Exactly What to Expect When You Eat Sugar in Ketosis | Livestrong.com (2024)

Exactly What to Expect When You Eat Sugar in Ketosis | Livestrong.com (1)

The carb limit to stay in ketosis is pretty low, and eating sugar can take you out of this fat-burning state.

Image Credit: Jennifer_Sharp/E+/GettyImages

Following a ketogenic diet requires a lot of focus, especially on keeping your carbohydrate and sugar intake to a minimum. When your body is deprived of carbs, you enter (and stay in) a condition called ketosis, in which you burn fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.


Getting your body into ketosis can take several days, and in order to keep it there, you have to maintain your low carb intake. But what happens if you give in to the temptation of a chocolate bar or garlic bread?

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Here's what to know about ketosis, and how to deal with these very human slip-ups.

Read more:Signs That You Are in Low-Carb Ketosis


How Ketosis Works

The ketogenic diet was originally designed to treat epilepsy, but it's now become a popular weight-loss plan, in part because its focus on fat can make you feel fuller than on other diets, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

When your body has used up all the available carbs it would normally burn for fuel, it starts burning ketones — a form of energy made from fatty acids. It takes a few days to fully enter a ketogenic state, during which a majority of the energy your body burns comes from ketones and not from carbs.


As your body is entering ketosis, you might experience side effects collectively dubbed "keto flu," which can include fatigue, upset stomach, headache and dizziness, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. These symptoms are most common when a person is first entering ketosis and usually subside once the body has adjusted to burning ketones instead of carbs.

The most accurate way to know if you're in a ketogenic state is to test your blood or urine using test strips, available at drug stores and online, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Handheld breathalyzers that can be used to check ketone levels are best avoided since this is a newer technology and aren't necessarily accurate, per the Cleveland Clinic.


But some people say they feel differently when they're in ketosis, too. "You can usually tell," says Franziska Spritzler, RD, author of ‌The Low-Carb Dietitian's Guide to Health and Beauty‌. "You're not as hungry."

Read more:How to Make Your Breakfast Keto-Friendly

Falling Out of Ketosis and Getting Back In

Many keto plans recommend getting only about 5 to 10 percent of your daily calories from carbohydrates. For most people, that translates to between 20 and 50 grams of carbohydrates a day.


Going over that daily limit by eating or drinking something that's very sugary or starchy gives your body back its original fuel source: carbs. It will then fall out of ketosis and switch back to burning carbs, which it does more easily.

Read more:How to Increase Fat Burn During Ketosis

But falling out of ketosis doesn't mean starting over from scratch. Though it can take several days to fully reach ketosis during the initial stage of your diet, it doesn't take as long to get back into ketosis again after a slip, says David Bridges, PhD, assistant professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.


"Yes, if you go to your mother's house and she made these delicious cinnamon rolls and you just have to have one, it will probably stop the process of generating ketones and take you out of ketosis temporarily," he says. "But if it's just one meal, and you go right back to your diet, you should be able to get back into ketosis fairly quickly."

Read more:Signs That You Are In Low-Carb Ketosis


How Eating Sugar Might Make You Feel

Eating sugar while in ketosis can cause side effects, too. "You might experience some gastrointestinal distress," says Bridges. "If you've been in ketosis for a while, your body may no longer be equipped to digest high-carbohydrate foods in the same manner as it used to be."


You may also experience symptoms of keto flu as you get yourself back into ketosis. And if you stop following a low-carb diet for more than just a meal or two, you're likely to gain back some of the water weight you lost initially, says Bridges.


Read more:7 Things Nutritionists Want You to Know About the Keto Diet

Spritzler says that eating sugar while in ketosis may also trigger a setback psychologically for some people. "I recommend staying low-carb as much as you can, because when you get used to eating a certain way, you can get to the point where you really don't crave sugar," she says. "But if you go ahead and have a cheat day or a cheat meal, it can stimulate those pleasure centers in the brain. It can be difficult to get back on track without wanting that sweet treat again."

The bottom line, both Bridges and Spritzler agree, is that eating a starchy meal or a sugary dessert certainly could throw your body out of ketosis — and it might make you feel pretty lousy for a short time, as well. But as long as you're not chowing down on high-carb foods regularly, the occasional treat shouldn't derail your long-term plans for losing excess weight or keeping it off.



Exactly What to Expect When You Eat Sugar in Ketosis | Livestrong.com (2024)


What happens when you eat sugar during keto? ›

Sugar intake is limited on a keto diet, as eating it causes your blood sugar levels to rise. This is an issue, as raised blood sugar levels can make it difficult for your body to remain in ketosis, which is key for reaping the benefits of the keto diet ( 9 , 10 ).

Does sugar automatically kick you out of ketosis? ›

In conclusion, sugar can kick you out of ketosis and prevent your body from burning fat for energy. If you're following a ketogenic diet, it's important to limit your intake of sugar and opt for keto-friendly sweeteners. This will help you to reach your weight loss or health goals and maintain optimal health.

What to do if you accidentally eat sugar on keto? ›

If you've cheated on keto, you're likely out of ketosis. Once out, you'll need to strictly follow the keto diet to reenter ketosis. This process takes several days to 1 week, depending on your carb intake, metabolism, and activity levels ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

How long does it take to get into ketosis after eating sugar? ›

How long does it take to get into ketosis? If you eat between 20 and 50 grams of carbohydrates each day, it will usually take you two to four days to enter ketosis. However, the time it takes to enter this state varies based on several factors. It may take you a week or longer to get into ketosis.

How much sugar will ruin ketosis? ›

Limiting your sugar intake to 20 to 30 grams daily or less is recommended to stay in ketosis.

Will one piece of chocolate kick me out of ketosis? ›

It's unlikely that a small piece of chocolate will kick you out of ketosis; however, this depends on the amount you eat. Chocolate with a high sugar content will significantly impact your blood sugar levels and insulin response, potentially affecting your ketosis.

Does coffee kick you out of ketosis? ›

As do coffee and tea with added sweeteners. “While unsweetened coffee and tea are generally acceptable on a keto diet, adding sweeteners such as sugar or honey can increase the carb content and disrupt ketosis,” offers Winnifred.

What does leaving ketosis feel like? ›

If you don't transition properly off the ketogenic diet, you could be setting yourself up for some not-so-pretty symptoms: Weight gain. Bloating and other bathroom issues. Blood sugar spikes, which could cause fatigue and irritability.

How quickly does your body come out of ketosis? ›

Transitioning into or out of ketosis doesn't happen instantly and it isn't always easy. The change can take between three to six weeks as your body adjusts.

Will one slice of pizza take you out of ketosis? ›

Regular Crust

This type of pizza crust can have up to 33g of carbs without any added sauce or cheese. If you're limiting your carbs to 20-50 grams per day, one slice of this type of crust will likely kick you out of ketosis.

Will one dessert ruin ketosis? ›

Yes, even just one carb-rich meal can quickly get you out of ketosis. The carbs eaten on a cheat day will halt the production of ketones immediately until they are all metabolized by the body. It's not that complicated to achieve ketosis, but it does take time and effort.

Is it bad to go in and out of ketosis? ›

Cycling in and out of ketosis can cause digestion problems and brain fog — and you may gain back the weight you've lost on the keto diet. What Really Happens to Your Body When examines the head-to-toe effects of common behaviors, actions and habits in your everyday life.

How to speed up weight loss in ketosis? ›

To maximize weight loss on a ketogenic diet, get adequate sleep, reduce stress, be more active and consume whole, nutritious, low-carb foods whenever possible.

How do I know when I'm in ketosis? ›

Having ketones in the blood is probably the most definitive sign that someone is in ketosis. Doctors may also use urine and breath tests to check for ketone levels, but these are less reliable than blood samples. A special home testing kit allows people to measure their own blood ketone levels.

What is ketosis smell? ›

Smelly breath is unfortunately a common side effect of the keto diet. If you notice a smell that is fruity or similar to nail polish, thats a sign that your body is in ketosis. To combat the smell, try brushing your teeth, staying hydrating, eating more protein, or just wait it out—it's only temporary.

What happens if I have a cheat day on keto? ›

While many dieters think of cheat day as a well-deserved reward, nutritionists say there are downsides to it. Some disadvantages of having a cheat day on keto include getting knocked out of ketosis and hindering further weight loss.

Can I have a spoonful of sugar on keto? ›

In order to remain in ketosis, the body must be using ketone for energy. Ketone are produced when the body processes fats. In thus proces, insulin is also reduced significantly. 1 teaspoon of sugar is not from a fat source, will raise insulin and creates conditions not suitable for ketosis to occur.

Do you cut out sugar on keto diet? ›

Sugar can be found in many different forms and it is added to virtually all processed foods. Ideally, you are going to need to keep the added sugars very low when following a keto diet. However, you can budget them into your macros per day if you really feel like this is the best way to use your daily amount.

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