16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (2024)

It's time we all admit that turkey's kinda lame.

Sure, a turkey is the ~classic~ Thanksgiving centerpiece.

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (2)

And yes, OK, YES! A perfectly cooked turkey CAN be beautiful and delicious.

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (3)

Recipe: Fried Turkey (basically cheating)

But more often than not, the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner is...underwhelming.

Warner Bros.

Read: Pretty but dry AF.

So, why not shake things up this year and cook...ANYTHING ELSE!? (Or, cook a small turkey because, tradition, and then cook another awesome showstopper to go with it.)

Here are some big, impressive, delicious pieces of meat you should definitely make for Thanksgiving, instead of turkey:

1. Roast Duck with Plums

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (4)

Ingalls Photography / saveur.com

Whole ducks are available at some supermarkets, and pretty much any butcher can order one for you if you call at least a week in advance. Duck meat is a little gamey without being funky, and the fatty skin keeps the meat from drying out. Also, unlike chicken and turkey, you don't have to cook a duck well-done (although this particular recipe does specify to cook to 165°F). Recipe here.

2. Garlic Rosemary Prime Rib Roast with Horseradish Cream

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (5)


For anyone who shows up at every Thanksgiving dinner ever and just thinks, "Where's the beef?" Recipe here.

3. Roasted Capon with Sage Stuffing

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (6)


A capon is, by definition, a young rooster that has been castrated to improve the quality of its meat. They're a little smaller than the average turkey — 8 to 11 pounds, as opposed to turkeys, which are usually anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds — but still plenty if you're having 12 people or fewer for dinner. This recipe is heavy on the sage, because, 'tis the season. Recipe here.

4. Jamie Oliver's Best Roast Leg Of Lamb

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (7)


This decadent but simple dish will go perfectly with all your favorite Thanksgiving sides. Recipe here.

5. Roasted Pork Belly with Crushed Butternut Squash and Apple and Walnut Salsa

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (8)


Basically an enormous, autumnally-dressed piece of bacon that you're allowed to eat as a main. From Ottolenghi himself. The recipe serves 6 to 8 but can easily be scaled up if you buy a bigger piece of pork belly. Recipe here.

6. Slow-Cooked Lamb Shanks in Red Wine Sauce

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (9)


Lamb shanks literally fall off the bone when you cook 'em right. And, all that sauce is just begging to be sopped up into a pile of mashed potatoes. This recipe is for four shanks, so you'd probably have to double or triple it. Recipe here.

7. Pork Loin with Persimmons and Mustard Greens

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (10)

William Brinson / marthastewart.com

The truly great part about the "other white meat" is that it cooks so much faster. Which means more oven space for sides. Recipe here.

8. Cornish Hens with Wild Rice and Mushroom Stuffing

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (11)


The truly magical part about this on is that EVERYONE GETS THEIR OWN HEN. Like, "Hi! Welcome to my Thanksgiving table. Here's a hen!" So freaking cool, you guys. Recipe here.

9. Crown Roast of Pork with Chestnut-Rye Stuffing

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (12)

Ryan Liebe / marthastewart.com

Alright, a crown roast is a little dated and very, well...Martha. But, it's maybe the most elaborately impressive centerpiece you can have on a holiday table. (Like I said, very Martha.) Recipe here.

10. Thanksgiving Roast Duck

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (13)


Scoring the duck skin (making small slices in the skin but not cutting all the way through) helps the fat render out (basically, melt). This makes the skin crispy instead of soggy. Recipe here.

11. Whole Roasted Salmon with Orange Butter Glaze

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (14)


You're bound to ruffle some feathers if you serve a whole fish for Thanksgiving. But, a) a whole salmon looks awesome and serves twelve, and b) fish don't have feathers, silly! So it's basically a moot point. Recipe here.

12. Slow Cooker Beer Braised Brisket

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (15)

Jarren Vink / bonappetit.com

Every season is breakfast season. Recipe here.

13. Soy-Braised Duck with Spices

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (16)


Asian-inspired aromatics like star anise and cloves make this an untraditional choice that maybe won't pair so well with mashed potatoes and stuffing. But, there are plenty of sweet potato and Brussels sprout recipes that would go great with this braised duck. Recipe here.

14. Beef Brisket Pot Roast

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (17)


A cut worthy of thanks. Recipe here.

15. Slow Cooker Apple Cider Pork

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (18)


The recipe calls for shredding the meat into pulled pork after cooking, but a really sharp knife can cut it into impressive (if slightly messy) slices. Recipe here.

16. Honey-Orange Glazed Ham

16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (19)

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    16 Festive Main Dishes That Are So Much Better Than Turkey (2024)


    What is better than turkey for Thanksgiving? ›

    So go ahead and shake things up this Thanksgiving with one of these flavorful alternatives to cooking up a whole bird this year, like mushroom, Gruyère, & spinach-stuffed pork tenderloin, vegan mushroom pot pie, or a juicy prime rib.

    What meat instead of turkey? ›

    Cornish game hen, goose, duck, ham, beef, salmon, and mushroom recipes make worthy centerpieces for holiday meals.

    What is a traditional Italian Christmas dinner menu? ›

    In Northern Italy, Lasagne Bolognese and filled pasta like manicotti and ravioli are traditional Christmas fare. Next comes the main event, the meat. Roasted veal, baked chicken, sausages or braised beef are common Natale entrées worth celebrating.

    What is the most popular vegetarian alternative to a turkey dinner at Christmas? ›

    Nut Roast. The most popular Christmas meal for vegetarians and vegans is the nut roast. This typically describes a mixture of nuts, breadcrumbs, leeks, onions, broth and either oil or butter. However, this recipe is malleable and offers the opportunity for many alterations according to personal preference.

    Is a Butterball turkey better? ›

    Ultimately, it comes down to your comfort level in the kitchen and how much work you want to put in. Butterball offers turkeys that are almost foolproof, but you'll pay for it. Other turkeys may require a bit more work and skill but are imminently more customizable.

    What meat is healthier than turkey? ›

    Beef has more iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which are nutrients that promote healthy blood, immunity, and nervous system health, than turkey.

    Is turkey healthy yes or no? ›

    Turkey is a popular meat that boasts high-quality protein, B vitamins, selenium, zinc, and phosphorus. It may support various aspects of health, including muscle growth and maintenance, due to its rich supply of nutrients. However, it's best to avoid processed varieties, as these are high in salt.

    What is healthier, chicken or turkey? ›

    Both chicken and turkey provide healthy protein. Generally, chicken tends to be higher in vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid, and turkey tends to be lower in calories, fat, and sodium while having more zinc, niacin, and vitamin B12.

    What's healthier pork or turkey? ›

    Because turkey is leaner than pork belly, turkey bacon contains fewer calories and less fat than pork bacon. Both products come from animal proteins, so they're relatively good sources of B vitamins and minerals like zinc, selenium and phosphorus.

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