’s apartment, Jungkook considers going inside and making sure she isn’t there anyway. He doesn’t because a loud familiar barking has him rushing down the street and turning at the first alleyway. Heart plummeting to the ground when he finds a lone Bond, no Ahyeon in sight. Taking hold of the dog’s head behind his ears, Jungkook pets him warmly, “Hey good boy, where’s our girl, huh? You never lose sight of her, I know you didn’t now of all times.”

Bond’s head tilts before he barks even louder, Jungkook’s chest heaving as he closes his eyes and just tries to listen to his surroundings. Focused on everything in the vicinity, right when Taehyung rushes up. Out of breath and hands on his knees, “Nothing? Bond is alone ?”

They stand in complete silence for too long. Just the two of them and their dog, neither knowing where to go next but Taehyung won’t be stepping foot in that apartment again until Ahyeon is home. Eyes heavy with exhaustion, shoes weighing tons as he drags his feet back the way he came, Taehyung sighs, “Why don’t we head up to Yoongi’s place? I’m sure he’s listening in on the wire taps throughout the city.”

Jungkook shakes his head, still attempting to wrap his mind around things as they walk quietly, “So Yoongi isn’t even your friend? He’s a coworker?”

“He is a friend.” Taehyung’s lump in his throat feels heavy when he fixes his eyes on the ground in front of them “Probably the best one I have, not that there’s many to choose from.”

“But…you also work together?”

“Kind of, Yoongi is…like a contractor if you will. My boss utilizes his skills, but he doesn’t do the same work that I do. He also takes side work for other agencies as well.”

“What agency do you work for?”

Taehyung gives him a look over his shoulder and Jungkook realizes, he was the one who said they’d talk later, yet it is he who’s asking all of the burning questions, “I promise, as soon as we get Ahyeon home, I’ll tell you literally anything you want to know.”

Gnawing on his lip, Jungkook’s eyes are drawn to an opened window in the building they’re approaching. There’s only a millisecond of time that a glimpse of pink hair flashes by before curtains are drawn shut and he’s sprinting inside before Taehyung can realize he started moving. He figured as much, but he won’t believe it until he sees it. Banging on the door to Yoongi’s apartment, the pounding of his heart still rings louder. Yoongi opening it reluctantly, has Jungkook huffing in frustration, “Where is she?”

“She isn’t here—”

He can’t turn off the rage that burns instantly, hand flying beneath his jacket to the knife on his thigh—but Taehyung’s hand holds his wrist in place. Jungkook glares at him before turning the blazing gaze back on Yoongi who’s leaning against the door with a smirk on his face, ”I saw her in the window, why are you lying to our faces?”

Taehyung’s hold on Jungkook’s wrist pulls him back, stepping between the two as his voice drops to an octave Jungkook’s never heard before, “Hyung. What is he talking about? Is she here? She’s here and you didn’t call me instantly?”


Taehyung pushes his way into the apartment. Is barely three steps inside when Ahyeon’s head peaks around the hallway wall, before ducking back out of sight as if she’s been caught. “Ahyeon-ah. Come here.”

“I think you should wait a second.” Yoongi shakes his head from where he stands, “She’s had a rough day of emotions. You owe it to her to have a proper conversation before just taking her home and acting like nothing happened.”

“You think we don’t know that?” Jungkook’s voice comes out far more bitter than he intended it to. But Ahyeon’s cautious footsteps as she joins them in the living room has all of the anger dissipating at once. Not a single word uttered from any of them as she slowly steps closer to Taehyung. Bond makes his way slowly as well. Laying on the floor beside them as her hands fidget nervously, “Are you going to make me go to the underground place again?”

All of the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he practically hears Jungkook’s anger brewing. “It wasn’t underground, that was Appa’s work. I had to do a big job today and I was worried about my ability to keep you safe while doing it. I’m so sorry for worrying you.”

She glances over his shoulder at Jungkook and water fills her eyes when she listens to their thoughts and they’re both only thinking about taking her home. Sniffling she wipes at her eyes, “So…so you’re not mad because of the cereal bowl or…or because Ahyeon can read minds?”

Jungkook kneels on Taehyung’s other side and voices softly, “Everything that happened today, had absolutely nothing to do with you, sweetheart. No-one was mad at you, ever .” Both Taehyung and Jungkook’s eyes flash open wide, looking at each other and looking at Yoongi who’s own are nearly out of his skull when they all speak frantically at her, “What do you mean you can read minds?” “What did you just say?” “I told you both, she watches that show too much!”

Ahyeon’s face turns bright red. Patting her own cheeks she lets out fake laughter and yawns, “I’m telling a joke, that’s all. Can we really go home now? I’m tired and Uncle Scruffy only gave me some crackers for dinner, I didn’t even get to have yummy soup before we left.” Bond barks loudly in agreement as he guides the little girl onto his back, making the decision for all of them. And as much as Taehyung knows Ahyeon loves her rides from the dog, he can’t help when he leans down and grabs her instead. She looks nervous at first when their eyes meet before she hugs tightly around his neck and cries softly, “Don’t leave again.” His heart was attempting to regenerate itself, only to be shattered all over again as he holds her close, “Of course not. Appa is so, so, sorry.”

Jungkook steps closer to them, fingers untucking the strands of her hair that are wedged uncomfortably between herself and Taehyung. Whispering just for her, “It’s too late for me to prepare it, but I’ll make sure to have the soup you like for dinner tomorrow.” Her face lights up in excitement as she nods. Jungkook’s thumbs brush away the few tears that trail down her cheeks. Yoongi is holding his door open with something uncertain on his face, an exchange takes place wordlessly between him and Taehyung, as the four of them leave quietly. Ahyeon’s voice chirping up just before the door closes, “Scruffy are we still doing the sleep over this weekend?”

To which Yoongi nods with a bright smile, “You bet, kid. As long as your Appa and your Papa don’t mind.”

Jungkook laughs under his breath while Taehyung exhales reluctantly, “We’ll see what this weekend looks like for all of us. Fun plans with Uncle Scruff can always be planned for another day.”

Only a few blocks away from home, their walk is taken over by the sound of Ahyeon snoring. Jungkook’s got a tight hold on Bond’s leash as they walk, mind swirling so many thoughts he can’t organize properly. So many questions, he’s not sure if he’ll ever get the answers to all of them. If he has the courage to ask them all. Inside, Taehyung takes his time tucking Ahyeon in for bed. Waiting a few extra moments, just in case she decides to wake up and wants to eat. But she only tucks herself even further into her bed. Pulling her big penguin plushie into her arms and snores growing louder. Taehyung turns on the night light beside her bed at the same time as he feels those fragmented pieces of his heart finding their place again. Unclipping the accessories from her hair and dropping them to her dresser on his way out of her room. Taehyung himself needs sleep too.

But not more than he needs to join Jungkook in the living room. He can sleep tomorrow, or next week or next year—if it means the exhaustion lets him keep them. If the exhaustion is necessary to get through all of this, he has no problem being sleep deprived.

Jungkook has changed in the time it took Taehyung to leave Ahyeon in her bed. Soft pajamas hiding under a thick blanket, where he’s seated on their sofa. Clearing his throat, he walks in slowly, “Do you mind if I get out of these clothes as well?”

“Of course not, take your time.” Jungkook straightens up and attempts to smile, though his nerves are obvious, “I’ll grab some things from the kitchen while I wait for you.” Although really, all Jungkook does is stare at his own hands where they clasp onto the counter. Steadying his breathing to the best of his ability because he’s not sure how this ends. Where it is going to lead, if anywhere. He said he’d be okay with a platonic furthering of their arrangement but is he really? Can he really be okay with that now? After all that’s been said and done in the last twenty four hours? He doesn’t think he can.

That’s what makes it so terrifying when the little tray of snacks he threw together is placed on the coffee table and Taehyung is joining him a few moments later. In that white t-shirt he only wears sometimes that rattles Jungkook’s brain cells beyond use. The man sits across from him and he realizes, he might be crazy enough to beg Taehyung forget everything that’s happened—so they can move forward as they were without anything being tainted. Taehyung reaches forward and grabs one of the cheese squares from the tray, tosses it across the room to the dog that was eyeing the tray longingly with a laugh.

“So…where do you want to start?”

“I’m not sure.” Jungkook’s voice cracks a tiny bit. “I’m, I don’t know where to start.”

“That’s fine, really, it’s not like—there’s no specific order anything has to be in. But…obviously, there’s things we need to air out.”

“Right. Yeah, of course.” Jungkook’s arms tighten around his knees as he tugs them closer to his chest. “Maybe, I don’t know, start with the basics I guess? Like…you know…who are you? What is your real name, your real job—because obviously Taehyung the Psychiatrist isn’t it…”

Taehyung hasn’t given any thought to his real name in years, mostly because he doesn’t consider anything a real name. Not when for his case, none of it matters at the end of the day. Still, he exhales a long breath, arm stretching across the back of the sofa as he starts. “My birth given name was Chun Keeho, my parents were members of the international peace alliance and were killed during an unexpected bombing during the Great War. That’s all that I know in regards to my ‘ real identity .’ but I’ve never felt any claim to my birth given name. I’ve never felt particularly connected to any of the names I’ve taken on over the years, until now. The name that I exist with now, is the first time I’ve ever had anything worth tying me to. Growing up, I was a homeless orphan for several years, before a member of the agency, W.I.S.E, took me in and raised me from that point on, where I was granted the code name Twilight.”

“W.I.S.E…so that is who you work for?”

Explaining the role that his agency plays in the South’s affairs as well as international affairs managing across nations, isn’t an easy feat. Jungkook’s silence as he unloads makes him feel like it’s already too much. Too complicated. The words and the job and the meaning of it all. It’s not that he intended to go back in time and explain every mission he’s undertaken in the last year, but it feels like the only way for Jungkook to truly understand his role and what Taehyung does. Why his job matters, and why Jungkook working for Choi Dowon, is an absolute non-negotiable. Or it was, at this point, Taehyung is questioning his own ability to stay on at W.I.S.E at all, because he’s not sure he could walk away from Jungkook, no matter how this conversation ends. Jungkook lets out a few heavy breaths when Taehyung’s taken a break from unloading and sighs himself, “Well…everything you know about me is true, from my name to my family history. The only exception being that, Namjoon and I, didn’t necessarily grow up alone. We did, but we were children of the Garden. Um—the Garden is essentially, a long line of assassins. We work independently and privately. No two Garden agents know each other, my brother and I are the exception of course. And we all know the shop keeper, our boss .”

It’s terrifying saying this all out loud, things he’s never told anyone. Things he never thought he’d be able to tell anyone. “Namjoon didn’t handle the Garden work very well. He did it, because we had to. If we didn’t work we couldn’t afford the costs associated with our housing. The Garden facilitated much of our livelihood, but it wasn’t a free service by any means. They didn’t care that our parents were gone, we were viewed the same as any other member. Held to the same standards. So when Namjoon received an opportunity to work with the State Security Service—it was obvious he wanted it. I could see it all over his face, though our nanny, made it clear, he simply couldn’t. Unless his role was taken on by a new member. Which is right around the time, I finished my introductory training.”

Taehyung’s jaw is on the floor, which Jungkook expected. Telling the man you’ve spent more than a year living with, that you’ve been carrying out organized murders since you were nine years old isn’t exactly something easy for anyone to take in. Jungkook cringes himself when he continues, “It’s not as if I wanted to do it, it’s just all I’ve ever known. They also made it clear that our purpose was a good one. Robin-hood, in a way. We were always killing the ones who did wrong, never aiding the evil. But, we also don’t get to ask questions. Shop keeper gives orders and we take them. Which is how I ended up with the order from the man you keep mentioning. I don’t know who Choi Dowon is, or his significant to anything regarding peace relations between the South or the North. I only know that a child was kidnapped and a man named Twilight was responsible. I was also told my brother had been involved in an attack. That’s as much information as I was given on the matter.” His hands are trembling around the glass in his hand, it was pointless to even try to soothe his throat, Jungkook couldn’t stomach the wine right now if he tried. Places the glass back down and exhales shakily, “I really, didn’t know, Tae.”

“I believe you. I do.” Taehyung reaches for the glass Jungkook sat down and sips from it momentarily. Eyes finding his with a soft smile as he does, “The complication comes more from the main purpose. I was given a task to infiltrate Evara academy to get closer to Choi Dowon, which involved a child and obviously a spouse, per Evara’s requirements. But it’s not as if I was seeking you out specifically. Everything about you coming into our lives and the events that followed were genuine.” He scoots forward on the sofa. Jungkook’s skin erupts with goosebumps when Taehyung’s thumb only barely manages to brush the edge of his shoulder, “You said, when we fought, that I’ve lied about everything and I know it seems that way but it’s just not true. My background was a lie, as well as Ahyeon’s, of course, now that you understand my position with W.I.S.E, you can see the need. It was never with malicious intent and it’s not as if my goal in the end was to screw you over. Or her.”

"What was your goal though?” Jungkook’s eyes fill with water unconsciously, "Had everything that transpired today not gone down, what would’ve happened for us then? When everything is done?”

“You’re asking me to change the past and predict the future, as if I’m capable of such a thing.” Taehyung catches his bottom lip with his teeth and sighs, “All that I know is somewhere along the lines of this entire Operation, I’ve wound up with feelings I didn’t know existed in me anymore. To the point I’ve spent all day contemplating how to walk away from it all if I get to hold your hand when it’s done. So I need you to know I’m sincere. My actions earlier were rash, because I’ve always had to do that. Cut people out, turn off the emotions and move forward. It’s never been a problem before. Before you and Ahyeon. I don’t even recognize myself sometimes, but what am I supposed to do, when I love you both so much?”

The room falls silent for far too long. Silent as their eyes shift all over the room before finally landing on each other, silent as Jungkook reaches his arm over the back of the sofa as well. Erratic heart picking up its pace as their fingers lightly tangle when Jungkook whispers, “You really mean that, the way you’re saying it?”

“Mean what?” Taehyung’s voice is a whisper too, but mostly because he can barely breathe enough to get the words out as it is, let alone get them out with any strength in his voice. “ That I love you? After everything I’ve told you, do you think I’m someone who would say those words lightly?”

“No…but—” Jungkook looks away and wills himself to breathe, “—where did you take her? Was your intention really to let her go? Just like that? You say that you love us both and yet you dumped her off and shoved divorce papers in my face so easily—”

“If you think anything about this day has been easy, you’re crazy.” Taehyung’s fingers slide further between Jungkook’s. Palms flattening against one another as his head falls back with a scoff, “Leaving her in the W.I.S.E safe house and asking you to sign those documents are two of the most difficult things I’ve ever done in my life. More difficult than sleeping on streets and choking down rubbish to stay alive.”

Jungkook’s cheeks burn under the words and his fingers burn under the sensation of Taehyung’s between them, “You might be exaggerating a bit…”

“I wish I was. I wish I didn’t feel so strongly about the two of you, because I don’t know how to navigate feelings like this. Nothing in my training or brain wiring is cut out for this…but I want it anyway.” There’s a sincerity in Taehyung’s words and eyes that nearly knocks Jungkook over when the man makes his way the tiniest bit closer. Bent knee overlapping his own as Taehyung voices, rather desperately, “ I want you, terribly. For as long as I can possibly have you, no matter what I have to do, to make that happen. That’s what this all boils down to for me.”

Admitting just how terribly he wants this too, has Jungkook feeling nauseated, only because, “I don’t know if I can get out of the Garden. I’m not sure the process, what it entails—Tae…I don’t know how we make this work. But I really want it too, it all boils down the same for me. I love being here and I love Ahyeon and Bond and you. ” He said it. He said it. He said it. He’s been thinking it for a couple of months but now that he’s finally said it, Jungkook’s heart nearly explodes when his voice trembles, “It’s scary to me how much I love you and it’s even scarier to think about what happens if this all goes up in flames.”

“It won’t.” Taehyung’s head shakes frantically, “I’ll figure it all out, whatever needs to be done, I’ll take care of everything. If you just… stay .”

The words are spoken so closely to his mouth, Jungkook barely manages to hear them. How can he hear anything at all when his eyes are laser focused on Taehyung’s lips hovering against his own, “I’ll beg you if I have to, baby, please, please, stay.”

Moving quickly until Taehyung is lying on the sofa beneath him, Jungkook’s own words must sound as desperate as he feels when he closes the space between them. He wasn’t sure earlier, if he’d ever kiss him again, but in this very moment it doesn’t feel like he can do anything else. When Taehyung’s nervous hands glide down his sides. Using a grip on Jungkook’s waist to pull their bodies flush as his lips part with a groan, “ Jungkook, look at me.”

“I can’t.” His eyes are clenched shut. Nose tingling where it brushes against Taehyung’s, “Don’t wanna look at you and realize I’m just passed out somewhere hallucinating all of this.”

One of those hands that were at his hips, raise to grip his chin, Taehyung’s eyes dark and sharp when Jungkook dares to open his own. “I’m sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry for hurting you this morning and again when we got home and again in the alley. I’m sorry for everything, except loving you. I’ll never be sorry for that, it’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”

“I’m sorry too.” Jungkook’s laughs through his sob “I was so angry when I saw it was you. I didn’t want to hurt you but I also did.I wanted you to hurt as much as my heart did when I thought—” he shakes his head, tears flicking away as he does, “That doesn’t matter. Just, I’m sorry. I always wondered what it would feel like to fall in love with someone, I didn’t realize it happened like this—like my entire life was leading me to you.”

Jungkook has felt out of control of himself, several times in his life. Often watching as an outsider as his body moves and does as it’s been trained to do, but there was no training for Taehyung. Nothing to prepare him for the way their lips would chase each other desperately. No warning for the sensation that a hand gliding down his spine would cause or a preparation for the rough way Taehyung would breathe against his kiss, “I can’t believe I hurt you.”

“It’s okay.” Jungkook, panic-struck when Taehyung slightly pulls back, speaks quickly, “ We hurt each other. It was instinctual, we didn’t know. It’s okay.”

“It’s not okay.” For all of the exhaustion that’s been apparent since this morning, Taehyung is as quick and strong as he always is. When he’s moved them until they’re sitting up right, both hands cradling Jungkook’s face as he kisses him repeatedly, “ I’ll never hurt you again. Do you believe me?” He does. He probably shouldn’t. It’s kind of foolish to believe words so blindly, but from the moment they met Taehyung has made Jungkook a bit more careless. And he really likes the way it feels. “I do, of course I do.”

Taehyung’s hands, outlining the shape of Jungkook in front of him, are with innocent intentions. Mostly ensuring he’s real and here. Index finger hooking onto the collar of that red sweater, he lets out a shaky exhale, “Do you wear this damn thing because it hides all of the places most likely to be injured? Or do you wear it because you know how much it kills me every time you do?”

“I—, it’s just comfortable. I don’t put much thought into it at all…actually—” a noise of genuine surprise falls from Jungkook’s mouth when Taehyung leans in until his lips are ghosting the exposed skin of his shoulder. Gentle finger brushing down along the opening at his back and trailing his spine when the man groans, “Everything about you is detrimental to my health and I want it all anyway.

The path Taehyung makes with his lips is dizzying. Jungkook doesn’t realize just how quickly he’s melting under the touch, until Bond lets out a loud warning bark. Ripping them from the lust-driven haze they both found themselves slipping into, and instead all focus falling on the door that barely creaks open. A half asleep Ahyeon rubbing at her eyes and walking silently into the room. She doesn’t stop until she’s in front of Jungkook, lips pouting as she whines, “ Papa didn’t tell me goodnight.”

His arms reach for her instantly, hugging her so impossibly tight, “You were already asleep, when we got home” whispering even softer when her big eyes round out, "But it is very late, Ahyeon, you need to go back to bed. We won’t do school tomorrow, so Papa will give you all of the attention you need when you wake up.”

Taehyung’s hand takes Ahyeon’s into his own, guiding her back into her bedroom with the big fluffy dog following closely behind them. Taking his spot on the foot of the bed she crawls into. Getting comfortable again, she yawns through her words, “ Love you, Appa.” The man’s smile spreading over his entire face as he ducks down to drop a featherlight kiss to her hair, “ Appa loves you more.”

Chapter 8: Code Name — 사랑해 (i love you)


A lesson in happy endings.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Walking into the Garden is a terrifying experience this time around. As Jungkook holds his hands behind his back and makes his way towards the rose bushes, once more. He always loved coming out here when he was younger, it being the most exciting part of his strenuous training days. But now? There’s just so many other places he would rather be. Which is what grants him the courage to face the shopkeeper without wavering in the slightest, “I would like to know what the protocol is for retiring from the Garden.”

The woman looks appalled at first when she faces him, though her face lights up in amusem*nt as she drops her hedge trimmers and smiles, “I was wondering when this family of yours would interfere with your work. I had my suspicions last week when you were unsuccessful, but the time you took to come back had me wondering if you changed your mind.”

“I’ve been weighing on these thoughts for a long time, even before the incident last week…but last week, more than ever, just made me realize that it’s beyond time for me to part ways from this aspect of my life. I’m not in the same position as I was before.”

She takes a seat on the bench across from him. Eyeing Jungkook from head to toe, before sighing, “You do know we have work that doesn’t involve taking assignments. You’re so well experienced, I think it would be a shame to not utilize your skills. Even in the training aspect.”

Jungkook has thought about it too. If there were other positions he could take within the Garden…but knowing what he knows now, of what a child’s life should be like. He can’t find any justification in aiding the process of raising children the same way that he was. He knows that simply walking away from the Garden won’t stop it from existing, but at least he can remove himself from being complicit in the acts. “I hope you understand, I’m just at a different time in my life. I think the best course of action for me at this time is to remove myself entirely. So I can be there for my husband and daughter the way I should.”

“If this is what you wish for…you’ve done such brilliant work for us, I can’t seem to justify any reason to prevent you from doing so. I can submit your resignation to City Hall—”

“….Actually…I’d like to keep my position at City Hall…if at all possible. I enjoy the work I do there, and I don’t want to be entirely jobless. Of course, I can find other work if necessary.” Her smile is genuine, which is shocking enough, Jungkook truly hadn’t expected this to go over as easily as it has. “I see no reason why you can’t carry on in your position.” He stares blankly at her, just a tiny bit awestruck as he speaks softly, “That’s it? There’s no…I don’t know, procedure I have to follow or…”

“Do you want there to be a procedure to follow? I can certainly make something up, or send you on one last assignment before you go—but I didn’t find that necessary.” The shopkeeper’s voice is soothing, for the first time in all the years he’s known her, when she stands and places both hands on his shoulders, “It’s okay to chase after the things that matter to you. For a long time, doing this job, helping keep our world beautiful—that mattered to you. Now, keeping the world beautiful, has a different meaning to you—and that’s okay too.”


Working up the energy necessary to have the conversation he needs to have with Seokjin, is proving to be a difficult task. Taehyung’s known for a few days now, that he was going to inquire about other roles within W.I.S.E—if Jungkook is going to take the leap and step away from his title as an assassin for the sake of their family, it only feels fair that he make a similar sacrifice. But he’s struggling to find the right words to say, or how to get his point across without making a mockery of himself right in Seokjin’s face.

The front door opening, catches him off-guard, because Ahyeon is at school and Jungkook should be working—should be—but he isn’t. He’s walking in and his face is glowing and the moment Jungkook has toed his boots off, he’s all over Taehyung. “I went to the Garden today. I finally did it.”

That courage Taehyung was searching for moments ago? Just landed right in his arms. Jungkook’s steady hands slip up into his hair and impossibly soft lips cascade over his own with a breathy little sigh, “It’s like the last weight that’s been holding me down is gone and I’m so happy…I don’t even know what to do with myself.”

Smirking against the fluttery pecks of kisses being pressed against his mouth, Taehyung’s voice is lower than he intended, “I think you’re managing just fine, baby.” It’s as if he can feel the flush spread all over Jungkook’s body. Eyes wide and round as he takes a rushed step backwards, “Oh god, I’m so sorry…I just, jumped on you…I don’t even know why I did that…”

“I’m not complaining, so why are you apologizing?” Taehyung follows his steps, crowding Jungkook against the entry wall and gluing his hands to his trim waist once close enough. “I do have to leave though, I’ve got a meeting at work shortly.”

Taehyung hasn’t gotten to enjoy anywhere near as much of those lips against his own as he would’ve liked to this past week. If anything, they’ve both been so busy doing their best to assure Ahyeon nothing like what happened before will ever happen again, that they haven’t stolen any moments just for themselves since. Which is silly when you consider the only thing separating them at night are their closed bedroom doors but Taehyung doesn’t want to push Jungkook into anything. He’s letting them fall into place on their own—even if the metaphorical distance is beginning to feel burdensome, when there is truly so little distance between them at all. Jungkook may not be feeling entirely as agitated as Taehyung is, but it’s obvious he’s feeling something. When he sags back against the wall with slightly pouted lips, "And here I thought we might have a moment to ourselves for the first time all week.”

Taehyung’s entirely accepted the fact that his ability to remain control of himself, does not exist where Jungkook is involved, because the second those eyes flicker the slightest shade of red, he’s forgotten all about what he said moments ago. Far too busy taking a thigh into his palm and pressing his entire body as close to his husband as he can get. The last of their kisses, days ago, just barely teetered the line of growing dangerous, but not quite. Right now? It’s beyond danger. It’s absolutely lethal the way Jungkook’s mouth parts to accommodate the gentle swiping of Taehyung’s tongue over his lips. How dare he give him access like this?

Access that has Taehyung bursting into flames as their cautious tongues touch for the first time, because Jungkook lets out this terrible noise that goes right to all of the places Taehyung does not need to get fired up right now. And yet he still does nothing to stop it. Lowers Jungkook’s leg from his palm, because something’s got to give to extinguish the blaze that’s filling the space between them and Jungkook doesn’t seem to have any intentions of doing so. Not with the tight way he grips onto Taehyung’s collar pulling him closer and breathing harshly against his lips when they part, “Tae…do, do you want me to stop?”

“Of course I don’t.” Tsking into the kiss, Taehyung could cry, "But I have to. The meeting shouldn’t be long…it really shouldn’t. I’ll be back home soon.” He feels the other nodding rather mindlessly, eyes opening to find that Jungkook’s face and lips are all such a pretty shade of red. How dare this damned job put such a gorgeous spouse right in his palms only to somehow ruin every free chance Taehyung has with him? Jungkook’s voice sounding the slightest bit hoarse, “I need to get started on dinner anyway…I promise Ahyeon I’d make those burgers again.”

Moving his hands to capture Jungkook’s, Taehyung nudges their noses together softly, “You know, you don’t have to make whatever she asks for, right?” A gentle smile makes its way onto Jungkook’s face as he squeezes Taehyung’s hands, “I know, I want to though.” It feels impossible to actually drag himself towards the front door. How is he supposed to justify losing such a glorious opportunity as this one? Eyes falling to Jungkook’s lips against his own volition, Taehyung’s intertwining their fingers and tugging him closer. Leaning with his back touching the closed door as he pulls the other into his space, “I’ll see you in just a little bit. Don’t have too much fun here without me.”

“Of course not.” Gnawing on his bottom lip with a shy smile, head tilting right about the time Taehyung presses their lips together, Jungkook’s voice is a whisper between them, “Couldn’t possibly have any fun here all by myself.”

Taehyung has absolutely no business thinking the things that he does once he’s forced himself out of their apartment and on the path towards the safe house. But it’s those very thoughts that have him unconsciously adding more pep to his step than he usually would.

Seokjin is waiting patiently. Although, not really, judging by the anxious tapping of his toe when Taehyung enters his office. “Finally, I was getting worried! After last week, I’m not sure what to expect with you anymore!”

“Yeah…well” Removing his hat, Taehyung chuckles awkwardly, “I’ve had a lot on my mind the last week or so, trying to make sense of my thoughts, wants, goals.”

“Speaking of goals…” Seokjin raises a hand in interruption, “You should know that Nightfall submitted a request to be assigned to the revamping of Operation Pere, I’m obviously going to deny the request—but that does leave you and I with much to discuss. Dowon’s backing off is good for us, because after the incident with Suwon, he’s likely going to show himself more often at Evara events, to save face. Questions were already raised by the academy for Suwon’s unaccounted for absence and Dowon had to pay a hefty fine to the police for the child’s endangerment.”

“Why on earth would Nightfall request to be added to the Operation?”

The handler scratches at his neck awkwardly, “I guess word spread that you and the family you formed were separating. After the scene that was made last week. You know these people love to gossip on the rare occasion there is something to gossip about, and she has always been interested in you.”

Taehyung clears his throat, “Well, I would’ve hoped you were correcting any claims of that nature, considering my family is very much in tact and not for the sake of the mission. If we are moving forward with the operation, in regards to infiltrating the academy to get closer to Dowon, I have no problem continuing with it. However that is the extent that my espionage abilities can be utilized, because Operation Pere will be Agent Twilight’s final operation.”

He was expecting some level of shock, anger or disappointment. He was not expecting Seokjin to smile from ear to ear, arms crossing as he stands from his desk. Getting close into Taehyung’s face and eyeing him from head to toe, “Are you…dare I say…taking a step back to become a family man?”

“That is within the realm of possibility, yes.”

Seokjin laughs and clasps onto his shoulders, “I love it. Are we keeping the family name? Because honestly, Taehyung has grown on me and it suits you well.” Glaring at his boss, Taehyung’s nostrils flare with frustration as he shifts his weight from one leg to the other. Trying to hide the burning up the back of his neck, slightly creeping its way towards the tips of his ears. “You’re taking my retirement well.”

The man waves a hand and returns towards his desk, “It’s not as if you’re retiring completely and honestly I could use someone competent in here with me, it’s infuriating sitting around that conference table to map out plans and not a single person other than me has any braincells that are connected properly.” Taehyung hadn’t mentioned his plans of staying on the inside, and the look on Seokjin’s face tells him that the other knows he’s confused. “Was that not your intention? Did you want to step away from W.I.S.E. entirely?”

“No, of course not. That’s precisely what I was hoping for but…”

“But nothing, things don’t need to be more difficult than necessary. I do expect you to carryout Operation Pere to the best of your ability.” Seokjin settles back into his chair and sighs “Are you going to explain to me what your husband has to do with Choi Dowon now or later?”

Taehyung’s jaw ticks as he lets out a displeased noise, “Jungkook and Ahyeon both have nothing to do with the operation going forward, Ahyeon’s responsibilities at school are just that. School. And Jungkook’s only role is being the husband and father that he does a great job at. So I would prefer if we kept any discussions regarding my family away from the agency.”

Chuckling, Seokjin drops his glasses to the desk, “I can’t put things in place to protect them if I don’t know what it is I'm protecting, Taehyung.”

Returning the hat to his head, he can’t help the way he cackles internally. Unconscious smirk spreading on his face, “Jungkook doesn’t need protection and Ahyeon surely doesn’t as long as she has the two of us. I appreciate your concern though, hyung.” He means it when he offers Seokjin a warm smile, “Truly. I’ll be in touch as soon as I get Ahyeon’s next progress report from the academy.”

A phone call from Ahyeon’s school reminding of early dismissal is the only reason Jungkook manages to arrive on time at the bus stop. Though the little girl seems surprised herself to find Jungkook and Bond waiting instead of Taehyung, “Papa, I didn’t know you were coming!”

“Appa had a meeting for work, but he should be home by the time we get there.” Ahyeon climbs onto her dog’s back and happily gives Jungkook the bag from her shoulders. Smile reaching her eyes, “I like when Papa gets me from the bus. We get to walk without quiz time.”

Feeling a tiny bit guilty, Jungkook speaks softly, “You know Appa just wants to keep your brain in tip top shape…”

“I know, I know. It’s okay for us to have fun sometimes Papa, Appa will forgive us—”

Being lifted off of Bond’s back has her screaming and Jungkook’s already lunging forward when the dog barks and Taehyung’s laugh cuts them off, “What will I be forgiving you both for?”

“Tae!” Jungkook lightly punches his shoulder, before stepping into rhythm beside him and loosely holding his wrist, “You can’t scare us like that…you know I’ve been on high alert even more than normal.”

“I know, I’m sorry…I just saw you both walking and couldn’t resist. I’m surprised you didn’t hear me walking up.” Taehyung hoists Ahyeon higher on his hip and feels his chest warming as his other hand slips up to slot his fingers properly between Jungkook’s, “What was in your lesson plans today, Ahyeon-ah?”

The little girl groans, head falling back as her hands fiddle at the back of his neck, “Appa, sometimes we don’t have to talk about school after school time. We can just talk about family stuff like Papa’s yummy burgers.”

“Ah, is that what you two were discussing? How boring I am to talk to?”

“Yes” “Of course not!”

Ahyeon’s bored expression paired with Jungkook’s nervous one just makes Taehyung erupt into laughter as they follow their dog up the stairs to their apartment. “It’s a good thing I love you both so much, otherwise I might actually be offended.”

Listening to Appa and Papa talking in the kitchen while grilling, makes Ahyeon feel so happy she can hardly take it. Muffles her squeal into the side of Bond’s fur before getting comfortable on the sofa just in time for the new weekly episode of spy wars. The dog getting her attention, makes her stomach twist into knots. She’s specifically not looked at any of his thoughts since the vision she saw before. Nervously watching the greyed out image of their apartment packed up in boxes turn back into the home Ahyeon’s grown to love, she can’t help but hug the dog. She knows it’s not really his doing, but she still glances over him at her parents in the kitchen, before squeezing Bond tight and whispering, “Thank you for changing it.”


Waking up extra early on a Saturday to surprise his husband and daughter with a day trip to the beach, doesn’t go as smoothly as Taehyung planned. Mostly because Jungkook and Ahyeon are rising far slower than normal.

He’s barely gotten the little girl up and in the bathroom to get ready when he opens the door to Jungkook’s room. Having gotten more comfortable in each other’s spaces, he has no issue sitting at the edge of Jungkook’s bed and brushing fingers through his hair. “Hey, baby, are you planning on waking up sometime soon?”

Jungkook makes a grumbly little noise, before blindly reaching for Taehyung’s shirt and tugging the man a top himself. Arms and legs hooking around him like a koala as he rolls over and buries his face in Taehyung’s neck. “Wanna sleep.”

Taehyung’s lips press to what he can reach of Jungkook’s shoulder as he laughs, “I had plans to take us all to the beach, are you sure you’d rather sleep?”

Sleepy eyes flutter open quickly, Jungkook slowly loosening his tight hold on Taehyung’s body, “Is Ahyeon already up?”

“Mhm, she’s brushing her teeth as we speak.”

Jungkook’s arms stretch above his head with an exaggerated groan of a yawn. Taehyung’s fingers trace the movement unconsciously. Gently caressing the skin all the way until those arms are loosely draped around his shoulders again, “I’ll wake up, just give me a few minutes to get ready. I haven’t had to wear any beach worthy outfits in a while, so I’m not sure what I have.”

“I have plenty if you need something from my closet, just pick out whatever you want.” Taehyung drops a delicate kiss to Jungkook’s lips before hurrying up at the sound of Ahyeon’s excited footsteps rushing back into her bedroom. “I’m gonna go throw a quick breakfast together.” Leaving Jungkook rolling over onto his stomach in an attempt at combatting the vicious swarm of butterflies raging inside of him.

His closet leads him to the realization that he doesn’t really have any beach worthy clothes. Nothing except for some athletic shorts and t-shirts. He very reluctantly takes himself down the hall and into Taehyung’s bedroom. Listening to the sound of Ahyeon asking a million questions about their day and Taehyung doing his best to field them all, has him standing for admittedly too long in the doorway. Stepping forward to the closet he was invited to raid, still feels like he’s breaking some kind of rule.

Although, they’re literally married, it’s more weird that they still remain their separate rooms and closets, than it is for him to help himself to his husband’s clothes. Digging around, it doesn’t take him long to find a suitable tank top and some swimming shorts to wear. Opting to change quickly right here, to ensure they fit. He nearly falls over when Taehyung enters the room. Having hardly gotten the shorts up to his waist, his hands nearly tremble where they hold them, “Turns out, I didn’t have anything suitable for the beach. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t.” Taehyung steps forward, taking the strings at Jungkook’s shorts into his hands and tugging them until the band cinches properly at his waist. Forcing Jungkook into his space for their lips to brush as he smirks, “Might need to tie them extra tight, just to be safe.”

Jungkook doesn’t even recognize the sultry tone of his own voice when he leans further into the tentative touching of their mouths, “You can tie them for me, just to be safe.” Taehyung does. Rather swiftly does he tie the strings into a perfect bow at his waist. Palms flattened to glide along the band before cupping onto Jungkook’s hips and kissing him properly, “Come eat, so we can leave. Our chauffeur has already been waiting for quite some time.”

“Is our chauffeur Yoongi?”

Taehyung giggles as he shakes his head, “Not this time, baby.”

Giggling himself, Jungkook reaches to change his shirt. Noticing Taehyung suddenly leaned against the door way with his arms crossed, “Did you need something?”

“I didn’t realize you were still changing, don’t mind me, just ensuring the clothes fit you properly. I’d hate for you to be uncomfortable on a long family outing to the beach with our daughter who is sure to keep us out until the sun sets.”

Dropping the t-shirt he had on prior to the ground, Jungkook’s eyes roll as he takes the tank top into his hands instead, “How lucky I am, to have such a dutiful husband.”

Said dutiful husband is standing right beside him as soon as the new shirt is over his head. What Jungkook was not expecting was the gentle way Taehyung would grasp onto his bicep, thumb brushing lightly against the still healing wound with a soft whisper, “I hate that it’s not gone yet.”

“Bastard who shot me had some lethal bullets in that gun…only a light graze shattered my skin like this.” he was mostly teasing, as if he himself hadn’t contemplated piercing Taehyung’s skull with one of his knifes in that moment. But the man in front of him lets his eyes go miserably round as he leans in to kiss over the soon to be scarred skin repeatedly, “If I knew…I would’ve never…”

“I know. We’ve already gone over this…” Jungkook speaks softly, fingers under Taehyung’s chin to guide those careful kisses up from his arm and onto his lips instead. Only for them to be interrupted by Ahyeon’s fake gagging in the door way, “We’re supposed to be eating breakfast not each other!” They’re both laughing with flushed cheeks as they follow her, though they can’t see the way her smile reaches her eyes as she hops back into her chair excitedly.

Guiding Ahyeon onto this beachfront zipline, is more nerve-wracking than Taehyung anticipated. Sure the thing isn’t that far off the ground, it doesn’t even require a belt and she can jump off of it freely—somehow, she will manage to get hurt the second he looks away. He’s just not entirely sure if he can handle it. Which is why on Ahyeon’s first time gliding along the short rope, he runs along side it, with Bond joining him.

Ahyeon is giggling loudly when she reaches the end and Jungkook’s laughter can be heard from where he is climbing onto the next zipline seat himself. Shortly joining them and nearly falling over when he does, “Why did you chase her like that? What did you think was going to happen?”

Huffing, Taehyung starts walking back towards the beginning, “I’m not sure…you can never be too cautious with contraptions like these that are open to the public and likely not maintenanced regularly.”

“Appa, I wanna ride it again!”

“Go ahead, after watching you and Papa both go, it seems safe enough.”

Ahyeon’s brows raise as she smirks, “I want Appa to go first!”

Jungkook’s hands grab onto Taehyung’s waist and guide him forward, “Go on babe, she wants you to go first.”

There’s a lot he’d like to say right now, but Jungkook is enjoying the teasing and Taehyung is enjoying both his husband and daughter’s smiles too much to argue at all. So he takes his seat and allows them both to send him down he zip line with a large push. The speed at which he zooms, is his terrifying reminder that Jungkook is inhumanely strong. Which Jungkook himself seemed to have forgotten when his nervous face greets Taehyung’s at the end, “I’m so sorry…I wasn’t thinking—”

But Ahyeon is bouncing on the balls of her feet, “No fair! Papa didn’t push me that fast! I want to go super sonic fast too!”

Taehyung and Jungkook share a nervous look, before Taehyung stands onto the wooden seat and guides Ahyeon to stand on the other side with him. Keeping an impossibly secure hold on the little girl, he looks over at Jungkook who is patiently waiting to send them soaring. “Please don’t make me regret this…” but Ahyeon’s excited shout interrupts him, “Send us to the sky, Papa!!”

The sky isn’t exactly where they end up, but the velocity at which they glide along the zip line has them reaching the end so abruptly they are ejected from it. Thankfully, Taehyung’s grip on Ahyeon as they fell, pulled her right into his arms where he could bracket her from the fall. The sand does an okay enough job of absorbing the shock, but Jungkook is still visibly frantic when he and Bond reach them. “I didn’t even push you full force!”

“It’s okay—”

Ahyeon lifts her arms into the air with an obnoxious howl, “That was so much fun! Again! Again!”

“I don’t think so, sweetheart..” Taehyung insists. Shaking his head as he dusts the sand off of her swimsuit dress wrap. “Let’s grab some ice cream and head down by the water. We have a spot reserved for a reason.”

Her hand tight in Jungkook’s as they walk, she doesn’t complain once her other hand is filled by an ice cream cone with far too many scoops. There was no reason for Taehyung to allow her to order one of everything, but he did anyway. So he really shouldn’t be surprised when she’s only gotten halfway down her mountain of ice cream and groans obnoxiously, “Appa, my tummy hurts. It’s too much ice cream.”

“I told you, your eyes are always bigger than your stomach…”

She flops onto his chair. Arm extending the ice cream outwards, that Jungkook grabs with a giggle. Before she makes herself comfortable right on top of Taehyung. He and Jungkook are momentarily discussing where to go for an early dinner when they leave later on—while Ahyeon quickly falls asleep on his chest, as if she wasn’t beaming with excitement to swim minutes ago.

Jungkook’s hand reaches across the short space between their chairs, Taehyung catching it almost instantly with a warm smile, “Are you enjoying yourself so far?”

“Beach day was a great idea.” Jungkook nods, eyes falling down to Ahyeon’s sleeping form before landing back on Taehyung’s, “Thank you for bringing us here.”

Taehyung finds a lump in his throat when he responds tenderly, “Thank you for staying.”

“Papa! I’m serious, it was a shark!! Get me out of here, I’m too little to die! I’m not even a super scholar yet!” Ahyeon is clinging to Jungkook desperately. The depth only reaches their ankles, but he scoops her up anyway. “It wasn’t a shark, sweetheart. It was a fish. Even if it were a shark, all you have to do is punch them in the nose and it will swim away.”

“The killer punch doesn’t work when their killer mouths can eat my whole body!”

Jungkook doesn’t want to laugh at her very real fear, he just can’t help it. She’s so adorable and he loves her and he’s so happy to get to hear all of her silly rants. Even happier when he feels them both being tackled into the water by Taehyung who thought he was being sneaky. But Bond’s loud stomping in the water did nothing to preserve their stealth. Ahyeon’s splashing around and giggling and all but forgotten her momentary fear of sharks. That is until a minnow brushes against her ankle again and she jolts into Taehyung’s arms instantly, “Appa, I think I’m a sand castle builder, not a swimmer!”

Though the sand castle building ends up being her and Jungkook burying Taehyung beneath the sand instead. Covered up to his shoulders just in time for Ahyeon’s excited scream as footsteps approach, “Uncle Scruffy what are you doing here?!”

“I heard it was family beach day, obviously Unc has to be here too.” He kicks a tiny bit of sand at Taehyung’s face and cackles under the menacing glare he receives. “How rude of you not to invite me Taetae.”

“Family. Day. I think the message is clear enough, Yoon.” Jungkook leans closer to Taehyung’s buried form while Ahyeon tells Yoongi everything they’ve done so far. “You look kinda cute, all restrained like this.”

Taehyung’s brows raise as he shakes his head, “Don’t get any ideas, baby. This is not enjoyable for me.”

“Of course not.” Jungkook smirks, dipping down to leave a sweet kiss to the tip of his nose as he whispers, “But it sure is enjoyable for me.”

Ahyeon was looking forward to spending the whole day and night together with her Appa and Papa, but even building in the sand with Uncle Scruffy can’t stop her from hearing their thoughts. She’s not entirely sure what it is they’re thinking of, but she does know that Appa hoping Papa spends time with him tonight could be important to the family mission! Which is why she gets all round eyed and pouty, “Uncle Scruff we didn’t get to have our sleep over last weekend and play with the new traps you made.”

“That’s right, we didn’t.” Yoongi is intently focused on the moat he’s building around their castle when he finds Ahyeon eyeing him and Bond sitting beside her with his tail wagging excitedly, “You can’t just ask me! Your parents have to say yes first!”

She gets right to helping Papa dig Appa out of his sand prison, before asking frantically, “Can I have my super secret sleepover with Scruffy tonight since I couldn’t last weekend?” Taehyung and Jungkook seem hesitant, looking between each other and their daughter and Yoongi who only shrugs, “Whatever you guys wanna do is cool with me, I just came for the beach but I don’t mind keeping the kid if she wants to sleep over.”

Truthfully, Taehyung would be a liar to say he isn’t slightly excited at the thought of getting some guaranteed alone time with his husband. Especially with the way Jungkook has been driving him crazier day by day. This morning was no exception. He’d kill for the opportunity. but he’s also loving the quality time they’re getting as a family too much to pressure Ahyeon one way or the other. Yoongi has been texting rather frequently since everything that went down, so it’s no secret he’s been a little worried himself. Wary of her decision, Taehyung says, “Are you sure you don’t want to come home with us? I thought we had family spy wars plans?”

Ahyeon’s eyes roll from where she is filling her bucket with sand, “Appa we can just watch spy wars tomorrow when I get home instead!” her eyes fall to Jungkook at the same time as her lips pout, “Papa, please say yes! Appa always agrees if it’s something you want!”

“Hey! That’s not true!” Taehyung scoffs. But his husband’s gorgeous laugh, makes a smile spread on his face. Jungkook leaning forward to dust some sand out of Ahyeon’s pigtails, “I’m okay with the sleepover if you promise to behave. No running away. No dangerous hiding places. Do you understand?”

Taehyung sits back and listens to the excited way Ahyeon asks Yoongi about the new games they will play. Successfully adding additional towers to their sand castle. A single second of removing his leash is all it takes for Bond to go running off down by the water, a worried Jungkook chasing after him. The laughter that rumbles from deep in his belly is probably the loudest laugh Taehyung has ever heard himself let out. If he really lets himself think about it, he’s had all of his loudest laughs with the two of them. So it’s hard to feel anything other than happy on a day like this one. Even a little while later, after they’ve all had lunch and are lounging lazily on their beach chairs. Ahyeon’s long since fallen asleep again, curled on Jungkook and snoring loud enough to disturb the people around them.

Yoongi sits up with an exaggerated yawn, Taehyung can feel the man’s eyes on him as he glances that way, “Something to say hyung?”

“Nope.” he does chuckle though, “Just find it funny that you thought you had any chance of walking away from this, when it’s obvious how much you love them.”

Tsking through the heat flushing his face, Taehyung looks the other way, “You’re just happy the little menace you call a niece isn’t going anywhere.”

“I never pretended I wanted her to.” Yoongi gets up from his chair and sighs “We should all probably head back soon, I don’t feel like getting caught in traffic with her and the dog.”

“You’re going to keep Bond too?”

Chuckling at the dog whose head is comfy in his lap, the older nods, “He’s an important part of our activities and the kid sleeps better when he’s there.”

“Well, let’s get the kid ready to go then.” Taehyung calls for Jungkook’s attention, but when he gets no response, his heart stops before warming entirely at the sight of both of them sleeping. It’s been awhile since they’ve all gotten to just have a fun relaxing day like this. He’s surprised he hasn’t fallen asleep under the heat of the sun himself. Turning back to Yoongi, Taehyung smiles, “You mind getting Bond and our beach bag? I’m going to get these two back to the car.”

Arms slipping around Jungkook’s back and below his knees, it’s easier than he expected it to be, to cradle his husband who is cradling their daughter. The weight is comforting in ways that months ago would have him terrified and dropping them, but now is welcome. In fact, he seeks it. The warmth and the love that comes with having them close. Even when Yoongi snickers behind them, “Aww…look at such a loving Appa and husband, a beautiful sight to behold.” Bond’s bark aiding in the teasing only makes Taehyung roll his eyes harder, “Mouth shut, Yoon. I’ll get you cut off from payroll.”

“I already know about you stepping back after the operation for an office role…your power in the agency is dwindling by the second!”

Head thrown back in quiet laughter, Taehyung has never been so happy to hear words like that in his entire life, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Keep your mouth shut anyway, Jungkook and Ahyeon are trying to sleep.”

Stirring awake inside of a moving vehicle has Jungkook jolting up in a panic. Frantically looking around until he finds Taehyung in the seat beside him. The man’s eyes flickering to his own momentarily before smiling, “You’re awake just in time, we’re almost home.”

“Where’s Ahyeon and Bond?”

“Sleepover with Yoongi, did you forget? You’re the one who gave her permission.”

Jungkook’s face flushes as he sits up right, clearing his throat, “Did I? You didn’t want her to? I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to overstep—”

“You could never overstep, she’s just as much yours as she is mine.” Taehyung’s hand reaches over for his and Jungkook’s stomach flips when their fingers loosely tangle together in his lap. His husband’s voice as gentle and soothing as it always is, “I’m also not complaining about getting to have some time with you to myself. Considering work ruined that the other day.”

Being dropped off in front of their apartment, Jungkook has not had nearly enough time awake to gather his thoughts. Firstly being how he ended up in the car, if he fell asleep on the beach. The knowledge that Taehyung most likely carried him isn’t anything he’s mentally strong enough for, when he’s been hanging by the thinnest thread for so long. Pair that with the sound of their quiet house and beating hearts, he’s surely going to lose his mind. Especially when Taehyung stands closely behind him, palms ghosting his hips, “Did you want to order in for dinner? Or should we take advantage of the evening and go out?”

If he were smart, he’d say to go out. That way he could have time to prepare mentally for all of the things he wants to say and possibly do. But with his shoes off and turning to face his husband, Jungkook’s eyes drift way too quickly to the man’s lips as he speaks softly, “Ordering in sounds nice, I don’t really feel like leaving again now that we’re home.”

“I was kind of thinking the same thing.” Taehyung’s hands drop from his waist and Jungkook can’t believe how much he yearns for the touch to return. Almost begs for it, but Taehyung is already moving into the living room, “What are you hungry for? I’ll call it in now so we don’t have to worry about it later.”

“Anything is fine.” Jungkook focuses so hard on steadying his breathing so that his voice doesn’t crack when he says, “I’m still feeling a bit beachy, do you mind if I shower?”

“Go ahead, I’ll be doing the same after. You and Ahyeon buried me too well, I’ve got sand in places I’ve never considered before.” Jungkook is so grateful for Taehyung taking an opportunity to alleviate some of the thickening tension between them. If he’s going to survive an entire night alone together, it won’t be with that rope tied tightly around their necks, that’s for sure. His hands are trembling when he turns on the shower, dropping his conditioner bottle and barely holding his wash cloth steady. Bangs his head silently against the tile with a soft groan. Why can’t he just be normal about this? Is it really necessary for his heart to flip the way that it does and his stomach to hollow out as well? What is it about suddenly spending alone time with Taehyung that has him losing his mind, when just days ago he was so excited for it, he carelessly flung himself into the man’s arms as if it were their every day behaviors.

Sometimes he wishes they were.

He wishes it were typical for Taehyung to wake him in the morning with a gentle kiss to his lips, but this morning was the first time that’s happened and he doesn’t have his hopes up for it becoming routine. Even if just the thought has swarms of butterflies that could destroy forests rattling his insides. Slowly exiting the bathroom, he’s startled by Taehyung approaching with a towel in one arm and clothes in the other, “The water stopped long ago, I figured you were in your room already, I’m sorry!”

Pretending not to be so affected by merely standing close to each other, Jungkook chirps happily, “Don’t be, I was just getting all of my night time stuff out of the way.”

“I won’t be long but if someone knocks it’s probably our dinner.”

Trapping himself in the bathroom, Taehyung stares for far too long at his reflection. He’s no stranger to intimacy, although intimacy for the sake of keeping up an image is nowhere near the same as intimacy for the sake of loving. Intimacy because the craving is so visceral he’s not sure he can survive another day without at least thinking about it…and Taehyung has done way too much thinking lately. Jungkook does a miserably wonderful job of giving him horrible things to think about. Things like breathy whispers and strong hands and tiny waists and delicate kisses that end with Taehyung bereft and reeling.

He figures typical human relationships probably evolve much differently than theirs has. He doesn’t imagine many people fall desperately in love before ever even sharing a kiss with the object of their desires. Let alone being bound by marriage in the very beginning. But Taehyung and Jungkook also are not typical humans. So it feels unfair to hold themselves to any standards such as those. Cruel to expect these feelings to come easily, when nothing about this has. The only thing that has been easy was the actual falling, because Taehyung had no control over it…but even that was tumultuous in it’s own way as the realization dawned upon him past the point of too late.

Now they’re here.

Alone in their apartment, with their daughter gone for the night and nothing but time to spend together—Taehyung might lose his mind. Jungkook’s busying himself with separating their takeout onto plates and it was his idea to order dinner first. He knows that. But as he joins his husband in the kitchen, it’s impossible to not stand right behind him. Lips ghosting Jungkook’s shoulder with a low complaint, “I may have made a bad call, I’m not really hungry just yet.”

“Oh…I’m sorry, I assumed—” his words break into a gasp when Taehyung’s finger drags the collar of his shirt further out of the way. Lips dragging dangerously against his skin, Jungkook’s head lulling backwards unconsciously, “Tae”

“I’m sorry, Jungkook. Truly, it can’t be helped—I’ve been holding out for so long.” Spinning on his heels Jungkook feels his chest exploding with desire when Taehyung doesn’t move at all. Only steps closer, arms caging him against the counter as he noses up the shape of his neck, lips hot against his jawline, the man’s breathing shutters when their lips brush, "Say the word and I’ll stop.”

"And if I tell you to keep going?” Jungkook’s chest is heaving when those dark eyes lock onto his own. Watching the dilated pupils glisten with excitement as his voice breaks "What happens then?”

Taehyung doesn’t respond to the question. Doesn’t respond because he’s too busy colliding their mouths together hungrily. Takes Jungkook’s bottom lip between his teeth at the same time as he grips his chin and tilts his head down into himself. Optimal angle for mind numbing kisses that have Jungkook’s knees trembling when Taehyung speaks roughly against his lips, “Easy, then I give you every damn thing you ask me for.”

It’s certainly not a good thing, for Taehyung to break him down so easily. Jungkook’s nerves taking over him all at once when he feels himself being lifted to the counter. Because it’s so painfully obvious he finds his husband sexy, but feeling the heat of himself, knowing Taehyung can likely feel it too, is suddenly far too much for his mind to handle. His hands grip the man’s shoulders and torturously puts space between their mouths, Taehyung’s darkened eyes are working overtime in attempts of luring him back in. But Jungkook just needs a minute. “Can…can we, um, can we relax for a bit? I—I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed and—“

Taehyung’s lips brush over his own in a kiss so soft Jungkook almost doesn’t feel it, but he does because its accompanied by the warmth of his words, “Everything you ask for, no matter how much or how little. C’mon, let’s go sit down and have some of this food you plated up.”

The pouting of his lips is as unconscious as the way he reaches for Taehyung’s hands to place them back on his own hips, “But I thought you weren’t hungry.” The gorgeous bastard has the audacity to wink and peck Jungkook’s lips again with a breathy laugh of a whisper, “I guess I changed my mind.”

With a little bit of food and half a glass of wine in his system, Jungkook feels so much more calm than he did before. Taehyung has this fascination with watching the news and while Jungkook isn’t exactly eager to watch it himself, he wouldn’t be watching whatever is on the television anyway. He’s too hyper focused on the languid tracing of Taehyung’s index finger up and down his calf. He tugged Jungkook’s feet into his lap as soon as he finished eating and hasn’t stopped the tingling sensations since. It’s tingling but also calming, because Jungkook feels so unbelievably at ease just lounging with Taehyung like this.

So at ease, that he feels safe to ask, “You never told me how your meeting went at work the other day…was it something important?”

He’s earned himself all of his husband’s attention now. Taehyung turning to face him, with one knee bent up on the sofa, still keeping Jungkook’s feet in his lap, “It was important, but nothing to worry for. I just, realized that if sacrifices are going to be made to keep our family safe, then what kind of husband, or father for that matter, would I be if I wasn’t making any myself.”

“Tae…” Jungkook shakes his head and sits up. Wine glass dangling in his hand, “I wanted to leave the Garden for a long time now. I didn’t do it because of you or Ahyeon. You two were a catalyst…sure, but it wasn’t my sole motive. Please don’t think you have to stop your espionage in order for me to stay.”

The hand that was mindlessly tracing all over his calves and ankles, comes to a stop. Resting warmly on his knee, Taehyung’s lips curl up into a halfway kind of smile, “I know that…but the problem with me, being who I am, is that I’m the first choice for most missions. You obviously know just how frequently it was taking me from home…I’m not sure if I’m okay with that being the rest of my life. Before I didn’t mind, because there was no one waiting for me. You and Ahyeon change that, in a good way, giving up field work is a no brainer if it means getting to spend more evenings like this.”

“You say field work…so does that mean you’ll still be working for your same agency?” Taehyung nods and scoots closer across the sofa, Jungkook’s knees are now bent over his lap as his arms come to rest over them. “The operation that this arrangement was apart of…is still ongoing. Until Dowon is handled, I will still be working but only on matters relating to him. Once he’s apprehended, I’ll be stepping back and doing in house work alongside Seokjin. Which honestly, sounds pretty nice. I didn’t realize how much I enjoy having a routine when it was impossible to manage one.”

Jungkook’s eyes roll as he giggles, “I promise it’s okay to tell me you’re bored of my meal plans. Jimin and Hoseok have agreed to give me many more lessons now that I will have more free time…”

Taehyung’s eyes go all round and wide and so infuriatingly adorable—even if Ahyeon isn’t his child, there’s no way she didn’t pick up that habit from him. The man’s voice dropping to a whiny low octave, “You better not replace the soup, you’ve heard from both of us how much we love it, you can’t get us used to having it and take it away.”

Pretending to be offended Jungkook leans forward and shoves his shoulders, “Only the beef soup? The other six meals can go freely?!” Taehyung erupts into laughter and tugs Jungkook backwards with himself. Paying no mind to the remnants of wine that spill onto the coffee table as the glass barely manages to be placed down— “Of course not, baby, we’d hate to lose out on any of your exquisite delicacies.”

It’s so easy to blame it on the wine, even though Jungkook knows he’s had far below his usual tolerance level. But his cheeks are warm and his fingers are burning with desire as he looks down at Taehyung’s flushed face. The body his knees are on either side of is impossible to ignore, as is the flickering of those warm eyes down to his mouth. With zero control over himself Jungkook is dipping in and pressing their lips together at a frenzied pace. Whatever was holding him back earlier in the kitchen, has seemingly disappeared when Taehyung’s hands trace the shape of his body.

Before he can fully comprehend the feeling of their kiss growing more desperate by the second, Taehyung’s hands are firmly grasped onto his hips. Jungkook isn’t entirely sure what the procession of actions are that follow, but what he does know is the subtle way Taehyung’s hands guide his body to move, creates a delicious friction between them that he had no idea could be so excruciatingly good. Mouth falling open into a desperately wanton moan, that has his entire body trembling with embarrassment, “Why…why does that feel so good—you, when you move…Tae…”

“Because it’s you.” Taehyung’s voice is quiet and rough against his lips. Jungkook can barely keep his attention on the words because he’s too distracted by the heat of Taehyung’s arousal rutting against his own. Each drag of his hips igniting Jungkook’s skin even more than it already was. The husk of Taehyung’s cologne suffocating him as much as the breathy words pressed against his ear, “Everything about you feels so good, make it really difficult to control myself.”

“Don’t.” Jungkook might end up regretting saying this, but he thinks he’ll regret letting space between them even more. “Not when we so rarely have a moment to lose control.” Suddenly Taehyung is standing and Jungkook’s gripping at the tussled blonde strands of hair as the hands on his thighs hoist him up higher against his waist, dark eyes looking right into his own, accompanied by tender words, “Are you sure? Do you promise you’re sure?”

Assuring him is the easiest part of all of this, because Jungkook may not know many things in terms of romance, but he does know, without a shadow of a doubt, that anything involving Taehyung is something he wants to experience. Considering how many nights he’s spent sleeping in this apartment, wondering what it would be like to sleep beside someone, he’s vibrating on excitement alone when he’s pressed into Taehyung’s mattress. The fervent way that mouth moves over every bit of his visible skin, is enough to reduce Jungkook to nothing but a puddle of lust. Everything so much worse when Taehyung is suddenly right above him, nose brushing his own with a shaky exhale, “I’ve wanted you in this bed with me so many times, feels like I’m dreaming looking at you tangled up in my sheets.”

Something about Taehyung makes him feel safe. Jungkook’s never worried much for safety, knowing he’s capable of protecting himself, but Taehyung makes him feel safe in other ways. Safe to moan when a large hand palms at his clothed dick. Safe to arch his back off the bed in search of furthering the friction between their bodies. Safe to run a timid hand down the shape of Taehyung’s torso, before gripping at the hem of his shirt and peeling it away entirely. Safe, so unbelievably safe, to admit through broken breaths, “I’ve got no idea what I’m doing, Taehyung…so I need you to show me.”

The eyes looking into his own blow so wide Jungkook wonders if he ruined it all, but of course he didn’t. Because he’s so safe, in these arms as Taehyung leans in to kiss him delicately, “Whatever you’re comfortable with, I’ll happily guide you through every bit of it. As long as you let me know when enough is enough. There’s no rules between you and I, got that? I meant what I said earlier, as much or as little as you want—I only want you.”

“But I don’t know what all I want…” catching his lip between his teeth as his own shirt is removed from his body. Jungkook feels bold and desperate. “Kind of just want you to show me what I want instead.”

Breaking Jungkook down beneath him is a luxury Taehyung had no idea he was missing out on. Obviously he had his thoughts and his wild imagination and that one super vivid dream, but nothing compares to the absolute awestruck amazement he feels right this very second. Drags his lips down the path from Jungkook’s chest to his stomach Taehyung finding the end of his path by mouthing at the sharp crease of that waist, while working him open gently on his fingers. A miserably little whimper rolls off of Jungkook’s lips at the same time as he rolls his hips down against the pressure of Taehyung’s hand. Earning such a guttural moan from Taehyung himself, he’d be ashamed of it, if he weren’t so unbelievably turned on he can hardly breathe, “You sound absolutely wonderful, baby—hell. I want more of it. Can I give you more? Are you feeling alright?”

Jungkook’s watered over eyes blink open, radiant little pools of scarlet staring right at him as he nods, “Yes, yes—please, give me more. Want it all.” Taehyung takes his time, adding in another finger and ensuring the stretch is precisely where he needs it to be, before moving hastily. Positioning himself against the headboard and lathering his poor aching dick with lube, as Jungkook watches timidly. “Let me.”

“No, no, I just need you to come sit on it. Think that’ll be the best way for both of us right now. I’ll have no choice but to keep still and you’ll be able to take as much of me as you want.” Taehyung extends a hand to guide Jungkook into his lap and sucks in a desperate groan when the weight of his husband is pressing down against his dick. “I’m so lucky…so so lucky…” brings both hands to Jungkook’s ass and finds way too much enjoyment in the feeling of that mouth colliding with his own messily while indulging in copious amounts of groping. “I am.” Jungkook says, all breathy and whiney against his lips. “I love you, Taehyung. I feel so incredibly lucky to love you.”

“Might as well put that knife of yours right through my heart. I love you more than words could ever say. I’ll just have to do everything in my power to keep showing you.” Looking down at where their bodies connect, Taehyung whistles through his exhale, “But right now, I need to show you how to sit on this dick, are you okay with that?”

Jungkook’s fingers are vicious where they tug at the back of Taehyung’s hair, guiding himself up and choking on a gasp when the tip breaches his rim. Fiery eyes clenching shut and reopening with a tear-filled gleam that Taehyung struggles to measure the meaning of. Keeps one hand on Jungkook’s lower back and brings the other to his face, coaxing him down until their lips brush between their broken breaths, “You’re doing so well. Take your time. I’m not going anywhere, all yours.”

“Mine.” Jungkook nods against the kiss. Tears trickling down his face as he takes even more of the length and moans through the stretch, “Mine, you’re just mine, Taehyung. Always. I’ll kill you if you ever try to leave me again.”

Taehyung can’t help the chuckle that comes out between their kiss, thumb delicately brushing the sharpness of Jungkook’s jawline when he finally feels his husband bottoming out on his dick. “All yours, baby. Nothing to worry for, if I ever left you it’d only be to seek out death anyway.”

Jungkook comes to a complete halt atop of him. Taehyung’s entire length buried deep inside of himself as he pouts and brushes their noses together, “I was just…just joking—Taehyung I want us to live a really long life together.”

“We will. I was joking too.” He tilts his chin until their lips are colliding again and brings his hands to guide Jungkook up by the hips. Sliding him right back down and moaning shamelessly against him “Fuuuck. Look at how you take it, made just for it. ‘Course we’re gonna live a long life together, gonna love you for the rest of it.”

Hips rising and falling slowly, Jungkook finally gets the rhythm necessary to have them both rendered speechless. Well, speechless save for their frantic breathing and desperate moans and the bruising grip Taehyung takes of his thighs as he thrusts his hips up off the mattress to meet each of Jungkook’s motions. The line between deliciously languid and excruciatingly frantic is one they keep teetering back and forth on. Until Jungkook brushes all of Taehyung’s hair back to properly look down at his face when he accomplishes the best pace they’ve reached thus far. The eyes that meet his own are swimming with just as much emotion as he feels tugging at his heart when he kisses Taehyung deeply, “Going to love you for the rest of mine too.”

He feels Taehyung tapping at his hips, and he isn’t quite sure what’s the cause for the rushed movements, until his husband pulls back from the kiss, “If you don’t want me inside of you when I finish, I need you to move baby—like now—” One of Taehyung’s hand strokes at Jungkook’s length and his eyes are rolling back and Jungkook doesn’t want to move. He wants everything, so he just backs down against it and takes the length as deep as he possibly can. Moaning against the curse Taehyung breathes into his lips and smiling when he feels the hot warmth spreading inside of him, “Told you I want all of it, Tae. All.”

With no reason to really pay any mind to the amount of time that they spend laying here together, Jungkook catches himself dozing off momentarily under the soothing sensation of Taehyung’s finger tracing all over his body. His own hand mindlessly combing through his husband’s hair, he’s so comfortable. So sated. So unbelievably happy. He truly can’t believe this life is his, rolls over onto his stomach and leans on Taehyung’s chest with pouted lips, “How am I supposed to go back to my lonely room now?”

“Who said you need to?” Taehyung presses kisses all over his face. Earning quiet giggles and Jungkook’s fingers jamming into his sides to stop his attack. “No sense in taking up two bedrooms, you can come into this one, where you belong. Ahyeon’s toys are starting to take over the entire house anyway, she could use a play room and we could use some organization back in the living room.”

Trying to shield the fact that his eyes are pooling with tears, Jungkook laughs softly, “It’s adorable of you to think giving her an extra room will prevent her from dragging all of her toys into the living room anyway.”

They decide to spend the rest of their free evening, doing just that. Moving Jungkook’s things properly into the master bedroom and setting up a proper playroom in the now vacant bedroom. Mattress covered entirely with plushies, that Taehyung doesn’t even remember accumulating so many of. If not for Jungkook giving him a detailed outline of every time Taehyung came home with a new one for her. The most recent one being a giant rainbow shooting star just last week as a reward for Ahyeon earning another stellar star. Taehyung’s mouth latching onto his exposed shoulder again nearly derails their rearranging project, if not for the way Jungkook gasps and not due to the teeth suckling at his skin.

He flips on the lamp on Ahyeon’s desk and brings the journal he caught a glimpse of closer to his face. Taehyung’s concerned brows raising as he hooks a chin over his husband’s shoulder, “What’d you find baby? I’m not sure if I’m a fan of being the kind of parents who snoop on their child’s journals…”

Jungkook scoffs under his breath as he turns around and shoves the notebook into his face, “Well, how do you feel about our child snooping into our minds?” Taehyung visualizes all of the blood leaving his body as he looks through a very haphazardly taken log of thoughts, written by none other than Ahyeon herself.

Class X: The Art of Forgery - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (1)


; noun
; father

If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading!

For those familiar with Spy x Family, I hope you enjoyed the canon elements as well as the variations from it.

For those unfamiliar with the manga/anima, I hope you enjoyed the story anyway.


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Class X: The Art of Forgery - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.