Here's Why Your Pickled Eggs Are Rubbery (2024)

Wendy Mead

·3-min read

Considered a classic bar snack, pickled eggs started as a way to make eggs last longer.It's thought that German immigrants brought this method of preserving eggs to America around the time of the Revolutionary War, and they have been a reliable and easy protein-rich snack to have on hand ever since.

Pickled eggs require only a few ingredients, and the whole process has only a few steps. At its most basic, this dish involves hard-boiled eggs and a pickling solution, usually made of vinegar, salt, sugar, and some spices. Still, sometimes, the result isn't exactly a culinary delight. Rather than being pleasantly bouncy when you bite into the egg, it feels a bit rubbery. And no one likes to chew on rubber.

There are a few reasons why the texture of your pickled eggs may be off. One problem may be you started with overcooked hard-boiled eggs. Another issue may be with the brining liquid itself. Leaving the eggs in a pickling liquidthat's too strong will change their texture over time.


Read more: The 20 Best Egg Brands, Ranked

Cooking Time And Brine Can Affect Texture

Here's Why Your Pickled Eggs Are Rubbery (2)

Not to worry, there are ways to avoid ending up with rubbery pickled eggs. It's all about taking care in each step of the egg pickling process. You want to hard boil your eggs following the classic method of starting with the eggs in a pot filled with cold water that is just about 1 inch above the eggs. Bring the water to a boil, then cover the pot and remove from the heat. The eggs should rest for between 12 and 18 minutes, depending on the size of the egg.

Now you've got properly cooked hard-boiled eggs, it's time to think about your brine. How can a brine be too powerful? Pickling liquid is a balance of water, vinegar, salt, and sugar. So, if the solution is high in vinegar, it makes the liquid quite acidic. And If the eggs sit in that liquid too long, you get rubbery eggs. There's a simple enough way to avoid this problem. You want the pickling liquid to do its job in the beginning, and then after the eggs have reached the proper degree of pickling, you can dilute the solution with some water.

Season Up Your Eggs

Here's Why Your Pickled Eggs Are Rubbery (3)

So, how long is too long for hard-boiled eggs to sit in full-strength pickling liquid? It takes at least 24 hours for the pickling liquid to work its magic on the eggs, and letting them rest there for a few days is even better. If you're not going to eat them in the first few days, it makes sense to add a bit of water to thin out the brine. You're also going to want to build a better brine from the start, too.

The brine is the essence of what makes a pickled egg so tasty. So, how you season the pickling liquid shapes the final product. At its foundation, the vinegar you use influences the taste. Some recipes call for white distilled vinegar, while others use apple cider vinegar. Adding spices and herbs can also enhance the flavor of the eggs. Bay leaves, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, and peppercorns are all great additions. Some fresh dill and a few slices of your favorite chili pepper would work great, too. Don't be afraid to experiment with some less common options as well. Why not try a touch of curry powder or five spice? Some recipes incorporate beets into the process to give the eggs a distinctive pink hue.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.

Here's Why Your Pickled Eggs Are Rubbery (2024)


Here's Why Your Pickled Eggs Are Rubbery? ›

So, if the solution is high in vinegar, it makes the liquid quite acidic. And If the eggs sit in that liquid too long, you get rubbery eggs.

Why don t pickled eggs go bad? ›

While recipes can vary from brand to brand, store-bought pickled eggs are often submerged in pickling solutions consisting of ingredients like beet juice, vinegar, water, and sugar. Commercial pickled eggs can also contain sodium benzoate, which is a common preservative that keeps food stable on store shelves.

How do you prevent botulism in pickled eggs? ›

The CDC further cautions that to reduce the risk for botulism when pickling, food items should be washed and cooked adequately, and utensils, containers, and other surfaces in contact with food, including cutting boards and hands, should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and warm water.

Should I poke holes in my pickled eggs? ›

Danger: Some older recipes suggest using a toothpick to poke a deep hole in the boiled egg for better penetration of the pickling fluid. This has resulted in cases of (very unpleasant and/or fatal) botulism poisoning.

How can you tell if pickled eggs are good? ›

Shelf Life: They commonly last for 3 to 4 months in the refrigerator when stored correctly. Signs of Spoilage: Be aware of any off odors or discoloration; these are indicators that pickled eggs may no longer be safe to consume.

How long can homemade pickled eggs last? ›

Pickled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 months, but they are best when consumed within the first month for optimal flavor.

Should pickled eggs be refrigerated after opening? ›

Glass canning jars work well. A quart-size canning jar will hold about one dozen medium-sized eggs. Pickled eggs need to be hard-boiled and peeled prior to making the brine solution of vinegar, salt, spices, and other seasonings. Pickled eggs MUST be always stored in the refrigerator.

How do you keep pickled eggs from getting rubbery? ›

And If the eggs sit in that liquid too long, you get rubbery eggs. There's a simple enough way to avoid this problem. You want the pickling liquid to do its job in the beginning, and then after the eggs have reached the proper degree of pickling, you can dilute the solution with some water.

Can botulism survive pickling? ›

Clostridium botulinum spores can't thrive in an acidic environment and pickled beets are acidic enough that any spores that are present die off.

Does vinegar stop botulism? ›

Because vinegar is high in acid, it does not support the growth of Clostridium botulinum bacteria. However, some vinegars may support the growth of Escherichia coli bacteria. Infused oils have the potential to support the growth of C. botulinum bacteria.

How many times can you reuse pickle juice for pickled eggs? ›

How many times can I reuse pickle juice? To be on the safe side, we wouldn't recommend reusing it more than once, although some say you can safely reuse it 2 or 3 times. Again, watch for changes in the clarity of the brine. BONUS!

Do you pickle eggs with the shell on or off? ›

Making Brine
  1. Cook. Hard-boil the eggs. Save soft-boiling for breakfasts.
  2. Peel. Only pickle eggs that peeled cleanly, because exposed yolks can dissolve in the brine. ...
  3. Pickle. Keep the acid high in the brine. ...
  4. Store. Immediately refrigerate the pickled eggs, and keep them in the fridge until serving.
Aug 19, 2021

Is it okay to make pickled eggs in a plastic jar? ›

If you choose to use plastic containers, make sure that the containers are food grade and have not been used for non-food items. The safest option for pickles is glass jars. At Container & Packaging Supply, we have many glass jars that will work perfectly for all of your pickling endeavors.

Why do my pickled eggs get hard? ›

There are a few reasons why the texture of your pickled eggs may be off. One problem may be you started with overcooked hard-boiled eggs. Another issue may be with the brining liquid itself. Leaving the eggs in a pickling liquid that's too strong will change their texture over time.

How many pickled eggs can you eat a day? ›

How many pickled eggs should (can) I eat a day? So, we did some more digging, and found that eating one egg a day wasn't going to kill you; in fact, it may actually REDUCE heart disease. Other studies have shown no ill effects on people who have consumed up to 12 eggs a week!

Can you eat year old pickled eggs? ›

Yes, pickled eggs can go bad. It's important to store them properly in the refrigerator and consume them within a reasonable time frame, usually within a few weeks to a few months, depending on the specific pickling method and ingredients used.

Why don't pickled foods go bad? ›

Thankfully, these bacteria hate acid, like the vinegar in pickle brine. It slows the growth of harmful bacteria and even kills some other unwelcome contaminants. But even with all that acid, pickles still have a point where they're no longer suitable to eat.

Can you can pickled eggs for long term storage? ›

We have used this recipe to can pickled eggs for decades. We have routinely stored our canned jars of pickled eggs for 6 months or more in our basem*nt in a dark corner on shelves. Our basem*nt is never warmer than 60 degrees and we have never had a problem with our canned pickled eggs.

Are pickled eggs good for your gut? ›

Pickled Eggs are Good for Your Gut Health. First off, did you know that pickled eggs are good for your digestive health? A serving of fermented pickled eggs will usually contain various types of gut flora that can aid in digestion. These microbes are known as probiotics!

Why do pickled eggs go cloudy? ›

The cloudiness is a combination of lactic acid and yeast and is the reason why they call it Lactofermentation. Why Does This Happen? Various strains of bacteria are present on the surface of all plants, especially ones growing close to the ground, like pickles!

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