Jan's Autobiography - Male vs Female (2024)

Jan's Autobiography - Male vs Female (1)Jan's Autobiography

Jan’s Autobiography
By A.J. Brown

**Note to my readers: I write Custom Stories for those who enjoy my work that would like a personal story written for them. Please email me at [Only Registered Users Can See LinksClick Here To Register] if you would like more information on my Custom Stories**


It seems these days that whenever most people see someone they consider a ‘victim’, they immediately want to side with that person and make the ‘bully’ look like the bad guy. They’ll do this without even caring what the ‘bully’s’ side of the story is and just automatically assume that whoever the weaker one is deserves sympathy.

Lots of the people that know about the things I’ve done think I’m a bitch. And those are the generous ones. Some of the harsher people consider me cruel or even evil. I have yet to have a single one of these people ask me for my side of the story or ask me why I behave the way I do. Considering me a bitch is easier than considering that maybe I have reasons for the things I’ve done, and maybe they are even good reasons. It’s easier just to assume I am some mean-spirited bitch, who is just around for people to have someone to hate.

In this autobiography, I’m going to share about myself, some of the things people know about already, but a lot of it people don’t. If this autobiography gets just one person to consider changing their way of thinking, I’ll be glad that I wrote it.


Ben’s Party

It’s no secret there is plenty of bullying going on among siblings. Society seems to just accept it without really doing anything about it, while there are some people that will even laugh it off. ‘Oh that’s just brothers being brothers, boys being boys, whatever. Let me tell you something from someone who was bullied by an older male sibling, it’s one of the worst possible things I can think that one could endure.

My older brother Ben is about 6 years older than I am. When our parents weren’t around, which was often, they’d give us chores to do. The problem for me was that when they weren’t around there was no one to actually supervise who was doing the chores. Since he was bigger than me he’d make me do his chores and if I refused, he’d throw me around until I did. This behavior wasn’t limited to just chores either. If he wanted to watch TV it was his, if he wanted me to go to my room so he could host friends, I’d have to. One thing people are also shamed for was ratting so I couldn’t exactly go tell me parents.

I have endless examples of these kinds of things happening that I won’t take up a bunch of your time with so I’ll just share one that really stuck out. I was a senior in high school, 18-years-old, and I was sitting in my parents’ living room on Good Friday. My parents were going to be out of town that night, returning the next day, and Ben was going to come over on Sunday for Easter dinner. He had a successful job and didn’t live at home anymore, which had been great for me.

I had the house to myself, or I thought I did. My best friend Kristen was going to come over and spend the night. She said she knew a couple of guys that might be able to come over for a while. We would see how that went. When the door opened and Ben walked in I could feel the anger shoot through my system. What was he doing here?

He walked inside. My brother has always been a skinny guy and standing at 6’1 and no more than a 155 pounds he certainly has never been the most intimidating figure out there. Still, he’s a lot taller than me, I only weighed about 110 at the time, he’s still a guy, and he had that mean look on his face he always had when he saw me, like he just thought I was a rat and that nothing about my presence better inconvenience him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. He started looking around like he was scoping the place out for something.

“Mom and dad let me know they’re not around tonight. I’m gonna stay here, have some people over.”

“Just do it at your own house!”

“Too messy, I don’t have time to clean it up. It’s close enough here, I’ll have you clean up the rest.”

“I’m having Kristen over tonight!”

“Like hell you are.”

When he said it, he looked at me with the biggest ‘how dare you’ look, like I wasn’t just doing something wrong, but very wrong. Ben never liked me anyway but anything I did that inconvenienced him in the slightest, made him instantly ready for war. But with mom and dad gone I knew I couldn’t win and I immediately turned into the coward I always was back then.

“We’ll just stay in my room then. We won’t bother you and your friends.” He looked even more heated. There was no negotiating with my older brother. If I didn’t do exactly what he said to a tee, I was in trouble.

“I don’t want her here when my friends are over. She’s not coming.”

“Jesus Ben, what’s the difference, why do you have to be such a jerk??”

Now I could see in his eyes once I called him a jerk that he really wanted to hurt me. I tried to stand my ground but as he came closer I knew there was nothing I could do. I watched as he looked at my body up and down. I was only wearing a tank top and a short pair of shorts and my feet were bare. He never said it out loud but I knew it always bothered him when I was around the house showing a lot of skin, why, I don’t know. But I think that was what put him over the edge when he lunged at me.

Being a girl, I just didn’t fight. His long, skinny arms wrapped around my body that was quite skinny except my boobs that at a 36C looked pretty big on my slim body. Feeling my boobs pushing into his body felt weird for me and I could tell it bothered him as he threw me on the floor with even more aggression than normal. Thank goodness the living room floor was carpeted!

I didn’t really try and fight back when he beat me up. I knew he was going to win anyway and resisting would normally just lead to him being more aggressive and hurting me more so I would just kind of tense my whole body up and try and get through it. He sat his bony butt on my stomach making it hard for me to breathe and I felt trapped. He slapped me in the face hard. It stung and I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me crying but my eyes still watered up, I couldn’t control that.

“I’m not going to let you up until you call your loser friend and tell her she’s not coming over tonight.”

I didn’t say anything. I wouldn’t even look him in the eyes. I could tell he hated that as I felt his hand smack me across the face again. I felt some tears start to come down my face. I hated it that he could force my body to shed tears like that as hard as I tried for it not to happen. He smacked me across the face again and I started crying. The intensity of my crying increased as I thought about how he was able to cause that reaction out of me no matter how hard I tried no to have it happen. I still wouldn’t look at him so he clenched my long hair with his fists and forced me to look up at him. I closed my eyes and he clenched harder, making me know that I had to open my eyes. I looked at him looking down at me. He didn’t treat other people like this, he was skinny and I knew he couldn’t beat up most guys. It was just me which made it personal and so much worse.

“I’m going to let you up and you’re gonna call your little twat friend and tell her she’s not coming tonight,” he said threateningly. He just kept clenching my hair, showing his dominance.

“OK,” I said so obediently that I felt ashamed of myself.

He let go of my hair and instead of getting up, he grabbed my wrist and held my hand in front of him. With his other hand he started pinching the top of my hand. His nails were always kind of long like a f*cking girl. But that sh*t hurt and I started to scream. He pinched harder and when my scream turned to more of a screech, that seemed to satisfy him and he let go.

“I don’t want to see you out of your room at all tonight,” he said when he got up.


Weight Room

When I first went away to college I probably weighed about 120 pounds. I was a skinny girl, but I had decent-sized boobs and was on the taller side for a girl, standing at about 5’7 or I would have weighed even less. People always talk about the ‘freshman 15’ you gain when you go away to college. Let’s just say, I gained a lot more than that.

First off, the dining hall was an unlimited buffet, with no charge since it was all part of my meal plan. I went from years of being forced to eat my mom’s ‘healthy’ cooking (which never was very good) to now having an unlimited supply of cheeseburgers off a grill, pizza, soda, and ice cream. I’d watched some girls who were so concerned about their weight who’d eat nothing more than a bagel or a salad every meal. Not me. I saw all of this greasy food everywhere and I wanted to indulge. Also, now eating around new friends I was making as opposed to sitting at the dining room table where I had countless meals with my brother staring me down with intimidating looks when my parents weren’t looking, I had much more of an appetite. I remember about 30 days into the school year I stepped on a scale that was in one of the locker rooms and I weighed 156!

Food wasn’t the only thing that contributed to my gaining weight. We were never in the weight room for high school soccer, that was saved for the football and wrestling teams. But our college soccer team would often do an hour in there and once in a while coach would dedicate a practice strictly to weight training. Still, most of the girls on the team would just use weight training time as a break to chat since coach didn’t watch us too much, and those who did lift weights went really light.

One time early on in the season I walked up to the leg press machine. I had never leg pressed before and was kind of intimidated but I was curious too. I took a 45 pound plate and put one on each side. It felt like I may as well have not even added the weight on as I was doing reps like it was nothing. So I added another 45 pound plate on each side. Still felt like nothing. This was before I had gotten up to 156 but I had gained some weight already and I as I was lifting the weight I was looking at how much thicker my legs had gotten in the short amount of time I had been at school. I knew these would have driven a lot of girls to anxiety, but I felt curious and even a bit excited. I got up to 4 plates on each side of the machine before the leg press even felt like a bit of a challenge.

“What are you trying to be, Wonder Woman?” one of my teammates said from behind.

I looked behind me at Renee, a small girl, midfielder. I looked at how small her thin legs looked, with just a bit of definition in her calves. I smiled to myself thinking how I was pretty sure my legs could break her in half.

“I’ve never even used this thing,” I said.

“Pretty f*cking good for a first time.”

“Is that a lot? I don’t even know.” I looked at the 4 plates on each side of the machine. I mean, yeah, it did look like a lot of weight. I looked behind me and saw a dude watching us. Was he checking out Renee? Dudes normally liked the small girls. I was getting away from being small. But I still felt confident at that moment. “You waiting to use this?”

“Yeah.” He nodded. I started to get up, considered taking the weights off for him or offering to help take the off. He was a guy though, he didn’t look that big, actually was thinner than me even though he was taller, but I still thought he’d be adding at least some weight. I stepped back watching curiously as he took a plate off one side then a plate off the other. He sat down and as I watched him struggle with even his first rep, I wondered if he wanted to take off even more but was too embarrassed to. I looked at Renee who smiled at me. Getting hit on by a guy always felt good but what I felt there felt even better.


Drinking Games

We were sitting in a circle on Duffy’s dorm room floor. He was one of the lucky freshman to get a bigger dorm room so his room was normally where we went to play drinking games. I had a tight tank top on and a pair of jeans. I liked showing off my tit* even if that meant showing off my arms that had gotten thicker and had a bit of flab on them. I wore jeans, starting to get a bit self-conscious about how big my legs were getting. I had worn flip flops over there, I don’t think I ever wore socks in school up to that point except for during soccer. But sitting like that, the flip flops were getting uncomfortable so I had kicked them off. I kept putting my bare feet near this guy Greg who was a big mouth about drinking but he didn’t know how to talk to girls. I think he needed 6 beers in him before he ever could and when he got like that it was cute, but not cute in the way that made you want to go back to his room with him. He didn’t do anything about my feet being near him and even though we were both playing a little pretend game like we weren’t paying attention to the fact that was happening, I got the feeling he kind of liked it.

“Drink until I put my finger down,” Duffy said to me.

I wasn’t the Asshole but he was the President so he could order me around like that. I tipped back my hard seltzer and started drinking as he kept his finger in the air, determined to show the boys here I could drink with them. I felt my eyes really starting to water up as I kept drinking. I had drank as long as any of them had been able to but he just wouldn’t put down his finger. As I continued to chug I felt less of a need to impress these guys by drinking and I felt like I wanted to kick Duffy’s ass. It felt like he still kept his finger up another fifteen seconds but thinking back it was probably only three or for more before he put it down. I gasped as I pulled the bottle away from my mouth.

“Do that again and I’ll kick your ass,” I said. Normally after a bunch of alcohol hit my brain all at once like that it would make me think guys are cuter. But at that moment I looked at his thin body and as I could feel my big breasts and the muscle I had been gaining, I really felt like I could and would kick his ass right then.

“Drink again,” he said as he put his index finger up again.

“Put that finger down or I’ll f*cking break it off,” I said, the alcohol definitely loosening my tongue.

“Drink until both of my fingers are down,” he said as he stuck up his middle finger on his other hand.

Pissed off at his male ego, I just lunged at him, and grabbed him at the shoulders. I’ll never forget how weak his thin body felt as I knocked it backwards, and his back hit the floor so hard I probably would have felt bad about it if it were a girl. I could see his frustration that he just got rocked by a girl in his own room in front of a circle of friends, that was increasing as he tried to push me off of him. As I was lunging at him I had thought I may be able to match him at best but that that would be enough. But as he scuffled around and I held him down on the floor I saw how hard he was trying and felt even more how weak his body was. I pushed his shoulders down with my hands then leaned forward on top of him, my broad shoulders pushing into his, my big tit* pushing into his chest, and my legs that were like tree trunks compared to sticks with his legs, holding him down with ease.

“Gonna let her kick your ass like that?” Greg said.

“Shut the f*ck up,” Duffy almost gasped as he fought harder.

I stayed calm as I held down the struggling guy, doing my best to make it look like this wasn’t a big deal, though I could tell I was smiling a bit. Everyone else just watched with curiosity and I could see his frustration that he couldn’t do anything about it and that no one was offering to help him. For the next probably five minutes I just held him down as he helplessly squirmed.

When he started to struggle less, I knew I had won and I knew he knew it. I carefully started to get off of him expecting him to try and sucker attack me but he didn’t. I sat back where I had been sitting and everyone was silent as Duffy got up. We all sat there a bit awkwardly for a minute or so with me feeling powerful for causing the awkwardness. We finished up the hand but it was quiet and Duffy didn’t order anyone to drink.

“I’m tired, I think I’m just going to crash,” he said after the hand. “I’ll catch you all later.”

We all quietly left. As I was out in the hallway, I imagined him jumping on his bed, his night of partying over, all because I had humiliated him. I wondered if maybe he was crying. That would feel so good if I could cause him to do that. I really enjoyed the feeling of power.



Mom passed me the green beans. Ben still hadn’t shown up yet. Ironically the first time I was feeling less intimidated to see him, he wasn’t there. I heard the front door open and his loud voice talking on his phone, trying to sound important.

“Yeah, I’ll meet up with you later,” he said into his phone as he made his way towards the dinner table not looking at any of us. “No, they’re open tonight. That whole strip on Fourth Street is. There’ll be girls there. Yeah any who are out tonight, you know.” He looked up at us awkwardly, seeing us all looking at him. “I’ll call you later, gotta do the Christmas dinner thing quick.”

I thought he looked like such a doofus wearing an argyle sweater with a collar sticking out of it from a long-sleeved shirt. He wore fancy khakis, argyle socks, and with the shoes he had on, the whole outfit probably cost him a couple hundred bucks. I guess I can’t talk too much – I had on a pink sweater and some expensive pink plaid pants on but the outfit looked good on me, he just didn’t wear it well. He had a seat and it was so obvious he was trying to impress and just wasn’t comfortable dressed like that. I kind of wished he had short sleeves and shorts on – he’s always been thin but I had never realized who weak skinny guys are and I was curious if he was as thin as some of the guys at school like Duffy and a few others that I had bullied around now that I had gotten stronger. I had continued to put on weight and muscle, not holding back on my eating in the dining hall, and still going to the gym even after soccer season ended. I also kind of wished I had worn a bit less, let him see my stronger looking upper body, see what he thought about it. My feet were bare and I knew that would have annoyed him having to see my feet when it was cold out – that was the kind of stuff that annoyed him. But he couldn’t see them under the dinner table.

“Got a date later, honey?” my mother said to him. He shot her a bit of an annoyed look.

“I’m just going out.”

I thought how pathetic he was on Christmas night all dressed up going out trying to meet girls. I knew how bad he was at talking to girls and I bet after all his time dressing up and trying to put on a show walking in when he was still on the phone that he was still going to be going home to his house that was bigger than my parents’ by himself that night. I rolled by eyes and smirked a little. He caught it and gave me a threatening look. All of those boys at school I had easily pushed around all semester, that were probably the same size as him, still hadn’t changed one thing. I lost the eye contact and looked down at my meal sheepishly. I could feel afraid to look up at him. The f*cker was still in my head.


Jan’s House

For a while after that Christmas, I didn’t see my brother very often. Part of that was because I was away at college, obviously, but even when I came home for breaks, he wouldn’t come by the house. He had his own life now, making money and I was sure thinking he was better than me, just now by disassociating himself as opposed to bullying me.

But as time passed at school, I hoped more and more when I came home from breaks that I would run into him. Picking on college boys, I was finding, was fun. Seeing how weak and humiliated they looked getting outwrestled or knocked over by a girl. I was never strong enough to do that in high school. I was playful for the most part, there was no need to hurt any of these boys. My brother, though, was different. And I was always mad at myself from looking away at Christmas when he gave me that look.

Coming back from summer vacation after my sophom*ore year I got possibly the best news that I had gotten since I started college. Ben lost his job. He had spent the last couple of year strutting around like he was better than everyone but now he was going to be 26-years-old, selling that BMW he loved so much, and living back with mommy and daddy. And his little sister. But this time it was going to be different.

I heard his car purr as it came into the driveway. I looked down at my body. I wanted to be showing plenty of skin and I was. I could see my nipples through the sports bra I had on that would have been big on me a couple of years earlier but now was pretty tight. Wearing nothing but the sports bra and some tight, skimpy shorts that even I wasn’t sure if they were shorts or underwear, I looked at my dry skin and my girly bare feet.

The door opened. He actually didn’t look too annoyed when he first saw what I was wearing, thought I was pleased to see how skinny he looked in the hundred dollar polo and khaki shorts he had on. He probably still had weight on my because of his height but so did a lot of the boys at school I had beaten up. He actually started some small talk with me. Had he finally grown up or had he been a bit humbled from losing his job? I played along with the small talk for a bit, though I made it a point to mention my weight gain. It only took a couple of minutes before he started telling me I needed to change the TV station. It was on.

When I refused, he started saying how he set the rules and how I better do what he said. 26-years-old and he still hadn’t grown up. I guess certain immaturities always stay the same between siblings. I refused and after we went back and forth a little, when I told him I could kick his ass, I could tell I got under his skin.

He jumped at me but I could tell he didn’t have quite the same confidence he had in the past. Dumb as he is, he had to see that I was bigger than him. I felt the impact of his weight as he landed on me and although it shook me up, I could tell he felt weak. I was now lying on the couch with my brother on top of me. He grabbed by wrists and tried to pin them down. I resisted and watched his face get a look of struggle on it as he tried to pin down my arms but couldn’t. I did feel some pain resisting, but I could also feel that his arms were too weak to pin my down. I was stronger than him.

He tried telling me he was stronger than me which just sounded silly as he couldn’t push down my arms. He tried saying since he was on top of me that he was still stronger. His skinny legs were lying on top of mine and as I started squirming my legs around, I could tell he wouldn’t be able to hold them down. I then used my legs to throw him off of me. I almost felt bad when I heard the loud thud of him hitting the floor. I had pushed guys around some but had never hurt one badly. Then I remembered who I was dealing with. I didn’t feel bad at all.

I jumped on top of him, my thicker body, my big boobs, and my powerful legs, all on top of him. He couldn’t move. I wrapped my legs around his and his legs felt so weak I felt like I had them locked up in chains.

I held him down like that for a while, feeling his wimpy body squirm, listening to him let out some whimpers as he fought but then trying to hold them back. The longer I lay on top of him without him being able to get me up, the more I was sure I was stronger than him and could kick his ass. The fact that he had jumped on me to begin with made it clear this was no fluke – I was now the tougher one.

He actually tried getting tough and tried bossing me to get off of him. It was a joke at this point as he lay underneath my strong body trying to tell me what to do, like he had any say anymore. When I wouldn’t get off of him he finally started to quiet down. That’s when I laid out the rules. He was going to be living there with me the whole summer. When mom and dad weren’t home, this was going to be Jan’s house. I was in charge and I set the rules from now on. He didn’t say anything. I started rubbing my knuckles into his ribs. I wasn’t sure what that would do, if anything, I just did it. At first he started laughing and I figured humiliating a boy by tickling him was always fun. But I was really getting excited by the control I had over him. I started doing it harder and he started to scream. His scream was so high-pitched, I swear, I would have thought they were coming from a girl if I wasn’t able to see him.

Listening to him scream, I figured I’d get him to say out loud that I was in charge. But despite all his squirming and screaming, the stubborn little bitch wouldn’t do it. I dug my knuckles in his ribs more and got more of a scream but he still wouldn’t concede defeat. His pain tolerance was stronger than his ego!

I then thought of a way I could get him. I was barefoot, like I was just about always when I was indoors. I put my bare foot on his nose and told him to lick my foot. Told him I’d break his nose if he didn’t lick my foot. Tried to scare him, mentioning how hard it would be to meet girls with a broken nose.

Based on how he preferred sitting there and screaming like a bitch to just admitting I was in charge, I didn’t think there was a chance in hell he was going to lick my foot. I sat on him with my foot on his nose pondering what to do. I couldn’t actually break his nose, I’d get in trouble for that one, but maybe I could just hit it enough to make him cry. But then the skinny f*cker actually took out his tongue. As I felt it touch the bottom of my foot and move up my sole, I felt power like I never felt. Beating people up gives you a feeling of power. But I will tell you, there is absolutely no greater feeling of power than having someone do the degrading deed of licking your feet. It’s something few of us achieve but you know you’ve won at life when you force someone to do that when they don’t want to. I think that was the hard point when both of us knew it was going to be Jan’s House moving forward when mom and dad weren’t around.



“Hey girl!” Kristen said excitedly when I called her up. “I’m home now too. We can I see you and those massive titt*es you’ve got now?”

“I’m still getting big other places too. But my titt*es remain looking good. Come on over tomorrow.”

“You said your douchebag brother is home now though, right? I’m cool if you wanna do something else.”

“No, I want you to come over. I’ve told you I’ve kicked a few guys’ at my school’s asses. Well, I tried my big bro. I whooped his ass. He’s a different person now.”

“What??” She sounded curious and surprised.

“Not only did I kick his ass. Made him my bitch. You know all the sh*t he used to do to me? Now it’s payback time. He does all my chores. Brings me sh*t if I ask him. Does whatever I say.”

“Holy sh*t girl,” she said, laughing, but sounding more eager than anything. “I hate that dick. I’ll kick his ass too.”

“Alright girl, chill,” I said with a laugh. “I’ve put on a ton of muscle the last couple of years. You’re still the little peanut you’ve always been, I don’t want to see him beat you up and then he thinks he has something on me.”

“If you can beat him up, I can beat him up!”

Kristen is a fun, laid back chick but when she gets her mind on something there’s no changing her mind. I figured it was just her talking anyway and nothing was going to come of it. I ended up being wrong on that one.


When Kristen showed up the next day I wanted to make sure I was putting on a bit of a show for her. I had Ben cleaning the walls and when she rang the doorbell I made him answer the door. The moment the door opened their eyes locked and I could tell by the intensity in her eyes that she was going to start some trouble with him. She came inside and we started talking a bit. She then made some comment to Ben about having to do the chores.

I could see a flip switch in his eyes and I wondered if he was going to snap back at her or if he’d be too afraid since I was there. He did start yelling back at her but he still didn’t sound like the bully he used to and now sounded like a whiny bitch in an argument. They started getting close to each other when Kristen grabbed him by the bicep and dug her finger into it. He grabbed her arm and did the same thing. I watched my wimpy brother and this tiny girl squeezing each other’s arms, trying my best not to burst out laughing. As they kept squeezing I could tell by the intense look on her face and his overwhelmed look that she was winning. He started whining asking her to let go. She did but bragged to him that she beat him up.

This led to the two of them in an actual fight. I promised I wouldn’t intervene on Kristen’s behalf and I meant it. As much as I despise my brother, she was the one instigating him and I wouldn’t have felt right not allowing him to defend himself. Plus, I was genuinely curious who’d win the fight. I never would have guessed my tiny friend could beat him up before she had come over but now that I had seen her make him whine like that I wasn’t so sure.

Instead of a wrestling match like he and I had been in, they were actually throwing slaps which turned to punches. I won’t get into the details too much but she absolutely owned him. She was too quick, too intense, and just new how to fight better. After giving him a good beating with her fists and open hands she kicked him in the kneecap which sent him to the floor crying. My puss* brother had just gotten beaten up by a cute girl that didn’t weigh much more than a hundred pounds. He was getting what he deserved for everything he had done to me and so much more.


Sometimes when you are lying in bed with your head clear, that is when something will just dawn on you that you hadn’t thought of earlier. Watching Kristen beat up my brother had been an enjoyable experience at the time. But I had to put on a lot of weight and get a lot stronger to beat him. Kristen somehow hadn’t gained a pound since she started college. And she was still able to easily beat him up. So what did that say about me? Kristen had always been smaller than me even before I gained weight. Did that mean she could have beaten me up before? Now that I had put on the weight, could she still beat me up? She was a much better fighter than I realized.

I stopped thinking about it. It had been a good day.


The Bitches’ Dominance

Let’s just say Kristen and I got a little co*cky after we had both beaten up my brother. We not only realized how tough that the two of us were but also how easy it was to get away with bullying other people when we were college girls. No one wanted to rat us for fear of humiliation. The two of us bullied a lot of people after that. Most of them were deserving of it in my opinion. If I told you’d each and every story, or if you already know some of them, you might say some of them hadn’t been deserving of it. I might even agree with you about some of them. And you’d call us bitches. But I don’t give a sh*t. You always hear people say that life isn’t fair. I think a more accurate truth is that people aren’t fair. Everyone has their own agenda about what is right and what is wrong but in the end, everyone’s decisions are based on their own opinions about what is right and wrong and in the end it always boils down to what’s in their own best interests. The fact is that whoever is the smartest and the strongest, those are the people that get what they want. Kristen and I were tough and we were smart about it. So we were getting what we wanted.


Jan vs. Amber

Kristen and I had dominated family members, we had dominated our peers, we even dominated a police officer. These people we dominated definitely knew who we were. But I didn’t realize just how much I was being noticed until I was asked to square off against Amber Cullen publicly.

I bullied plenty of people but I still got along with most people so I didn’t consider myself a bad person. I didn’t know Amber well but I did consider her a bad person, just watching her do the things that she did made me uneasy. I watched her grabbing the crotch of a fellow girl on campus publicly, the girl not able to do anything about it. And I knew for a fact that girl hadn’t done anything to her. Amber was doing it strictly because she was a bully.

There was the guy on New Year’s Eve who just happened to be engaged that she raped which led to his marriage being broken off. And then there was Katie. Amber beat her up and stole her boyfriend from her. Their rivalry continued and Amber ultimately literally sewed Katie’s mouth shut. And people call me a bitch.

I’ll admit, before Amber none of the people that I had beaten up were much of a challenge with the exception of this fat chick named Gwen that my brother had tried to pit on me once to save him. I took care of her pretty easily but she didn’t have the reputation of being a psycho-bitch like Amber. This was my first challenge where I was afraid. But my ego and the money was being offered made it so I couldn’t turn the offer down.

The size of the audience for this was another thing that made it a little frightening for me. My brother was out there watching, so was my ex, Bryan. If they saw me get my ass whooped how would that change the mental hold that I had over them? What also scared me was that this competition was going to be judging our looks too. I thought I was better looking than Amber in every aspect but guys can have f*cked up opinions about how good girls look sometimes. And even though she was a bigger bitch than me, I probably made more enemies so I figured there’d be some people in the audience voting against me just to spite me. For girls, having another girl look better than you can be worse than getting beaten up by one.

The contest started. 81% of the audience voted me for having the prettier face. That shot my confidence right up. I agreed with it but wasn’t expecting that many in the audience to agree. I have bigger tit* than she does so I was shocked when 53% of the audience voted her for having better boobs. She shot me a bitchy glance right after and I wanted to smack her in the face.

Then the audience judged our asses. That was the one area where even I thought she had me beat as when I put on that weight my ass got pretty big and for a thick girl she actually had a pretty tight ass. But I was surprised that she beat me with her boobs so maybe I’d be surprised again by the votes for the asses. I was surprised alright, but not in the way I wanted to be. 91% of the audience voted for her ass being better than mine. She was really starting to show me up. It had been a long time since I had been shown up and I didn’t like it. That desire I had to smack her in the face was starting to turn into a bit of feelings of being intimidated. Then they voted on our feet. 85% voted for Amber’s feet to be better than mine.

So most of them thought I had a prettier face but I had just been totally shown up with her having a better body. It was a humbling wake up call. I took a brief look at her bitchy smile before I surveyed the guys in the audience all cheering for this bitch while I stood up there feeling like a fool wearing a bikini in front of all of these guys that thought my body was inferior to hers. I just wanted to be out of there and didn’t want to even move forward with the strength competitions.

We sat down preparing to arm-wrestle and I worried that I was going to be shown up again. But once our hands locked, I almost knew at that point that I was going to win. Her grip did not feel especially strong and I was actually surprised that this girl had been able to bully so many people when she didn’t really feel that strong. I gave her hand a little squeeze and when I saw her wince, I knew I had this. Right when the match began I had a brief fear that maybe I was too overconfident and she was going to get me but that quickly went away when I started pushing down her arm. I was able to beat her fairly easily. Having a stronger arm than someone is a good feeling and as I heard the audience cheer I was already starting to worry less about her being hotter than me.

We then got on our backs to have a foot fight where we were going to push the bottoms of our bare feet together and try to push the other one’s legs back so their knees touched their chest and that person would be the winner. Whoever won 4 competitions first was going to be the winner and she was already up on me 3-2. She looked at me with a bitchy, almost vengeful, look.

“I’m putting you away now,” she said to me and I’ll never forget what she said next and how she said it. “You have NO IDEA how strong my legs are.”

She was in my head again. I may have beaten her in arm-wrestling but she was still defeating me in this overall competition 3-2. As strong as my legs were, I know firsthand that girls’ legs can be deceptively strong. It hit me that this really could be where I lost this competition. I didn’t want to lose in front of so many people. And the way she was looking at me and talking to me made me feel like she was going to make things extra bad for me if she beat me.

Our bare feet touched and I didn’t get the same feeling that I had when our arms locked for arm wrestling. Her feet felt firm and I could feel the strength in her legs behind them even without getting started. I might be in trouble.

But I had been fooled as once I started pushing and her legs went backwards I could feel that my legs were stronger than hers. I tried to look as cool and calm as I could, thinking it was funnier that way after she had been so confident. I felt her legs start to shake a bit which wasn’t uncommon. There was this guy I used to date who I’d sit between his legs. I could feel him squeezing my legs from the outside with his as tightly as he could. His legs would shake while I could barely feel that he was doing anything. Anyway, her legs kept shaking and when I pushed her back more I actually rolled her over. I was hoping for an outbreak of laughter from the audience since I had just shown her up and humiliated her. I didn’t get it but I did get the important victory to tie the competition at 3.

We then walked to the center of the wrestling ring to have the wrestling match that was going to determine the winner of this competition between the two biggest bitches around. I already had a height advantage on her and I had beaten her in every strength competition. I stared her down confidently and could see the fear in her eyes even though she was still looking at me with her bitchy look.

Amber shoved me first, that was just enough to piss me off as I put her in a headlock. She tried pulling my legs out from under me by grabbing them which was a joke. I put her head between my thighs and squeezed as she tried her best to get out. I threw Amber down and held her down with just my foot before I sat on her.

Amber tried to push me off of her but I just grabbed her wrists and held down her arms thinking how easy this was. I then moved to her side and scissored her. Amber pulled on my legs but watching her try and move my legs with her hands was laughable. As I squeezed harder I could see Amber was close to tapping. The match could have been mine but I got greedy right there. The bitch in me came out and I wanted to make her suffer.

I pulled Amber back up as I stood up and forced her head between my thighs again. This didn’t even feel like a wrestling match, just like me putting on a show, as she didn’t stand a chance against me. She pulled at my legs and when that didn’t do anything she started punching my legs. Punching was against the rules but the referee didn’t do anything and I didn’t care either. It didn’t even hurt.

It looked like Amber was about to try and tap out on me and I still didn’t want it to be over. I let go of her and threw her down, confusing her enough where she couldn’t tap. Using my foot to roll her over I absolutely loved the feeling of power. What was even better was that people were actually starting to cheer for me. Amber was one person who was probably more hated than me and it was weird hearing people root for me.

I knew it would hurt her pretty bad but I didn’t care as I jumped up and my big ass landed right on her chest. I felt her big tit* smoosh under my ass and they were probably the only thing that saved her from a couple of broken ribs. I actually felt a bit bad but like with my brother, all I had to do was remind myself who I was dealing with and I quickly got over it. I moved my ass up on her and as I started squeezing her head with my legs I could see her face turning purple. She pulled at my thighs but either she realized it wasn’t going to work or was just all out of energy as she gave up on that quickly.

Keeping her trapped like that, I knew I could do whatever I wanted to her and decided I was going to have more fun. I scooted up and sat my big ass right on her face! Before I had done that it felt like Amber had ran out of energy but this certainly gave her a jolt. Not only was she pulling on me harder but she was frantically moving her hands around different parts of my body seeing if there was a spot she’d be able to grab and pull free. Of course nothing worked and I just continued to sit on her. She started tapping out on my thigh. I had beaten her. The referee didn’t acknowledge her tap and I started to get a little worried. I had won, why wasn’t this over now? Was she going to find more adrenaline and get me off of her? I had gone this far and wouldn’t have been happy if I ended up losing when technically had won. My worries ended up being nothing but paranoia as Amber then tapped out on the mat and the referee awarded me with the victory. Amber was similar to me. She was hot, she had big tit*, she was strong, and she was a bully. And I had beaten her in front of all of these people.

I stood up, listening to the crowd going wild, still not used to being so popular. I feared that once I got up, I would have pissed Amber off enough where she was going to get up and just start pounding on me. But I looked down and she was lying flat with her arms out. I thought about how awful her humiliation must have felt right then and felt proud that I was the one that had caused it for her. I then made her worship my feet in front of everyone. I don’t know what it is that makes someone else worshiping your feet feel so good but it sure does feel good.


The First Royal Rumble

Me going head-to-head with Amber publicly was a money making event. If put some money in my pocket but plenty for the organizers. Soon after that I was asked to participate in The Royal Rumble, an event similar to the WWE Royal Rumble where 20 women draw numbers and enter the ring every couple of minutes until all but one are eliminated.

The only difference between this Royal Rumble and the WWE version is this was not fixed, all of us were going to be wrestling for real without a pre-determined winner. The only part that was kind of controlled by the organizers were that they thought Amber and I would be the biggest draws. They did choose the numbers randomly by a computer system but they entered me and Amber first thinking if we were entered 1 and 2 then the computer would be unlikely to select us early so we wouldn’t get stuck with early numbers and potentially eliminated early.

Their plan worked as I’m pretty sure Amber ended up drawing the bottom half of the numbers and I drew number 19. That was a relief as The Royal Rumble was going to be a much more intense affair than my public competition with Amber. I couldn’t even imagine being one of the first ones in the ring and having to fend off almost 20 people to try and win, although they still managed to talk me into the event before I had any idea what my number was going to be.

I went all out wearing an expensive bikini for the event. Granted I was in the back when the previous 18 girls had come out to the ring but I was pretty sure the reaction I was getting was louder than any of the other girls had when they made their entrance. Even more surprisingly, only about half of those people making noise were actually booing me – I was actually hearing plenty of cheers! It was just a reminder to me how big I had become and it took away some of the nervousness I had about entering a ring full of tough girls that were beating up on each other.

As I got closer, I saw that Amber was just lying on the ground, I had no idea who had done that to her, but I knew even though she was a mean bitch, that I wasn’t the only person that had beaten her up. I took the easy road to start, grabbing the hurt Amber by her hair and yanking the bitch to her feet. The fact that she had clearly already taken a beating in there, coupled with the fact that I could tell she was afraid of me, made it easy when I bullied her into the corner of the ring. I was beating on her without any resistance and as much fun as it was, I knew I had to get her out of that ring so I didn’t waste too much energy beating a dead horse. I tried lifting her up to throw her out but the bitch was heavier than I expected. I hadn’t had to actually lift her when I had beaten her previously. It took a toll on my muscles and back a bit lifting her up, but it was satisfying listening to the cheers of the audience when I threw her over the ropes and eliminated her. So far, so good. Right after she hit the floor I heard the bell ring. Coming towards the ring as the final participant was Jamie the Farm Girl.

I didn’t know Jamie well, I had heard she was strong since she had grown up on a farm, but she wasn’t much bigger than Kristen, her legs a bit bigger, and she didn’t look intimidating. I clearly didn’t scare her either as she ran right at me and before I knew it, this short girl had me in a headlock with my head pushed against her hip and she was punching me in the face.

I pulled at her arm but she had the headlock on me tight and getting punched in the face repeatedly was making it difficult for me to pull hard enough to get free. As I stood there bent over, trapped in this girl’s headlock, getting pounded on in front of a sold-out arena I thought how crazy I was for getting involved in this to begin with. I had bullied a lot of weaker people but Jamie seemed to be the first tough person I was fighting. What was I thinking getting involved in this?

I didn’t give up though, and I reminded myself who I was. I was the main headline of this even, not Jamie, and when I thought about that I managed to pull free from her headlock. I was heated once I did and I picked the small girl up and just threw her down hard on the mat. Now with plenty of adrenaline, I picked her up again and did the same thing.

I tried to pick her up again and when she kicked me in the stomach I wondered if I should just avoid this girl altogether. There were others in the ring, probably more tired, and maybe someone else could take care of Jamie for me. But then she tried to sweep my legs out from under me with her leg. My legs didn’t move and it reminded me that I was a lot stronger than her.

I bent down and yanked Jamie to her feet. She punched me in the face, it hurt, but it reminded me that it was a lot easier to deal with pain than it was with someone stronger than you and I was the stronger one. I charged at her, she kneed me in the thigh, more pain, but I then I just threw her over the ropes. I hadn’t even been in there that long and I had eliminated two girls. I was feeling good about things.

Right after I eliminated Jamie I felt myself take a sucker punch in the side of the head. I turned to see Heather Harris had hit me and had I known more about her then I might have been worried. But I saw she had some blood on her face already and even though she was taller than Jamie, she didn’t seem like she’d be that hard to deal with.

I punched Heather back, she didn’t look affected by the punch, but I knew I’d be stronger than her too. I just grabbed her and forced her backwards into the ropes and punched her a bit before I threw her over the ropes and eliminated her as well.

I was cleaning up, happy I was putting on a show for those who cheered me, and even happier to be disappointing those who had booed me. I looked over to see Amanda Weinberg standing above Gina, Gina a thick girl who was the first one I had seen in the ring that I was worried might be stronger than me. I didn’t know how Amanda Weinberg of all people, an extremely annoying woman, who I didn’t know how she could beat up anyone, seemed to have the upper hand over the thick, strong Gina.

Either way, I figured this was a good opportunity to get Gina out of the ring as she wasn’t one I’d want to be going one-on-one against. Seeing how skinny Amanda’s upper body looked, I grabbed Gina’s legs and told Amanda to take her arms. I was lifting Gina’s lower body easier than Amanda was lifting her upper body and Amanda couldn’t get her up at all.

We switched and that ended up working better, though I was basically holding Gina up by myself, with Amanda helping very little. Gina probably weighed close to 200 pounds. I was starting to get a little winded hauling this heavy girl around and I resented Amanda as I watched her just looking at me with that dumb look on her face. Not able to look at Amanda anymore, I turned my head towards the ropes and started pulling Gina on my own. I could feel myself running out of breath more but I still had adrenaline. I didn’t know what Amanda did to Gina, or what someone else did, but Gina was out cold. I threw her against the ropes and hit her a couple of times before I threw her out and eliminated her. It took a lot out of me but I had done it.

I looked back at Amanda and as much as I wanted to just be rid of her, I had to be strategic. Hannah and Laura, two girls even bigger than Gina, were going at it and the last thing I wanted was for those two to suddenly team up against me. I motioned at Amanda for us to attack them, thinking I could get all of them worn down a bit more this way.

I kicked Laura in the hip when she wasn’t ready for it and as I braced for an attack, she actually attacked Amanda. Unsurprisingly, Laura slammed Amanda down and started beating on her. Hannah had taken a beating from Laura and she was up against the ropes. Laura was the biggest threat of the 3 and I had to get rid of her. I got behind her, got her in a chokehold, and started pulling her away from Amanda while I could.

Amanda came up and kicked Laura a couple of times but that helped little. Jamie had felt strong to me but she was nothing compared to the big Laura. Laura was pulling on my arm and I was holding her neck for dear life, now getting no help from Amanda. Laura ultimately got free from my chokehold and we had quite the fight. I won and ultimately eliminated Laura but she was a tough girl and it took a lot out of me.

I looked around and realized it was now just me and Amanda in the ring. We were going to fight to see who was the winner of this big event. In a Royal Rumble you get so caught up in your own fight you don’t realize others are being eliminated as you’re fighting. I felt tired but Amanda looked like she was going to be a cakewalk compared to Laura. I was ready to make her endure some suffering before I eliminated her for her making me do all of the work with Laura on my own.

I took control of her immediately, which didn’t surprise me at all. She had some weight in her lower body but she was weaker than any of the other girls I had gone up against. I got a hold of her and slammed her on the ground. I grabbed her, picked her up, and did the same thing.

She was lying on her back but when I went after her again, she put up her legs, putting her bare, bony feet up like she was trying to show them off. They were so pale that they really stuck out. As I got closer to her she used just her feet to push me away. I tried to get by them but she managed to shift her body and use just her feet to push me away again. It was quickly starting to drive me crazy that I couldn’t get by her feet. Every time I tried to move past them she moved them to block me. When I tried to use my hands to sweep her feet away she kicked my forearms. It hurt and made me think not to try that again. Looking at this pale, unattractive girl, with a thin upper body but thick lower body, with feet that were disproportionately large for her, stopping me from getting close to her was really getting on my nerves and being pushed around by her feet while she was lying down was very humiliating in front of all of these people. I was sure I’d get by those feet eventually and when I did I was really going to make her pay.

I moved in more aggressively and that was when she got her legs around my ribs, scissoring me. She had felt weaker than the other girls but once she got those legs around me she just latched on and squeezed, and she suddenly felt a lot stronger. Breaking the scissors of someone with strong legs is extremely difficult even if you’re stronger than the person. I was quickly running out of energy as I desperately tried to pull her legs apart. She started rocking me back and forth, really humiliating me.

She was one step ahead of me now and when I thought I may get free she used her legs to throw me on the ground hard. I could feel my entire body shake, feeling the wrath of her strong legs. She came at me and I tried to fend her off but she managed to get me on my back and sit on me. Her ass cheeks felt like two heavy sandbags holding me down and I could not get her off of me.

While sitting on me, she put her two bare feet right in my face, rubbing them all over me, and shoving them in my mouth. I could hear people in the crowd laughing at me. I was frantically trying to get her feet away from my face by grabbing them and swatting at them. I couldn’t quite do it and I knew I would eventually but in the meantime I was a bad victim of forced foot worship. Maybe in the outside world, making someone worship your feet was a way to defeat them but this was the Royal Rumble. Even if I couldn’t get her off of me, she was not going to win until she tried to throw me out. Once that happened she was dead.

It took much longer than I wanted it to but I was finally able to push her off of me. The amount of time just added to my pent up rage. She jumped to her feet and I planned on making sure she didn’t get any kind of advantage at all. The fact that I was stronger than her, combined with the rage and adrenaline I was feeling at the moment like I had never felt, made me confident I could do that easily.

The only thing that could have stopped me at that point was what she did – she took off running. If she left the ring I’d be the winner so I didn’t think there was a chance she’d actually do that as I chased after her, still wanting to get my hands on her. But she did just that, jumping over the top rope and eliminating herself.

I had won the Royal Rumble, all the ‘fame’, and I’d be winning the big monetary prize, but I could still feel her feet on my face, I could still taste her feet in my mouth, and I looked at thAe whole audience that had seen Amanda Weinberg humiliate me with her bare feet. Before I accepted anything I needed to get my hands on that bitch that was running back towards the dressing room and really hurt her. Before I got anywhere close, two large male security guards grabbed me and Amanda ran out of sight to the dressing rooms. Security held me, ‘the winner’, as I listened to the sold out arena chanting ‘foot bitch, bitch...’


After the First Royal Rumble

I won plenty of money for my victory but when they say money can’t buy happiness, they are correct. I would have given all of the money back to not have this public humiliation hanging over my head. I needed to get revenge on Amanda Weinberg, that was the only thing on my mind. She had to be making an effort to avoid me because I couldn’t find her anywhere. I tried to inquire with others but it didn’t get very far. No one actually wants to hang out with that annoying bitch and since she only took night classes on campus and was an adult learner, it was tough to find out when she was around. Some attempts as asking just invited people to mock me so I backed off. Some of those people that mocked me I could have beaten up myself but I didn’t want to go there. Amanda was the one I wanted to hurt. It was OK. The first Royal Rumble was a huge success. There would be a second and I would get her then.


The Second Royal Rumble

I had no interest in winning. I had already won the first one, despite what anyone said about Amanda being the real winner, she got up and ran away and I had won. I did not need to prove that I could win a Royal Rumble. I just needed to prove to everyone that I could beat up Amanda Weinberg and that was exactly what I planned to do. I even made that publicly clear before the event that was my ONLY intention. The biggest problem was that I wasn’t made aware of who else was going to be competing in this Royal Rumble. So I didn’t even know if Amanda would be part of it.

I was assigned number 17 out of 20 so I’d be coming in as one of the last ones, exactly what the organizers of the event wanted, I’m sure. In this case, I would have been fine being number 1, that would have ensured that Amanda would have to face me, unless I got eliminated before she came in, which I had no intention of allowing to happen. Now I had no idea if she’d actually be in the ring when I came out. We weren’t allowed access to the TV or internet as we waited, as to not give us any kind of extra advantage.

Once the ring was in sight, I saw plenty of girls in there fighting. I couldn’t make out who any of them were, but there was one who was just in the ring standing by herself, not even engaging in any fighting. I could tell by her bad posture and her extremely pale skin even that far away that it was Amanda.

I tried to keep my cool, not seeming too eager, as I walked towards the ring normally. I had been waiting so long for this that every part of me wanted to just run right in there and tear her head off but now that the opportunity was finally here, I didn’t want to rush.

I ignored everyone in the sold out arena chanting ‘foot bitch, foot bitch’ at me. I wanted to go out there and beat up every single one of them and when I thought about how that was impossible, how I had so many people taking pleasure in mocking me, it made me want to break down and cry. Hadn’t I dealt with enough with my brother in the past where I didn’t deserve to go through this again? I just used it as motivation to want to hurt Amanda more as I got closer.

I had been trying my best not to get distracted but then I couldn’t help but look out to the audience and see a nerdy looking guy holding a sign that said ‘FOOT BITCH’. I knew I couldn’t take on an arena full of people but this loser had spent extra time to make that sign and I knew just by looking at him I could take him. I lost it there and started challenging him to come down and fight me. I could see the look in his eyes, the look of a coward who deep down was terrified of me, but felt safe enough in the position he was in. I had to forget about this guy and take care of Amanda but I did yell to him that I was going to find him afterwards and get him, not realizing that would actually happen.

I turned my attention back towards the ring and charged. People were still chanting ‘foot bitch’ and even though I couldn’t see the dork with the sign I knew he was still holding it up. And there stood Amanda in the ring, the one who was responsible all of this was happening to me.

I jumped over the top rope with an agile move that the audience probably would have appreciated if they weren’t all mocking me. I charged Amanda and I could see fear in her eyes. I was glad that fear was there but I wouldn’t be satisfied until I saw pain and humiliation. As I got closer to her I didn’t even know exactly what I was going to do. Would I punch her, kick her, throw her down? Maybe that was what screwed me but once I got within her reach her palm hit me in the nose so fast I had no chance of stopping it.

I felt the pain shoot through my entire face, going right to my brain, and I felt my eyes uncontrollably water up. I got a brief look at Amanda standing there. She didn’t even look surprised at what she had done which made this worse. I put my hands to my face and saw blood all over my hands that had come from my nose – no one had ever made me bleed before!

Furious, I just attacked her again, with no real plan, and I took another palm to the nose. All of the rage I had pent up, all of the revenge I had planned, was going away in a hurry as she was hurting me, and I wondered if I still wanted to mess with her. But hearing the approval of the crowd motivated me to attack again. I tried to grab her and took another strike to the nose, I tried to punch her but I missed and took another strike to the nose. I had sworn what happened at the first Royal Rumble was a fluke but now reality was hitting me – Amanda Weinberg could beat me up. And that made me start to cry in the ring.

Amanda ended up knocking me down and as she stood above me she ordered me to worship her feet. Anyone who is thinking they wouldn’t have done that in that ring no matter what has never been beaten up badly before. When another person dominates you and shows they can beat you up and there is nothing you can do about it, no one to save you, you do what they say to avoid more of a beating. I learned humility like I never could have imagined as I lay on my back worshipping her bony feet.

We ended up standing up and I ultimately ended up doing what Amanda did the first Royal Rumble – I eliminated myself. As I quickly walked away from the ring with my head down, seeing the blood coming from my nose hitting the mats on the floor, I thought how I was going to have to reevaluate my life. For the time I was just happy I didn’t have to fight Amanda any longer.

I started making my way back thinking of nothing other than getting out of there until I spotted the dork with the Foot Bitch sign up again. He had already refused my challenge the first time but he still was shameless enough to stand there only holding it because he knew he was safe out in the audience. I started yelling at him challenging him to come down again thinking he’d at least realize what a puss* he was and put the sign down. But with no shame at all, he kept holding it up, despite the fact it was obvious he was afraid to come near me.

When I first felt my hair get yanked from behind, it was such a hard grab that I thought it was security. It was only when I started getting walked towards backstage that I realized it was Amanda that grabbed me. I didn’t want to yell for help, I had too much pride for that, but both of us had been eliminated and I thought for sure that security would break this up.

But no one seemed to have any interest in helping out the girl who had been known for bullying so many. Once we were backstage and Amanda still had my hair, I really started to become afraid. She took me into her dressing room and when she closed the door and locked it I was terrified. I wasn’t sure exactly what was going to do to me but quickly learned she wanted me to worship her feet. As I got on my knees licking and sucking, I thought about how I was truly a bitch again.


After the Second Royal Rumble

Unfortunately, what Amanda was doing to me didn’t end after the second Royal Rumble. She took me back to her apartment that night which wasn’t a pleasant place. It wasn’t much bigger than my dorm room, she slept on a futon, and there was nothing hanging on her white walls.

“You’re going to be spending a lot of time here,” she said to me as I was looking at it.

I couldn’t ask for help. If I tried going to police I would have set myself up for all of the people I had bullied to speak out against me and I would have ended up on a lot more trouble than Amanda would have been in. When you do bad things to people you have to accept that if someone retaliates and does bad things to you, you can’t suddenly going crying for help. And Amanda took my phone from me so I couldn’t even get in touch with friends or know if anyone was trying to reach me. My only option was to try and fight her. After two public humiliations she was in my head. I was too afraid to retaliate.

So what was it like being Amanda’s bitch? First off, she is absolutely obsessed with her feet. I had liked to make people worship my feet to degrade and humiliate them but she actually enjoyed her own feet. She’d talk about them, wiggle them, take pictures of them and show them to me. When she had me on the ground doing whatever she wanted me to, to her feet, I’d have to listen to her blab about how much she loved them.

Obviously being a bitch is not something you want to be, but being hers was especially unpleasant. I don’t think she hung out with a guy the entire time that I was there. And I literally don’t think she has any friends. But she’s so in love with herself that she doesn’t even notice. She goes about her life happy and laughing at her own stupid jokes, she must have loved having me there just to have another human to listen to her nonsense. She watches dumb stuff on TV, barely drinks, and has the worst taste in food. Meanwhile, my life was doing my schoolwork, doing chores for her, worshipping her feet, and watching her go about her pathetic life.


The Third Royal Rumble

When news came that there was going to be the third Royal Rumble, Amanda put me on my knees for a good talk.

“This time I am going to win the Royal Rumble,” she said as she tugged on my ear and rubbed her foot in my face, I was just not getting used to her feet whatsoever. “And you are going to make sure I do.” She tugged on my ear harder. Despite her obnoxious voice that actually made her sound about 20 years older than she actually was, she could be pretty intimidating, especially when you knew what she could do. “I don’t want anyone to touch me there. You’re a tough girl. You’re going to make sure no one comes near me. And then when you and I are the last two – you’re going to be the one that eliminates yourself. And I am going to walk away as the winner.”

I genuinely wanted to do exactly what she wanted me to. You know you’re someone’s bitch when you really want to make them happy despite how poorly they treat you. I wasn’t expecting any type of reward if I actually helped her win, I just knew it would be far better for me than the alternative.

The biggest difference between the third Royal Rumble and the previous two was that men were going to make up half the participants – and those men were ones that had been bullied by the women that were in it. This time numbers were not done by computer, we literally drew numbers out of a hat so no one had any kind of advantage in drawing the numbers. It showed because this time I drew number 9 of 30.

I walked towards the ring dressed in a clown outfit that Amanda made me wear. The people in the sold out audience laughing at me didn’t bother me since all I cared about was helping Amanda win. She wasn’t in the ring when I got in there – but my brother Ben was.

Yeah it was beyond humiliating having my brother who I had taken over, seeing me brought down to this as I was in the ring in this big event looking ridiculous in a clown swimsuit, clown face paint, and a clown nose that the referee made me take off before I entered the ring. But I used that embarrassment to my advantage. Ben tried giving me a bit of attitude at first, acting like he might be able to start bullying me again. I threw him down and kicked him, reminding him who was in charge.

Now that that was established, my mind was still set on making sure Amanda won and if my brother was in the ring, he was going to help that happen, as much of a puss* as he was. I pulled him in the corner in front of me as some body armor. I needed to be in this ring to defend Amanda but to get to me, anyone would have to get through past Ben first.

Before Amanda came into the ring, her brother Jack did. Amanda had shown her dominance over her brother but he was younger than she was and they just didn’t have the kind of history that Ben and I did. He actually came up to me trying to make friends. I told him to shut up and to also get in front of me, giving me double the body armor.

Laura Hudson ended up coming along and taking Jack away from me. She focused on him, putting him in a chicken wing and making him scream like I’ve never heard a guy scream before. This was fine with me. Laura probably weighed around 200 pounds so if I was getting bullied by Amanda, I wasn’t excited about going up against Laura.

Amanda ended up coming in the ring at number 17, quite a bit after I had entered, but luckily I hadn’t been involved in too much to wear me out during that time. I didn’t see her coming in as Ben and I were busy throwing someone else out and she came up behind both of us, grabbed us by the hair, and pulled us in the corner.

Bryan, my ex-boyfriend who I had beaten up, came in the ring soon after that. I took immediately grabbed him as more body armor. Amanda had me protecting her and Ben and Bryan, my two bitches, were protecting me. Things were working out perfectly.

When number 20 got called was when everything changed. It was Kristen and I saw my cute friend running towards the ring with the intensity I always admired in her. I had been so busy thinking about how I was going to protect Amanda, that I didn’t even consider what would happen if Kristen was part of the event. I hadn’t spoken to her since before the second Royal Rumble.

She immediately came at us and I could tell she was trying to recruit me on her side. We were longtime friends but I was Amanda’s bitch and, as much as it killed me, I had to make sure I was protecting Amanda. I moved towards Kristen and grabbed her but was more pleading for her to go focus on someone else. But the intense girl did not give up. I pushed her back more and that was when she smacked me across the side of the head.

I was shocked. I knew she was tough but for a small girl, she could really hit. My ears were ringing and when I looked at her staring at me like she thought she had every right to do that it set me off more. Being hit hard by a longtime friend might be worse than being hit by an enemy. Kristen was the small girl who I knew for a long time and I figured it was assumed between the two of us that I could beat her up. But I looked at her cute eyes some more, not looking away from me. It was almost like we had telepathy as we both turned around at that point, knowing exactly what we needed to do.

We charged Amanda, each grabbed an arm, but Amanda pulled her arm free from Kristen, hit Kristen in the face, and then Bryan hit Kristen in the back of the head. Ben tried to pull me off of Amanda and as much of a puss* as he is, it was enough for Amanda to get free and she got me in a headlock. I could feel my adrenaline surging knowing that after what I had just done, I better pull this off or I was really going to pay. As I hard as I was trying, I just could not beat Amanda. She threw me down and then she kicked Kristen, knocking her down. Amanda started kicking me repeatedly. She yelled at me as she did it and with all of the noise and how fast she was talking based on how riled up she was, I couldn’t really make out what she was saying, other than I could tell she was letting me know I was going to pay for turning on her.

Officer Melinda Moretti, a middle-aged cop suddenly came up behind Amanda and punched her in the side of the head. Amanda is strong but she’s not tough enough to take a punch from a cop. I watched Melinda start to take Amanda to the ropes. She was going to save me from her.

But was she going to save me? Amanda getting eliminated wasn’t going to solve my problem. I ran over to Melinda and told her to keep Amanda in the ring.

I put up my fists. I had to solve this problem now. Amanda awkwardly put her hands up and with how awkward her fighting stance looked, I couldn’t believe she had ever beaten me up. As I was about to throw a punch she got her palm strike off quicker and hit me hard in the nose. My eyes immediately filled with tears, partly from the pain, but more from the frustration that no matter what I did, I could not beat Amanda Weinberg.

She hit me in the nose again. Now feeling like I had no chance, I didn’t try to hit her. She moved towards me, pointing at her feet, ordering me to get on my knees and worship her feet, as the sold out arena was all yelling ‘foot bitch’ so loud that I couldn’t hear myself think. I started bending down, fully prepared to worship her feet.

Then she wiggled her toes on her right foot like she was inviting me to come do it. There was something about that that just set me off and a switch turned inside of me. I charged at Amanda, catching her off guard like she had to me with all of those palm strikes. When my body collided with hers I could feel how much bigger and stronger I was as she went down.

I straddled her, now with full confidence back, knowing that I could beat her up, I just needed to believe that I could. I started rapidly punching her in the face and with my legs enclosed around the sides of her upper body, I knew there was no way she was moving. Listening to the foot bitch chants stop and the crowd overall quieting down drastically was extremely satisfying.

I saw how much I had bloodied Amanda’s face and as much as I wanted to keep pounding on it, I knew not to take any chances of extending this longer than I needed to. I yanked her to her feet, dragged her over to the ropes, and threw her over. I had eliminated her. But my work wasn’t done yet. I had more important business to take care of than winning this Royal Rumble.

I jumped over the top rope, eliminating myself, and I ran towards the bloody Amanda. I took her arms behind her back and began walking her to the back. If security tried to stop me after everything she had done to me, I was ready to fight them all. But none of them got involved. (Story continues in comments)

Last edited by ajbrown; 03-Jun-24 at 04:49.

Jan's Autobiography - Male vs Female (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.