Who sent the first Valentine? - Royal Examiner (2024)

Interesting Things to Know


2 months ago


March 23, 2024


Royal Examiner

As Easter approaches, Christians around the world embark on a profound spiritual journey marked by reflection, prayer, and community. This period, known as Holy Week, begins with Palm Sunday and culminates in the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday. Each day of Holy Week holds significant religious meaning and commemorates the final days of Jesus Christ’s life on earth.

Palm Sunday: The Triumphal Entry Palm Sunday, celebrated this year on March 24, heralds the start of Holy Week. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, an event greeted with great jubilation by his followers, who laid palm branches on the road before him as a sign of victory and peace. In churches worldwide, congregations observe this day by distributing palm fronds, symbolizing the palms that carpeted Jesus’s path.

Holy Monday: Cleansing the Temple The following day, Holy Monday, recalls Jesus’s act driving the money changers and merchants from the Temple in Jerusalem. This action, demonstrating Jesus’s rejection of worldly corruption and his desire to purify the place of worship, sets the tone for the introspection and spiritual cleansing that characterizes Holy Week.

Holy Tuesday: Confrontation and Teaching On Holy Tuesday, the narrative focuses on Jesus’s interactions with the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem. He faces questioning and challenges from the authorities, highlighting the growing tensions leading up to his crucifixion.

Holy Wednesday: A Day of Teaching, also known as Spy Wednesday, reflects on Jesus’s continued teachings in the temple despite the mounting opposition. It is a day for followers to reflect on the wisdom and lessons of Christ.

Maundy Thursday: The Last Supper Maundy Thursday is a day of profound importance, commemorating the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples. During this meal, Jesus instituted the Eucharist, symbolizing his body and blood. Later that night, in the Garden of Gethsemane, he was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, setting the stage for his arrest.

Good Friday: The Crucifixion Good Friday is observed with solemnity and reverence, marking the day of Jesus’s crucifixion and death at Calvary. Worship services are marked by austerity, often featuring readings of the Passion, veneration of the cross, and periods of reflective silence.

Holy Saturday: The Great Vigil Holy Saturday, also known as the Great Vigil, is a day of waiting and watching, reflecting the disciples’ vigil at Jesus’s tomb. This day serves as a quiet preparation for the celebration of resurrection.

Easter Sunday: Celebration of the Resurrection Easter Sunday, falling on March 31 this year, is the climax of Holy Week and the entire Christian calendar. It celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, symbolizing victory over sin and death and offering hope of eternal life to believers. Churches are filled with joyful music, decorations, and expressions of “He is risen!”

Each day of Holy Week invites believers to walk alongside Jesus through the pivotal moments leading up to Easter. It’s a time of deep reflection, gratitude, and renewal of faith, culminating in the jubilant celebration of resurrection and new life on Easter Sunday.

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Affordable Ideas for a Romantic Celebration.

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion to celebrate love; it doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. If you’re on a tight budget, there are plenty of ways to make the day memorable and meaningful without spending a lot of money. Here are some creative and affordable ideas for gifts, activities, and meals.

Gifts: Personal and Inexpensive

  1. Write a Poem or Love Letter: Express your feelings through words. A heartfelt poem or love letter is a timeless and cost-free way to show your affection.
  2. Create a Song or Musical Composition: If you’re musically inclined, write a song or compose a piece of music that reflects your feelings.
  3. Make a Personal Video: Compile a video of special moments you’ve shared, or create a heartfelt message expressing your love.
  4. Art and Crafts: Tap into your artistic side with a drawing, painting, or a DIY craft that holds special meaning for both of you.

Activities: Fun and Frugal

  1. Home Entertainment: Plan a movie night, sing karaoke, or play board games at home. These activities are enjoyable and cost little to nothing.
  2. Nature Walk: Spend time together outdoors with a walk in a local park or nature reserve. It’s free and a great way to connect with each other and nature.
  3. Visit Local Exhibits: Check out free or low-cost exhibits at local museums or galleries. It’s a cultured and inexpensive way to spend time together.

Meals: Homemade and Heartfelt

  1. Home-Cooked Meal: Cook a special meal at home. It’s more intimate and cost-effective than dining out. Plus, cooking together can be a fun bonding experience.
  2. Ready-Made Meal: For those not keen on cooking, a ready-made meal from a local store can be a simple yet romantic option.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day on a budget is all about focusing on the connection and love you share rather than on how much you spend. With a little creativity and planning, you can create a romantic and unforgettable Valentine’s Day without putting a dent in your wallet.

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Interesting Things to Know


3 months ago


February 11, 2024


Royal Examiner

Finding the Perfect Gift for That Special Someone.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to show your affection with a thoughtful gift that speaks to the heart. If you’re looking for inspiration to make this Valentine’s Day unforgettable for your loved one, consider these five exceptional gift ideas:

1. Fashion Accessory: A Touch of Elegance

Elevate your partner’s style with a piece of exquisite jewelry or a designer watch. To ensure it aligns with their taste, take cues from their existing collection. If in doubt, consult with a jeweler, using pictures of your partner’s current pieces for guidance.

2. Spa Experience: A Relaxation Haven

Gift your sweetheart a day of tranquility with a spa experience. Enhance the romance by opting for a couple’s session. Many hotels and resorts offer spa services, or you could choose a charming local establishment. It’s a perfect way to unwind together and create lasting memories.

3. Personalized Art: A Creative Tribute to Your Love

Commission a local artist to create a unique piece that encapsulates your love story. It could be a painting, photograph, engraving, or even a caricature. This personalized artwork will serve as a beautiful reminder of your bond.

4. Epicurean Getaway: A Feast for the Senses

Organize a getaway that tantalizes the senses – think gourmet dining, captivating shows, and local tastings of wine, beer, or cheese. Add a cultural touch with a visit to an art gallery, tailoring the entire experience to your partner’s preferences.

5. Luxury Skincare: Pampering in a Box

Surprise them with a selection of high-end skincare products like creams, serums, masks, and oils. Opt for prestigious brands and beautifully packaged sets. For the perfect match, seek advice from a beauty salon or cosmetic experts at a pharmacy.

Celebrate Love in All Its Forms

Whether it’s with classic choices like flowers and sweets or unique experiences like a gourmet dinner or a balloon bouquet, Valentine’s Day is all about expressing love in the most heartfelt way. How will you convey your affection this February 14th?

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Interesting Things to Know


3 months ago


February 10, 2024


Royal Examiner

Crafting Special Moments for Couples.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity for couples, whether newly together or long-term partners, to strengthen their bond and create beautiful memories. Here are 10 romantic activities that promise an unforgettable Valentine’s Day filled with intimacy and togetherness:

1. Enchanting Winter Picnic

Set up a cozy picnic in a magical winter setting, like a forest, a park by the water, or amidst the mountains. Wrap up warm and enjoy the serene beauty together.

2. Nostalgic Photo Viewing

Take a trip down memory lane by looking through photos from your wedding day or your first date. Reminisce about the early days of your relationship and the journey you’ve shared.

3. Cooking a Meal Together

Spend time in the kitchen cooking a special meal together. Enhance the experience with a glass of wine and some soothing jazz music in the background.

4. Romantic Comedy Movie Night

Visit the movie theater to watch a romantic comedy. Sharing a bag of popcorn can add a playful touch as your fingers accidentally brush against each other.

5. Dining at a New Restaurant

Discover a new restaurant that piques your interest. Remember to book your table in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.

6. Dance Night at Home

Have a dance night in your living room. Create a playlist with your favorite tunes, including a mix of upbeat songs and slow, romantic numbers.

7. Collaborative Art Project

Create a piece of art together. It could be anything from a painting or collage to a papier-mâché sculpture. This shared creative endeavor can be a fun and bonding experience.

Who sent the first Valentine? - Royal Examiner (1)

8. Magical Ice Skating

Go ice skating hand in hand, perhaps in an idyllic location like an evening rink lit by torchlight. The ambiance and physical closeness are perfect for Valentine’s Day.

9. Play a Fun Board Game

Choose a playful or slightly naughty board game to enjoy together. It’s a great way to share laughs and lighthearted moments.

10. Professional Couple’s Photo Session

Treat yourselves to a professional photo session. Select the best pictures to display in your home or share them on social media to celebrate your love.

Celebrate Love in Unique Ways

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating love. These activities offer a mix of intimacy, fun, and romance, ensuring you and your partner have a day to remember.

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Interesting Things to Know


5 months ago


December 31, 2023


Royal Examiner

From Ancient Rituals to Modern Festivities.

As the world welcomes another year, it’s fascinating to reflect on how the celebration of New Year’s Day, a tradition steeped in history, has evolved. This day, universally recognized as a fresh start, traces its origins back more than 4,000 years, making it one of humanity’s oldest celebrations.

The concept of a new year offering a chance for renewal and self-improvement is not a modern invention. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Babylonians marked the new year around March 23, a date that aligned with the rebirth and rejuvenation of spring. The Babylonians, known for their grand festivities, also embraced the idea of New Year’s resolutions, with a common goal of returning borrowed farm equipment, showcasing their community-centric values.

The observation of the new year underwent a significant shift with the Romans. Initially celebrating it on March 25, they encountered a misalignment of their calendar with the solar year. It was Julius Caesar, in 46 B.C., who reformed the calendar system, introducing the Julian calendar. This change established January 1 as the beginning of the year but required an extended year of 445 days to implement.

An intriguing aspect of New Year’s celebrations is the symbolism of a baby, which dates back to around 600 B.C. in Greece. The Greeks honored Dionysus, the god of wine, with the image of a baby in a basket to represent the annual renewal of life and fertility. Similarly, the Egyptians used the baby symbol for rebirth. Although initially frowned upon by Christians as a pagan practice, the symbol was eventually embraced, with the baby representing the birth of Jesus Christ.

This tradition of symbolizing the new year with a baby was brought to early America by the Germans, who had maintained this practice since the 14th century. Today, the image of a baby with a festive banner is a widely recognized representation of the new year.

As we celebrate New Year’s Day, it’s a reminder of the shared human desire for renewal and betterment that transcends cultures and centuries. It’s a time to reflect on the past and embrace the future with hope and determination.

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Interesting Things to Know


5 months ago


December 26, 2023


Royal Examiner

When that well-intentioned gift doesn’t fit the bill, is it ethical to pass it on? Exploring the nuances of regifting and the rules of this holiday season tradition.

Unwrapping the Regifting Dilemma
Picture this scenario: you receive a beautifully wrapped gift from a well-meaning friend or family member. The anticipation of uncovering the surprise builds as you carefully remove the festive wrapping paper. But as the gift is revealed, uncertainty washes over you. It’s a thoughtful gesture, no doubt, but it’s something that doesn’t quite align with your tastes or needs. The dilemma arises: is it ethical to regift this well-intentioned present to someone else?

At the Rutland Center for Ethics at Clemson University, experts offer guidance on navigating this often-tricky terrain. They assert that regifting, in and of itself, is not inherently unethical. However, there are essential factors to consider before passing on a gift to another recipient, chiefly among them being the recipient’s genuine appreciation for the item in question. If you have doubts whether the new recipient would truly value and enjoy the gift, it may be prudent to explore alternative options.

Navigating the Terrain of Emotions
Beyond the simple act of regifting lies a labyrinth of emotional considerations. What do you owe to the person who bestowed the gift upon you? Take, for instance, the scenario where your aunt presents you with an ornate copper elephant—a gift that doesn’t quite align with your tastes. When your aunt inquires about the beloved elephant during a visit, the dilemma of truth versus tact presents itself. No one wishes to deceive, yet sparing someone’s feelings may necessitate a well-intentioned fib.

Moreover, the decision to regift is often influenced by the likelihood of the original gift giver crossing paths with the new recipient. Will they ever have occasion to witness the regifted item in its new home? These intricacies of interpersonal relationships further complicate the decision-making process.

The Rules of Regifting
Regifting, it turns out, does come with a set of unspoken rules. When considering whether to bestow a gift upon another, several key criteria should be met to ensure a smooth and ethical regifting experience:

  1. Distance Matters: Regifting is often more acceptable when the original gift giver resides far away, reducing the chances of discovery.
  2. Recipient’s Preference: Prior to regifting, assessing whether the new owner will genuinely appreciate and find value in the item is imperative.
  3. Unopened and Pristine: The gift should remain in its original packaging and pristine condition, effectively presenting itself as a new and unused item.
  4. Ready to White Lie: In some instances, regifting may necessitate a small, white lie to preserve feelings and prevent unnecessary discomfort.

Ultimately, regifting can serve as a practical solution to prevent well-intentioned gifts from languishing in the shadows of neglect, gathering dust, and fading from memory. It can also extend the joy of gifting to another recipient who may find genuine delight in the present.

A Thoughtful Balance
Ethics and etiquette often intersect in gift-giving, requiring a delicate balance between sparing feelings and expressing genuine gratitude. The decision to regift should be approached with sensitivity, and when done thoughtfully and ethically, it can breathe new life into a gift that might otherwise go unused. So, as you ponder the fate of that ornate copper elephant or any well-intentioned gift this holiday season, remember that the art of regifting, when executed with care and consideration, can be a win-win for all parties involved.

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Who sent the first Valentine? - Royal Examiner (2024)


Who sent the first Valentine? ›

The World's Oldest Valentine's Day Card

Dating to February 1477, the love letter was written by Margery Brews to her fiancé John Paston. Margery refers to John as her “right well-beloved Valentine” and beseeches him to marry her despite the fact she hasn't been able to convince her father to increase her dowry.

Who wrote the first message signed from your Valentine? ›

These include the story that Valentine himself fell in love with his jailor's daughter while incarcerated for giving aid to prisoners. According to this tale, St Valentine wrote his inamorata a note signed “from your Valentine”: the first Valentine's greeting.

Who wrote the oldest Valentines day message? ›

The oldest known Valentine still exists today as a poem written by Charles Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. The greeting that was written in 1415 is part of the manuscript collection at the British Library in London.

Who first declared Valentines day a holiday? ›

At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbid the celebration of Lupercalia and is sometimes attributed with replacing it with St. Valentine's Day, but the true origin of the holiday is vague at best. Valentine's Day did not come to be celebrated as a day of romance until about the 14th century.

Who was the killer on Valentine's day? ›

On Valentine's Day 1929, Thompson submaching guns shot and murdered seven men from Chicago's North Side Gang, headed by George Clarence “Bugs” Moran. Though the perpetrators of the massacre officially remain unidentified, many believe that members of Al Capone's South Side Gang are the culprits.

What is the real story behind Valentine's day? ›

Saint Valentine was discovered and imprisoned in a torture-ridden Roman jail, where he fell in love with a mysterious girl (believed to be his prosecutor's daughter). He sent her a love letter signed 'from your Valentine' right before his execution, thus originating the romantic sign-off still widely used today.

Who wrote the very first Valentines message on the eve of his execution? ›

Unfortunately, Emperor Gothicus was less impressed, and had Valentinus beheaded the next day. Some versions of the tale hold that Valentinus wrote the first “valentine” card on the eve of his execution, penning a note to Julia and signing it “your Valentine.”

Who wrote the original Valentine to his wife? ›

Around this time of year, the British Library's reference team are often asked about the earliest known Valentine, supposedly a poem in our collection which was sent by the 15th-century prince Charles d'Orléans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.

How old is the oldest Valentine still in existence today? ›

The oldest known valentine still in existence is a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.

Who inspired Valentine's Day? ›

Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 of different years in the third century. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day.

What is the most gifted item on Valentine's Day? ›

1. Valentine's Day cards. Although cards are usually given in combination with other gifts like flowers or chocolates, more than 52% of consumers will present their loved one with a Valentine's Day card. You can score some extra points by personalising your card with a photo or heartfelt poem.

What is the dark history of Valentine's day? ›

One Valentine was a priest in third-century Rome who defied Emperor Claudius II after the ruler outlawed marriage for young men. St. Valentine would perform marriages in secret for young lovers, ultimately leading to his death.

Where did the tradition of giving cards on Valentine's day come from? ›

This tradition had a long history itself, dating back to ancient Egypt and China, where friends exchanged gifts for the new year. Sometime in the 18th century, Europeans and Americans began exchanging friendship cards on Valentine's Day.

What is the pagan origin of Valentine's day? ›

However, many historians believe the day originated from the Roman pagan festival of fertility called Lupercalia, an event filled with animal sacrifice, random coupling and the whipping of women; not quite the romantic chocolate and roses day that we celebrate today.

What is the origin of the word "valentine"? ›

Valentine is a gender-neutral name of Latin origin meaning “strong” or “healthy.” It is derived from the Latin word valens which means “strong and healthy,” and is related to the Latin names Valentinus and Valentinian. Valentine has biblical roots with over 50 saints and a pope sharing the same name. St.

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.