Homemade Baby Formula [goats milk] - Pure Kitchen (2024)

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Many women, for many different reasons, cannot breastfeed. So they are stuck with buying overly-processed powders made with sugar and oil that aren't even real food. And RIGHT NOW there is a very serious shortage of formula in stores. Share this recipe with parents who cannot get access to food for their babies. *Make sure they check with their pediatrician or trusted medical provider before proceeding.

Homemade Baby Formula [goats milk] - Pure Kitchen (1)
Homemade Baby Formula [goats milk] - Pure Kitchen (2)

I, and many other doctors, fathers, and mothers, would rather know exactly what our children are drinking than have to deal with recalls, bugs, soy, other toxic chemicals added, and NOW SHORTAGES.

And if you know me at all {and my need to create/make everything that I eat, as opposed to buying it} you wouldn't be surprised that I wanted to investigate a way to make fresh, homemade formula instead of buying it.

There is a lot of controversy over powdered formula vs breast milk, goats milk versus cows milk, etc. After much research and my own health expertise, what I finally concluded was that goats milk was the easiest "milk" for my son to digest. It is molecularly the closest to breast milk and often doesn't cause phlegm like cow's milk. But I realize it's lacking enough carbohydrates and also nutrients like DHA, vitamin A, beta carotene, folic acid and B vitamins when compared to breast milk. So, I asked my midwives AND pediatrician about this and what I came up with was a mix of goats milk, carrot juice, water, b vitamins and flax oil {DHA}. When my son became old enough, I supplemented with other things as well, like green juice and apple juice {fresh squeezed}, a little young coconut water, and all sorts of omegas and probiotics, too.

It's been the best decision I've made as a mother. Despite some negative comments here and there, and the FEAR associated with making this type of a decision,it's at least one choice I've made as a new mom that I am very proud of and wouldn't change for the world. I think FRESH, REAL food will ALWAYS be better than anything powdered and overly-processed! UPDATE: My son is now (2022) 14 years old, he's handsome, super fit, strong, and extremely smart.

I recommend you start this after baby is 4-5months old. I know some that have used it earlier or after age 1 as a transition from breast milk.

Important and GOOD side note: a pediatrician recently confirmed it a "suitable and healthy breast milk alternative." Doctor Mercola's web site also recommends a similar formula, so I have learned.

Homemade Baby Formula [goats milk] - Pure Kitchen (3)

Homemade Baby Formula

A super simple, natural, baby formula that has been helping so many babies and moms over the past 14 years.

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Course Drinks

Cuisine meal

Servings 2 depending on baby's age


  • 6 ounce Goats Milk
  • 2 ounce Carrot Juice (Fresh)
  • 2 ounce Purified Water
  • 3 drops Flax Oil with DHA
  • ¼ teaspoon Nutritional Yeast optional for folic acid


  • Whisk everything very well until smooth. Serve room temp.

Keyword baby, baby formula, child, formula, milk


6 oz Goats Milk

2 oz Carrot Juice

2 oz Water

a few drops Flax Oil (EFAs) with DHA

¼tsp nutritional yeast {for the folic acid and b12 boost that goats milk lacks}

DISCLAIMER: There is no BETTER food for infants than breastmilk. It is still better than this formula...if you CAN and are able to breastfeed, do that first and foremost. This recipe makes a great ALTERNATIVE to formula or supplemental/emergency feeds. If you choose formula - then that's okay, too. Just do what you feel safest and most best doing. I'm just sharing information here with you that I have learned through my journies. And it's best to go with what you're most comfortable with. This is just my way, and it might be too weird for some. I get it! Consult a natural doctor before using this formula.

My son LOVED it and I hope your baby does too!!!!!

Good Luck. And if your child is older than a year, try making this healthy beverage alternative at home for him! You can put it right in his/her bottle.

photo credit: a friend who gives her daughter this formula in addition to solids.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Melissa @ Vegan CacaoBee

    Thanks for this awesome recipe! I will definitely be saving it for future reference. 🙂


  2. Opal

    Hey Juli,
    Love Love Love this! I stopped producing breast milk when Grayson was only 4 1/2 months old. I was devastated at the thought of having to give him store-bought formula. After much prayer and research I found a recipe in a book called Nourishing Traditions and one online. After more research I came up with a recipe that I felt comfortable making and giving Grayson. My pediatrician thought I was crazy for making my own formula, but I did what was best in my heart and mind. Below is the recipe. Grayson thrived on it! Thanks for posting this...I think mother's out there need to know that there is an alternative to store-bought formula...

    2 cups water(highest quality)
    2 cups goat milk
    2 cups hemp nut seed milk
    1/4 cup goat whey
    1 tablespoon colostrum
    4 tablespoon lactose
    2 teaspoon nutritional yeast
    1/4 teaspoon camu berry powder
    1 capsule of aged garlic
    1 teaspoon of infant probiotics
    1 tablespoon of lecithin
    1 tablespoon of coconut oil
    1 teaspoon of cod liver oil
    1 teaspoon of flax seed oil

    **I would make a batch every other day and store in sterilized glass bottles*


  3. Juli Novotny

    OPAL - that's amazing. Thanks for sharing! Honestly, that's what I want from you guys - to share your recipes and experiences. THANK YOU!!! Honestly, means a lot that you took the time to write your recipe and share your story.


  4. Hilary

    Just tried the recipe, and my baby loves it!!!!!! Thanks Juli


  5. Juli Novotny

    hilary - REALLY? awesome. thanks for telling me.


  6. Hilary

    how many egg yokes should I use per bottle?


  7. Juli Novotny

    egg yolks?? did i say egg yolks?


  8. Hilary

    ya above you wrote: OH and Dr Mercola recommends giving your child that is solely on this type of formula egg yolks starting at age 4 months


  9. Hilary

    thanks, I am loving all of your recipes and suggestions. By the way you totally need to talk to Tara about all this for her baby, she would love it! thanks again


  10. Juli Novotny

    she would for sure. i wonder if she will breast feed or if she will use formula. sure...let's sit her down! 😉 would be fun to see you, too.


  11. Sanoe

    Curious... is there anywhere to find RAW goats milk?? I got a great recipe out of Nourishing Traditions but it is different from the one listed above by Opal. I calls for RAW milk (cows) but I assume that if raw goats milk is available that would be the best option. Any thoughts?? thanks.


  12. Juli Novotny

    Sanoe - HI! So funny you say that, in my perfect world there would be raw goats milk. I have yet to find it. Raw cows milk isn't the worst thing in the world, but goat is easier for babies to digest. Raw milk is the best though, so it's a total toss up.


  13. bonnie

    I am crazy passionate about giving baby the best possible start - and I agree that if breastmilk is unavailable, there should be something much closer to it's make-up than formula. THANKYOU for sharing this! I will whole-heartedly be telling anyone who needs to know, that they have options. Because I was blessed with the milk my babies needed, I didn't ever need to come across such fantastic recipes. I LOVE how in the face of adversity, the creative minds rise to the top.


  14. Rachael

    Have any of you made your own formula for babies that have milk/soy protein allergies? My daughter (actually all of my children) is allergic to the proteins and also has GERD...I'm wondering if she would be able to tolerate goats milk, I know it's easier to digest but she would probably still have the protein allergy ??? anyway, do any of you have a similar experience?


  15. Carol

    Does the goats milk need to be RAW or can you use Meyenberg Goat Milk?



  16. Jamie

    Hi, what do you suggest in regards to the radiation that potentially could be found in goats milk after the disaster in Japan???


  17. Jamie

    Oops, Juli, I also forgot to ask how you feel about using Meyenberg's powdered goat's milk. Obviously it is not fresh, but I am really concerned about particles in the store bought milk. I am in California.


  18. Juli Novotny

    Jamie, HI!

    First off infants should have ZERO radiation. So anything but that is BETTER. Honestly, that is terrible.

    I would switch to either Almond milk or Raw Cow's milk if that's an issue for sure.

    As far as the powdered stuff goes, maybe if you are traveling for a long time?? I noticed in other countries and states though that health food stores often have goats milk.

    I didn't use the powdered stuff myself. Goes against the whole point: powdered foods v whole foods.

    Thanks. Hope that helped.


  19. Jamie

    Ok, thank you for the response. Too bad, because my boo boo loves the goat's milk recipe. I wonder if it is as nutritious if I replace it with almond milk, homemade?
    Thanks for the response on the powdered. My thought process was that hopefully it was produced before this catastrophe. We should be sending gallons of this to the Japanese mamas who are supplementing.

    Blessings for your lovely recipes and blogs.


  20. stefanie

    Hi! What do the steamed egg yolks provide? And how long do you steam them for?


  21. Juli Novotny

    Sorry for the egg yolk addition to the formula recipe. Dr Mercola is a fan of homemade baby formula and he mentions this addition. I am not saying you should do this, HE IS and he's a doctor. So... I wanted to add it for those that wanted to cover all nutritional bases. Hope that helps.


  22. Beth Ann

    How about using pumped milk from another mother? Do you know this is an option. Either through a donor or a milk bank. There are many resources and ways to get human milk which is what the WHO reccomends over anything else after milk from the babies own mother. Check out Human Milk 4 Human Babies. It is a world wide informed choice milk sharing network that has pages in every state in the US and I believe almost 50 countries. http://www.facebook.com/hm4hb


  23. Danika

    Donated milk is definitely an option but it can be quite expensive.

    Am I the only one that noticed the baby in the pictures isn't strapped in safely? The chest clip is dangerously low.


  24. Juli Novotny

    Beth. I did actually post something about using other mother's pumped milk. it's a great idea and becoming more popular. when i created this recipe it wasn't barely an option. so yes, great comment. thanks for sharing this info.


  25. Juli Novotny

    danika. haha. yes, this was in hawaii. we rented a car and it was crazy weird the way it was all set up. luckily we weren't going far!! it was a pretty laid back trip. but yes, the whole set up was odd. and he was facing forward.


  26. molly p

    juli - thanks for this post and for inspiring us to find a better way for our little ones 🙂

    a couple questions i'd love to get your opinion on while i'm researching this:
    -is there an age that you felt comfortable with in starting this recipe?
    -how does the DHA of flax differ from cod liver/fish oil in formula recipe use?
    -how long would you store your formula in the fridge? did you store in individual servings?
    -it looks like there is a lot of discussion on if nitrates in carrots/carrot juice is a concern for infants. just curious what your thoughts are on this and what you keep yourself aware of when it comes to veggie nitrates for your little ones?
    -are there any differences to be aware of in buying nutritional yeasts, and which brand do you use?
    -our pediatrician has suggested adding a probiotic to D's regimen to help with immunity. they suggested this one. any opinions on adding a probiotic drop to the formula for a 4-5 month old? any other suggestions for probiotic supplements you have liked? http://www.childrensprobiotics.com/drops.aspx

    i'm so excited by this! 🙂


  27. Juli Novotny

    Molly, gosh, lots you're asking here. REMEMBER, this is what I did, and I'm proud I did it. But I am NOT a doctor. I don't have all the answer and even if I DID, I wouldn't feel comfortable being your go-to for this kinda of help. I am going to answer your questions but it's MY OPINION. ask your doctor or a naturopath for more details. PLEASE 🙂

    -- YES, I didn't start my child on this until he could eat food. I had to use formula because I unexpectedly got pregnant. Not on purpose. So, it was a choice I had to make. Luckily my son was about 5 months old. If you're doing this by CHOICE I would wait until he/she is eating foods, like 6-8 months old. Or even later when you want to ween. In an ideal world. But again, sometimes we can't predict our world around us or the nature of breast feeding.

    -- I actually would recommend the fish oil over the flax. But, flax is a vegetarian source. So I chose that. There are pluses and minuses to both. TASTE is the big minus for the fish oil. But if your baby likes it, go for it.

    -- I didn't store it longer than a day in the fridge. I made it bottle by bottle 😉 But you can store it for sure. At least 24 hours.

    -- Again, when I did this, this research you're finding online didn't exist because people weren't talking much about homemade baby formula back then. I had to look hard for this info. But I still felt better about it than homemade. Regarding nitrates I guess it depends on when you start this formula. But read here:


    -- nutritional yeast - not much difference.

    -- YES, please add probiotics if you can. The goats milk is pasteurized 🙁 so you should totally add it.

    Hope that helps.



  28. molly p

    totally helps. and i'm definitely talking to the ped more before trying anything, just wanted to hear your story. completely understand it was your story, not your directive on what to do with other infants.

    thanks for all the info!


  29. Courtney

    Hi Juli and everyone, just a word of caution. We started giving my son this formula at 6 months as an alternative to store bought formula, he had 3-4 bottles daily. Long story short when he was 10months old we took him to the doctor (for something unrelated) who asked us about his diet randomly, he then told us we had to totally stop giving him this formula as the carrot juice was giving him carotene poisoning. It had stained his skin (we thought he just had a great tan) and as it is fat soluable would also be 'staining' his brain. At that point it wasnt dangerous but he cautioned us that if we continued it would be. He also told us it would take a loooong time for all the carotene to be removed from his system. We stopped completely and only now, 4 months later, has his skin returned to a normal colour.
    We now use holle organic goats milk formula.
    I now know that this is a great 'sometimes' formula but not an every day thing for a baby so young.


    • Juli Novotny

      Hi Courtney,

      I responded to this comment yesterday from my iPhone but I guess it didn't get through.

      I wanted to be sure to thank you for your input and story. I also wanted to let you know that the orange color is normal from the beta carotene. When people are turned off by it, I suggest switching to apple juice for a little while until the skin color changes.

      Beta Carotene poisoning is a benign toxicity and there should be no harm to the body from it. But always listen to your doctor.

      I have found that most doctors don't like the idea of homemade formula. I now am confident it was the best decision I made so far as a parent. I have had a few pediatricians {MDs} and nutritionists approve my formula.

      I want to emphasize that breast is always best. I don't ever recommend this formula or anything over breast milk. This is for babies who can't nurse for whatever reason. My son was on this formula from the age of 4+ months to 1 year. Others have done it longer but I can't speak on those experiences.

      A friend of mine here in town used this recipe because her son got extremely sick. He couldn't digest any powdered formula and would throw it up each time. They were desperate to get him nutrition and so she made this for him and well, he loved it and thrived. It was all he could take.

      Good for you to listen to your own motherly instincts and maybe your son didn't digest the carrot juice well. You also can use less carrot juice, try 6 oz of goats milk to 2 oz carbohydrate.

      I'm just so glad you found a product your son loves and that you feel good about. That is in the end what is most important. This recipe is for people who just don't mesh with the powdered stuff and want an alternative. It's not for everybody. Finding something you feel good about it MOST IMPORTANT!

      Thanks again for the comments!


  30. Linda

    Hi Juli… just a note to let you know that we linked to your post today sharing your recipe for your goat milk/carrot juice formula. My own niece, who is a very healthy 17-years-old- today, drank a version of this formula from about 4 months of age, until she was weaned—and yes she sported the carrot juice "tan", to no ill effect. (There is a photo of her included in our post). There is a significant difference with how cartenoids are processed in the body compared to beta carotene supplements. While the pigment does show in the skin, I could fine no cautions regarding infants and poisoning from small amounts of carrot juice in a formal. By the way, my niece has an above a 4.0 grade point average, has had antibiotics once in her life, and has a black belt in Chun Kuk Do. http://www.salvationsisters.com/2014/03/growing-up-with-goats-redwood-hill-farm.html


    • Juli Novotny

      HI Linda,
      Thank you for the link and the comment. My son too used this formula from 4 months of age on. I know some moms who used it younger than 4 months but I don't have experience with that so I don't usually recommend it.

      Anyways, I too found no cautions against poisonings from carrot juice either. It's just a term "toxicity" that sounds scary.

      My kids haven't had antibiotics either {except for topical} and I think that plays a HUGE role in all of this {their gut issues and digestion as well}. Thanks again for your input!



  31. Andrea

    Still trying to wrap my tired mom brain around it all. Are you saying that instead of the regular feeding of formula ( store bought) you use this. At all his feedings? Warmed as usual? At any age? My babes is 5 months. She'll be starting foods soon. Sadly I couldn't continue breast feeding. I'm wondering if taking this on is "worth it". I'd appreciate any insight. Or encouragement lol.


    • Juli Novotny

      Somehow I never saw this comment on my blog. I'm SO SORRY I never responded. Please forgive me. I'm sure it's now way too late to even share my thoughts seeing as though your baby is a year now. Darn. I usually respond to all my comments. My apologies. I was pregnant if that is any consolation - my pregnancy brain got the best of me? Or I just never saw this comment come through my email. I hope you found a solution for your sweet babes!


  32. Jess M.

    Hi Julie!
    My son is 3 months old and has been exclusively breast feed with the occasional bottle with breast milk. In a few weeks I will be away from my son for two days and one night and I will not have enough milk pumped for him (I am able to get a few bags from a friend thankfully!) I understand that you do not recommend this formula for under 4 months or before food, but what if he was given your formula every other feeding, switching out between breast milk and formula, for this short period of time.
    Would this be something you think would be all right to do? My daughter supplemented with commercial formula, but after seeing other options this time around I would like to stay away from it. My only other option is to find the best organic formula.
    Thank you!


    • Juli Novotny

      HI Jess.

      I think this formula would for sure be fine for what you mentioned above. I did that - I couldn't pump much milk either because I always breast fed and never pumped, so not a lot would come out. I used it when I had to run an errand and didn't have much in the fridge! That's kind of the idea and a great tool for weaning as well.

      Hope that helps.




  33. Jaymie

    I hope this hasn't been posted before, but I was curious as to what brand of yeast flakes you use? I was looking online and couldn't find an organic brand. The only one I found was from Germany. I also was curious about the goats milk. Do you use ultra pasteurized and organic? Or do you used powdered? Thanks for your time.


  34. Kari Courtney

    My friend gave me this recipe to use for my 10 week old daughter. I am not able to breastfeed any longer and had her on regular formula but we have discovered she has a milk protein intolerance as well as reflux. I am curious as to how you did this formula on the go? I ask because I know the carrot juice needs to be fresh to get all the enzymes you need out of it. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks!


    • Juli Novotny

      Kari -

      10 weeks is pretty young but you can see how she does with it. I hear this formula works well for babies like yours who can't tolerate the cows milk formula. On-the-go you'll need to store it in a cooler with ice. Hope that helps. Also, most of the ingredients you can find at any Whole Foods, so you can make more if you have to when out and about. -- Juli


  35. Stephanie

    Hey there!
    I was wondering if it's okay to make larger amounts and freeze it....? And what's the shelf life in the fridge...?


  36. Susan P.

    I will be having a baby soon. And, I am afraid I won´t be able to breastfeed. I have a problem with my milk glands. They are severly restricted by muscle and probably won´t produce milk.
    Can I give this recipe to my new born? I really don´t want my baby on that commercial formula.


  37. Clare

    women if you think you will struggle to breastfeed look into donor milk rather than this homemade formula. I very much doubt this is anyway better than store bought formula.


  38. Sarah

    Very helpful, thank you! Babies love homemade formulas, once they're used to it , it's easier to digest for them. If you might want to take a look, order from here >> https://myorganicformula.com/.
    All the best,


    • Juli Novotny

      Thank you for the comment! I will check out your site now. Appreciate it...


  39. Danielle


    How many ounces would you feed your four month old per bottle/mealtime of this recipe? Would you find that your baby needed to eat this more often than every 4 hours as conventional formula instructs?



    • Juli Novotny

      I used it exactly like "formula" or breastmilk and no I didn't feel he needed it more often. But it's up to you and your doctor and every baby is different. 😉 Thanks for commenting Danielle.


  40. Danielle


    Danielle here again...I just started my 4 month old daughter on this formula and she enjoys it! I feel great giving it to her as well, but the only problem I'm facing is finding the right nipple size hole for the bottles now that this formula is a thicker mixture. I do strain the carrot juice before adding it to the goat's milk, but do you remember what type of bottle/nipple size you used to help feed your son? I am currently using Dr. Brown's bottles but I am willing to switch if it means I can keep feeding this formula to my daughter! She's either wasting a lot of it from it "drooling" out the sides of her mouth if the hole is too big, or it takes her forever to eat if i use the correct size nipple for her age. Thank you!


    • Juli Novotny

      oh man, now that you say it, I do remember having to cut the holes of bottle. But yes please be sure the carrot juice is strained - good point! I do also remember the chunks (if not strained) blocking the holes as well.

      I just used a knife and slightly made the holes (or at least one hold) bigger. Try moving to a size up from her age? That might help.

      Keep me posted. Glad your daughter is liking it.


  41. Michelle

    Raw goats milk or pasteurized?


  42. Aleah

    Hi Juli, are you recommending pasteurised or unpasteurised as I am sacred to give raw because of what people say about bacteria. Is it safe?!


    • Juli Novotny

      I used raw. Hope that helps.


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Homemade Baby Formula [goats milk] - Pure Kitchen (2024)
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