How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 13, 2024

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What are the benefits of positive affirmations?


How to create effective positive affirmations?


How to use positive affirmations effectively?

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Examples of positive affirmations for different situations


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Do you struggle with low self-esteem and negative self-talk? If so, you might benefit from using positive affirmations to boost your confidence and mood. Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself, either out loud or in your mind, that express your desired qualities, goals, or feelings. In this article, you will learn how positive affirmations can improve your self-esteem, how to create and use them effectively, and some examples of affirmations for different situations.

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  • Sachin Singh 𝟏𝟎𝐤+ @Linkedin | 𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 🔆 | DevOps and Cloud Enthusiast ♾ | AWS 🌐 | Linux 🐧 | Kubernetes 🚢 | Ansible…

    How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (6) How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (7) 2

  • Gina Covarrubias Career Purpose SME | STEM Coach | Author | Speaker

    How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (9) 1

How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (10) How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (11) How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (12)

1 What are the benefits of positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations can help you improve your self-esteem by changing the way you think and feel about yourself. When you repeat positive affirmations, you are sending messages to your subconscious mind that reinforce your self-worth, abilities, and potential. This can help you overcome limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears that hold you back from achieving your goals and living your best life. Positive affirmations can also help you cope with stress and anxiety, as they can calm your nervous system and create a more optimistic outlook.

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  • Your mindset is programmed by the words you use.When you feed your mind positive messages, it impacts your attitude, demeanor, and body language.Positive affirmations set the stage for positive results.

  • Gina Covarrubias Career Purpose SME | STEM Coach | Author | Speaker

    Before reaping benefits of positive affirmations, it would be extremely helpful to recognize and end negative self-talk (or self-judgment). It can be sneaky and subtle, such as:- How could I have done that, what was I thinking?- Why didn't I listen to others?- It's horrible of me to think this but ____.- I should have known or done better.- Why didn't I see that coming?Once you stop the self-judgment, then ask yourself more helpful questions"- What do I want to learn from this?- What was going on with me when I did that one thing?- How will I use this to prevent similar situations?- What if everything always went my way, how would I learn new things?- What if everything always went my way, how would I develop myself?


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2 How to create effective positive affirmations?

To create effective positive affirmations, you need to follow some basic guidelines. First, make sure your affirmations are in the present tense, as if they are already true. This will help you create a positive expectation and attract the results you want. Second, make sure your affirmations are positive, not negative. Avoid words like "not", "don't", or "can't", as they can trigger the opposite of what you want. Third, make sure your affirmations are specific, realistic, and measurable. Avoid vague or unrealistic statements that might cause confusion or frustration. Fourth, make sure your affirmations are personal, relevant, and meaningful. Use words that resonate with you and reflect your values, needs, and desires.

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  • Sachin Singh 𝟏𝟎𝐤+ @Linkedin | 𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 🔆 | DevOps and Cloud Enthusiast ♾ | AWS 🌐 | Linux 🐧 | Kubernetes 🚢 | Ansible 👾 | Jenkins ☕| Terraform 🏗 | Openshift 🔮 | AlOps 🤖 | 🌟 Personal Branding | Technical Blogger

    To create effective affirmations: 1. Use present tense. 2. Stay positive; avoid negatives. 3. Be specific and realistic. 4. Make it personal and meaningful to you.


    How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (40) How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (41) 2

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  • Marialena Fonazaki

    Through my life coaching sessions, I have found that in order for the positive self-statements to be effective, they must be real and the person must already be convinced that they apply to him/her. An effective tool for strengthening self-esteem through positive self-statements is COMET.

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3 How to use positive affirmations effectively?

To use positive affirmations effectively, you need to practice them regularly and consistently. You can choose a time and place that works best for you, such as in the morning, before bed, or during a break. You can also use different methods to reinforce your affirmations, such as writing them down, saying them out loud, recording them, or listening to them. The key is to repeat your affirmations with conviction, emotion, and focus. You need to believe in your affirmations and feel them as if they are already true. You also need to be patient and persistent, as it might take some time to see the results of your affirmations.

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4 Examples of positive affirmations for different situations

Positive affirmations can be used or adapted for different situations, and you can also create your own based on your goals, challenges, or aspirations. For instance, to boost general self-esteem, you can tell yourself "I am worthy," "I am enough," "I am confident," "I am capable," and "I am proud of myself." To support work or career growth, affirmations like "I am successful," "I am productive," "I am creative," "I am valued," and "I am a leader" can be helpful. Additionally, when it comes to health and wellness, remind yourself that "I am healthy," "I am strong," "I am fit," "I am energetic," and "I am happy." For relationships, positive affirmations such as "I am loved," "I am respected," "I am supportive," "I am compassionate," and "I am loyal" can be beneficial. Finally, for personal growth, use affirmations such as “I am learning”, “I am growing”, “I am improving”, “I am grateful”, and “I am optimistic.”

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  • Jane Tyson I work with people to start, build and grow their network via a structured approach and random dialogues. How much would 1, 5 or 12 new in your network be worth to you? | Author - Beyond Small Talk

    There is a counter argument against positive affirmations in that they can actually be quite negative for a person experiencing low self esteem and can even make them feel worse 😳 Personally I like to focus on gratitude and have a great mantra about “vibrations” that I repeat 5x each morning #randomdialogues

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  • Gina Covarrubias Career Purpose SME | STEM Coach | Author | Speaker

    Don't try to go from one extremem to another. That might backfire.First, start and accept where you are. It is critical to accept yourself before you change yourself. Second, take baby steps, at your own pace, to transform your mindset. Here is a short example:Today: "I am a failure."Tomorrow: "I feel like a failure."In a few days: "I feel like a failure but I know feelings can change."Next week: "I know I can feel better."Next week: "I am very capable of figuring out how to feel better."The week after: "I am starting to feel better."Eventually reach: "Now I'm ready to tackle success."

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5 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Gina Covarrubias Career Purpose SME | STEM Coach | Author | Speaker

    We all struggle with either low self-esteen or negative self-talk from time to time.The stronger the relationship you build with yourself, the more resilience you create. Thus, bouts of low self-esteem or negative self-talk won't have much effect, if at all.For those who are less resilient, it would worth answering:- Why do I struggle with my esteem or confidence in the first place? - How do I feel about me, and how can I work toward cherishing myself unconditionally?


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  • Given, as Gina said - we all struggle with low self esteem or negative self-talk, I don't believe the solution for that is to try to combat it with positive evaluations of yourself (self-esteem). I think that further reinforces the binary lens through which we interpret ourselves and our actions (negative / positive ... good / bad). Instead of self-esteem, I find self-compassion to be a much more useful concept to cultivate. This isn't based on positive or negative evaluations of self and is associated with greater emotional resilience than self-esteem.


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How can positive affirmations improve your self-esteem? (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.