BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS SERVICES, INC on LinkedIn: #nationalvolunteermonth #bbbs #mentoringmatters #thankyoubigs #beabig… (2024)



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🌟 Happy National Volunteer Month! 🌟 This April, we celebrate the heart and soul of Big Brothers Big Sisters: our incredible volunteers, the Bigs!Each day, our Bigs make a profound impact, dedicating time, energy, and compassion to mentor their Littles. From homework help to exploring new hobbies, these relationships foster growth, confidence, and endless smiles.Interested in making a difference too? Join us as a Big and see how just a few hours a month can change a child’s life forever. 🌈Thank you to all our Bigs for empowering and inspiring the next generation. You're not just changing lives—you're changing the future, one Little at a time. Let's celebrate the magic you bring to our community and the bright futures you're helping to build! 🎉💙👉 Become a mentor today: #NationalVolunteerMonth #BBBS #MentoringMatters #ThankYouBigs #BeABig #ItTakesALittletoBeBig

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  • Kevin Gallagher

    ☀️Specialises In SaaS businesses ☀️ Helping busy SaaS owners increase MRR💰. Over 20 years of experience.

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    🌟 Embracing Every Moment: Cherishing Time with Our Children 🌟As the summer days breeze by, I can't help but reflect on the meme circulating about having just 16 precious years with our children. 😲 While the rapid passing of time might give us a pause, it's also a powerful reminder of the importance of creating meaningful connections with our kids.This summer has flown by in the blink of an eye, and it's a gentle nudge for all of us to savor each moment we spend with our loved ones. It's true, time waits for no one, but the beauty lies in how we choose to utilise it.As a parent, I firmly believe that the quality of time spent with our children is what truly matters. Building strong relationships based on trust, open communication, and mutual respect can create a lasting impact that extends far beyond those initial 16 years. It's about fostering an environment where our children feel comfortable sharing their dreams, aspirations, and concerns.So, let's make an effort to be fully present in these fleeting moments. Let's engage in those heart-to-heart conversations, embark on adventures, and share hearty laughs. Let's show them that they are valued and cherished, and that they have our unwavering support in every step of their journey.As we bid adieu to another summer (in Scotland anyway!), let's carry forward the commitment to being more than just parents – let's be mentors, friends, and confidants. Let's invest in the relationships that will blossom into lifelong bonds, creating countless memories for years to come.Here's to making the most of the time we have, and to cultivating relationships that stand the test of time. 🌈 Let's keep the momentum going, shall we?#ParentingJourney #CherishEveryMoment #FamilyFirst #TimeFlies #BuildingBonds

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  • Jon Henry

    Director Program Management Office @ Samsung

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    A Father might just be the greatest thing to be #proud of in the month of #juneComing from a home where my mother left when I was 12, and watching my Dad work 5 jobs to make ends meet while paying her alimony and raising two sons on his own, I have a very, very deeply ingrained appreciation for the life of the unsung hero that many Fathers live. This has been furthered by the many years of my career spent counseling men in my nonprofit years, and by choosing to be the sole income provider while co-leading a family of 4 sons and a grandson alongside my wonderful wife of 30 years.So here’s my point:If you happen to be one of those dads that works for a company that sent two reminder emails this week about really important company pride celebrations, and forgot to mention a key holiday that celebrates your incredible life contributions to the legacy of our society - this post is for you. Know that I’m proud of you for being a dad. I’m proud of you for getting up every day and doing the hard work necessary to provide for, protect and prioritize your children above yourself. And I’m pretty sure that, even though our society is working hard to convince your kids that patriarchy, masculinity, hell - even being a male - is wrong; THEY are still damn proud of you too!So keep on dadding. Keep telling stupid jokes to your kids. Keep planning family outings that make them groan. Keep putting in the work. Because it’s worth it. And YOU are worth celebrating this month!#thingsimproudof#encourageequipempower #principlebasedleadership

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  • Dan Vasquenza

    Strategic Biz Partner Lead for Brand Awareness and Sales Growth + KultureCity Activist + Entrepreneur + Co-Author + Founder "Special Dads" Group + Speaker

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    MID-WEEK MINDSET:When you recognize a need, a market, and a solution, make it GO TIME!Don’t ASSUME someone else is already doing it.I’ve been a single dad for over 10-years to a special needs son, Jack. Jack will graduate in two weeks from High School. Anyone that knows me, knows Jack is my world!Jack is my PURPOSE (everyday), my WHY (thanks Simon) and my EXISTENCE (thanks to my parents).Being a parent comes with many joys, but it’s not easy, especially alone with a special needs child.However, I’m SUPER grateful for those hard times! One day, as I was reflecting on those hard times, it really triggered me to think WHAT IF?WHAT IF – Dads like me are struggling, challenged, unsure, frustrated, and scared!IDEA:Start a “SPECIAL DADS” GroupMARKET:Dads to kids with special needsSOLUTION:A support group for Dads raising kids with special needs.Open discussion to provide - tools, resources and ideas to become a healthier & mentally positive version of ourselves.If you have an idea for a solution, GO FOR IT!If you find someone is doing it already, find a way to make it BETTER!SPECIAL THANKS to these amazing brave dads, and The Acworth Community Center for host our meetings!Picture: Circa Feb 28, 2023, our first of five meetings to date. #SpecialDadsGroup#AcworthCommunityCenter#KultureCity#GOforIT#VazMan

    • BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS SERVICES, INC on LinkedIn: #nationalvolunteermonth #bbbs #mentoringmatters #thankyoubigs #beabig… (13)



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  • Rabia Rehmat 💰 Sales Copywriter

    Copywriter for Coaches | NLP Certified

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    Back in my early teens, I was a confident kid, but as time rolled on...I began hearing external voices saying: ◼ Girls shouldn't speak too loud ◼ Staying at home all day is the way ◼ Just do what the elders say, no matter whatIn short, I was trained to stay shy and not open up to…◼ What I feel things should be◼ What change I want to bring◼ Uncover my leadership skills It was hard 🙄 but if you’re committed to your commitments… nothing is impossible. Now, I'm living in the city of my dreams ✈, and doing whatever I want. And how you can do the same…✅ Listen to everyone just to have their perspective and not to implement 100%✅ Always have one person on your side to guide your thought process✅ Manifesting dreams is often a slow process, never show your desperationGo the extra mile to help others. I say it “online volunteering”. Just help without expecting anything in return. P.S. I’m on a 7-day challenge to attract more abundance (and more money) in my life. Say yes, if you want to join me. P.P.S. Which success trait matters most? Consistency or commitment?

    • BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS SERVICES, INC on LinkedIn: #nationalvolunteermonth #bbbs #mentoringmatters #thankyoubigs #beabig… (18)



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  • Brianne (Mears) McFarland

    VP of Mission & EngagementExperienced Fundraiser | Donor Cultivation | Event Management | Board Development|Planned Giving

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    The power of mentorship is so worth the small amount of time it takes to make an impact. Sign up now at to be a Big at


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  • Apprentify


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    Girls Out Loud Programme - What is a big and little sister?Let us tell you! Through the Girls Out Loud Programme, we're proud to be sponsoring the 'little sister' award category at their upcoming awards event.Their Big Sister programme is all about motivating young girls navigating through the tough teenage years, trying to find their place in the world. These young females are 'little sisters' and with your guidance, they can find their voice and shine bright.Big Sisters make a huge impact on their Little Sisters' lives. From boosting confidence to helping them find their path, the difference is life-changing. But here's the secret: being a Big Sister isn't just about giving, it's about growing too. You'll see shifts in your confidence, communication skills, and career aspirations. It's a journey of self-reflection and personal branding that will empower you in ways you never imagined.So, what does it take to be a Big Sister with Girls Out Loud?👉 You need to be at least 23 years old👉 Comfortable in your own skin, and ready to define your own success👉 Most importantly, you must be willing to commit to a young girl's well-being for 12 months.Girls Out Loud is constantly looking for big sisters/organisations to support their colleagues into becoming big sisters, if you're interested and want to find out more, click here 👉 #GirlsOutLoud #Empowerment #MakeADifference

    • BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS SERVICES, INC on LinkedIn: #nationalvolunteermonth #bbbs #mentoringmatters #thankyoubigs #beabig… (25)



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  • Abby Brockman

    Trauma Chaplain & Spiritual Care Consultant | I help people navigate and integrate life's hardest moments✨

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    🎉 It's Fridayyyy which means it's time for me to share 7 brief ideas I've learned on the platform this week! #FridayFavesThey can be something that:- Helped me see a different perspective- Introduced me to a new concept- Lifted my spirits- Made me laugh- Inspired meWithout further ado—here are this week’s picks!(in no particular order)1. "It’s important to understand the difference between confidence and courage. Confidence feels good. Courage doesn’t. Act courageously to become more confident. In other words… courage is before, confidence is after." —Eric Partaker2. "It shouldn’t have to happen to you for it to matter to you." —Jesse Smith3. "Rosh Hashanah emerges every year to remind us that real progress is not mastering the complexities of the endless marketplace choices begging for our attention but returning to the simplicities of the soul, of coming home, to the deepest place, right there within us. We are enough as we are." —Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz4. "Sometimes people are trying to get out from living an old story of themselves, but we keep seeing the past version of them. This may make it seem like they need to change, but really it is us who need to adjust and see them not for whom they've been but for who they've become." —Dr. B.Nilaja Green, PhD5. "The Grit Grift essentially posits that if you're not succeeding in the workplace, it's simply because you lack grit, determination, perseverance or my favorite: accountability. This notion conveniently ignores systemic issues like discrimination, inequality, or toxic work cultures that often stymie success...[It] shifts the onus entirely onto the individual, implying that failure is solely a result of personal shortcomings." —Dr. Jade Singleton6. "Many of our models of equity and justice have been guided by the motivation of convergence with whiteness (meaning we want access to the existing structures of power). And if we know that white supremacist capitalism has ravaged the planet, why are we so attached to that trajectory? —Farzin Farzad7. "There are almost 3 million grandparents who are raising their grandchildren in the U.S...These families prevent children from entering our very broken and traumatizing foster care system. They are often aging adults with health problems, living on a fixed income, raising children with trauma and we barely give them any support as a nation. They deserve resources[.]" —Beth TysonThank you to these writers for sharing their brilliance. Please check out their work, follow, learn and...have a a wonderful weekend! ✌️-----------------P.S. Which # from the list resonates with you? Tell me in the comments! ⬇️

    • BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS SERVICES, INC on LinkedIn: #nationalvolunteermonth #bbbs #mentoringmatters #thankyoubigs #beabig… (29)



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  • Kyla Coram

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    🎉 TGIF LinkedIn Fam! 🌟 As I reflect on my time at my last company, ponder my core values, and navigate the ever-changing dynamics of life on this planet, ONE word stands out to me — COMMUNITY. I joined my previous company because I felt a sense of community. I push for inclusion because I want a stronger community. I strive to curate meaningful experiences in my neighborhood, fostering connections and building a sense of community among residents. It's why I love working in the world of events so much -- bringing others together and creating a community, even for short periods of time. 🌐 I've heard many of you discuss this topic before but something just clicked this morning during the chaotic carline at my middle’s elementary school.🥶 Living in GA, it doesn't get THAT cold, but this week brought freezing temperatures and an excessive carline. I, along with 30+ other parents, missed the drop off time by less than a minute and had to check our child into school. This process is not easy and includes crowds and poorly managed logistics. The realization hit—what annoyed me most wasn't the lack of organization and overcrowding but the absence of community. Having taught in another school with a supportive community, the contrast was stark. Our admin gave grace when the weather was less than perfect, showing compassion and empathy… often extending the carline by about 10 minutes. This flexibility does not exist at my child’s school and the community feeling is missing. I am grateful I was a part of my previous school and company. Belonging to a strong community highlights both its significance and the noticeable absence when it's lacking.The bottom line? Community means more than we realize. Without it, we feel lost, siloed, unappreciated, and, most importantly, unseen. My recommendation for businesses, schools, and neighborhoods: prioritize community. Embrace strengths, offer compassion, adapt plans based on feedback, and ask for input!🤔 What are your thoughts on community? Do you believe it should be a top priority like I do? 🌈#communityengagement #communitybuilding #communitymatters #eventexperience


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  • Nida Parveen

    B2B Business Development & Digital Marketing Strategist | Connecting Innovations with Markets

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    ✅Always Thank Those who Helped You;📌Gratitude: Remembering those who helped us cultivates gratitude, a virtue that enriches our lives and relationships.📌Reciprocity: Acknowledging past help encourages us to pay it forward, fostering a cycle of kindness and support in society.📌Humility: Reflecting on the support we've received reminds us that we don't succeed alone, promoting humility and understanding of our interdependence.📌Motivation: Knowing that others have aided us can serve as a motivation to assist others in need, creating a more compassionate and empathetic world.📌Connection: Maintaining connections with those who have helped us strengthens relationships and builds a sense of community, which is vital for personal and collective well-being.📌Learning: Remembering past assistance allows us to learn from others' experiences and wisdom, enriching our own knowledge and growth.📌Legacy: Honoring those who helped us preserves their legacy and contributions, ensuring their impact continues to inspire and benefit future generations..

    • BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS SERVICES, INC on LinkedIn: #nationalvolunteermonth #bbbs #mentoringmatters #thankyoubigs #beabig… (38)


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  • XPAN Law Partners


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    Week 4 next week of the firm's "4 for 4 Season of Giving" wraps up with a nonprofit organization based in Camden, New Jersey - Hopeworks Camden.The power of technology combined with youthful imagination equalslimitless possibilities. Being able to focus on real-world technical training and learning skill development can be a game changer for young people seeking opportunities in the growing and evolving tech field.According to its mission statement, Hopeworks Camden emphasizes that "[w]ith a focus on skill development, real-world job experience, and trauma-informed care, Hopeworks propels young adults into long-term living wage careers that put them on the path for healing and financial stability.” "Hopeworks provides a positive, healing atmosphere that propels young people to build strong futures and break the cycle of violence and poverty in Camden, New Jersey." It further states that it "connect[s] young adults to life-changing opportunities where their growing technology skills go to work for enterprising businesses within our community."This organization was also featured in a #Philadelphia Inquirer article published on October 19, 2023, written by Lizzy McLellan Ravitch and titled - "Camden nonprofit uses AI tools like ChatGPT to help young people prepare for jobs."So as we bring to a close this year's "4 for 4 Season of Giving" (a nod to Philadelphia's passion for sports, and you know if you know), we conclude with our messagefrom 1 year ago.We hope everyone can find their own measure and definition of giving to a cause of helping others,whether it be financial, giving of your time, or maybe simply words of encouragement. We certainly continue to be inspired ourselves by the outstanding and generous work we see others doing in our own community and beyond, including many otherbusinesses and firms, to give back to those who need support and maybe simply a chance to realize a greater potential. In our view, solidifying communities throughlocal action has never been more important to global thinking and sustainability. One spark can inspire endless possibilities.From all of us at the firm this holiday season, thank you for your partnership and continued support for what we do. We wish you Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, and look forwardto celebrating a prosperous New Year with you!#thoughtleadership #cybersecurity #dataprivacy #business #technology #law

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BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS SERVICES, INC on LinkedIn: #nationalvolunteermonth #bbbs #mentoringmatters #thankyoubigs #beabig… (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.