The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (2024)

Trust our professional opinions.

By Gabby Romero
The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (1)

The most important food holiday of the year is fast approaching, which means most of us are in the thick of menu planning and grocery shopping. There's a good chance that you're giving the turkey plenty of attention this year—from portioning, to brining, to making sure it's perfectly cooked. But everyone knows that Thanksgiving isn't about the turkey; it's about the sides.

These creamy, savory, and decadent dishes take up most of your plate, which arguably makes them more important than the star of the show itself. And some of these dishes are pretty much only consumed on Thanksgiving day—so enjoying them is a much higher priority.

With that being said, not all Thanksgiving sides are equal. Preferences can vary wildly across different regions (including the great stuffing vs. dressing debate) and households. There's even a clear hierarchy within each Thanksgiving gathering. There will always be some dishes that are skipped over more than others.

Our team of food experts feels uniquely qualified to put all of the classic holiday sides head to head. So we rounded up all of the dishes you can expect at Thanksgiving dinner and ranked them from worst to best.

However, it's important to make this disclaimer: just because a Thanksgiving side is ranked low on our list does not make it a bad dish. There's a special place in our hearts for every single recipe in this ranking. But with so many options and so little stomach space, some of these sides aren't worth the space on our plates.

Do you agree with our ranking? Let us know in the comments.


Roasted Potatoes

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (3)

Why, why, why would you choose a roasted potato over any other form of the spud on Thanksgiving?! If you show up to a potluck with a tray of these, we're turning you away at the door.


Mac And Cheese

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (4)

Before you bring out the pitchforks, hear us out: mac and cheese is incredible in every way but as a Thanksgiving side. "It just doesn't fit the harvest theme of Thanksgiving," says Delish video editor Ian Munsell. A pile of cheesy pasta sticks out like a sore thumb compared to all of the other holiday sides. And since you can eat it basically any other day of the year, it's not worth the square footage on your plate.



The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (5)

A pillowy, soft dinner roll is one of the greatest gifts on Earth. But with a meal as carb-heavy as Thanksgiving, adding another yet another piece of bread feels redundant. We're already getting bread in the form of stuffing already, so what's the point?



The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (6)

Same principle applies here. We have plenty of bread to go around on Thanksgiving, so keep your cornbread for another day.



The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (7)

Don't get us wrong: we love a fall salad. But nobody walks into a Thanksgiving gathering specifically excited to eat a salad. We still want to get our greens, but preferably in a cooked form.


Scalloped Potatoes

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (8)

Scalloped potatoes have the same dairy-forward richness as mashed potatoes do. And they arguably have a more show-stopping presentation. But if we had to pick between the two, we're going with the mash every time. Scalloped potatoes just don't have the same classic nostalgia, in our professional opinion.

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Sweet Potato Casserole

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (9)

Prepare for yet another polarizing opinion: sweet potato casserole is not an essential Thanksgiving side. Hear us out. We already have mashed potatoes on our plates, why would we need a second one? And there's a good chance that you're going to finish the meal with a slice of pumpkin pie, which virtually has the same flavor profile as sweet potato casserole anyway.


Creamed Spinach

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (10)

Yes, creamed spinach is delicious. But when you stack it up against the other Thanksgiving heavy-hitters, it falls flat. There are plenty of other ways to get your greens that are more satisfying.


Cornbread Stuffing

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (11)

This might be a controversial statement, but cornbread stuffing is just okay. The sweet and tender cornbread does not hold up as a solid stuffing foundation. It's too crumbly and often falls apart. Sorry, not sorry.

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Brussels Sprouts

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (12)

Brussels sprouts are an infinitely customizable cruciferous vegetable. You can caramelize them and develop a golden char like in the recipe pictured here, you can shave them into a raw salad, or you can douse them with plenty of cream and cheese. But they also require a lot of supplemental flavors to elevate them to Thanksgiving greatness.


Collard Greens

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (13)

Where creamed spinach can sometimes feel blah, collard greens excel. This classic Southern side is bursting with savory flavor thanks to the addition of smoked meat. You may not have the same creaminess as you would with the spinach, but you can make up for it with all of the other parts of your plate.


Corn Casserole

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (14)

If you're going to consume corn in any form on Thanksgiving, it should be a corn casserole. Cornbread-based dishes capture the natural sweetness of the grain but fail to highlight its texture. Corn casserole, on the other hand, is the best of both worlds.

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Mashed Potatoes

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (15)

Mashed potatoes are far and away the best way to consume potatoes on Thanksgiving. And for many members of our team, they're the best Thanksgiving side period. Mashed potatoes are fluffy, creamy, and serve as the ideal vessel to store your ample gravy reserve.


Green Bean Casserole

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (16)

Whoever denies green bean casserole's role as the greatest Thanksgiving vegetable is truly delusional. The GBC has everything: vegetables, a savory mushroom-forward sauce, and a mountain of crispy onions. It's truly the whole package.


Cranberry Sauce

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (17)

With all the cream, carbs, and salt in Thanksgiving dishes, cranberry sauce is a bright and refreshing oasis. A meal without it would be one note. Cranberry sauce has the unique ability to cut through the richness of the rest of the plate while highlighting all of the other flavors of your Thanksgiving meal.

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Classic Stuffing

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (18)

A bite of stuffing is the culinary equivalent of a warm hug, and Thanksgiving is pretty much the only day of the year you get to enjoy it. There's a delicate balance between the soft center and the crispy, golden exterior, but the whole thing is full of herby, savory flavor. "Stuffing is the superior goop vessel," argues video editor Ellie Black. We wholeheartedly agree.



The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (19)

Sure, gravy is technically a condiment. But with the sheer volume we pour onto our holiday plates, it basically qualifies as a side in its own right. Gravy works with literally every component of a Thanksgiving meal. It's rich, savory, decadent, and the ultimate holiday MVP.

The Undisputed Ranking Of The Most Popular Thanksgiving Sides (2024)


What food was missing from the first Thanksgiving? ›

It is also worth noting what was not present at the first Thanksgiving feast. There were no cloudlike heaps of mashed potatoes, since white potatoes had not yet crossed over from South America. There was no gravy either, since the colonists didn't yet have mills to produce flour.

What is the most common Thanksgiving Day? ›

Each year Americans in the United States celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday on the fourth Thursday of November. Most families follow traditions begun on the first Thanksgiving, but many have their own traditions that they follow each year. Here are some of the common traditions associated with Turkey Day.

What is the most popular Thanksgiving Day destination in the United States? ›

New York, New York

It doesn't get more iconic than the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

What is everyone's favorite Thanksgiving food? ›

As far as what everyone considers their favorite Thanksgiving food, stuffing was the winner by a landslide, followed by turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes/casserole, cranberries and last but not least, pumpkin pie.

What are the least favorite Thanksgiving dishes? ›

Other top disliked foods include green bean casserole (disliked by 28 percent), turkey (27.7 percent), stuffing or dressing (26.8 percent), ham (25.6 percent), coleslaw (25.6 percent) and pumpkin pie (24.3 percent).

What are 5 traditional Thanksgiving foods? ›

The classic Thanksgiving dinner includes old-time favorites that never change: turkey, gravy, stuffing, potatoes, veggies, and pie. But the way these dishes are made or added to is everchanging because of food trends and different dietary requirements.

What is mostly eaten for Thanksgiving? ›

As celebrated in the United States, the holiday of Thanksgiving usually revolves around a bountiful meal. Typical dishes include bread stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and, above all, turkey.

What is the main meal for most Americans on Thanksgiving? ›

Turkey is the most common main dish of a Thanksgiving dinner, to the point that Thanksgiving is sometimes colloquially called "Turkey Day." Alexander Hamilton proclaimed that "no citizen of the United States should refrain from turkey on Thanksgiving Day", and Benjamin Franklin had high regard for the wild turkey as an ...

What were the first 3 foods eaten on Thanksgiving? ›

But according to the two only remaining historical records of the first Thanksgiving menu, that meal consisted of freshly killed deer, assorted wildfowl, cod, bass, and flint, and a native variety of corn harvested by the Native Americans, which was eaten as corn bread and porridge.

What president refused to declare Thanksgiving a holiday? ›

Thomas Jefferson was famously the only Founding Father and early president who refused to declare days of thanksgiving and fasting in the United States.

What president made Thanksgiving a national holiday? ›

President Abraham Lincoln had declared Thanksgiving a national holiday on the last Thursday in November in 1863 and tradition dictated that it be celebrated on the last Thursday of that month.

What was the most plentiful food at the first Thanksgiving? ›

Culinary historians believe that much of the Thanksgiving meal consisted of seafood, which is often absent from today's menus. Mussels in particular were abundant in New England and could be easily harvested because they clung to rocks along the shoreline.

What is more popular on Thanksgiving turkey or ham? ›

Americans eat about 46 million turkeys for Thanksgiving compared to 24.75 million pounds of ham. The average turkey purchased is 15lbs so that is 690 pounds of turkey! Soooo……in terms of sheer volume consumed, turkey is the clear winner.

What is the favorite part of Thanksgiving? ›

Thanksgiving is the top-rated holiday for Americans

Thinks like; time off work, hanging out with family, watching endless football, and eating delicious food. These have to be in the top 5 greatest pleasures for Americans.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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