Pets, Dog and Cat Allergies | Symptoms & Treatment | ACAAI Public Website (2024)


A pet allergy can contribute to constant allergy symptoms, as exposure can occur at work, school, day care or in other indoor environments, even if a pet is not present.

Pet Allergy Symptoms

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Facial pain (from nasal congestion)
  • Coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and wheezing
  • Watery, red or itchy eyes
  • Skin rash orhives

Pet Allergy Management and Treatment

  • Avoid being around dogs and cats; if you have a pet at home, take specific steps to limit exposure.
  • Nasal sprays, antihistamines and bronchodilators can help relieve symptoms.
  • Considerallergy shots(immunotherapy).

Do you want to know if it’s Fluffy or Fido causing you to wheeze and sneeze?

It’s time for an allergist.

Cat Allergies

If your nose runs and your eyes water or you start sneezing and wheezing after petting or playing with a cat, you likely have a cat allergy. A cat allergy can contribute to constantallergy symptoms, as exposure can occur at work, school, day care or in other indoor environments, even if a cat is not present.

Cats produce multiple allergens (proteins that can cause allergy). These allergens are found on the fur and skin and in saliva. All cats produce allergens; studies have not shown that cats can be hypoallergenic (meaning that they don’t cause allergy). Homes with more than one cat have higher levels of cat allergens. Characteristics such as the length of a cat’s hair, its sex and the amount of time a cat spends indoors are not associated with cat allergen levels.

Dustandpollenin a cat’s coat can also cause allergy symptoms. In those cases, the allergy is to the dust or pollen, not to the cat.

Of all the pollen, and mold, and animal dander, dust mites that we have studied, the cat dander is absolutely the smallest dander. And what that means is that allergen remains airborne for at least 30 minutes after you disturb it in the room. That just allows the allergic patient to have a constant exposure to that allergen.

Allergist Dana Wallace, MD

Cat Allergy Symptoms

Cat allergy symptoms range from mild to severe, depending on an individual’s sensitivity and the level of exposure to allergens. Those variables may also influence how quickly symptoms develop after exposure. Highly sensitive people can develop symptoms, including breathing problems or a rash, within minutes of touching a cat or entering a house with a cat.

Cat allergy symptoms may include:

  • Sneezing or a runny or stuffy nose
  • Facial pain (from nasal congestion)
  • Coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and wheezing
  • Watery, red or itchy eyes
  • Skin rash orhives

Some people may also develop a rash or hives after being scratched by a cat.

Diagnosing Cat Allergies

Do you suspect you’re suffering from cat allergies? Anallergistcan provide you with a diagnosis and treatment.

A skin-prick test is the most common way of diagnosing a cat allergy. For this test, a small amount of an extract of cat allergen is placed on your skin. Your skin is then pricked with a small, sterile probe, allowing the liquid to seep under the skin’s surface. You’ll then be monitored for swelling and redness or other signs of a reaction, signaling an allergy. Results typically become evident within 15 to 20 minutes.

Even if you’re sure your symptoms are caused by a cat, it’s a good idea to be tested, since the symptoms may actually be caused by other environmental exposures.

Cat Allergy Management and Treatment

Avoidance is the best way to manage a cat allergy. If you have a cat and are allergic to cats, consider removing the cat from the home.

If you have a cat but don’t want to find it a new home, or if your family wants a cat even though someone in the household is allergic, here are some strategies that may help keep symptoms at bay:

  • Keep the cat out of your bedroom and restrict it to only a few rooms. Be advised that keeping the cat in only one room will not limit the allergens to that room.
  • Don’t pet, hug or kiss the cat; if you do, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) cleaners run continuously in a bedroom or living room can reduce allergen levels over time.
  • Regular use of a high-efficiency vacuum cleaner or a central vacuum can reduce allergen levels.
  • Giving your cat a bath at least once a week can reduce airborne cat allergen.

Treatments for cat allergy vary, depending on the symptoms.

Your allergist can help determine what treatment would be best to treat your cat allergy. Nasal symptoms often are treated with steroid nasal sprays, oral antihistamines or other oral medications. Eye symptoms are often treated with antihistamine eyedrops. Respiratory or asthma symptoms can be treated with inhaled corticosteroids or bronchodilators to either prevent or relieve respiratory symptoms.

Allergy shots(immunotherapy) are an effective treatment of allergies by building tolerance over time through gradually injecting increasing doses of an allergen.

Is there an allergy-free cat?

Cats produce multiple allergens (proteins that can cause allergy). These allergens are found on the fur and skin and in saliva. All cats produce allergens; studies have not shown that cats can be hypoallergenic. Homes with more than one cat have higher levels of cat allergens. Characteristics such as the length of a cat’s hair, its sex and the amount of time a cat spends indoors are not associated with cat allergen levels.

Dog Allergy

If your nose runs or you start sneezing and wheezing after petting or playing with a dog, you may be allergic to dogs.

Dogs produce multiple allergens, or proteins that can cause allergy. These allergens are found in dog hair, dander, saliva and urine. All dogs produce allergens; studies have not shown that dogs can be hypoallergenic (not cause allergy). Dog allergen levels increase if the dog lives indoors and are higher in the rooms where a dog is allowed.

Dustandpollenin a dog’s coat can also cause allergy symptoms. In those cases, the allergy is to dust or pollen, not to the dog.

If you remove a cat from a home, you clean all the walls down, do the laundry, do the draperies, it still takes six months for the level of cat protein to get down to normal.

Allergist Warner Carr, MD

Dog Allergy Symptoms

Do you suspect you’re suffering from dog allergies? An allergist can provide proper diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms may include:

  • Sneezing or a runny or stuffy nose
  • Facial pain (from nasal congestion)
  • Coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and wheezing
  • Watery, red or itchy eyes
  • Skin rash orhives

Some people may also develop a rash or hives after being scratched or licked by a dog.

Diagnosing Dog Allergies

Do you suspect you’re suffering from dog allergies? Anallergistcan evaluate whether can provide proper diagnosis and treatment.

A skin-prick test is the most common way of diagnosing a dog allergy. For this test, a small amount of an extract of dog allergen is placed on your skin. Your skin is then pricked with a small, sterile probe, allowing the liquid to seep under the skin’s surface. You’ll then be monitored for swelling and redness or other signs of a reaction, signaling an allergy. Results typically become evident within 15 to 20 minutes.

Even if you’re sure your symptoms are caused by a dog, it’s a good idea to be tested, since the symptoms may actually be caused by other environmental exposures.

Dog Allergy Management and Treatment

Avoidance is the best way to manage a dog allergy. If you have a dog and are allergic to dogs, consider removing the dog from the home.

If you have a dog but don’t want to find it a new home, or if your family wants a dog even though someone in the household is allergic, here are some strategies that may help keep symptoms at bay:

  • Keep the dog out of your bedroom and restrict it to only a few rooms. Be advised that keeping the dog in only one room will not limit the allergens to that room.
  • Don’t pet, hug or kiss the dog; if you do, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) cleaners run continuously in a bedroom or living room can reduce allergen levels over time.
  • Regular use of a high-efficiency vacuum cleaner or a central vacuum can reduce allergen levels.
  • Giving your dog a bath at least once a week can reduce airborne dog allergen.

Treatments for dog allergy vary, depending on the symptoms.

Your allergist can help determine what treatment would be best to treat your dog allergy. Nasal symptoms are often treated with steroid nasal sprays, oral antihistamines or other oral medications. Eye symptoms are often treated with antihistamine eyedrops. Respiratory or asthma symptoms can be treated with inhaled corticosteroids or bronchodilators to either prevent or relieve respiratory symptoms.

Allergy shots(immunotherapy) are an effective treatment of allergies by building tolerance over time through gradually injecting increasing doses of an allergen.

Is there an allergy-free dog?

While poodles, Portuguese water dogs and a number of other breeds (including several types of terriers) have a reputation for being hypoallergenic, a truly allergy-free breed does not exist. A2011 studycompared dust samples from homes with dog breeds reported to be hypoallergenic and those of homes with other dogs. The levels of dog allergen in homes with “hypoallergenic” dogs did not differ from the levels in homes with other breeds.

This page was reviewed for accuracy 4/23/2018.

Pets, Dog and Cat Allergies | Symptoms & Treatment | ACAAI Public Website (2024)


What are the best pets for people with cat and dog allergies? ›

Pocket pets like birds, hedgehogs, chinchillas, or hamsters are other options for pets that may not trigger your allergies. You may also consider adopting a potbelly pig, guinea pig, gerbil, or rabbit. These pets are more likely to be hypoallergenic because many do not have shed proteins that can affect allergies.

How do I permanently get rid of pet allergies? ›

Can you get rid of pet allergies? You can't get rid of pet allergies. However, you can take OTC antihistamine pills, nasal corticosteroids and nasal antihistamines to treat your symptoms. For some people, allergy shots (immunotherapy) offer a long-term solution to managing pet allergies.

Which allergy medicine is best for pet allergies? ›

Treating Dog Allergies

Your doctor might recommend: Antihistamines, which block the effects of a chemical that triggers dog allergy symptoms; they're sold over the counter -- like cetirizine (Zyrtec), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), fexofenadine (Allegra), and loratadine (Claritin) -- or by prescription.

How can I help my cat and dog with allergies? ›

Avoid being around dogs and cats; if you have a pet at home, take specific steps to limit exposure. Nasal sprays, antihistamines and bronchodilators can help relieve symptoms. Consider allergy shots ( immunotherapy ).

What animal is no one allergic to? ›

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptile and amphibian pets like lizards, snakes, frogs, and turtles don't have dander the way cats and dogs do, so they're typically hypoallergenic. Reptiles do shed their skin, but this isn't likely to cause allergy trouble.

What is the most hypoallergenic pet? ›

Without further ado, here is our list of the 11 best hypoallergenic pets to own:
  • Guinea Pigs. ...
  • Hamsters or Gerbils. ...
  • Rabbits. ...
  • Frogs. ...
  • Parakeets or co*ckatiels. ...
  • Turtles. ...
  • Snakes. ...
  • Goldfish. Okay, I have to admit: Keeping goldfish as pets seems like the lamest, nerdiest way to keep pets and avoid allergy attacks.
Jan 28, 2020

Can you take Zyrtec every day? ›

Depending on your symptoms, you can take antihistamines: Every day, to help keep daily symptoms under control. Only when you have symptoms. Before being exposed to things that often cause your allergy symptoms, such as a pet or certain plants.

Do air purifiers help with pet allergies? ›

Thankfully, air purifiers can help relieve pet allergy symptoms at home by removing fine particulate matter such as pet dander from your indoor environment. We explore the benefits of air purifiers for homes with pets, highlighting how they can help improve your indoor air quality and overall wellbeing.

Does vacuuming remove pet dander? ›

Reduce dander, dust and allergens with regular vacuuming

Keeping your house completely hair-free is impossible, but vacuuming your carpets, hard floors, soft furnishings and mattress can go a long way to reducing it.

Is Claritin or Zyrtec better? ›

“Claritin is a 24-hour antihistamine that works in the same way as Zyrtec, however, research has found that Claritin may be less potent than Zyrtec and therefore less effective,” explains Dr. Parikh. Although potential side effects may also be minimized as a result, she adds.

Is Claritin or Zyrtec better for dogs? ›

Both Claritin and Zyrtec are effective at reducing allergy symptoms in pets. However, some pets may respond better to one medication than the other. Always consult with your veterinarian first. Additionally, it's important to note that certain forms of Claritin may contain decongestants, which are toxic to pets.

Can I give my dog 10 mg of Zyrtec? ›

It can be given either every 24 hours for atopic dermatitis, or every 12 hours for allergy symptoms. Here's the recommended Zyrtec dosage for dogs based on their weight: Less than 10 pounds: 2.5 milligrams (half of a 5-milligram pill or a quarter of a 10-milligram pill) 10–50 pounds: One 10-milligram tablet.

What kills pet dander? ›

Every pet product will claim to be the best at eliminating dander, but even dishwashing soap or baby shampoo will do the trick.

What over the counter medicine is good for cat allergies? ›

Zyrtec, Benadryl, and Claritin are some of the most common antihistamines for cat allergies. These medications can improve cat allergy symptoms like sneezing and itching. You may be unaware of having a cat allergy until you get your first pet. Cat and pet allergies can cause symptoms such as sneezing and itching.

Is there a shot for allergies to dogs? ›

Immunotherapy. You can "train" your immune system not to be sensitive to an allergen. Immunotherapy is delivered through a series of allergy shots. One to 2 weekly shots expose you to very small doses of the allergen, in this case, the animal protein that causes an allergic reaction.

What pet can I have if I'm allergic to cats and dogs? ›

Another option is to choose pets that do not have fur or feathers. Fish, snakes, or turtles are some good choices.

Which pets are best for allergies? ›

Gerbs Oats. Gerbs Oats and grains are allergy-friendly, gluten-free, versatile and satisfying. Our Gluten-Free Rolled Oats – Traditional Style should always be in your kitchen.

What animals are safe for people with allergies? ›

Reptiles and amphibians usually do not cause allergic reactions because they do not produce the proteins found in the dander and saliva of warm-blooded animals. These pets can be an excellent choice for people with asthma or allergies, as long as you spend the time and effort required to care for them properly.

What pets don't trigger asthma? ›

Pets with fur or feathers are more likely to trigger allergic asthma. This includes cats, dogs, rabbits and birds. Scaly animals such as fish, frogs, turtles, lizards and snakes do not shed skin flakes (dander) and are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

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